One Man Assault Band


Enjoying Wrestling
Don't assault people. :wtf:

ATLANTA -- A security officer says a popular professional wrestler she was assigned to protect assaulted her.

Now police said they are investigating.

The officer said World Wrestling Entertainment wrestler Heath Slater thought she was pretty and tried to get her up to his room.

She said Slater put her in a chokehold started dragging her inside a downtown Atlanta hotel.

"When he grabbed me I immediately tried to grab his arms back," security officer Corinne Oliver said.

Oliver said it was the worst moment of her life. "And I was saying 'turn me a loose.' He wouldn't turn me loose," she said.

That's when she said the professional wrestler put her in a chokehold.

"I just started fighting with him, trying to get his arm from around my throat," Oliver said.

She said as she struggled to get away, Slater kept "begging me to go to his room with him," Oliver said.

Oliver said she managed to get away and was later able to identify her attacker as popular wrestler Heath Slater.

Oliver said her ordeal took place at the Hyatt Regency Hotel in downtown Atlanta during Wrestlmania last April.

Oliver was working for the security company Allied-Barton. She said it was her job to keep fans away from the wrestlers.

Oliver said Slater attacked her as she walked with him inside the hotel.
ATLANTA -- A security officer says a popular professional wrestler she was assigned to protect assaulted her.

Now police said they are investigating.

The officer said World Wrestling Entertainment wrestler Heath Slater thought she was pretty and tried to get her up to his room.

She said Slater put her in a chokehold started dragging her inside a downtown Atlanta hotel.

"When he grabbed me I immediately tried to grab his arms back," security officer Corinne Oliver said.

Oliver said it was the worst moment of her life. "And I was saying 'turn me a loose.' He wouldn't turn me loose," she said.

That's when she said the professional wrestler put her in a chokehold.

"I just started fighting with him, trying to get his arm from around my throat," Oliver said.

She said as she struggled to get away, Slater kept "begging me to go to his room with him," Oliver said.

Oliver said she managed to get away and was later able to identify her attacker as popular wrestler Heath Slater.

Oliver said her ordeal took place at the Hyatt Regency Hotel in downtown Atlanta during Wrestlmania last April.

Oliver was working for the security company Allied-Barton. She said it was her job to keep fans away from the wrestlers.

Oliver said Slater attacked her as she walked with him inside the hotel.

Check out the complete article with more details on this story at

My initial thought when I read this was laughter, followed by uncontrollable laughter and then proceeded by hysterical laughter - I also shit my pants a bit but it was alright I cleaned it up with a cleanex.

Heath Slater has been accused of assaulting a female at last years WrestleMania, for some strange reason, it doesn't surprise me.
Oliver said it was the worst moment of her life. "And I was saying 'turn me a loose.' He wouldn't turn me loose," she said.
That only works on Mike Tenay.
My initial thought when I read this was laughter, followed by uncontrollable laughter and then proceeded by hysterical laughter - I also shit my pants a bit but it was alright I cleaned it up with a cleanex.

Heath Slater has been accused of assaulting a female at last years WrestleMania, for some strange reason, it doesn't surprise me.

Beat you to it by seconds, though you do have the catchier title.
Being a complete idiot (and ginger), I imagine the only sexual intercourse he could obtain, would be in the form of rape.
Women have made up stories about athletes before in an attempt to get money. Won't believe it until a proper investigation is conducted.
In defense of the intelligence of women at large, Heath Slater would be setting the bar a little low.

You've got to establish that you at least had contact with the man if you want any credibility to your story. She couldn't just claim, for example, that John Cena assaulted her if she never even came in contact with him. In the theoretical scenario wherein she's making this up, you've got to take the best you can get.
Yes, but none of us like Heath Slater (except Sam, NorCal and SoM) enough to give a shit and generally, based on what we've heard from those closely associated from him (as in Wade Barrett), he's an idiot.
You've got to establish that you at least had contact with the man if you want any credibility to your story. She couldn't just claim, for example, that John Cena assaulted her if she never even came in contact with him. In the theoretical scenario wherein she's making this up, you've got to take the best you can get.
I'm sure she probably bumped into Scott Stanford at some point.
He will probably get fired. He needed the shit though, he's a ginger, probably has troubles in the sex department.
I wonder what his wife thinks about this. I also wonder why the woman waited a few months before doing this. But then again Slater's screwed if there's a grain of truth to this story. Possibly in the showers.
Who knew Heath ''the one man, get her in the van '' Slater ''the one man... GET HER IN THE VAN'' Slater was such a kinky little ginger bitch.
And here I thought Heath Slater was going to get a new gimmick where he said he was the one man version of something every week. Here I was ready to pitch my one man orgy idea.

Why does everything good always turn out to be an attempted rape?
And here I thought Heath Slater was going to get a new gimmick where he said he was the one man version of something every week. Here I was ready to pitch my one man orgy idea.

Why does everything good always turn out to be an attempted rape?

Peer pressure, it comes from hell.
Heath Slater is one of the most talented guys in the entire WWE. I hate how the creative team is using him wrong... he could be dominating on Smackdown and getting a large amount of heat if booked properly... but no... he is jobbing on fucking Superstars. Fuck that. Here is how I would turn a very talented man into the biggest heat magnet ever. Pair him up with Triple H. Triple H says that Heath Slater is now his sidekick, hinting a HHH heel turn.. then he feuds with Big Show after he returns and he beats him clean a few times and Big Show beats him clean a few times. Now they have a PPV match in which Slater wins thanks to help from HHH, officially turning him heel. Now HHH makes a rematch on Raw. It will be Heath Slater vs Big Show in a Hell In A Cell match, but there is one more stipulation. Big Show needs to wear a BLINDFOLD! Heath Slater defeats Big Show without even trying, ending their feud. This is the part where Big Show turns heel too. Big Show talks to Heath Slater backstage, says he wants to protect Heath Slater because he wants to be trained. Now you have a 400 pound bodyguard and POWER (HHH). Heath Slater attacks Alex Riley during a promo and challenges him for the U.S title. Alex Riley calls Heath Slater an ugly coward, Heath Slater responds by telling Big Show to attack his eye. Big Show kayfabe injures Alex Riley's right eye. Alex Riley says he's not going to back down just because his fatass bodyguard injured his eye. They have a 1 on 1 match at Survivor Series and Slater wins clean in a very good match. They have a rematch on Raw, with Heath Slater winning clean and telling Alex Riley to back off or else he will destroy his eye, ending their feud. Heath Slater defends his championship many times, using dirty tactics to retain it. Some people complain about the U.S. and Intercontinental Championship not having enough prestige, so now Heath Slater is going to bring back some prestige! He gets a year long reign, successfully defending it against the likes of Sin Cara, Kane, Alex Riley, The Miz, R-Truth, John Morrison, Jack Swagger, Jinder Mahal, Dolph Ziggler, Zack Ryder, Curt Hawkins, Christian, Cm Punk, and Sheamus. Heath Slater competes in the Royal Rumble, with Big Show still at his side. He wins the 3rd 40 Royal Rumble in WWE history. He chooses the WWE Championship. At Elimination Chamber, it is Cm Punk vs Miz vs Alberto Del Rio vs Ezekiel Jackson vs John Cena vs Kane. John Cena wins by eliminating Ezekiel Jackson last. Now, it is John Cena vs Heath Slater at Wrestlemania 29 for the WWE Championship. They have an amazing build up, with John Cena getting desperate by trying to injure Big Show, but consistently fails week by week. It's now Wrestlemania 29. Main event of Wrestlemania 29 is Heath Slater with Big Show vs John Cena for the WWE Championship at Wrestlemania 29. Heath Slater cuts a promo by trashing on the U.S Championship. Says how bad it is compared to the WWE Championship. This way, he can keep all that momentum without losing to a mid-carder. They have an amazing match at Wrestlemania 29, but Heath Slater wins, thanks to help from Big Show and Triple H. Heath Slater's next feud will be against Randy Orton. Randy Orton says he is sick and tired of Heath Slater's ugly look and how he keeps bragging when he has power and strength helping him. Randy Orton said that he will only face him if Triple H and Heath Slater have nothing to do with their match. Now, it is Randy Orton vs Heath Slater in a Hardcore Match. Heath Slater uses a VERY cheap strategy, but also a record breaking strategy. He uses a GUN. He tells Randy Orton to let himself get pinned or else he will attack him and his family with the gun. Randy Orton obediently gets pinned. Now, Heath Slater tells Randy Orton to BACK OFF or I will destroy your family. Big Show tells Heath Slater that he thought he was a very good man, but now he realizes how he's just been using him, and now he probably doesn't need him anymore. Heath Slater keeps trying to convince Big Show that he does need him, but Big Show knocks him out. Big Show beats the fuck out of Heath Slater. Next week on Raw, Triple H confiscates Heath Slater's gun, says that it's not supposed to be allowed in wrestling. Randy Orton comes out and says that he no longer fears Heath Slater. So Triple H announces that it's going to be Randy Orton vs Heath Slater vs The Big Show. Heath Slater wins by pinning Randy Orton after Big Show knocks him out. Heath Slater blames Triple H for almost costing him the match, so now Triple H is going to fight Heath Slater in a title match at the next PPV even though HHH is the chairman, he wants to get the championship fairly and cleanly so Heath Slater can't brag anymore. Triple H loses, thanks to the referee being knocked out and Heath Slater taking advantage of that by attacking Triple H with a steel chair. Now, Heath Slater says that nobody can beat him. Triple H announces that it will be the ENTIRE Raw Roster (excluding HHH) in a battle royal match at Summerslam. Whoever wins will be the new WWE Champion. Heath Slater wins by hiding under the ring and eliminating Randy Orton last!!! Heath Slater, the one man rock band, is the best WWE Champion ever!!!

This is how one of the most talented guys in the roster can become the biggest heat magnet in years.
Heath Slater is one of the most talented guys in the entire WWE. I hate how the creative team is using him wrong... he could be dominating on Smackdown and getting a large amount of heat if booked properly... but no... he is jobbing on fucking Superstars. Fuck that. Here is how I would turn a very talented man into the biggest heat magnet ever. Pair him up with Triple H. Triple H says that Heath Slater is now his sidekick, hinting a HHH heel turn.. then he feuds with Big Show after he returns and he beats him clean a few times and Big Show beats him clean a few times. Now they have a PPV match in which Slater wins thanks to help from HHH, officially turning him heel. Now HHH makes a rematch on Raw. It will be Heath Slater vs Big Show in a Hell In A Cell match, but there is one more stipulation. Big Show needs to wear a BLINDFOLD! Heath Slater defeats Big Show without even trying, ending their feud. This is the part where Big Show turns heel too. Big Show talks to Heath Slater backstage, says he wants to protect Heath Slater because he wants to be trained. Now you have a 400 pound bodyguard and POWER (HHH). Heath Slater attacks Alex Riley during a promo and challenges him for the U.S title. Alex Riley calls Heath Slater an ugly coward, Heath Slater responds by telling Big Show to attack his eye. Big Show kayfabe injures Alex Riley's right eye. Alex Riley says he's not going to back down just because his fatass bodyguard injured his eye. They have a 1 on 1 match at Survivor Series and Slater wins clean in a very good match. They have a rematch on Raw, with Heath Slater winning clean and telling Alex Riley to back off or else he will destroy his eye, ending their feud. Heath Slater defends his championship many times, using dirty tactics to retain it. Some people complain about the U.S. and Intercontinental Championship not having enough prestige, so now Heath Slater is going to bring back some prestige! He gets a year long reign, successfully defending it against the likes of Sin Cara, Kane, Alex Riley, The Miz, R-Truth, John Morrison, Jack Swagger, Jinder Mahal, Dolph Ziggler, Zack Ryder, Curt Hawkins, Christian, Cm Punk, and Sheamus. Heath Slater competes in the Royal Rumble, with Big Show still at his side. He wins the 3rd 40 Royal Rumble in WWE history. He chooses the WWE Championship. At Elimination Chamber, it is Cm Punk vs Miz vs Alberto Del Rio vs Ezekiel Jackson vs John Cena vs Kane. John Cena wins by eliminating Ezekiel Jackson last. Now, it is John Cena vs Heath Slater at Wrestlemania 29 for the WWE Championship. They have an amazing build up, with John Cena getting desperate by trying to injure Big Show, but consistently fails week by week. It's now Wrestlemania 29. Main event of Wrestlemania 29 is Heath Slater with Big Show vs John Cena for the WWE Championship at Wrestlemania 29. Heath Slater cuts a promo by trashing on the U.S Championship. Says how bad it is compared to the WWE Championship. This way, he can keep all that momentum without losing to a mid-carder. They have an amazing match at Wrestlemania 29, but Heath Slater wins, thanks to help from Big Show and Triple H. Heath Slater's next feud will be against Randy Orton. Randy Orton says he is sick and tired of Heath Slater's ugly look and how he keeps bragging when he has power and strength helping him. Randy Orton said that he will only face him if Triple H and Heath Slater have nothing to do with their match. Now, it is Randy Orton vs Heath Slater in a Hardcore Match. Heath Slater uses a VERY cheap strategy, but also a record breaking strategy. He uses a GUN. He tells Randy Orton to let himself get pinned or else he will attack him and his family with the gun. Randy Orton obediently gets pinned. Now, Heath Slater tells Randy Orton to BACK OFF or I will destroy your family. Big Show tells Heath Slater that he thought he was a very good man, but now he realizes how he's just been using him, and now he probably doesn't need him anymore. Heath Slater keeps trying to convince Big Show that he does need him, but Big Show knocks him out. Big Show beats the fuck out of Heath Slater. Next week on Raw, Triple H confiscates Heath Slater's gun, says that it's not supposed to be allowed in wrestling. Randy Orton comes out and says that he no longer fears Heath Slater. So Triple H announces that it's going to be Randy Orton vs Heath Slater vs The Big Show. Heath Slater wins by pinning Randy Orton after Big Show knocks him out. Heath Slater blames Triple H for almost costing him the match, so now Triple H is going to fight Heath Slater in a title match at the next PPV even though HHH is the chairman, he wants to get the championship fairly and cleanly so Heath Slater can't brag anymore. Triple H loses, thanks to the referee being knocked out and Heath Slater taking advantage of that by attacking Triple H with a steel chair. Now, Heath Slater says that nobody can beat him. Triple H announces that it will be the ENTIRE Raw Roster (excluding HHH) in a battle royal match at Summerslam. Whoever wins will be the new WWE Champion. Heath Slater wins by hiding under the ring and eliminating Randy Orton last!!! Heath Slater, the one man rock band, is the best WWE Champion ever!!!

This is how one of the most talented guys in the roster can become the biggest heat magnet in years.

....did this just happen

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