One Night Stand: Big Show vs. CM Punk vs. Dreamer vs. Chavo Guerrero vs John Morrison


SmackDown! is MY Show

Singapore Cane Match
Big Show vs. John Morrison vs. Tommy Dreamer vs. Chavo Guerrero vs. CM Punk
Winner will be No. 1 Contender to Kane’s ECW Championship at Night of Champion

Well we have Kane who is the ECW champion, yet instead of getting a match on he card he will sit and watch five men battle it out to gain the right to face him at Night of Champions. Looking the five men in this match, I have to think either Show or Morrison could win this. But knowing WWE we could see Punk win this as he is getting a push and why not have Mr. MITB face a champion at NOC where he already has a title match in the case. My sleeper would Morrison but there is no way him, Dreamer, or Chavo will win this. I can really see Show winning this as they have seemed to drop teh Henry fedu or just have it on Smackdown again here soon. Show vs Kane has been done before but knowing WWE, they would love a match of ginats going it for the gold. So my favorite to win is the Show.
Not interested for anyone other than Big Show winning this one.

Punk has no heat, Dreamer is a jobber by choice, Chavo sucks, and Morrison shouldn't be going after the ECW title again.

Big Show ftw, his credibility is never bad enough to where he can't realistically be a champ.
Although, I would much rather have Kofi and Shelton in this match, I think that Big Show will win this one and challenge Kane. Dreamer is a jobber, has been since the new breed/original storyline, no chance for him. Chavo's storyline ran out of life support on the last loss to Kane, he shouldn't and probably won't get the shot. Punk has MITB, and if you've been paying attention, he is being buried on ecw and pushed on SD. His wins on ECW lately have been tags (i find that a little odd but..). Morrison has a title, and WWE doesn't seem to like double champs or champs challenging champs anymore, so that puts Morrison out. Big Show has no storyline and was built as an unstoppable force when he was champ, so i see him taking it, and WWE playing it up as two unstoppable forces. Boring and stupid, but thats the way it goes. It is the C show after all.
The other outcomes i can see though are Morrison taking it and going on about how he already beat Kane at Judgement Day, or Dreamer taking it simply because it's a cane match and he is an original.
Well let's see here.

Chavo - No way. If they do this, I'll kill someone haha. Chavo is horrible and we had to sit through this feud far too long (though thankfully one of the matches was only 9 seconds long).

Dreamer - Even less of a chance than Chavo. It just won't happen.

Morrison - He would have a really good shot at it, if the next ppv wasn't Night of Champions. He's already a tag champ and I don't expect them to have him do double duty.

That leaves Show and Punk. Both guys have been left out recently of something major to do. Both guys could legitimately challenge for the ECW title and it won't seem like a fluke. However, Punk already has the Money in the Bank. You know what they COULD do...but I don't think they will......they COULD very well have Big Show win, but Punk cash in beforehand and make it a triple threat. That gets all three on the show. However, like I said, I'd vote 95% that they wouldn't do that. They'll probably have Punk get an upset win over Show and then lose to Kane. The real troublesome issue in predicting this match is that we have no idea what they're planning for all three of them (Kane, Punk, Show) as they all seem to be floating nowhere as of late.
Well, this at least answer's the question as to whether Big Show v. Mark Henry will be on the card. Sadly, adding the Big Show is destroying the possibility for anyone else to even remotely look good against Kane. (Including Mr. MITB) I'll give a quick rundown of each, with my personal views on their chances.

Tommy Dreamer: I think adding Tommy to this match is their last dying hope that the One Night Stand, Pay Per View, was originally an E.C.W. reunion special. I don't see any point in Dreamer being in this match, except for to make some happy that hes an original at a p.p.v. originally made up for them.

Dreamer would've had great chances at winning this, had it been about 3 years ago. But since joining W.W.E. again with the comeback of E.C.W., all Dreamer has been in a guy to put others over. And since this is a singapore cane match.. and Dreamer became known because of a cane.. which guy is going to blast the shit outta Dreamer in this match, to become the next "known" guy through doing that? (thats the only logic I have to Dreamer being involved)

Chavo Guerrero: The pathetic thing is, Chavo has an underdog's chance of winning this thing, dispite being a former E.C.W. Heavyweight Champion.. but that underdog chance is sometimes larger than a regular chance. The only question is with the winner facing Kane, one on one and Night of Champions.. does anyone care to see these two against each other, regularly, again? No, the answer is no.

I'd say Chavo gives us a scare by coming close to winning, but I doubt he'll pull it out. Perhaps Chavo rebecomes the anti-E.C.W. by blasting Dreamer with the cane??

John Morrison: NoFate007 said it best. It'd be a great chance for Morrison to win it, if he wasn't already a Tag Team Champion. No way he'll win AND hold the Tag Team Championships going into Night of Champions.

However, I hold out hope that he could still win the shot, and in the lead-up to Night of Champions ends up dropping the Tag Team Championships to someone like Chavo Guerrero and Bam Neely, or Deuce and Domino who're slated for another rebirth push in the Tag division. Hell, they could even drop them to Jesse & Festus, any number of guys. Overall.. Morrison will only have a shot at winning this match, if he loses his Tag Team Championship.

C.M. Punk: C.M. Punk has been on the world's biggest swerve push. The guy is dropping matches like Colin Delaney in contract chances. Furthermore, now that they've added Big Show to the mix.. when I ask myself who would I rather see face Kane? Its not the cruiserweight built jobber with a case.

Still, you can't count Punk out. And dispite his incredible anti-push, he remains in some odd position with that case and is a threat to any Championship regardless. Who's to say if the rumored Punk heel turn doesn't end up happening soon, Punk doesn't intentionally drop this match to Big Show.. allowing him and Kane to kill each other, then cash in on the winner who's beaten down, anyways?

Big Show: My pick to win. Easy. Big Show, since dropping to Mayweather at Wrestlemania, has wanted to prove hes the best "Big Man" in wrestling today. Big Show and Kane have put on moderately good matches before, and dispite them not being anything great.. I still love to see it.

I'm only hoping Big Show comes out the winner in this match, so we get the chance to see the first really big E.C.W. Championship dispute. However, think of it in these terms. Big Show has been on a tear, claiming to be the best big man.. SO, how would it look if he DOESN'T win this match?

The biggest guy in this match, next to Big Show, is Tommy Dreamer.. and Show squashed Dreamer in the Championship Chase match on Smackdown recently. So it'd clearly be a cruiserweight type athlete who'd possibly win.. but they'd be winning and Show wouldn't be, which would make his "Giant Domination" storyline look incredibly weak, wouldn't it?

Sure there's always the chance Punk could pin Morrison, or Morrison could pin Dreamer and Show wouldn't even be involved. But in retrospect, I think it'd just be plain stupid to NOT have Big Show win this match.
While I agree with the above posters that Big Show could/should win, I'm not so sure. Since there isn't a big show vs. mark henry match, and this feud hasn't been finished yet, I could easily see a decision to have Henry interfere and cost show the victory. That would push the henry/show feud longer, and keep show out of the title picture (for now).

If that happens, then the victory would likely go to punk. Morrison would make sense too, but as already stated by others, he likely will already be busy at night of champions.
Oddly enough, this match to me is the one I'm the most excited about on the card so far, and for one reason. It's different for a change. We've seen kane and Chavo so many times that I'm sick of it. ECW's problem is that they're always doing the same matches over and over, but this is something different. It's pretty clear that Show will win this, but I'm looking forward to it. It could be Morrisson, God help us if it's Chavo with help from La Familia, Punk is always an option, Dreamer will be in it for his hardcore experience. Show should dominate, but it could be fun to watch.
I see The Big Show winning this singapore cane match. I dont think it would make much sence for him to be added to it last minute just to loose. Besides Id rather see Kane face the big show then morrison, punk who roeady ahs money in the bank or chavo which got boring fast! Id love to see Dreamer vs. Kane but maybe they'll save that for a bigger ppv, hmmmm Summer Slam???
Big Show wins, 'nuff said.

Nobody else really makes sense.

Morrison in a tag team champ. If he drops the title it would make more snese for him to be in a rematch for the belts at Night Of Champions instead of an ECW title match if he lost the titles. ANd they don't have enough time to tease tension between him and Miz to make a rematch not wanted.

Chavo vs Kane NEVER needs to happen again, and I have to believe somebody in WWE knows this.

Dreamer, as much as I want him to win, will not win. He's a jobber to the jobbers these days.

and CM Punk has MITB, I don't think it makes sense to put him in a title match unless he's using MITB to do it. because if he wins there is no point in MITB and if he loses he won't enough credibility to even be the champ. And would WWE waste MITB on the ECW title?

I see Big Show winning, and then losing the match against Kane due to Henry's interference, furthering that fued. And it puts Henry into the ECW title chase which makes a new heel challenger.
I'm going to go out on a limb with this one and most likely end up looking ridiculous.
Tommy Dreamer takes it.
Why you ask???
Big Show in a programme with Mark Henry (sort of), so any shot Henry takes could occur HERE, as opposed to making the title match look weak and have the champion take backseat to the feud
Morrison - Ok, he's on a hot streak and is my second choice to take this match if my guess at dreamer goes bad (which it probably will). However, that streak where he's taken on Batista and beaten Punk and Kane would end up weakening him if it wound up crashing against Kane, or having to split the tag team, where he'll be stuck in a feud with Miz...guaranteed to undo all the good work
CM Punk He's MITB, he's surely above going after the ECW title when he's wrestled more on other shows lately
Chavo Only so many times the can do this with Chavo vs Kane before everyone involved losses credibility
This leaves the ECW original with nothing to do, in an ECW match, on an ECW PPV. If his match with Kane is a one-off, no feud match, Dreamer will do the job and make Kane look strong after taking beatings from Neely & Chavo. To my mind, it makes twisted sense
Mcflyboy brings up a good point. Big Show could easily be taken out of this match by Mark Henry, as they haven't had a true one-on-one match yet. If Henry distracts Big Show, that gives him a reason to lose the match to Punk (as we can rule out the others for different reasons).

Having Punk win the match accomplishes 3 things:
1. Gives Kane a legitimate challenger for his ECW title, as opposed to just throwing a Kane/Knox feud together at the last minute or whatever.
2. Puts Punk on the card, as he's missed nearly every card since winning the MITB.
3. Tests the audience's reaction to the idea of a heel Punk. WWE supposedly is considering him doing a heel turn, but isn't sure about it yet since he could possibly help with the kid's magazine and whatnot. If they have this match and the crowd overwhelmingly cheers Kane, then they'll probably consider it. If the crowd boos Kane, then they'll see that Punk needs to stay face.

While Kane vs Big Show makes more sense for a title match than Punk, there's really no clean way of having the match end without making someone look bad. Either Kane loses the ECW title to Big Show and his push is decisively finished, or Kane defeats Big Show and he completely stops his "feud with the giants" tour. However, Kane could beat Punk without making Punk look too bad, as he's lost to far worse than Kane recently.
Umm... I know this is WWE so what I'm about to say is gonna be stupid, but wouldn't it make more sense to add Kane to the match and and make it a six-way Singapore cane match for the ECW title, they could even hype it by calling it the "first ever", that aside it seems pretty obvious Show is the favorite to win this match but I wouldn't be surprised if somehow Chavo won and they continued to run that feud into the fucking ground, I can't see them having a face win the match so that rules out Punk (who can't seem to win anything these days) and Dreamer, Morrison is Tag champ and shouldn't be near the ECW title for awhile, so that just leaves Show and Chavo
By process of elimination, we can probably figure out how this match will end up going. To an extent at least. I am looking forward to this match though, because it is fairly unpredictable and has some good competitors.

*In order of most likely to win*

Tommy Dreamer: There is no way, that dreamer has a chance in this match. Everyone knows that he is basically a jobber now, and there is no use for him to win.

Chavo: They are really running this fued dry, I mean I think they just scrapped in basically. Hopefully he won't get it because it is getting tired fast.

Morrison: He has been getting a big push lately. I don't think he will win because of NOC coming up and he might be busy. And he isn't going to get the pin 2 ppv's in a row. Unforunate of course.

C.M Punk: Well he does hold the MitB and thye are ment to be pushing him. I don't think he will get it because he holds the case though, and that seems a bit pointless.

Big Show: Wwwwweeeeeeeeeeeeeeellllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll hhhheeeeeeeeesssssssssssssssss aaaaaaaaaa bbbiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiigggggggg sssshhooooooooooooooooooooooww. So he definately has a good chance of winning right? ALthough the fact he was given all of them to squash before the match is a reason not the give it to him.
So what's happened to the Big Show vs. Mark Henry match that they've booked for the past few weeks?

Not that I give a shit. I admit I'm more intrigued by this match than I am any other match on the card. Purley because it's different. Punk & Morrison/Chavo have faced off plenty of times. But none have really feuded with Show & Dreamer. So there's potential for a couple of different feuds to be made. I don't expect any to be good, but ECW needs something new.
I agree with many people as I like this match being something different for a change. Its also very unpredictable which is a huge bonus. Big Show will likely be booked to be the favourite next week but pfftt Im not sure he is going to win. Its just too obvious.

Chavo wont win hopefully. CM Punk wont win as I'm guessing he wont have a match at Night of Champions so it makes us believe he is cashing in at that ppv. I really hope Dreamer or Morrison wins, preferably Dreamer. I really hope we see Kane vs Tommy Dreamer at Night of Champions because once again, it hasn't been done before and its different to the same contenders we see every month eg. Chavo, Punk and Morrison.

However, this match will likely be a filler as the WWE doesn't give a damn about ECW. So don't get your hopes up high as I am expecting this match to be no longer than about 8 minutes. I just can't see this match being match of the night.
I'd like to see Dreamer win and then challenge kane to defend at night of champions in an extreme rules match. Kane would no doubt accept the challenge. Could see Dreamer bring out the big red machine again and a return to a more sadistic and nasty Kane, not a face, not a heel, just someone who will stop at nothing to keep what's his and doesn't care who he destroys.
Its not gonna be Tommy. I wish I could leave the post like that but I won't. Its most likely going to be Show. Morrison has a belt he has to defend at night of champions, Punk has his briefcase and won't be doubled book, and I highly doubt they will keep having Chavo getting squashed on every ppv. ECW should be pushing different talent to see who is WWE's viable future. Guys like Shelton, Kofi, Knox and FCW talent shopuld be getting face time not the same old contenders fighting to face what i feel has been a stale champion.
Now that we've learned that ECW guys will move to Raw, will Miz/Morrison drop the tag belts b4 NOC? IMO they probably will but who knows except Vinnie Mac? I'd love to see Dreamer win, so they can have an extreme rules match for the title again and giv the belt some credibility, but as said b4 Tommy is satisfied to job 4eva. Punk has MITB why shud he bother showing up even? I can't understnad why Chavo Guerrero has been put into the ECW title picture but that's the guy they picked and sadly he has a big chance of winning this match bcoz WWE like to do reruns atm, otherwise you're winner will b Show bcoz they've done that fued a million times as well, instead of using Morrison who could probably do a gr8 match with Kane.
I like this match a lot. Im not sure what went wrong with the Kane being champion thing, as they are in no way using it to put over, or even give a rub to all the young heel talent on ECW. Regardless, its a pretty sure thing that Show is gonna take this. No one else on here even makes sense, besides Dreamer, and I dont personally belive they have that kind of faith in Dreamer.
Its funny that Kane isn't in this match. We get Orton vs HHH 9 but Kane has to sit out because he's getting too boring. I guess they were thinking that either there were too many repeat matches or that Kane will have to defend at Night of Champions anyway so they may as well get a long build towards it. Actually, the more I think about it, the better this seems. We will get an actual build from on PPV to the next without getting a rematch. Thats nearly unheard of in the WWE today.

I too think Show will win, mostly because John Morrison is the only other option and he's already a champion. Still, this match should be entertaining for ten minutes of what looks like another subpar PPV.
I agree that two giants fighting for the title would be pretty awesome, but wut about Punk winning the match. He could go on an to have a feud with Kane and win back the ECW gold. Then he can jump over to Smackdown, turn in his briefcase and get the heavyweight title. He's already on sort of a losing streak. This could be his ultimate push.
Well, id say the outcome of this is pretty much a forgone conclusion. they seem to have decided that they want to accomplish nothing eith Kane's reighn, so they will have Big Show take this. Im truly unsure which of these two guys are more over to be honest. What I do know is I belive Kane can do a much better job of putting over ECW's younger heel talent than Show can. John Morrison competing with Kane looks far less silly than him competeing with Show. Same thine for Burke and Benjamin. Maybe im just delusional in my hopes of them ever utilizing any of those guys. Show will win this.

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