On Stone Cold returning

The Catacomb

Bringer of the Apocalypse
Steve Austin has said that he'd return and have one more match if everything was just right, but, didn't elaborate on that.

What do you think would be the right circumstances for his return for one more match? Who would be the right person to face and what kind of storyline and build up to it. The "where" would probably have to be only one place - Wrestlemania. I aslo don't think money really wouldn't have to do with it.
I know alot of people would say Hulk vs. Austin, but he said that he wouldn't do that because of the politics involved. So, who else?

I'd say Austin against Taker in Taker's retirement match at wrestlemania. Start the storyline half a year before Wrestlemania with Austin as GM of Raw. Make it so little by little, Taker gets pushed around by younger talent, Austin tells Taker he hasn't got what it takes anymore (kind of like what he did to Kane) and stops giving him matches. Have Austin mess with Taker behind the scenes or backstage until Taker can't take it no more and does something hideous and personal to Austin(I don't know what that would be, use your imaginations). It all culminates at Wrestlemania with a Buried Alive match where whoever gets buried is gone from the WWE forever. They have a heck of a match until at the end, as Taker rolls Austin in the grave, Jericho or Orton or whoever WWE is pushing as the main heel at the time, whacks Taker on the head with an object from behind and knocks Taker into the grave too and then buries them both. It would be Taker's only and last defeat at mania with Austin having a hand in it and also giving some newer talent heel a huge rub to continue or launch a career out of. That's my two cents on that, what do you think would be the best way to do it?
Stone Cold will not wrestle again in WWE period from JR has stated thats final hes going full force into the movie biz and is one bad bump from being paralyzed
Well, not quite sure that would be a real crappy enough way to send the Undertaker out.

I couldn't really see him getting back in unless he beat a young up-and-coming star, but at the same time he couldn't wrestle if he wasn't ultra comfortable with the guy he was working with so he wouldn't end up paralyzed.

Idk, it doesn't really matter to me. If it's a good storyline then I'm for it, but I don't need SCSA back to enjoy wrestling.
If one bad bump can paralyze SCSA, the why the hell is he doing stunts for his movies... watch the extra behind the scenes stuff for The Condemned... would he really be rolling down a hill (fighting... you know, just like in the ring) with Nathan Jones?

F%^$ J.R. and his barbeque sauce hocking ass! We will see Stone Cold when the time is right. I am still waiting for shattering glass at WM25!
The only match i would see Austin having and this idea will likely be flamed to hell and back is Austin vs Goldberg in a one time appearance for both on a stage like Wrestlemania.These two alone would create enough buzz that a lot of people(the ones from the monday night ratings war era mostly)would definitely wanna see.Sad thing is this match is probably way past the realm of possibility being that Austin's health probably would prevent it and Goldberg and WWE didn't end on good terms it seemed.

This match if done right could have been equal (buzz/interest wise) to Rock/Hogan but like i said any chance of this happening has long since expired probably.Would have been a great main event to see at Mania but unless Austin has surgery or something that would lessen the chance of a serious injury we may have seen the last of him in the ring aside from his occasional run in and stun appearances he has once in a while.
I don't really know about this one.

As much as I love Austin as a wrestler, I just don't know if I would want to tarnish the send off that he had. Ok, it wasn't a send off that most knew about, but he and the Rock really did tear down the house at Wrestlemania 19 and I don't think I would want to change that.

I mean look at how Ric Flair went out, do you think he would want to risk a terribly shitty comeback match for the sake of 'one more match'? I don't think so. Austin has his legacy, and I for one wouldn't tarnish that for the world. I think it might be time for people to start understanding that Austin just cannot physically go anymore.

And I know people don't want him to go the same route as Hulk Hogan.
Austin is done wrestling matches...period!! Jim Ross has stated it a million times and who would know better about Austin's plans than one of his closest friends who is in constant contact with him? His neck is about as steady and strong as a fruit roll-up and if he falls one more time the wrong way, he could end up paralyzed or dead. Now will Austin occasionally come back to WWE to deliver a stunner or two? You bet. In fact, I'm wanting him to come out next week on the RAW before WrestleMania to deliver one to Chris Jericho, whose bashing of the Legends and Hall of Famers has gotten out of hand.
I do not Want SCSA to wrestle one more match if he is not 110% healthy.I dont want him to risk himself just to entertain us fans.

If he can go and perform well and he is comfortable in the ring then let him wrestle.Also I dont mind him doing his usual run ins,at least we still get to see him.
The only match i would see Austin having and this idea will likely be flamed to hell and back is Austin vs Goldberg in a one time appearance for both on a stage like Wrestlemania.These two alone would create enough buzz that a lot of people(the ones from the monday night ratings war era mostly)would definitely wanna see.Sad thing is this match is probably way past the realm of possibility being that Austin's health probably would prevent it and Goldberg and WWE didn't end on good terms it seemed.

This match if done right could have been equal (buzz/interest wise) to Rock/Hogan but like i said any chance of this happening has long since expired probably.Would have been a great main event to see at Mania but unless Austin has surgery or something that would lessen the chance of a serious injury we may have seen the last of him in the ring aside from his occasional run in and stun appearances he has once in a while.

yea thats the only way i see him coming back if he was to have a epic match like rock vs. hogan......and dont anyone lie u know back in the day u was thinking how cool it would be to see austin vs. goldberg the two bad ass wrestlers in well history....but it wont happen austin shouldnt risk it and goldberg isnt coming back
Well let's say if Austin did have one more match I will put him against Randy Orton. I believe Orton gimmick of being the Legend Killer is over probably after Undertaker defeated him at Wrestlemania, but lets say he continue that gimmick, seeing that Austin is a legend now it will be nice to see him go up against Orton.

I am not sure about what type of storyline to use but it could be similar to what he did with Undertaker.
i would put austin v orton, and have austin put up a great match but finally lose to orton at maybe wm 26 or summerslam. this would further launch orton as the companys top heel. after he hopefully goes over HHH at wm 25, for him to beat austin would be awesome.

orton as the cocky heel, vs austin the ultiamte face would be awesome.

as for the austin v goldberg......if austin is in as bad shape as JR makes out, then a match with goldberg who botches left right and cenntre would probably kill him....so highly unlikely, not to mention goldberg isnt with the wwe anymore
why would i wanna see austin wrestle again? his time has passed...the man is in his mid 40s...what would one more austin match do? seeing as wwe switched to the kiddie rating there's no sense for austin to come back....hell, i don't want him back anyway...the last time i saw him back was with santino marella and it sucked....it just looked like he didn't want to be there and his heart probably isn't in the ring anymore...hes done....his last match was with the rock, hes wrestled everybody. what more do U want?
Austin was always one of my favorites, but i agree with the guy who said Austin v. Rock at WM19 was the end for him. Even if he really isnt "one bad bump away from being paralyzed" the guy did his thing. His name is synonymous with wrestling, i think hes paid his dues and if he wants to, can go to movies, just like the rock (yes, im one whos happy for the rock and thinks he also did his time in wrestling)


if Austin (or even the Rock) came back for one last match, i could see him (either) facing randy orton, bringing back the legend killer gimmick. its just fits, especially after the survivor series where Team Bischoff beat Team Austin with Orton as the surviving member...i just think it fits
probably Austin vs. the Game would be a helluva match. I know hes not going to wrestle anymore but if anyone, that would be it. It would be a heck of a headliner and there is no one more sound in the ring than HHH to keep Austin safe. Id love to see it, im sure the world would love to see it.
why would i wanna see austin wrestle again? his time has passed...the man is in his mid 40s...what would one more austin match do? seeing as wwe switched to the kiddie rating there's no sense for austin to come back....hell, i don't want him back anyway...the last time i saw him back was with santino marella and it sucked....it just looked like he didn't want to be there and his heart probably isn't in the ring anymore...hes done....his last match was with the rock, hes wrestled everybody. what more do U want?

Very true.. I also should mention one thing, do you want to see Austin 10 years from now and wrestle? Do you want to remember Austin as a legend, or a flabby old wreslter like Ric Flair and these other bafoons fighting Jericho! NO! Austin is old news, but Austin is a person you will never forget. He was the main man in the Attitude Era, and he ended it with style fighting the Rock. There really is no better end than that..

Now, Austin can do cameo appearances..that is stunner the next random guy out there..but completely wrestle a full match is something he shouldnt do..for his body, and the memory of his career!
Hypothetically if Austin was fit enough to complete a full match then i would only want to see it if The Rock came back for one more too. Can you imagine the buzz and hype.


I think i would cum.

He's someone that I'm sure everyone would love to see another match from if he was fit. There would be nothing better than seeing the Rock and SCSA going at it one more time, and they even hinted at it at last years HOF.

I know, he's never wrestling again. BUT, never say never! Who knows maybe in 10yrs they will be able to insert titanium spines to people with back/neck injuries that could make them unstopable.... Hmmm too many sci-fi's i think, but a man can dream... a man can dream....
Why are you all wanting to see matches that have happened many times before?Austin vs Rock-old been done too many times.Austin vs HHH been done to death.The only idea i have seen that would make any sense would be Austin vs Orton.Being how Orton loves to victimize legends who better to go after than Austin.I would have still loved to see Austin vs Goldberg but that should have been done long ago.Both have since moved on but i consider it a missed opportunity that could have been done had both sides agreed to terms during the invasion angel when austin was in better shape to have a match.
Austin's last chance would have been this WM. Obviously, that's not going to happen. Sad, I was really hoping to see Austin v. Jericho!!!

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