One Last Stand: Total Mayhem

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Sic Semper Tyrannosaurus
For six years, a chosen few have waged wars. All in the pursuit of one goal.


Tonight Paris, France will witness the end of an era.

The former 3 time Mayhem Champion, Ace Stevens. The only wrestler to have two singles Mayhem title matches in Kingdom Come will challenge the Elite X Champion. The Scaled Humanoid Industrial Technology. A mechanical warrior with no remorse. No sensation of pain. And no surrender. At 2 defenses, S.H.I.T. is 5 away from a World Championship match, but Ace Stevens looks to change that.

The Manliest Man in the World and Gold Rush tournament runner-up will lock horns with the 2 Time World Tag Team Champion. The EurAsian Champion's former best friend turned rival. The withdrawn Mikey Stormrage. Two young bulls, but only one can stand tall in this ring.

The former EurAsian Champion and Gold Rush Semifinalist. The tenured veteran, Blade must go into the battlefield against the Master of Mayhem himself. The record setting four time Champion, Matt Tastic. Two long tenured stars look to re-establish dominance. But in this field, anything can happen.

And finally.....................


The Cage will be set. The warriors will be tested. The Battle To End All Mayhem...... Takes place tonight.

The great hero and final challenger, Red Mask. Oscar winner. World Champion. Icon.

The cunning mastermind and reigning Mayhem Champion, Vega. Young. Bold. Vicious.

We know where it all started. We can see where it will all end. But the journey remains a mystery. Tonight, that mystery is solved. Join us. As we celebrate.........





Backstage, Steven Kurtesy and Sandy Deserts are smiling, and Sandy laughs at something. She begins to speak.

Sandy:"You know, Steven... I just... Thank you, you know? If it weren't for you,"

Becky Serra walks up to them both, with a microphone in hand.

Becky:"Sandy, as a member of the Mayhem division, what does it mean to be Mayhem?

Sandy:"Well, it means taking punishment; a lot of it. My brother and I, we know all about that. Guess you could call it a family thing, I guess.

She looks to Steven, who smiles at her. She laughs, and continues.

Sandy:"We have been in some scraps before, and I know that-

A knock is heard, and a figure walks through the open door. Sandy and Steven tense up, noting that it is Chastity, Dr. Zeus' accomplice.

Chastity:"The doctor gives his regards."

She throws a letter on to Kurtesy's lap. Sandy picks it up, and reads it aloud.

Sandy:"If you would like to settle this thing,
Meet me later tonight in the ring."

Sandy puts down the letter, and Kurtesy exhales. They look at one another, and Kurtesy looks out to the distance, concerned.


-Mayhem Memoirs-

Ty Burna: To be honest, I could say it was my time with Vengeance that made my career. But in the long run, it's clear that my time in the Mayhem Division is what did it. It's where I first faced Drake Callahan and Showtime and those two have had such a long influence on my career. It also made way for the EurAsian Championship. Simply put, this division has a lot of the company's backbone invested in it.

Matt Tastic: When I first started in WZCW, I remember starting with this laundry list of silly guys in the division. There was Cardiff Cam. Some former sniper guy. There was um..... Excellence. Who was some sort of preacher. And course then there was James Baker, a rapper. Baller and my favorite. John Smith. Point is there was some lows, but at the same time, it always provided very bright spots that still live on. This all being just a few months removed from the Ty Burna/Showtime/Drake Callahan trifecta. But in the end, serious or not. How could anyone forget Anita Dick or Baller's decapitation or Armando Paradyse? It was crazy shit.

Anderson: Ladies and gentlemen, the following Mayhem Match is scheduled for one fall!

Anderson: Introducing first, from Beard City, USA, weighing 285 pounds, accompanied by Ezekiel Hewitt, "The Manliest Man in Professional Wrestling" The Beard!

Ezekiel Hewitt emerges on stage to loud booing before pulling on a chain. After a long tug, The Beard appears on stage tied to a vertical bed. He is tied and restrained by a straightjacket and mask akin to Hannibal Lecter. Beard does not let his vision waver as Ezekiel places him at ringside, not releasing him.

Connor: This Ezekiel Hewitt guy has been a terrible influence on The Beard. Look what he's turned him into.

Cohen: I see a winner. The man almost won the Gold Rush tournament because of this epic change.

Anderson: And his opponent, from Indianapolis, Indiana, weighing 315 pounds, Mikey Stormrage!

Stormrage emerges on the ramp to a mixed reaction. He's slow to get to the ring shooting a bewildered glance at The Beard who is still tied at ringside. He enters the ring and sits by a corner but as he does that, Ezekiel unties Beard.

Copeland: Beard wasting no time to get this match rolling!

Beard rushes into the ring and quickly attacks Stormrage as referee Elizabeth Prince rings the bell.

* Ding Ding Ding *

The two are quick to shoot powerful fists at each other aiming for any open part of the others anatomy
that they can find. Lefts, rights, jabs, hooks, it's flying but the ref cannot do anything about it. Being the heavier of the two, Mikey is able to toss Beard aside for some breathing room and hits several Knife Edge Chops, pushing Beard to a corner. Mikey stays on offense with Shoulder Thrusts trying to keep The Beard under control. But the vicious man doesn't relent and clubs Mikey behind the head several times to force him off. Mikey backs off and as soon as he does, Beard runs him over with a Running Crossbody.

Connor: It's gonna be interesting to see two powerhouses facing each other. They both tend to rely on strength but can they do that here?

As soon as he does, Ezekiel sends in the Lecter mask he had in for Jasper to use. He loads it up and knocks Stormrage right back down with it. He then starts to beat on Stormrage's back with it over and over and over and over and over again and screams out a primal roar. Ezekiel from the background shoots off a smile and instructs his charge to go for a pin. Beard hooks the leg.




The kick out frustrates Beard who pulls on what hair he has in his face. He rolls out of the ring and looks under the ring for something as Mikey staggers around. Beard pulls out a singapore cane and a couple of trash cans and throws the cane and one can into the ring. He gets back in with the other can in hand, but as he does Mikey grabs the cane. Beard raises the trash can, but Mikey whacks it over Beards head!! Mikey takes the battered trash can away from the downed Beard and places it over his chest. He beats on it a few times before dropping the cane and running the ropes to come jumping with Seated Senton and a pin!!

Cohen: That's over 300 pounds!


He must've crushed his ribs!


Connor: It's gonna be over!

Thr--!! But it only gets two!

Cohen: Wow that was close. It's gonna take more than that to put down the Manliest Man in WZCW.

Ezekiel gets on the apron and throws a towel at Mikey taunting him. Mikey takes one step.

Then just throws the can at Ezekiel to knock him down. The crowd cheers for it, but the distraction is enough to let Beard grab the other can and hit Mikey with it. Before Mikey can fall, Beard holds him and puts the can on him. He then knees him making Stormrage go down face first with his knees keeping him raised. Beard walks around the ring twirling the cane around and stops behind Mikey and starts hitting him with the cane on the ass!!!

Connor: Oh, my God!! That looks horrid!

Cohen: So glad we're ending this. That just looks plain wrong.

Mikey swivels around the ring as Beard hands out more hard blows. Each shot harder than the last. Mikey gets out of the ring by chance and stops to rub on himself. He throws away the trash can but Beard grabs him by his long hair and pulls on him. Beard pulls Mikey up to the apron but Mikey Hangman's him over the ropes to send him bouncing back. Mikey gets in the ring and rubs himself again before charging at Beard. Beard raises his leg for a Big Boot to counter, but Mikey ducks and goes behind him. Beard turns and is caught in a Belly To Belly Suplex by Mikey for a pin.




Beard kicks out at two and Mikey.... Well, you know.

Copeland: Mikey is gonna need something with extra power to put down Beard. He just doesn't wanna let up.

Beard gets up and Mikey starts up the offense again and an Irish Whip. He runs after Beard but as he's about to attack Beard ducks and in a quick display of amazing, manly power, tosses Mikey up on his shoulder for a Shoulderbreaker. Without letting go, Beard raises Mikey up and simply drops him flat on the floor from high up. He turns Mikey face up and then heads up the top rope.

Connor: He.... He just caught a 300 pound man and threw him around like a lightweight. That's unreal!

Cohen: And now he's gonna fly.

Beard goes for the Flying Beard but Mikey puts his elbows on his face to cover up and Beard hits them! Mikey staggers in pain, but Beard takes a harder blow to the head!

Copeland: That's certainly a new one. Not as effective as putting up your knees, but anything to avoid a half beard from hitting you.

Connor: I'll be surprised if Mikey doesn't have any fractures after that.

Mikey stays face down as Beard rolls in pain on the canvas. Mikey slowly gets back up to assess the situation. Beard holds his face while on his knees and Mikey grabs the Singapore cane and tries to choke Beard with it. But Beard elbows Stormrage in the ribs to get him off. Beard runs for the ropes for an attack, but as he comes back in, Mikey shows his own amazing display of strength and presses The Beard up into the air for one very European Uppercut!! Beard however just staggers around from it. Mikey grabs one of the trash cans in the ring and places it dead center in the ring. He grabs Beard and slams him on the can with the Game Over and a cover!!




Anderson: Here is your winner, Mikey Stormrage!!

Mikey gets his arm raised but he doesn't seem all that interested. A defeated Ezekiel crawls into the ring to check on his charge who is clutching his back while on the mat.

Connor: Wow. What a display of power by both men.

Cohen:Mikey got a lucky break with that Uppercut. I don't think he would've won otherwise.

Copeland: I actually agree there. But regardless, Mikey Stormrage pulled a major play for the big victory here tonight.

Mikey pulls his arm away and walks off as we see Beard and Ezekiel in the ring.

Leon Kensworth can be seen walking around backstage, talking on the phone.

Kensworth: Okay, I'm about to go interview him now. Thanks James.

As Leon hangs up, we turns a corner and sees Mikey Stormrage sitting in the corner, the hood of his jacket pulled up over his head.

Mikey, you said you would have words for your former partner on the show tonight, but first, how does it feel to pick up a brutal victory over The Beard?

Stormrage: It doesn't feel like anything. Jasper is of little concern to me Leon.

Well, you said you had words for...

Do you know what pain feels like Leon? Do you know what it is like to experience loss?

When I was twelve my dog Sparkles died.

Stormrage rises to his feet, his head down.

Your dog Leon? I ask you if you know true pain, true loss, and you bring up a dog. Its people like you that make me want to hide my face. At first I was ashamed, I thought I failed my best friend. Over time I learned that I didn't fail him, he failed me. He outgrew me, he cast me aside like a ugly wretch I am. He knew there was no beauty in a soul like me!

Stormrage throws his hood off his head, revealing his masked face.

But I found beauty Leon. I looked into the abyss and I saw the true beauty in this world. The pain, the suffering, and I embraced it. So now, come Apocalypse, I will show James Howard pain. I will show him beauty. I will unmask him and show the world the ugly face he tries to hide and then I will remake James Howard into something beautiful, something more fitting of this world.
-Mayhem Memoirs-

Matt Tastic:
I think one of the more memorable things about the division is how every once in a while a major prospect would get a hold of the title and run with it. Before me there was Drake, Showtime and Ty who all showed up at once. But when I got a hold of it, I just went. As far as I could. 24/7 rule, the title being stolen, Anita Dick, ahahaha.... I went through some really ridiculous things. But they were fun to watch.

Alex Bowen: I think it's great that there was always something there that seemed to be different from what the rest of the show had going on. Being Mayhem Champion was more like being a special attraction than being the more casual midcard champion the Elite X and EurAsian Champions were.

Vega: I honestly would not be in the spot I'm in today if it weren't for this title and all the memorable moments all the people that fought for it produced. It's been over a year now and it's just been such an amazing ride.
Anderson: The following contest is Mayhem Rules, and is scheduled for one fall!


Introducing first, from Dublin, Ireland, weighing 235 pounds, Blade!

Blade walks out to the ring, doing his signature pose for the fans to cheer. He walks out of the red light which announces his arrival, and slaps hands with the fans who have rushed the guardrail to see him.

Copeland:"Blade is wrestling through a concussion, but he looks as though he's trying to hide any recent effects of his attacks from Triple X.

Cohen:"Either way, an opponent like Matt Tastic knows all of Blade's weaknesses, before he's even come to the ring. And in this mayhem setting, that means he has carte blanche to do anything he wants with Blade!"

Anderson: And his opponent, from Orange County, California, Matt Tastic!


Despite the music playing no one comes out.

Copeland: "What happened? Where's Matt?"

Connor: "What's this?!"

Cohen: "Red Mask AND Baez are back tonight! This is the man who won a record setting 4 Mayhem Championships within mere months after his debut. It's fitting to see him here tonight instead of the more contemporary Matt Tastic."

Copeland: "Didn't he take his mask off? Is that even legal?"

Connor: "In fairness, he never lost it in a match."

Baez emerges at the entrance ramp as the crowd cheers loudly. He heads to high five them, but instead turns and starts flipping them off turning the cheers into boo's quickly. He enters the ring, as the crowd boos the returning Mayhem legend.

*Ding, Ding, Ding*

The bell rings, as the men circle each other. A chant starts up in the crowd.

You're still Killjob! *clap, clap, clap, clap, clap* You're still Killjob! *clap, clap, clap, clap, clap*

Connor: "Some disrespect to a former Mayhem champion here."

In no time, Blade and Baez are trading blows, hammering on one another in the middle of the ring. The bloodthirsty crowd bellows as the two men slug away, though Baez seems to get the upper hand. With every shot Blade takes, he seems to be looking more out of it. Finally, though, he shrugs it off, and lands a vicious European uppercut on ! Another, and another, as the crowd goes wild!

Copeland:"Blade's come looking for a fight tonight!

Cohen: "Well, he'll get it from Baez, that's for sure."

Blade hits one more European uppercut, which sends Baez careening to the floor. He rolls out of the ring, as a chorus of boos rain down. Baez starts jawing with the fans at ringside, before motioning to the ring curtain. He goes under the ring, to pick up a weapon.

Baez grabs two kendo sticks, one in which he clutches tightly, and the other he sets down on the floor. He invites Blade down to the floor, and Blade ponders this for a second. He looks to the fans, half of whom are booing because of Baez' devious deeds, and half are cheering for blood. Blade takes up Baez' offer, and to his surprise, he doesn't attack Blade.

Cohen:"Well, isn't that sporting?

Copeland:"Sporting? I cant help but think he's up to something.

Blade grabs hold of the kendo stick, and Baez whacks Blade in the hand! Now, unarmed, Baez begins to strike Blade with the stick; first in the stomach, and then in the top of the head. The crowd boos at Baez' tactics.

Copeland:"Oh yeah, really sporting there.

Cohen:"It's being smart, Seabass. And now that concussion for Blade is going to get just a little worse."

Baez laughs, and plays to the crowd, with a twinkle in his eye. He grabs a trash can lid from underneath the ring, and places it on Blade's head. He grabs the stick, and winds up to give Blade a finishing blow, and swings! But Blade has moved out of the way, right in time, and Baez misses.

Copeland:"If that connected, it's safe to say that could have been the end of Blade's career.

Baez goes to hit Blade again, but Blade meets him with a kick to the gut, as he struggles to get onto his knees. Baez charges again, and gets another kick for his troubles. Blade groggily makes it to his feet, and has the wherewithal to throw a charging Baez into the guardrail. Blade turns around, and runs knee first into a seated Baez. Now, Blade looks around, and sees the ring apron. He is the one pointing, and searching underneath the ring for a weapon.

Cohen:"Well this isn't fair at all!"

Copeland:"No, it's "sporting", though."

Blade picks out a large stop sign, and rolls it into the ring. He goes over to Baez, but before rolling him into the ring, he thinks better of it. He pulls the protective padding to reveal concrete, and sets Beaz up for a vertical suplex! Blade holds Baez up, as the crowd cheers louder for every second Baez is kept up. Five, six seconds pass, as Blade motions with thumbs down with a free hand. He falls, and drops Baez onto the hard concrete. Baez sits up, racked in immense pain, as Blade celebrates with the fans. He rolls Baez into the ring, and rolls in himself, signaling that it is time to finish the match.


Blade turns around, to see if Triple X is coming to the ring. But Triple X is entering from the crowd!

Cohen:"Now, there's a sight I like to see!"

Copeland:"You gotta be kidding me. Right now?"

Triple X stands on the apron of the ring, as Blade stares at him. Blade lunges out to grab him, and is able to pull on Triple X by the hair! He finally has Triple X in his clutches, but Triple X is able to hit a kick on Blade, right at the bridge of his nose. Baez is up, and locks Blade into a belly to belly position. Baez walks Blade over to the stop sign in the ring, and hits the devastating Headache Driver! Baez goes for the cover!




Baez jumps up to cheer, still holding his back in agony.

Anderson: Here is your winner.... Baez!!!!

Cohen:"What a sporting performance, huh, Seabass?

Copeland:"Sporting? It took a concussion and Triple X to pick off Blade.

Triple X grabs a chair from underneath the ring and slides it into the ring. Baez looks at him sideways before shrugging and walking away, this fight having nothing to do with him.

Connor:"And now, looks like Triple X has something to say."

X: Wait, let me get a little more comfortable.

X places the chair across Blade's torso and neck, before sitting backwards on it, resting his arms on the back of it whilst looking down at his fallen victim, a look of rage in his eyes.

X: How’s that feel, huh?

X slaps Blade once, then again.


X pushes his weight down more, causing Blade to struggle. He points out to the audience,

X: I want you all to take a look at this. All of you here in attendance; this is all on you. Everyone watching at home, this is all on you as well. You are all directly responsible for this, and what is about to come.

X runs his free hand through his hair as a small, almost sarcastic smile encroaches on his face.

X: Everyone’s had one thing to say to me since last Meltdown. And it isn’t ‘welcome back’, or ‘how are you doing?’ No. It’s ‘why?’ Why did I attack dear, sweet Blade from behind with a steel chair?

The fans boo at the mention of their former hero’s actions.

X: It’s funny, actually. It’s funny how the world seems to have such a short memory. Or a selective, very selective, memory. Four months ago, I was laying here, a crumpled heap in the ring. Blade dropped me down, and left me wondering if I even had a career any more. Fractured shoulder. Not the worst injury, but still a chunk of my career gone. And as I’m lifted out of the ring and onto a stretcher, I hear cheers. I hear cheers of sympathy from the crowd. And as I open my eyes expecting to hear the crowd chanting my name for my troubles, I all of a sudden realise, as my eyes fall on Blade, head down and high-fiving people as he walks past, the fans are actually chanting ‘THANK YOU BLADE, THANK YOU BLADE’.

X looks to the ground with disgust at the words. He spits on the mat before raising his head again.

X: Thank you, don’t thank me, no. You thank the guy who could have put another guy, the man who YOU people claimed to love, into retirement! Then there's last year; Kingdom Come IV; I steal the show and defend my Elite X Championship, yet all you people were concerned about is Blade deciding he can’t handle it anymore and hanging up his boots. Even then, I was the afterthought, and Blade held the spotlight from where it belonged. ME!

More boos reign down on the straight edge superstar.

X: It took me so very long to come to terms with why. Why you people had betrayed me, because that’s what you did. You all stabbed me in the back. Soon I realised the reason why, and it was actually obvious. It was because you people are nothing more than hypocritical leeches. You thrive off of us, then dispose of us for the next biggest thing when you feel like it. You don’t care that we give our bodies, you don’t care about the pain. You only care about who you’re going to cheer for next, and making them your next great ‘disposable hero’. Well I’m done being your hero. I’m done, and from this moment onwards, I make it my mission to take every single one of your new heroes-

X looks down at Blade with a smile.

X: -and every single one of your old heroes, and drive them into the ground. And trust me, I will take great pleasure in doing it. And here’s the best part; I get to start it by ruining the life of the man who tried to ruin mine-

Before X can finish, a great cheer arises from the crowd as Grizzly Bob emerges from the stage, sprinting to the ring. X immediately leaps up and scurries out of the ring and into the crowd. He looks back to the ring, and holds his hands up in an X, before he continues hurriedly to the exit. Bob screams into X’s direction, before throwing the chair to the side and tending to the fallen Blade, who is clutching his throat and struggling for breath.


-Mayhem Memoirs-

Steamboat Ricky: What in the hell did I start? Hahahaha.... It's pretty amazing, looking back now, at how people see the concept now. It was a springboard for young guys and it's been used better than what I could've ever hoped. It's sad to see it go but I can see why. I mean, it's a bit of a risky trade having so many people get injured in these matches. I know about that pretty damn well. I'm glad to know there hasn't been a “Stairway To Mayhem” match since.

Ace Stevens: I've gotten two big matches in Kingdom Come because of the Mayhem Division. It's been a hell of a ride and I'm glad I got to show off thanks to it. Was it tough? Yes, it was. But it's a group of young guys looking to make their mark however they can. We were given a chance and we were given free ground to do what we could to grab the spotlight.

Showtime: Wow. Talk about something that would define my career. When I started, I was working with Ty and Drake and.... Wow. I'd work with those guys in some way, shape or form for pretty much the rest of my career. It's had loads of influence on our careers. On so many guys. It's like a rite of passage as a wrestler in this company to come in and compete in a few Mayhem matches before they start to grow as individuals.
-Mayhem Memoirs-

Drake Callahan: Being an established Mayhem star has been such a great thing for many guys. It provides sort of a backbone for competitors to establish themselves while they find their niche. You look at guys like Matt Tastic and Alex Bowen and they'll always be highly regarded just because of being outstanding Mayhem Champions.

Everest: I got to win the Mayhem Championship in the first Kingdom Come event. It was my first championship in the company so it holds a special place in my heart as such a memorable moment.

I didn't get to hold it long, but I do see some irony in being stripped of it after beating up Alex Bowen of all people. A few years before his own memorable reign.


Anderson: The following contest is scheduled for one fall, and it is for the Elite X Championship!


Ace Stevens picks the perfect moment in his entrance theme to emerge from backstage, and in tow are half a dozen female groupies.

Anderson: Making his way to the ring, from Brooklyn New York, weighing in at 228 pounds: The American Hero, Ace Stevens!

He poses at the top of the ramp as the groupies surround him, and he puts his arms around a few of their waists and poses for a photo-op before leaving his adoring fans at the top of the ramp. The French hates it and a chorus of boos rings for the American hero. Stevens plays it cool and plugs his ears as he walks towards the ramp.

Copeland: Man, what I wouldn’t give to be in Ace Steven’s shoes right now!

Connor: Pig.

Cohen: Awww, is Kitty jealous that she didn’t make the cut for Ace Steven’s entourage?

Connor: Ace Stevens is a terrific wrestler and a colorful personality, but I can’t say I see myself throwing on a low-cut blouse and tight jeans and following him around. But at least I know if I did, I’d look a whole lot better than how you look with that ridiculous boa, Cohen.

Stevens climbs into the ring and tosses his sunglasses into the crowd. He leans against the ropes and looks extraordinarily cool.


S.H.I.T. walks onto the stage and holds the Elite X Title above it head for the crowd to see. From there it attempts to fasten the belt around his waist, but it square figure prevents it from accomplishing this. Instead, he simply tosses the belt over its shoulder and begins to walk towards the ring.

Anderson: Making his way to the ring, from Mechanical Mecca, weighing 230 pounds, he is the Elite X Champion, S.H.I.T.!

S.H.I.T. slowly walks down the ring and waves to its very vocal fanbase.

Copeland: If you told me S.H.I.T. would be one of WZCW’s most popular stars when it first joined our company, I would have laughed in your face, but look at it now! You can hardly hear yourself think when the crowd cheers for S.H.I.T.

Cohen: S.H.I.T. is just a passing craze. As soon as it loses that belt, nobody will care about it anymore.

Connor: You mean if it loses that belt, Jack. Let’s not forget that S.H.I.T. is only five wins away from earning a shot at the World Heavyweight Championship, and that margin could shrink to four if it beats Ace Stevens tonight.

S.H.I.T. climbs into the ring and immediately goes to its corner. It turns its focus to Ace Stevens (still leaning against the ropes and looking ridiculously cool) and analyzes the leather jacket-wearing enigma.

The ref calls both competitors to the center of the ring and collects the Elite X Championship from S.H.I.T. He holds it above his head, and walks to the side to hand the belt off to a ring hand.

Copeland: S.H.I.T. is five wins away from a shot at the biggest title in all of wrestling. Can it continue its march towards the grand prize, or does Ace Stevens take over S.H.I.T.’s reign?

The ref calls for the bell, and the match is underway.

Ace Stevens removes his jacket to start the match and drops it outside the ring. S.H.I.T. does not seem to have its patience chip activated tonight, and it charges at Stevens, but WZCW’s resident comedian ducks the attack and tosses S.H.I.T. into the corner. Stevens blocks his robotic opponent from escaping and starts throwing kicks to S.H.I.T.’s midsection. S.H.I.T. absorbs a few kicks before backing Ace Stevens off when he winds up for a Piston Chop that Stevens has no choice but to retreat from.

Connor: S.H.I.T. is already threatening to hit that devastating Piston Chop, an attack that can strike out of nowhere.

S.H.I.T. and Stevens are now circling each other and meet in the middle for a collar and elbow tie-up, but S.H.I.T. quickly gains the upper hand as it gains the dominant position. S.H.I.T. throws a few knees at Stevens midsection before taking a quick hop that turns into a snap suplex. Stevens hits the mat back first, but he is quickly back to his feet almost immediately. He gets to his feet before S.H.I.T. can, and uses that quickness to take S.H.I.T. down with a quick scoop slam that plants S.H.I.T. onto the mat. Stevens stomps on the mechanical man a few times to ensure that his opponent is properly grounded, and Stevens follows this attack by hitting the far ropes. He charges back towards his opponent, but Stevens slows down before coming to a stop right in front of S.H.I.T. Ace slicks his hair back before dropping an elbow on S.H.I.T. … but S.H.I.T. manages to roll away and dodge the attack. Stevens gets to his feet but is too busy clutching his elbow to avoid the roundhouse kick to the head delivered by S.H.I.T. Stevens falls to the ground face first, and S.H.I.T. rolls him over for the pin.




The crowd boos as the normally popular Ace Stevens gets his shoulder up.

Copeland: It seems like this French crowd does not like the American Hero, Ace Stevens.

Cohen: I’m with them! I’ve had enough of this cocky jerk with his indoor sunglasses and rock and roll music and perpetually moist hair.

S.H.I.T. doesn’t allow Stevens much breathing room once the challenger has risen to his feet as S.H.I.T. backs Ace into a corner. S.H.I.T. starts delivering several shoulder thrusts into Stevens’ midsection before backing up to the opposite corner. S.H.I.T. charges at Stevens and hits Stevens with a running knee attack. Stevens drops to the ground and S.H.I.T. makes another pin attempt.




Stevens gets his shoulder up again, but this time he rolls to the outside of the ring. S.H.I.T. is hot on Ace’s trail, but Ace slides back into the ring and quickly runs across to the opposite side where he again exits the ring. S.H.I.T. follows Stevens back into the ring and charges towards the far rope, diving between the top and middle rope for a suicide dive… but Stevens dives underneath the flying S.H.I.T. and dodges the attack! S.H.I.T. collides with the security barrier and crashes unceremoniously to the ground. Ace Stevens, thinking quickly, grabs his leather jacket off of the floor and walks over to S.H.I.T. and begins to strangle the robot with it!

Connor: Remember ladies and gentlemen, this match is being fought under mayhem rules for this special night! There’s nothing the ref can do to break this normally illegal hold up!

Cohen: I gotta give it to Stevens, he’s not as dumb as he looks. I mean, he’s still pretty dumb, but this is a smart move.

S.H.I.T. has gotten to its feet, but there is nothing it can do to escape from the hold. It drags Stevens along behind it like a Great Dane drags a 70 pounds child holding a leash, but the leather jacket wrapped around S.H.I.T.’s neck must be doing damage. S.H.I.T. drags Stevens right past the announce table and reaches the timekeeper’s area, where it grabs the ring bell and smacks Stevens in the head with it!

Copeland: Wow! Brilliant move by S.H.I.T. to use the environment to its advantage! He really rang Ace Stevens’ bell!

Cohen: Oy vey.

Connor: You did not just say that.

While the bell didn’t connect cleanly with Stevens, it is still enough to knock the challenger back so that he releases the hold. S.H.I.T. drops to its knee to catch its breath, but it is able to quickly get up and grab Ace Stevens from behind and throw him into the ring. S.H.I.T. climbs in under the top rope and walks towards a kneeling Ace Stevens, but Stevens quickly springs to his feet and delivers a devastating European Uppercut to the champ! S.H.I.T. is staggered, and Stevens takes advantage by hitting him with a lifting DDT! S.H.I.T. hits the mat face first and Stevens makes the cover.




S.H.I.T. gets its shoulder up, but Stevens doesn’t let the machine up by locking on a headlock. S.H.I.T. gets to its knees and tries to throw a few elbows into Stevens’ gut, but this does little to faze Stevens. S.H.I.T. continues to make its way towards verticality, but Stevens still has the headlock cinched in. Stevens throws a pair of knees into S.H.I.T.’s side hoping to put the champ back on the ground, but S.H.I.T. is able to absorb the knees and throw Stevens off of him, sending him into the ropes. Ace rebounds and attempts to hit the Punchline on the rebound, but S.H.I.T. ducks the attack and hits him with a German Suplex! S.H.I.T. holds on for the pin.



Stevens quickly hops back to his feet and again throws the rolling elbow smash at S.H.I.T., but before he can complete his rotation S.H.I.T. hits him in the back of the head with a Piston Chop! Stevnes drops to the ground and S.H.I.T. makes the cover.




The bell rings and the ref hands S.H.I.T. the Elite X Title.

Anderson: Your winner and still Elite X Champion: S.H.I.T.!

The French crowd cheers for their favorite and starts chanting an anti-American slogan directed at Ace Stevens. Stevens rubs the back of his head as he slowly gets to his feet, but he is taken by surprise as S.H.I.T. places its cold, cardboard hand on Stevens’ shoulder. S.H.I.T. offers Stevens a hand, and Stevens accepts, allowing his former opponent to help him to his feet. The crowd cheers for this display of sportsmanship and Stevens raises S.H.I.T.’s hand into the air as a sign of respect.

Cohen: No! You Frenchies had it right the first time! Boo Ace Stevens! Boo!

Copeland: Another very impressive win tonight by S.H.I.T., who is now a mere four matches away from a World Championship match!

Connor: Stevens had a few tricks up his sleeve, but they were not enough to stop S.H.I.T.

Cohen: I guess I’ll accept an Ace Stevens loss as a first night Hanukkah present.

Connor: Jack, if I had to guess, I’d say you’re jealous of Ace Stevens!

Cohen: Me? Jealous of him? Ha! It’s not like he has an amazing head of hair that I’d love for myself or anything…


-Mayhem Memoirs-

Alex Bowen:
There is no way I will ever forget my Stairway To Mayhem match with Steamboat Ricky. I consider it the highlight of my career, not just facing him, but getting to put on such a brutal match.

I just hope he accepts my apology and doesn't want to kill me if he see's me here.

Steamboat Ricky: He threw me, what? 20 feet in the air? Dropped me on my head? Was it cool? I hope you say yes. Because that pretty much ended my career.

Armando Paradyse: It's kinda funny. I'm pretty much a punchline. That's what people remember me for. But all the work I got to do in the ring, was in the Mayhem Division. I even ended the then longest reign in Alex Bowen's.

It was weird, I know. But the Peurtorican Nightmare did it!

Matt Tastic: That's “PUERTORICAN”, you numbskull!!

Armando Paradyse: AHHH!!!!


The camera comes back to reveal Steven Kurtesy already in the ring.

Connor: Ladies and gentlemen, we understand that Steven Kurtesy is out hear to answer some kind of challenge made by Dr. Zeus earlier tonight.

Well I-

The Tron begins to glitch, as Kurtesy curiously looks on. The glitches give way to the image of a deranged Dr. Zeus, in a dark, unidentifiable room. Zeus has blood shot eyes, and offers a psychotic grin.


"We meet again, my very good friend.
Surely you knew, this wasn't the end.
And was I fool to believe Sandy's lies.
But I'm not destroyed yet; I'm back, just more wise."

His smile dissipates, but the psychotic look in his eye never shifts.


"I can break your bones, and ruin your mind.
But the only I can destroy your kind...
Yes, the only way to end your childish games.
Is to salt the body, and burn the remains."

Zeus holds a blowtorch close to his face, and stares lovingly at the fire.


"Now don't worry Kurtesy, wouldn't want to cause grief.
I've already found someone to test my belief."

Zeus looks behind him, and allows the blowtorch to see Sandy Deserts, tied to a chair. Sandy has blood trickling down her forehead, and appears to be losing consciousness. She's able to keep it together enough to scream out,

Sandy: "Steven, don't! Don't listen to whate-

Zeus slaps Sandy, and holds the blowtorch over her face. Steven rushes in a panic out of the ring, and runs up the entrance ramp.


"Stay where you are, or I'll burn her right now!
That isn't a threat, goddamnit, it is my vow!"

Steven stops in his tracks, right at the top of the entrance ramp. Zeus smugly looks down at Kurtesy.


"Purify the body to give it release. Salt the body, and pray it finds peace."

Zeus picks up a salt canister, and pours it over the open wounds on Sandy's head. She screams put in agony, with a howl of a person already burned.


"Burn the body, break the spell."
That sends the demon right back to Hell."
Poor Sandy, burned to regain her grace.
Unless... Kurtesy, you take her place."

Zeus puts down the blowtorch, and states down at Kurtesy.


"I'll free her now, but there's always a catch.
Face me again, but I pick the match.
Fight me, in a ring surrounded by fire.
The situation, you see, is rather quite dire."

Dr. Zeus walks away from Sandy, and bend down. He places the blowtorch on the ground, and a circle of fire is lit around Sandy Deserts.


"I need an answer soon... And so does she.
Fight me to save your sister, Kurtesy.

Zeus disappears from the Tron, as it returns to normal. Kurtesy runs to the back, to save Sandy. The camera pans to the announcers.

Connor:"That... I have no idea what to make of that. A ring of fire?

Cohen:"This... This may go too far. It just may."

Connor:"We need to take a break... We'll be back."


Over the course of history, it was always foretold. Time and time again, the end of all living things was prophesized.



Judgment Day


December 21st, 2012

But the signs have finally been revealed. The stars have aligned. And the time is upon us. The end is approaching...........


Anderson: Ladies and gentlemen please welcome at this time Alex Bowen!

The former Mayhem Champion walks down the aisle smiling and high fiving fans.

Copeland: Alex Bowen was once the longest reigning Mayhem Champion. His record was quite a big one and would go unopposed until Vega appeared.

Bowen: They asked me to be here tonight and quite frankly, how could I say no? We're saying goodbye to something that as much as I tried to get away from, it's become instrumental to my career. Love it or hate it, I enjoyed the work I did as a Mayhem wrestler. I got to go out there and do some very unique things. I'd like to apologize to Steamboat Ricky for that whole dropping him on his head thing a few years ago. But speaking of that match, there's a little something I won then that a certain someone took without permission. But without any further delay, I want Matt Tastic to give me back my Mayhem Sceptre.

Baez runs to the ring with the Sceptre in hand and get in Bowen's face.

Cohen: Here's the true king. And he has the royal jewel to prove it.

Baez: First off, it's Baez right now. Get your facts straight. Secondly, I don't give a damn what you think, I'm the one true king of Mayhem. Not you. I'm still the only 4 time champion, your reign isn't the longest anymore. You're a footnote and a garbage wrestler. Now get the hell out of MY ring before I do to you what I did to Blade.

Bowen: What? Afraid to face me one more time? Come on! Prove you're a real king!

Baez: I'm not gonna waste my time with a has been like you. SHIT's the only gu-- thing that matters to me right now. I WILL get a title shot against him. And I will beat him. He's not deserving of being a champion. He's not even a person. He shouldn't be allowed to wrestle!

Bowen: He already beat you.

Baez: He fluked a win over Matt Tastic, you juggalo clown. He's never faced Baez.

Bowen: And what's the difference? You're still the same old Killjob in the end.

Baez: SHUT UP!!

Baez cheap shots Bowen with the sceptre and starts beating on Bowen and yelling at him. The crowd boo's loudly for it as Baez even rips Bowen's shirt off.

SHIT's music hits and Baez quickly runs to face him as the crowd cheers the Elite X Champion. Baez runs off towards SHIT armed with the sceptre and SHIT wields his title and the brawl is on. The two fight down the aisle and towards the ring as Bowen recomposes himself. Baez knocks the title away from SHIT's hands and beats on him with the sceptre. SHIT is left laying on the floor and Baez grabs the title.

Copeland: Pandemonium has broken out here. Someone get that nut, Tastic under control.

It's Baez, right now.

Matt walks around showing off the title and taunting the crowd with it. But Bowen comes back in with the sceptre and chops him low with it. The title falls and Bowen hits The End Of Days on the title! Bowen takes back the sceptre and the Elite X title as SHIT gets up. Bowen hands back the title to SHIT before putting his hand up for a handshake.

Connor: It wasn't that long ago that Bowen and SHIT were feuding when they part of The Empire and Technosa respectively. They really brutalized each other then.

SHIT looks on reluctantly and turns to look at the fans. Bowen asks again and SHIT slowly obliges. The two shake hands and Bowen turns to leave.

But SHIT does not let go. Bowen turns back and...... PISTON CHOP!

It lays down Bowen as the crowd cheers on. SHIT grabs a mic.

SHIT: This one does not forget.

It walks out with it's title at hand as it walks by the layed out bodies.


-Mayhem Memoirs-

Titus: I would love nothing more than to be the one to close down the legacy. Out of all my respect for it. I've seen so many guys come up with it that it's made me curious. I'm genuinely sad to see it go, the one thing I'd love more than to win the Mayhem Championship right now would be to see what young prospect would be able to take it. But right now, we cannot afford that as this company grows. I'd love for it to stay, but for that to happen too many changes would be needed and it just would not be Mayhem anymore.

Milenko: Wow. You know, I was once May--

Alex Bowen: No one cares about you.

Milenko: Bu--

Alex Bowen: No. Get out of here before I go all Mayhem King on you.

Milenko: But--

Drake: Hey, I wanna beat up Milenko too.

Showtime: Oh, that sounds like fun. For old times sake.

Ty: But, I--

Vega: Just hit him with the crutch.

Ty: Great idea.

Milenko: What did--

Ty: It's nothing personal. But so it is written, so it shall come to pass......

Milenko: aaaaaAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHhhhhhhhhh.........






2007 - 2013
Copeland: Well..... The time is upon us, guys. This is it. The main event.


The cage is lowered as the crowd begins to cheer loudly knowing what's to come.

Connor:Tonight has been all about remembering the Mayhem Division. I'll never forget the crazy things to come by this division. The intense battles, the insane promo's, the stars that rose from it.

It really is historic. Not just the division, but the match here tonight. This kind of vibe is amazing. I have goosebumps waiting for this to happen.

The cage is set. We're ready to go.

Anderson: Ladies and gentlemen..... The following contest is a Steel Cage Match! The only way to win the match is by pinfall, submission or escape of the cage with both feet touching the floor. The winner of this match will be crowned the FINAL WZCW MAYHEM CHAMPION!!

The crowd roars with anticipation as they are about to bear witness to the final Mayhem Title contest ever.


A cloud of thick fog appears on stage, and it is so dense that the audience can’t see anything through it. From the fog proudly walks the Hero of Keystone City, Red Mask. He points to the steel cage that is hanging above the ring before walking down the ramp.

Copeland: After being brutally beaten by Vega at Redemption, the man known as Titus Avison decided that the only way he would be able to get revenge would be if he donned the mantle of Red Mask, the greatest hero WZCW has ever seen.

Cohen: Greatest hero? Hah! I can name at least a dozen bigger heroes, men like Constantine, Everest, and Steamboat Ricky.

Connor: Curious… all those men have something in common besides being Jack Cohen’s heroes: they’ve all been defeated by Titus.

Copeland: And I’m sure Titus would like to add Vega to that match tonight.

Red Mask slides into the ring and charges up the nearby turnbuckle. He looks up at the metal figure hanging above him, and from there he looks to the audience, confident that, with their support, he’ll be able to beat his rival.


Vega comes out to the ramp with his Mayhem Title strapped securely around his waist. He removes the championship belt and holds it high above his head for the audience to see, and as he hoists the belt into the air a volley of fireworks ignite on either side of the champ. The audience does not seem to be as excited about the belt as Vega, as he is met with an onslaught of boos.

Cohen: Boo all you want, morons: Vega is going to be known as the greatest Mayhem Champion ever, and he’s going to solidify his legacy with a win tonight.

Copeland: There is no doubt that Vega’s Mayhem Reign has surpassed Baez's, and even Bowen’s in terms of greatness: but I wouldn’t be so quick to give Vega the match.

Connor: Titus has been waiting for weeks to get his revenge on Vega, and I guarantee you he will tonight.

Vega climbs into the ring between the top and middle rope. He locks eyes with Red Mask and taunts his opponent by laying the Mayhem Championship belt down on the ground in the middle of the ring.

The referee walks to the middle of the ring and calls both competitors to the middle. He begins pat downs of both men to ensure that neither man is bringing weapons of their own to this match that is guaranteed to have weapons aplenty. Satisfied with his search, the referee picks up the Mayhem Title and holds it above his head so that the whole world knows what is on the line. As crowd cheers as the steel cage descends from the ceiling.

Copeland: We are about to witness history here folks, a match that will be talked about as much in ten years as it will tomorrow: the final Mayhem Championship bout is about to be underway!

With the cage nearly secure, Red Mask and Vega begin taking stock of the weapons attached to the cage. There are some traditional weapons: a steel chair, a kendo stick, a set of brass knuckles; but there are also some uncommon weapons strewn about: a sledgehammer, a mysterious woven bag, and a fire extinguisher. The competitors also notice there are four weapons perched on the top of the cage in the four corners: a steel chair with light tubes duct taped to its underside, a staple gun, a 2x4 with nails coming out of its side, and a cattle prod.

Anderson: Introducing the participants, first from Keystone City, Kansas...... Weighing at a 225 pounds, he is the challenger.... The One.... The Only.... RED MASK!!

Red Mask raises his arms up to a roar from the crowd.

Anderson: And his opponent, from Las Vegas, Nevada, weighing at a 185 pounds..... He is the longest reigning and most successful to defend Mayhem Champion in history, the current reigning Mayhem Champion..... VEEEEGAAAA!!!

Vega simply looks on as the crowd boo's at him.

The cage is secured. The competitors are ready. The ref calls for the bell. The main event is under way.

* Ding Ding Ding *

Vega and Red Mask waste little time before they get their hands on each other. Both men charge to the middle of the ring and recklessly throw punches at one another, though few of them land cleanly. After a few moments of sloppy fighting, it is Red Mask that gains the advantage when he levels Vega with a left hook that drops the champion to the mat. Red Mask jumps on him and enters a full mount, firing fist after fist at his rival. Vega is helpless, struggling to cover his face with his arms, but Red Mask is relentless.

Connor: This is crazy! If Vega isn’t able to escape soon, this match could be over in mere seconds!

Sure enough, Vega looks less and less capable with each strike that Red Mask lands. Then, suddenly, Red Mask stands up and allows Vega to crawl away! Vega spits out a stream of blood, perhaps from a busted lip or perhaps a newly missing tooth, but he seems to take solace in the fact that he got away. He slowly gets to his feet and turns around…


Titus smacks Vega in the face with the steel chair! The champ drops the floor and Titus makes the cover!





Vega gets his shoulder up in the nick of time and Red Mask gets up. Vega attempts to get back to his feet, but can do no better than get to his shoulders when Titus smashes the steel chair over Vega’s back. Vega drops right back to the mat and Titus drops the steel chair on his opponent’s midsection before jumping in the air and stomping down on the steel chair on his landing. He covers Vega again.




Copeland: It has been all Titus here early in the match, and you have to wonder if Vega will be able to outlast this opening barrage. And if he does survive, can he recover?

Cohen: Of course he can! He didn’t become the greatest Mayhem Champion of all time by going down after one punch!

Connor: Even if he can overcome this opening onslaught, this is just proof that Titus wants this win more than Vega.

Vega has crawled to the corner and has used the ropes to help him get to his feet. Red Mask has retreated to a corner wall there he is trying to pull down the fire extinguisher for personal use, but the plastic tie holding the extinguisher up won’t budge. Vega sees this as an opportunity and starts scaling the cage wall! Red Mask turns around and sees what’s happening, and with one last yank he rips the fire extinguisher from the wall! He aims the hose at Vega and pulls the lever, coating the champion and the cage wall in chalky white fluid. Vega is unable to keep his grasp of the slippery wall, and he walls backwards onto the mat. Titus dives at Vega in an attempt to make a cover, but Vega gets his feet up and throws Titus backwards with a modified monkey flip! Both men quickly roll to their feet, but Titus is a little quicker and he bounces off the ropes and charges at Vega. He extends his arm for a lariat, but Vega ducks the attack, causing Red Mask to bounce off the other set of ropes. Red Mask attacks Vega with an elbow on the rebound, but the champ is able to parry the attack with his right arm before planting a huge superman punch on Titus with his left! Titus is spun around, but he doesn’t drop, but Vega will soon put an end to Red Mask’s verticality when he rolls Titus up from behind.




Titus escapes the sneaky pin attempt, and Vega’s effort has seemed to do nothing but only enrage the masked hero even more. Titus starts dropping elbow strikes on Vega before he can make it all the way up to his feet. Vega drops to a knee, and Red Mask takes advantage, hooking Vega’s arm over his shoulder, and lifting him up for a vertical suplex! Red Mask deplays finishing the suplex… but perhaps he holds for a moment too long as Vega uses his knee to strike Red Mask in the head. Red Mask releases the hold and Vega falls safely to the floor as Titus tries to shake the butterflies out of his head. Vega sees an opening and hits the ropes, but instead of rebounding on the ground he takes to the air and springboards into his opponent with a Flying Guillotine Choke! Titus is down on the mat, and Vega has his signature submission locked in!

Cohen: There is it! Titus waited a heartbeat too long and Vega capitalized! Like Peyton Manning threading the needle, Vega only needs the tiniest window to make you suffer!

Vega is on his back with Red Mask’s neck buried in his arms. Red Mask’s legs are flailing as he attempts to power his way out of the submission, but Vega’s legs are wrapped around the hero’s waist, and there’s nowhere for Titus to go!

Copeland: Red Mask appears to be fading… is this how the lineage of the Mayhem Title is going to end? With a submission victory in favor of the defending champ?

Red Mask’s legs have stopped flailing, and his arms have stopped moving. Vega cinches the submission tighter, and the ref asks Titus is he wants to quit. Titus responds by planting his feet and using all his remaining strength to lift Vega up and body slam him from about 4 inches above the mat. This does little to break up the hold, but Vega’s legs have loosened, and that’s all Red Mask needs to spring forward and roll over Vega’s shoulders.



Vega releases the hold and breaks the pin up. Titus rolls away to the ropes and starts to pull himself up, but he is a shadow of the fighter he was before the submission was snapped on. Vega walks towards a cage wall and steps on the middle rope as he reaches for the mysterious woven bag.

Cohen: Oh boy, now we finally get to see what’s in that bag!

Vega tosses the bag back and forth between his hands a few times to tease the audience. He unties the top of the bag and pours its contents out onto the floor of the ring: thumbtacks. Hundreds of thumbtacks.

Vega bends over and spreads the thumbtacks around the center of the ring to make sure he has good coverage. Once he’s satisfied with the covered area, he turns his attention to Red Mask, whom still hasn’t managed to reach his feet. Vega violently grabs Red Mask by the neck and puts him into the clinch. He delivers a few knee strikes that drop Titus to his knees, and from there Vega shoves Titus’s head between his legs. He grabs Titus by the waist and pulls him up for a powerbomb!

Connor: Oh no… this is going to be ugly.

Vega throws Red Mask forward and down, but Red Mask has his legs wrapped around the back of Vega’s neck! Instead of Red Mask landing back-first into a pile of thumbtacks, he reverses the move and sends Vega flying into the puddle of tacks with a huricanrana! Vega crashes onto the tacks and is clearly in immediate pain. He springs to his feet immediately and releases a blood-curdling scream. A camera catches a shot of his back: a veritable pincushion with blood gushing from his newly acquired wounds. His knees buckle due to the pain, and Vega falls down face first onto the mat. Red Mask sees his opponent is going to be out of commission for the next few moments, and he realizes what he must do. He runs to the nearest turnbuckle and starts to climb.

Connor: Climb, Titus! Climb!

It only takes Titus a few seconds to get to the top of the cell. He throws one leg over the side of the cage and looks to the ground… and then to the weapon that is attached to the corner: the steel chair with light tubes taped to it. He looks to the crowd for their opinion on the matter, and his met with a mixed reaction. Some of Red Mask’s fans want to see him get back into action; others want to see him win the match. With the crowd split, the only man that can decide what happens next is Titus.

Red Mask grabs the steel chair with light tubes and the entire building roars in anticipation. He carefully positions himself over the ring and leaps…


The chair and light tubes land flush on Vega’s back, and Titus bounces off and lands on the ring. Both men lay motionless for several moments, but Red Mask manages to wake up and crawls over to Vega. He rolls him over for the pin.





Red Mask can’t believe it. He looks at the ref and holds up three fingers, but the ref waves it off. Vega crawls to the corner and starts to pull himself up. Red Mask puts the near-fall behind him and charges at Vega. He winds up for a punch, but Vega strikes first, throwing his entire weight into one punch that sends him flying forward, and Red Mask dropping backwards.

Copeland: That was one hell of a punch!

Connor: He had some help: look at his hand!

Sure enough, wrapped around Vega’s knuckles is the set of brass knuckles.

Cohen: That might have shattered Titus’ jaw! Now get out of there, Vega!

Vega slowly gets up to his feet and ascends the turnbuckle. He climbs with the speed of a one armed sloth, but he’s making progress. Unfortunately for Vega, Titus has gotten to his feet, and the masked hero is hot on his tail. Vega’s hands are over the cage wall now, and he uses all his remaining strength to pull himself up to the top… but Titus has his ankle. Titus gives Vega’s leg a good yank, and it’s all Vega can do to fall down and hug the top of the cage to prevent a catastrophic fall. Titus releases the ankle and climbs some more to the point where he, too, is peaking over the cage wall. Titus gets his arm over the cage wall and pulls himself up, but Vega grabs the weapon in the corner: the cattle prod. Vega whacks Red Mask’s arm a few times, but Titus fights through the pain and pulls himself up to the top bar! Now both men straddle the top of the cage: half in the ring, half out. Titus throws a punch at Vega, but Vega sticks the cattle prod into Red Mask’s ribs and pushes the button. 5000 volts surge through Red Mask’s body and all Vega has to do is push him back into the ring. Red Mask hits the mat on the inside of the ring, and a few seconds later, Vega hits the floor on the outside. He drops to his hands and knees, but he holds one arm up in the air in celebration.

Anderson: Ladies and gentlemen, here is your winner, the final WZCW Mayhem Champion, VEGA!!!

A stagehand runs over to Vega and hands him the belt. Vega grabs the belt and pushes the stagehand away, slowly climbing to his feet before lifting the belt high into the air.

Copeland: After a hard fought match, it is Vega that walks away as the winner!

Connor: I… I don’t believe it. Red Mask had every opportunity to put Vega away, but Vega always found a way out. Titus has to be second-guessing his decision to jump back into the ring after scaling the cage wall.

Vega climbs to the top of the structure as confetti begins to shower the arena. Pyro off the stage follows. Red Mask is seen in the background with a somber look as Vega absorbs the atmosphere.

Cohen: The right man walked away with the win tonight, and now Vega will be forever known as THE WZCW Mayhem Champion.

Copeland: Well folks, we hope you enjoyed five years of Mayhem, because tonight is the last night the Mayhem Championship will ever be displayed. Saying goodnight for Jack Cohen, Cat Connor, and the WZCW Mayhem Championship, this is Sebastian Copeland signing off.

The camera cuts to Vega whom has fallen to his knees back down in the ring and is clutching the Mayhem Title closely to his chest. The WZCW logo is displayed as the scene fades to black.
We poured a lot of love into this round. Lets give the Mayhem Division a round of applause. I'm gonna *sniff* miss it.


Yaz - Segments

JGlass - Main event, Elite X Championship match

Prep HHH - Segments, Baez vs Blade

KJ - Mayhem Memoirs, Stormrage vs Beard, segments.

Harthan, Blade and Shotaro - Moral support

One more round to go before Apocalypse kids. Boards should be up in a day or two.
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