Orton says Rock uses writers and a teleprompter


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Source: http://podcasting.fia.net/6005/4788152.mp3

In this spectacular interview with Randy Orton, The Viper voices his beef with Dwayne Johnson. Orton feels that Dwayne lied to the audience when he told them that he'd never leave them again, and that he turned his back on the business when he became an actor.

What's more interesting, though, is that Orton claims that The Rock used writers and a teleprompter to deliver his promos, implying that Cena made all his own material and said that Cena was way above anyone in the WWE in terms of mic skills.

How do you feel about this? Do you trust Orton's assessment of Cena's ability? Does the fact that Rock uses a teleprompter and writers hurt your image of Dwayne Johnson?
Of course I trust Orton's assessment of Cena. Cena outclassed The Rock in every way leading up to WrestleMania. Now, it doesn't surprise me that The Rock uses teleprompters and it doesn't hurt my image of him either. I'm quite certain he hasn't always used them, I know he's still great on the mic, so it doesn't matter to me, really.
Cena and Orton are supposedly boys, so really no surprise that Orton is going to bat for Cena. I'm really kinda shocked that Orton seems to have some sort of beef with the Rock. Both are third generation and grew up in the business, it seems they would relate to each other more.
More shocking was the bit about Rock going to management about him on the road to Mania. Unmanly as hell.
Source: http://podcasting.fia.net/6005/4788152.mp3

In this spectacular interview with Randy Orton, The Viper voices his beef with Dwayne Johnson. Orton feels that Dwayne lied to the audience when he told them that he'd never leave them again, and that he turned his back on the business when he became an actor.
The Rock has natural charismatic acting aptitude and would be doing himself and the world of entertainment a disservice by not leaving and following his dreams. He wanted to grow. It was an understandable move.

What's more interesting, though, is that Orton claims that The Rock used writers and a teleprompter to deliver his promos, implying that Cena made all his own material and said that Cena was way above anyone in the WWE in terms of mic skills.
Interesting. Could be credible. But obviously he's going to side with his friend.
How do you feel about this?

I feel Orton doesn't like The Rock very much. Doubtful most guys on that roster do. However, he drew HUGE money for WrestleMania, and is probably a bigger draw than Orton and Cena combined.

Do you trust Orton's assessment of Cena's ability?

Absolutely. Talented mic worker, aimed at kids, and isn't the most technical wrestler around.

Does the fact that Rock uses a teleprompter and writers hurt your image of Dwayne Johnson?

No. Why? Because Rock was saying what WWE wanted him to say. Rock isn't supposed to destroy Cena. Maybe Cena isn't supposed to destroy Rock either, but, he's definitely supposed to look as strong, or stronger. WWE surely doesn't want Rock going improv style, and laying the wood to the top guy.
More shocking was the bit about Rock going to management about him on the road to Mania. Unmanly as hell.

Excellent point. For those of you who haven't listened to the interview, after Randy Orton said some less than kind things about The Rock on a radio interview, Dwayne Johnson called Vince McMahon and said that Orton buried both he and Triple H in the interview, when all Randy Orton had said was that he beat Triple H at WrestleMania, which is true.

Calling Vince to tattle on Orton was a bitch move in and of itself, but dropping Triple H's name to get more attention is just plain childish.
Doesn't bother me. Each of Cena, Orton and Rock have their strengths. Orton is sticking up for his mate but then, wouldn't you?

Rock's use of a teleprompter doesn't make him any less good on the mic, he's still sharp on delivery.

The boys seem really united in the face of Rocky. This pleases me more than it bothers me to be quite frank.

Eh ... JGlass, I'm kinda losing respect for Rocky over the last few months. Not because of the teleprompt thing, that doesn't bother me - but he seems to be douching it up a lot in kayfabe and then expecting to get cheered. Is this justified do you guys think?
I am just enjoying the irony of Orton having to be the one complaining about being on the wrong end of politics. He has zero room to complain about people complaining to Vince. He is just still mad he wasn't in a top spot at wrestlemania even though he didn't deserve it at all. I do not blame any of the guys being miffed at the Rock getting the spot he did but complaining about it is the pansy way out. How about working harder at getting yourself to be a bigger draw than him so your gripe is at least legitimate? Also, everyone uses a writer, the Rock maybe more than some but who cares? Teleprompter? Why would I care about that? If anything I wish Orton would start doing these things if it meant he would be able to captivate an audience like the Rock on the mic.
So where was the teleprompter he was using when he cut a 20 minute promo to open Mania, or any number of the live promos that he cut before, during and after WrestleMania?
The Rock uses a writer and a teleprompter? Color me shocked! Though, that would explain his relying on the Five pHrasez of Doomz.
He is just still mad he wasn't in a top spot at wrestlemania even though he didn't deserve it at all.

The 2nd most over guy in wrestling doesn't deserve a main event spot at WrestleMania? That's just foolish.

All he did on Raw was run his mouth tho

He stills runs his mouth better than anyone I have ever seen. I think Austin is a better overall mic worker. But, if Rock ain't 1st, he sure ain't 3rd :)
Oh, and please, enough with the catchphrase bullshit. Rock used those catchphrases within some of the most original, entertaining promos any of us have ever been treated to.
Crowd reaction doesn't necessarily equate to how big of a draw someone is.

No? What does? T-shirt sales? Something like that? Fine. Go find me some information stating other guys (outside of Cena) sell more t-shirts than Randy, and I'll agree with you. Until I see a figure like that, I'm going by crowd reaction. Going by crowd reaction, he's the most over guy in the company. To me, that means you're a draw.

I'll take drama inducing promos over some guy trying to be funny ha-ha tbh

Not because I want real fake fighting; they justify why I pay for PPVs if they are good enough.

That's why Austin is #1.
Cena and at wrestlemania Undertaker are both ahead of him. It would not make much sense for him to face either guy so then he is out of the main event. It is pretty simple really.
Cena and at wrestlemania Undertaker are both ahead of him. It would not make much sense for him to face either guy so then he is out of the main event. It is pretty simple really.

I never said it didn't make sense. Orton's spot was right where it should have been (at WM). You said he didn't deserve a main event spot, which is wrong.

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