On Your Knees, Dog


Mid-Card Championship Winner
*looks around* Okay, I'm guessing it's safe for us to talk here. Gather round, children. Closer. Closer. Yeah, that's good.

Remember how we all enjoy riding Triple H from time to time for getting his spot because of who he's married to and how he's always holding other talent down? No? Well think really hard... Remember yet? Right then. Good times, I know. But not without consequences. You want to understand why those in positions of power in the WWE don't respect our opinion? I can assure you right now that it has nothing to do with our demonstrable lack of intelligence. No. It's because we like to pick on the people who can make a difference. Is such picking not without merit? Doesn't matter. Since the inception of the IWC, rampant Triple H bashing has worked against out self-interest. Our perceived bullying has hurt feelings. Words hurt, y'all. But not the words in this thread. No. Never.

In that spirit, and in hopes that we might be taken more seriously by the WWE in the future, I propose that each of us change our banner and avatar to something Triple H related and praise the King. I know it might strike some of you as odd, but if we want that Curt Hawkins push, we're gonna have to eat a little HHHumble pie and HHHail to the chief.

Who's with me?
I cannot side with a Hawkins push.

HHH did however marry Steph by drive thru. That is class.
That little bitch in your sig looks like Miranda Kerr, but she's probably only 12. I now officially no longer find Miranda Kerr attractive.
After the events of last night, this movement is now officially pointless.

I pledge allegiance to John Laurinaitis.
I wake up every morning to a sound clip of Laurinaitis saying "Best of luck in your future endeavors."

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