Orton & Sandow: Mr. Money In The Bank


At the MITB ppv last night, Damien Sandow and Randy Orton won the WHC & WWE Championship MITB ladder matches, securing each of them a future title opportunity.

When it comes to Sandow, I've liked the guy since he came to WWE. While part of me wishes that WWE would have had him built stronger than he has been in the past few months, I can also see some advantage of it. When you consider that almost nobody, except Ambrose, had any real momentum in the WHC MITB match, it made it really hard to guess who would come out with the win. Ideally, I'd like to see WWE build Sandow back up over a significant period of time before he cashes in. Given that Cody Rhodes gave a great showing last night, I'm guessing he's turning babyface and will feud with Sandow for a bit.

I was initially not all that wild about Orton winning the WWE Championship MITB match. After all, Orton is someone who doesn't exactly need the stipulation to be catapulted to the main event spot. However, to be fair, Randy Orton is someone who has put over a lot of other top talent in WWE for the past couple of years. It's been nearly 3 years since Orton won the WWE Championship the last time. Though, personally, I'm not all that wild about the idea of Orton & Cena renewing their rivalry. We saw sooooo much of it between 2007 and 2010. But, I'm willing to wait and see what the follow up is. It's hard to complain about Orton winning, at least in my eyes, when you consider these facts and couple them with the fact that he's still extremely over with fans.

This leaves me wondering where WWE is going with Daniel Bryan and if they still intend to elevate him into the WWE Championship picture at some point.
I wasn't really sold on anyone in the WHC MITB match, to be honest. I'd have given the case to Cesaro only because I think Zeb Coulter is great and WWE should do whatever they can to keep him in the spotlight. That said, I think Sandow and Rhodes feuding was the inevitable course for the Rhodes Scholars. I'm not entirely ruling out Cody Rhodes winning the briefcase from Sandow at some point in a "twist" by WWE.

As for Orton, I'm happy he got the case. As you mentioned, he's still VERY over with all the fans and having the case gives them flexibility, in terms of Orton being a heel or a face. If they want an instant heel turn, all they have to do is have him cash it in, in a very "devious" manner. Maybe he takes out Cena with a chair or whatever then cashes it in.

As for Daniel Bryan, Orton winning the case, doesn't push DB out of the title picture. In fact, if anything, it pushes him into it. Orton has the case. He's not going to be put in any #1 contenders matches or WWE title matches right now or else what was the point of him winning the case. We shouldn't just automatically assume that Orton is going to cash in the case on Cena. I think DB could win the belt at Summer Slam or some time shortly thereafter and then Orton could cash in on him continuing the Orton/DB feud with Orton has champion and DB chasing the title. They could possibly throw Cena into the feud for a triple threat match.
I was rooting hard for Damien Sandow and was glad he won. I've also been a fan since day one. It's a great gimmick and the man himself pulls it off with aplomb. Sandow is not the first MITB briefcase winner who had zero momentum coming into the match, as previous winners like Jack Swagger and The Miz were on losing streaks before they won their respective briefcases. It wouldn't do his character any favors to cash it in soon, and I'm almost certain WWE will take time to develop him before he does so.

Nobody in the All-Stars MITB ladder match needed the briefcase. All have challenged for the WWE and/or World Heavyweight titles without the gimmickry before. Orton's win is foreshadowing in my book. A heel turn has been discussed for over a year, and now is the time. Dave Meltzer said on the post-MITB edition of The LAW that as far as he knew the plan for SummerSlam was still for Daniel Bryan to face John Cena for the WWE Championship. Far from gospel, but frankly if that's the course they take, it provides a great launchpad for Randy Orton to go back to being a heel. Bryan could pin Cena for the title, eliciting a huge response, only to have the belt stolen from him moments later by Orton, who'd undoubtedly get massive heat. That's just one of numerous possibilities, but I have the feeling that whatever route they go with Orton, he'll be cashing his briefcase in relatively soon and in doing so will put an end to what has been an disappointing babyface run.

I think DB could win the belt at Summer Slam or some time shortly thereafter and then Orton could cash in on him continuing the Orton/DB feud with Orton has champion and DB chasing the title. They could possibly throw Cena into the feud for a triple threat match.

This is going to be the prevailing thought going forward, it seems. Knowing WWE's penchant for swerves, the more it catches on the less likely it is to happen. I agree that it's the way to go, but now that I've heard it from 3 different places in less than twelve hours, I'm going to make the early prediction that this isn't the way it goes down.
I find it encouraging that Damien Sandow was given the win. It's a testament that no matter how your career seems to be going, there's always a chance you'll get the push toward a championship if you keep plugging away and staying true to the battle plan laid out by Creative.

Consider Sandow's path next to Curtis Axel. Damien has been there all along, seemingly destined for a mid-card title from the time he got there, yet soon turning into a jobber, albeit one with a winning gimmick, one that kept him on our TV screens. Axel, on the other hand, has been in total WWE limbo for the last few years, not even being seen on the main TV shows. Unlike Sandow, Axel shows up with a bang, as a Paul Heyman project.

Now, both of them are getting their chance in the spotlight. All of this also applies to the Usos', who labored in Never Never Land for a long time. The rest of the guys and gals in the locker room have to be encouraged by seeing these turns of event. Never give up.

As for Randy Orton; well, they seem to be keeping him on a short leash, being willing to slowly bring him back after he's stayed on the straight and narrow for a long enough time. Naturally, I don't know the inner workings of the company, but I would think the guy would have been up there alongside John Cena these past years if management knew they could trust him.

So, now he's got the briefcase and should have a good time with it over the next months. That's good. Hopefully, it pans out.


I would rather have seen Daniel Bryan and Wade Barrett win the red and blue briefcases, respectively. I still support the choices of Randy Orton and Damien Sandow though. WWE made good decisions here. I can see why some would complain about Randy Orton winning the red briefcase, but it honestly makes sense. He hasn't held a world title in about 2 years and Money In the Bank is one of the few things left in WWE that he has not won yet. Now he has more that he can brag about once all is said and done. Bryan can still make it to a title feud with Cena, and my fingers are still crossed for him to ultimately win said feud. Orton seems like more of the type to cash in sooner rather than later. He wants that championship. Will he be opportunistic about it though? Orton doesn't need the traditional cash-in route to be a believable threat. I'm interested in what route they take with him.

Sandow was the best option other than Barrett to win the blue briefcase. He is clearly destined for greatness and anyone who didn't see it before has to by now. I can see them going to the traditional cash-in route with him for his first World Heavyweight Championship. I personally hope that both Randy Orton and Damien Sandow still have their briefcases by Night of Champions so that both can put them up for grabs in matches at that show. It's one of the few, if any, times during the year that I would want to see the briefcases defended. The bigger question is how long will either of them be able to last before the urge to cash-in (kayfabe) becomes too much to ignore? I want to see a Wrestlemania cash in, one of these years it has to happen.... Waiting an entire year until the next Money In the Bank show could also be good. I think both will cash in sooner rather than later. Only time will tell. I think we have two good Mr Money In the Bank's this time around though.
I’m glad Damien Sandow won the World Championship Money In The Bank match and the Blue Briefcase. He, along with Fandango, were my picks to win it. I think he would make a great World Champion one day.

I am not happy about Randy Orton winning the WWE Championship Money In The Bank match and the Red Briefcase. My picks were Christian and Daniel Bryan to win it. Having said that, it has been a while since Orton was WWE Champion. This makes me now think of what the Orton side plates will look like.

One more thing, I hope Orton and Sandow do NOT defend their MITB Cases as if they were Championship Title Belts. Just keep the Cases in the locker room and never take them out until they are ready to cash them in, please.
I would have rather seen Antonio Cesaro win the SmackDown MITB and either Christian or RVD win the RAW MITB. I don't think Sandow is particular interesting and Randy Orton could put an insomniac to sleep.

On the plus side, Fandango didn't win. So it wasn't as bad as it could have been.
I'm alright with both wins. They both make sense and open the respective doors for interesting title programs in the coming months.

Although I thought that Daniel Bryan (and hoped that Christian) would win MITB for the WWE Championship, I can see why giving Orton the briefcase works. It opens up a few opportunities to liven up that title scenario. Could we finally see the long-awaited heel turn by Orton, who promised prior to MITB that he'd cash in whenever and wherever he saw the opportunity against whoever the champ was at that time? As said earlier, Daniel Bryan is not out of the equation, either. Whatever scenario unfolds (Cena-Bryan, Cena-Orton, Bryan-Orton or all three), Orton needed something to give us interest in his character again, and this could very well do it.

The remaining guys in this match didn't honestly need the briefcase. They executed the Heyman turn on Punk, setting up a Punk-Heyman Guys feud for a while. Triple H's buddy Sheamus will be around, as always. RVD would have been great to win, but he's not full-time.

On the WHC side, I'm not surprised that Sandow walked away with the briefcase. No one else in that match really deserved it, IMHO. Maybe Cesaro, but he still needs a bit to build on this new persona in Colter's Militia. Ambrose is doing fine where he is and will get his shot soon enough. Barrett and Cody Rhodes continue to drift along with no purpose, which baffles me, and neither Fandango nor Swagger were honestly going to win it.

There's been rumors of a big push coming Sandow's way for a while now, and it looks like that has officially begun by giving him the briefcase and splitting him from Cody Rhodes via the finish. The Smackdown WHC picture is pretty weak, compared to RAW. Ziggler and ADR is already a stale feud in my eyes, and Ziggler's about to move on to his time in the spotlight as a top face. I'm thinking that Ziggler will get the belt back somehow, and Sandow will cash in at some point down the line. I could see him holding on the briefcase for a while, a la Edge and RVD.
These are by far the most interesting choices. Orton is a character completely in flux and it's about time him and Cena crossed paths again. Their last run lasted forever and left some people with a bad taste in their mouths but it's been long enough that I think most reasonable people would be ready for it again. Cena/Orton sounds like a nice main event for SS.

I'm hoping that much like WM28, Bryan losing will (like Obi Wan Kenobi) only make him more popular. It's too bad if he gets stuck working with Curtis Ach-mel but if it leads to clearly winning feuds with guys like Kane, Show, and/or HHH it could give Vince the confidnece in him to let him have a WWE Title run (at which point we will all decide he is stale).

Sandow is getting the mid card title feud (the WHC) we all predicted for him. He will be way more entertaining with the case than anyone else in that match. I hope he fills it with classic novels.

Ye I have a lot to say; the PPV JUST got done here and well, it was a great MiTB. Great spots and that Cesaro/Swagger spot to grab the case was amazing. Cody Rhodes was charismatic and fiery, good to see. The best part was, a story was told in the end. Been a Sandow fan since his first promo and the end just furthered the slow rift that they have been selling on SD.

Barrett's theme song, gets some props. Although I dunno why little girls scream God Save The Queen to start that.


For once I wish things went as we predicted. Bryan is on an incredible roll and that Orton win just sucked the life outta that crowd. IF Bryan would've won, cashed in against Cena at SSlam, jeez man it was all there. I dunno if it was WWE trying to swerve or if Orton was always supposed to win MiTB but I really can't get behind this.

If what Dr. said 'With still Bryan vs Cena being the SSlam ME, D.Bry winning and then Orton cashing in to win the WWE strap'; I really don't like that too. End a PPV on an exhilarating note. End a PPV like you ended Punk vs Cena at the 2011 MiTB.
With Sandow though a perfect way to elevate Sandow since he has now won Money in the Bank would be for him and Cody Rhodes to feud over the World Heavyweight Championship Money in the Bank briefcase with Sandow going over keeping the briefcase and then biding his time until he cashes in his Money in the Bank briefcase on the World Heavyweight Champion

But as for when I could see Sandow cashing in, I think Sandow will cash in at SummerSlam or even at Night of Champions but if they really want to surprise us all Sandow should do what Ziggler did and hold on to the briefcase until the night after WrestleMania

And as for Orton I see him cashing in possibly tonight
Damien Sandow. I will say I'm not entirely surprised about it. I was rooting for Barrett and Rhodes. I think they were the two most deserving. Barrett was in the title picture, then out of it, had high profile feuds, and disappeared into the mid-card limbo. Wade Barrett definitely could be one of the WWE's top heels because he has amazing mic skills. Cody Rhodes has been in the WWE for a very long time, and has emerged in any gimmick the WWE has given him. "Dashing" Cody Rhodes, The Legacy (with Randy Orton and Ted DiBiase), the masked, "ugly" Cody Rhodes, but WWE never seems to trust in him. He's a great technical wrestler, has decent mic skills, and is exciting.

however, I am not complaining about Damien Sandow. I can see him, World Heavyweight Champion, in those robes, outsmarting opponents, having promos like he did with Sheamus, he could be a great heel in the WWE.

Randy Orton winning the WWE Championship briefcase was a little predictable. I thought either D-Bryan or Orton. This may be Orton's chance to finally turn heel. Bryan will probably facing Cena at Summerslam, he didn't really need the briefcase. Most of the opponents in this match didn't "need" the briefcase. Cm Punk is busy with Paul Heyman/Lesnar, RVD is going to be a mid-card face, Christian-see RVD, Sheamus don't need the briefcase, no what he needs is a heel turn.

Randy Orton better turn heel!
Sandow can hold on to to the briefcase till next year, the longer the better cause he pulls in the crowd with his words. Rhode Scholars feud will make Smackdown worth watching.

Orton almost has to turn heel with his cash in He Cena and Bryan are just to too over for him not to, Survivor Series needs some life these years so hopefully there... or ya SummerSlam but everyone can see that coming.

I like Sandow's character. He is good and hilarious on the mic with his delivery especially when he will say silence to the crowd. I would had liked to see with Cesaro win or mostly Rhodes. It seems Sandow will enter a program with a face Rhodes now. My big concern in all this is that Sandow has not been on the roster for a long time and has not won any secondary titles and his character does not have any depth except being this intelligent guy and has beaten virtually nobody important, something Rhodes has done in the past by beating names like HHH, HBK, Orton, Sheamus, Mysterio, Booker T and more. I think they would have to either build Sandow very carefully and quick giving him clean win over big names, otherwise give Rhodes the briefcase at SS in the rumored match they are supposed to have.


I think Randy needed this more then anyone. Do I like it no but I can see why they did this. This could lead to Randy being relevant again and even a heel turn. He is one of the most under rated workers in wwe by IWC. Yes his character is boring but it is not his fault much rather wwe's. He puts on good matches with everyone on the roster tell me one bad match hes had in wwe in last two years. His matches tell a good story and are technically sound. He is also the only top guy out of Punk and Cena that actually puts over young talent. Bryan and Punk are so over with the crowd that they do not need a briefcase to get a title shot and be over. Orton does though as he has lost so much momentum after his feud with henry in 2011 where he dropped the title to Henry once again proving that he does in fact puts over other people. Feel bad for him that his family broke apart. But hey you know what hes back in the game now lol ;)
Randy Humpton
What I'd love to see on Raw tonight: Cena comes out and cuts a generic promo about how he won last night and that the "Champ is here".

Orton then comes out and says that he respects Cena and mentions their history and that they used to push each other to the limit. Because of that Orton respects Cena and will give him notice as to when he is going to cash in his MITB briefcase. Only for him to hit an RKO out of no-where and then punts him in the head and then cashes in MITB and wins.

I'm not really sure about Sandow holding the briefcase. It'll hopefully help him get where he deserves, but I think it's a bit too soon for him. I think that he might lose the briefcase to someone else during the course of the year.
Like what a previous poster said, I can see D-Bryan vs Cena at SummerSlam still happening. Cena and WWE emphasized on "the next person to win this, earns it." So maybe Cena and Bryan have a hard fought match at SummarSlam with Bryan winning, cleanly, thus showing that he "earned" the title. Cena shakes Bryan's hand as Bryan celebrates in the ring with those "YES" chants. Cena's on his way out on the ramp when... Orton's music hits. Orton runs down the ramp with the briefcase. Cashes in on a tired D-Bryan and takes the title from him. Cena looks on from the ramp with shock. Orton turns heel in this process.

Next night on RAW Cena calls out Orton and tells him that the next guy to hold the belt after him "earns" it and Orton definitely didn't earn it. This would end in a triple threat match with Orton, Cena and Bryan.

As for Sandow, well he and Cody could have their feud at SummerSlam with Rhodes winning, so that he could generate some momentum on his own. Why? Cause Sandow has the briefcase, so he is certain to be Champ. I doubt Sandow will cash it in soon as I see the E building him up.
I was surprised by Sandow's win. I didn't see him getting anywhere near the World title anytime soon so this was a genuine shock. It's clear however that it also sets up a Rhodes face turn which I think has been on the cards for a while.

I was hoping Bryan would win the other match and I didn't like Orton winning. I am a bit surprised WWE are going to trust Orton with a title again since he is already on his second strike I believe?
Randy Orton holding the MITB briefcase works well with his character since he's supposed to "strike out of nowhere" and that's exactly what cashing in MITB is all about. Orton winning MITB isn't going to hurt Daniel Bryan, as Bryan is so over that he will get into the WWE Title picture with or without a gimmicky briefcase.

Damien Sandow should hold the MITB for a long time, so he can get more build-up as a heel. To be honest the blue briefcase isn't as important as the red one, since the WHC is essentially the new IC Title. That being said, it's still a pretty big deal for Sandow, who a few weeks ago was teaming with Rhodes for 2-on-1 matches with Sheamus and losing. That's also part of the problem with giving him the MITB win and is the reason he needs to hold it for awhile before cashing in, he had like no momentum going into the match and hadn't been booked strongly at all.
I like the choices of Sandow and Orton, personally. Bryan would've been too obvious and he didn't need the briefcase in order for them to push him into the title picture at SummerSlam anyway. Orton was the only other guy in that match that would've made sense. I look for him to hold the briefcase for as long as Ziggler did if not longer. I think Bryan wins the belt at SummerSlam and holds it til Mania, dropping it to Punk. That's when they start planning on Orton's cash-in I think.

As for Sandow, I think he's great on the mic and good in the ring, so it's great that they're finally going to do something with him other than a mid-card feud or on again/off again tag team match as half of Rhodes Scholars. Last night should begin an entertaining feud with Cody and then eventually when Ziggler regains the World Title, he and Sandow should put on some good to great matches. I don't think Sandow is cashing in successfully, however. A bit too soon, imo. I picked Barrett to win that match, but Sandow was my 2nd best bet. I love how wide open it was, with no clearcut favorite.
I really like Orton winning it. He needed a big win to get back into the title picture. Like most MITB winners, they are heel or they turn heel... I think that will happen with Orton. Orton winning MITB is about to set up his heel turn.

I'm kind of indifferent to Sandow winning. The world title has kind of turned into what the ic title was back in the day. Over the past year or so its just a midcarder championship.
I love Sandow holding the WHC Briefcase. It was kind of unexpected, but it is a move that makes sense. This move sets up a storyline, a feud, a turn, and a program that will elevate two stars. I'm of course talking of Cody Rhodes and Damien Sandow. Cody will turn face tonight or some time in the next month. Mark my words. This will start a lengthy program of best friends and tag team partners turned into to bitter enemies over Sandow's betrayal in the MITB match. Sandow will chalk it up as an every man for himself situation and that Cody wasn't smart enough to to do the same to him. Cody will foil Damien's attempts to cash in furthering their feud. Perhaps at some point, the briefcase will be on the line. I know that the program might not go this way exactly, but it's how it would go if I was booking it.

Orton having the briefcase makes perfect sense. He could cash it in a face, tweener, or use it to turn heel. I like the tweener option. Beat up everyone, have no friends, punt kick everyone, and leave a trail of bodies. Randy is about to become the dangerous Viper we knew and loved when he was kicking people in the skull on what seemed like a weekly basis. He's going to be a force to be reckoned with, and him and John Cena are on a collision course. I know many of you aren't excited about a Cena vs Orton feud, but it hasn't been done in a number of years. It's fresh now. These are arguably two of the biggest stars of the last decade. This may be the best of the Cena vs Orton programs we have seen yet. Trust me on this. It will be good when it happens.
I'm okay with Sandow winning. I think Barrett or Cesaro needed it way more but I like what Sandow does in the ring. He is very old school and thats why I think WWe went with him. Orton I saw a mile away. Bryan will already get his match at SummerSlam regardless. This will be the perfect fuel for a Orton heel turn. As of now your 2 top heels are Mark Henry and .... thats right, the rest of them suck. the other 3 heels who could even be considered top heels have management that is more over than them. Orton will cash in on Bryan to further that storyline and I feel Sandow will cash in unfortunately on Ziggler once he reclaims gold unless they decide to turn Sandow face.Orton is Truly a better choice than Bryan for then MITb case due to his stance in WWE. Before this he was nothing but an upper midcard guy at best. Kudos to both and I hope WWE does the right thing and lets both of these guys cash in and win. Sandow will need it when he eventually cashes in and Orton needs this now.
Sandow was shocking, because with the constant losing, and spending most of his time as Sheamus' punching bag, you would've never expected him to walk away with the briefcase. Interesting to see how WWE will do the cash-in, when the time comes for Sandow. Del Rio is still a heel, and after tonight, it looks like WWE is heading for a Ziggler/Langston feud, so while Dolph is a face, it doesn't look like he'll regain or get near the WHC anytime soon.

Obviously Rhodes VS Sandow will happen at some point, whether it'll be for the title or not is the big question. Still a lot of time, and it's very early, so it's best to wait and see how things develop.

Orton might've been predictable, but I'm glad he has the red briefcase. I know we complain and whine about said wrestler needing a heel turn a lot on here.....but Randy Orton needs a heel turn. Character wise, he's been kind of stale for a while now as a face. Sure Orton still receives huge ovations, and his matches are top notch. But his current face character has ran its course. Orton is FAR more entertaining as the cold and devious evil heel, who shows no mercy to anyone.

Although, I still worry about the problems of Orton going up against Cena. Technically, Orton was supposed to be the bad guy during The Legacy feud going into Wrestlemania 26, but the fans wouldn't stop going nuts for him, causing the inevitable face turn. Going against Cena of all people could cause the same problems again. That's why I like the idea of Orton cashing-in on Bryan more, creating sympathy for Bryan after he grabs the brass ring, while Orton looks like a dick in the process.
I was pleased and surprised to see Sandow defeated last night, even while holding the briefcase. It shows that the company doesn't intend to suddenly start depicting Damien as the second coming of John Cena, kicking out of near-impossible predicaments and beating everyone he faces.....it would be a bad move to do that since he's been losing regularly in singles matches......why would winning MITB suddenly make him unbeatable? And to add to it all, it's not as if he lost to a main eventer; instead, it was Christian, whose own re-appearance on the scene has already lost it's luster.

For Sandow, instead of everything in his WWE career revolving around the MITB briefcase, it seems his main focus for the foreseeable future will be his feud with Cody Rhodes. That's a good thing; they've been together a long time and we all know them, giving their new-found rivalry a personal touch we can identify with.

I think Creative is going about the Damien Sandow project correctly (so far). Let him be his obnoxious self, waving MITB in our faces at every opportunity and maintaining that "biting on tin foil" quality he brings to the proceedings.

Even if he loses almost all his matches, this is still a push.
I was pleased and surprised to see Sandow defeated last night, even while holding the briefcase. It shows that the company doesn't intend to suddenly start depicting Damien as the second coming of John Cena, kicking out of near-impossible predicaments and beating everyone he faces.....it would be a bad move to do that since he's been losing regularly in singles matches......why would winning MITB suddenly make him unbeatable? And to add to it all, it's not as if he lost to a main eventer; instead, it was Christian, whose own re-appearance on the scene has already lost it's luster.

For Sandow, instead of everything in his WWE career revolving around the MITB briefcase, it seems his main focus for the foreseeable future will be his feud with Cody Rhodes. That's a good thing; they've been together a long time and we all know them, giving their new-found rivalry a personal touch we can identify with.

I think Creative is going about the Damien Sandow project correctly (so far). Let him be his obnoxious self, waving MITB in our faces at every opportunity and maintaining that "biting on tin foil" quality he brings to the proceedings.

Even if he loses almost all his matches, this is still a push.

See, I think this is the Dolph Ziggler approach, and it pretty much killed Ziggler's title reign and forced a lot of changes that nearly derailed any momentum he had. I don't think they need to have Sandow win every match and become unbeatable, but they do need to let him win more than half of his matches in order to let him seem like a quality contender.

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