One less thing i can be made fun of for.


Sit Upon The Frozen Heavens
not being a virgin is pretty cool, much better than using your hand.

not sure I want to go back either.
All due respect, but threads like this one are probably why it will be a long time, if ever, before you get out of prison. Too much information, too much self focus.
All due respect, but threads like this one are probably why it will be a long time, if ever, before you get out of prison. Too much information, too much self focus.
I'm resigned to the fact that I'm not getting out of here any time soon so I really don't care.

Not like I make a lot of threads anyway.
You may not be made fun of for being a virgin...

...But you'll now be made fun of for telling an entire wrestling forum that you just lost your virginity. So, that one less thing has been replaced.
Have you ever just stopped and thought "hey, these people just do not care about me, I should waste my time somewhere else"?

Like, really. Prison is for turds. The last and only real salvation from Prison was Lee. And you, sir, are no Lee.

I think it's time you face the music....

Correct me if I'm wrong but you Just came back with in the last little while right?

Let me show you why I was put in here straight from the keyboard of the person who put me in here.
Basically a combination of he whines a lot, he said he was leaving and just went invisible, he generally sucks and he picked Henry as MVP instead of Punk which is flat out wrong.
Be honest, there's more than just KB's touchy temperament. It's this kind of shit. The same shitty attitude that people like Sully carry around here.

"Oh, well, if I'm not gonna be liked then I'm just not gonna give a fuck and just keep on being hated".

Not that I hate you, but you certainly make it hard for someone to like you. You whine, you complain, you bitch, you moan, and yet you continue to do shit like this knowing it makes you a target and makes people even less sympathetic towards you. You can only feign ignorance for so long as to why you rub most everyone the wrong way before you must have figured out for yourself what it is you are doing wrong.

So. As I see it, you have two options: leave and get the fuck on with your life, or actually change the way you post around here so that someone, ANYONE, finds you worth something. And I'm sorry to be harsh, but you've been a member for over 3 years and you've still never figured out how to fit in. So when you say you like it here, everyone knows it's that you like the infamy you have. Now why would we want more folk like that around?

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