Orton v. NEW Legacy???


Best for (the Music) Business
I don't exactly expect this to happen, but I think it could work if it did. My old man and I were saying that out of the 8 Smackdown! Money in the Bank participants, Cody Rhodes is one of the only ones we could see winning(among about two others.) So picture this: Cody Rhodes wins Money in the Bank for Smackdown. Cody and DiBiase try to recruit another comrade to make a three man stable. Once they have that comrade, they start attacking Orton, calling themselves the New Legacy. In time, Rhodes cashes in on Orton and becomes new World Champion. They could say that this backlash of sorts is "vindication." It would skyrocket Rhodes to the top, and would be Cody and Ted's way of getting back at Randy for all the shit he put them through in Legacy. So:

1. Do you think this could work? Why or Why not?

2. Who would you make the third man?(I would have Daniel Bryan turn heel and join Cody, but then they probably couldn't be called Legacy, and I don't see Daniel Bryan doing anything else.)
This could work. But I think that Cody and Ted are just enough to form a strong alliance. If they will recruit another member, that member should be 100% a multiple generation superstar like DH Smith or Brett DiBiase, not Daniel Bryan.
I think the idea would work and I wouldn't be surprised at all if that happen. It would push Rhodes to the main event status where he could have a great feud with Orton, and at the same time bring Ted DiBiase to the upper card stage where Rhodes has been hanging around for a while now.

As for a third guy DH Smith or Brett DiBiase make sense. However I wouldn't really care for them to re hatch the whole Legacy thing again. Cody Rhodes has been doing great with his new "im so ugly" gimmick. It wouldn't make much sense for him to resurrect his old legacy gimmick. Who I really wouldn't mind as a third for this new stable would be a returning Skip Sheffield, then have Brett enter later on to make it a four person stable.
I think this idea would be great! I would love to see DiBiase and Rhodes get some revenge on Orton. As for a third member DH Smith just disappeared, Brett DiBiase is becoming a ref now because of a injury so i think once The New Nexus ends Michael Mcgillicutty(Joe Hennig) should join Dibiase and Rhodes to form The New Legacy.
Wow. I was just thinking the same thing. This isn't impossible, I tell you. This would be a pretty good storyline as you elevate Rhodes to the ME level and have Ted going on a roll. But then you'll have that problem of breaking them up later but, if it works, it works.

The third member should be Henning! Why the hell is the Nexus even still together? Or atleast breakup Otunga and Henning as Henning ain't that bad in the ring. Just needs some work is all.

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