One the should, one they shouldn't.


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I was thinking about how many movies are based on books/comics/video games/old TV shows etc and a few ones they should make sprung to mind. On top of that a few that should never be made also sprung to mind. So this thread is for you to give us a film you would like to see based on a book/comic/video game/old TV show etc and one they should never make.

Firs off the one I would like to see would be Wacky races I liked the film rat race, so can you imagine the same done with the Wacky Races characters? Obviously it would be a kids movie, but I love them! Hehe.

One tehy should never ever eeeeeeeeeeeever made is The Legend of Zelda whilst an epic game series, I do not feel a movie could do this justice, even down to what the characters look like would not be believable. Part of the fun is you being in control, you naming Link after yourself YOU saving the day, not watching some pussy ass American movie star ruining my favourite gaming series.
Good thread Idea!!!

So let's delve in, shall we? The one movie I'm dying for them to produce is Buffy, the Vampire Slayer. Yes, I know, it's been done. But that one sucked. if they make one based on the series, and give Joss full control of the running of it, it would be a-fuckin'-mazing. On top of that, my hopes are up because Sarah said she'd be in if he wrote a script she liked.

One that shouldn't be made, under any circumstances, is the planned Rambo movie. Not a knock on Sly Stallone, but who's gonna buy a 63 year old ex-green beret kickin' everybodies asses?
One that I've always wanted to see, is the Legacy Of Kain series. The story throughout the games is amazing, and they could either do it as one movie, or really stretch out it's greatness over 2 or 3 movies. The story is told in reverse in the game, and would make for an interesting movie. You obviously wouldn't need an all-star cast either, as everyone would be in full make-up and costume.

One that shouldn't be made is Halo. I'd love to see it translated, but I think it would only affect the gameplay. The video games are legendary as they are, so why make a cheesy movie that would only harm it's legacy? It's not a necessity, as the games do their best to tell the story in movie form anyway. I wouldn't complain if it was done, but it doesn't change that it shouldn't.

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