Orton Goes Beserk on TV

Kip The Fury

Pre-Show Stalwart
From the Sun newspaper over here in the uk

WWE champion Randy Orton threatened to beat up a Mexican television presenter who accused him of being "fragile".

The highly strung superstar went mad after the host questioned his history of injuries, telling him: "I will headbutt your teeth through your skull!"

The wrestling world is split over whether the incident was a set-up 'work' to promote Orton's unstable TV character or if he got angry for real.

Many fans feel the apparent 'cut' motion Randy makes when he goes behind the cameras suggest the whole thing was staged.

However others point out that the WWE rarely work with anyone outside of the company on a wrestling angle.

Full article and Video at: http://www.thesun.co.uk/sol/homepage/sport/wrestling/2464824/Orton-goes-berserk-on-TV.html

It looks to me like this has been staged with Orton going into full-on Heel promo mode, probably a ploy to further Ortons character like the article says but still, could be that Randy Ortons just a psychopath in real life.

That actually looks real to me. He started the interview out being genuinely friendly and then he took offense to the questioning of his durability. Also he said 'shit' which I doubt he would have said if it had been scripted. And the little 'cut' motion they refer to really could have meant anything, such as 'this interview is over' or 'no me gusta'. Looks damn real to me.
All I know is if Orton was that lively and in his WWE promos he'd go over a much better heel. If it was staged then Orton did it really really convincingly.
I agree with the guy above me that if his WWE promo's were like that he'd be much more entertaining. Besides that, I'm kinda split on it being a work or being real. But either way it's no big deal. If it was real Orton was just defending his on screen character. If it was fake he was just getting himself over in Mexico by talking shit to one of their own. Either way, it's awesome.
I still think WWE completely dropped the ball when they made Orton admit IED was completely fake. How good would a credible wrestler with a "disability" be, that isn't made to look like a ****** (alá Eugene)? Genuinely unpredictable.

it was a work you can tell look at bit when orton walks off and out door he walks back and shows cut sign it does look like a way to promote him and plus why would he goes beserk at a stupid question like that
I still think WWE completely dropped the ball when they made Orton admit IED was completely fake. How good would a credible wrestler with a "disability" be, that isn't made to look like a ****** (alá Eugene)? Genuinely unpredictable.

I disagree with Orton admitting IED was fake being a bad thing. It put him over as a heel hiding behind his lawyers to make sure he got his title shot.
Definitely a work. If it were real, I would imagine someone would have gotten in there to break it up and maybe tell Randy to cool down a bit. Instead, they let it run its course. Totally fake says I.

why would he goes beserk at a stupid question like that

Probably from the boatloads of coke he does.
Definite work. This is not the first time that Orton has done a promo like this. He is just trying to play up his role as the unstable psychopath who cannot admit any form of weakness. You can see how the tension just completely melts away from him as he walks away, then turns and begins giving a cut sign with his hands to the camera.

Nothing more then Vince and the WWE superstars trying to make a splash wherever they are in the world.
I agree with the second post 100%. Also, Orton is unstable. There is no doubt in my mind. Every complaint I ever heard from someone in the past has been about something ridiculous. Such as the shit in a bag that one of the former divas mentioned he did years ago. I believe it was Amy Weber. I mean, when was the last time you heard Scott Steiner (who is apparently also really 'emotional') do something like shit in someone's gym bag?

It's been said that he can be a real asshole and I remember him being told he had to straighten his act back in '05 or so because of his issues which he corrected while being on ecw and sd! for a while until they built him up some more by putting him in feuds with Taker and Angle.

I personally think Orton is a nut case. Always have since he lost the World title a few years ago and remember reading on this very site that he was an ass backstage.

Just my two cents I guess.

Edit: Also, anyone who thinks this is Vince trying to make a character make a splash is insane. Has it not been proven that Vince is making this product appeal to kids and make it more family friendly? Why would he have Orton attack a Mexican interviewer? It's insane. And also, this wouldn't help Linda be seen any more positively either. Considering it wasn't even a Raw taping, it doesn't make sense Vince would have him go off like that, and if that's not enough to believe, what about the fact that Orton was fine during the beginning of the interview? If he's just supposed to be in character and be a heel, why would he be pleasant for the beginning? That's not Orton's schtick. He's supposed to just be an ass.
To be honest, I wouldn't be suprised if it was real. We have to remember how much of a child Orton was when he was first in WWE. According to people backstage he was arrogant and got into fights easily. People claimed he has reformed, but this interview could be a glimpse of the old Orton.

If it's a work, we'll see it on Raw. It won't be part of an angle, obviously but they could mention it to help Orton along as a heel.
I guess we'll see.
To everyone who keeps talking about the PG shit:

It doesnt matter what the WWE is rated. They still have to have villians on their shows. That's why Randy Orton, Edge and Chris Jericho basically do whatever the want to and dont go by any PG rating guidlines. BECAUSE THEY'RE HEELS AND HEELS HAVE TO MAKE PEOPLE DISLIKE THEM. So obviously they shouldnt be PG rated. Could you imagine how dumb that would be? "I'll beat the poopy out of you!" Can you see a heel getting over by saying that? My guess is that Vince McMahon doesnt make the top heels follow the same set of standards as everyone else. Simply because they're supposed to be the bad guys.
anyone who thinks this is real is total and complete MORON. Dude, hes being Randy Orton from Raw. Headbutt ur teeth through ur skull? really? Thats his threat? thats a cartoon threat. Anyway, it was on a show. Im sure they wanted him to be the randy orton that everyone sees. Vince doesnt want his top heel goin out and doing good guy interviews. And, im pretty sure someone would have stopped him once he grabbed the mic and started yelling at the host. AND what little mexican dude is gonna call orton fragile anyway.... the whole conversation was set up. fools.
It's a work...cause you can see Orton get ready to do the cut sign to stop filming once he walks off then starts to come back in. Also, the woman interviewer is laughing the entire time.

I also think if that if it were real, the people who were filming wouldn't worry about putting a creepy sounding soundtrack in the background when Orton goes insane on the host.
Orton is apperently nothing like his heel character. Thats all I herd the last few years about him. I doubt this is real sinc it seems like a work put together to gain more intrest in his character from one of the most important subsect of viewers. I feel it was a work that was put together to make Orton more believable. Remeber that WWE dosn't have to be behind this. Orton could of awalys thought this up himself because like they say no publicity is bad publicity and he could financially benifit from growing his character and Orton is smart enough to work something like this.
Unless I'm missing something, the paper admits it was a work :

RANDY Orton's threatening behaviour towards a Mexican TV host was a set-up planned beforehand, according to the WWE.

A spokesman for the company confirmed to SunSport that the WWE champion was only pretending to go berserk, after the interviewer accused him of being "fragile".

Known in the wrestling industry as a 'work', the incident was part of a way to promote Orton's unstable bad guy character.

Are the people on here actually trying to say the WWE is lying and Orton really went "berserk" ??
Actually, it was completely fake. Just like the Eminem/Bruno skit. Anyone who watches the video can tell that Orton just snapped into wrestler mode and was simply cutting a wrestling promo during the whole "incident".

Just way too much over-acting on his part.

Also, as pointed out, if you watch the video, he also does the "cut" sign at the end. He is walking out, then turns around and signals to the people in the studio.

Of course, now WWE has even admitted that the whole thing was staged, as well.
i don't really think it was a setup coz of two things i noticed:

1.)if it was a setup trying to show the mad side of orton, then why didn't the wwe show it on the website, or maybe on raw?

2nd)go back to last year after orton was injured the first time during the match with HHH, i read an interview with him and he talked about how he hates getting injured(who doesn't, but still...) and second thing is that during last week's ME match on that spot where kennedy did that back to belly suplex on orton, when orton got up, you could see that he got hurt and it wasn't suppose to happen and i guess that is what led to kennedy getting the boot but back to orton, he got pissed and you could see his reaction

so from these two points, i think the interview wasn't a setup. orton is known for having a bad attitude in the locker room and as it was mentioned before(on the first post), wwe never uses someone from outside who isn't scheduled to be in the show so yeah. also note that orton once yelled at a security guard to "throw" a kid out of the arena after the kid jumped on orton during the show
i don't really think it was a setup coz of two things i noticed:

1.)if it was a setup trying to show the mad side of orton, then why didn't the wwe show it on the website, or maybe on raw?

2nd)go back to last year after orton was injured the first time during the match with HHH, i read an interview with him and he talked about how he hates getting injured(who doesn't, but still...) and second thing is that during last week's ME match on that spot where kennedy did that back to belly suplex on orton, when orton got up, you could see that he got hurt and it wasn't suppose to happen and i guess that is what led to kennedy getting the boot but back to orton, he got pissed and you could see his reaction

so from these two points, i think the interview wasn't a setup. orton is known for having a bad attitude in the locker room and as it was mentioned before(on the first post), wwe never uses someone from outside who isn't scheduled to be in the show so yeah. also note that orton once yelled at a security guard to "throw" a kid out of the arena after the kid jumped on orton during the show

Again, I have to ask on whether you read any of the posts in the thread or even bothered clicking the link in the OP?


WWE has confirmed that IT WAS STAGED.

RANDY Orton's threatening behaviour towards a Mexican TV host was a set-up planned beforehand, according to the WWE.

A spokesman for the company confirmed to SunSport that the WWE champion was only pretending to go berserk, after the interviewer accused him of being "fragile".

Known in the wrestling industry as a 'work', the incident was part of a way to promote Orton's unstable bad guy character.
It was obvious.

Look at the footage again, they played a highlight of Orton being hit from behind and rolling on the ground. If he was really on the show doing a legit interview ground-rules would be laid down and Orton would have to pretty much give his "ok" on everything, and I doubt he'd be happy to give that a glowing recommendation.

Also, watch other Randy Orton interviews, he's completely polite and a genuine guy.

Great thing that this worked for the most part and hopefully he gets some live heat off of this.

This wasn't a Jim Rome interview, so any of those comments would prove to be irrelevant in this case.
this is so clearly a work we shouldn't even be talking about it. who cares if he's a real life prick or not? first off its his job to make people hate him and wwe has done this with orton before when he was hurt last year and promoting the sd! v. raw game for that year where he slaps some emo looking kid. check it:


notice the kid trying not to laugh as so was i. ridiculous but hey its a promo, i mean why would anyone slap someone for asking about a massive tv? aside from loads of cocaine.
Unless I'm missing something, the paper admits it was a work :

RANDY Orton's threatening behaviour towards a Mexican TV host was a set-up planned beforehand, according to the WWE.

A spokesman for the company confirmed to SunSport that the WWE champion was only pretending to go berserk, after the interviewer accused him of being "fragile".

Known in the wrestling industry as a 'work', the incident was part of a way to promote Orton's unstable bad guy character.

Are the people on here actually trying to say the WWE is lying and Orton really went "berserk" ??

The Article was later updated when WWE admitted it was a work, When it first came out it was uncertain whether it was real or staged.
The most obvious indication that this is staged is that the presenter doesn't look in the slightest bit worried, in fact he's smiling throughout the whole thing. The women in the background is laughing too.

Orton doesn't look out of control either, his threats are measured and timed in exactly the same way they are in WWE.
This was so obviously a work i emailed several reporters telling them just how stupid they are to think otherwise. One of them even replied to me saying he was 100% sure its real and that Orton was in deep trouble with Vince over his actions.

I guess people don't need qualifications to become wrestling reporters? :D
It was obvious.

Look at the footage again, they played a highlight of Orton being hit from behind and rolling on the ground. If he was really on the show doing a legit interview ground-rules would be laid down and Orton would have to pretty much give his "ok" on everything, and I doubt he'd be happy to give that a glowing recommendation.

Also, watch other Randy Orton interviews, he's completely polite and a genuine guy.

Great thing that this worked for the most part and hopefully he gets some live heat off of this.

This wasn't a Jim Rome interview, so any of those comments would prove to be irrelevant in this case.

You can't judge a person in real life by their INTERVIEWS. EVER. Just because someone is nice in an interview doesn't mean they are in real life. Same thing as comedians; just because they're funny doesn't mean they're nice.

HOWEVER, Randy has made a complete transformation from his early days. He used to mess around alot and do immature things (according to rumors), but at the time he was in his early 20s. Look at alot of frat boys they do the same damn things (I'm not ripping on frats, i'm in one).

I've met Randy a few times and he is polite and friendly. Part of the reason for that is his wife and kid.

This video is so obviously a work. It was very well done, but I knew it was a work once he started the whole "Look at me" thing. HELLOOOOO! DARK KNIGH JOKEEER!

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