OMG................. IT'S KANE *eye roll*?

mr.wrestling iv

Occasional Pre-Show
The Authority is no longer in Authority (for now, at least). Kane is/was The Director of Operations. Was you would assume, without Steph/HHH there you would have to think Kane is out that gig, leaving him with nothing to do.

So what happens to Kane?

Does he put the mask back on? (like it matters).

Does he remain loyal to Rollins, become his full time goon?

Should Kane retire already? He is no better then Big Show and Mark Henry in the sense he is a big guy who is used mainly to put over the stars, established acts. Jobber to the Stars. He will never be the monster he once was. We can agree his appeal is dead.

Lets discuss. What happens to the monster/soon to be former Director of Operarations formly known as Kane
Yes what does happen to Kane now especially now that The Authority are no longer in power?

Does Corporate Kane go back to being Masked Kane?

Or just what happens to Kane now especially now that he no longer has Stephanie and Triple H to rely on? Now that the Authority has officially fallen
Kane has a buried alive match with a rising superstar. Undertaker comes back and helps bury him. Undertaker claims Kane doesn't deserve to be his brother and that he betrayed himself. He thinks Kane isn't a real monster like himself and that he became just another regular person like us. Kane is nothing but a fraud to the Undertaker, so he had to bury him alive. Months pass and Kane's spirit begin to play mind games with the Undertaker. A match at WrestleMania 31 between Kane and the Undertaker is settled. At WrestleMania 31 Kane comes back with his original attire. Moments before they are about to square off, a tag team comes out. They say that the Brothers of Destruction are washed up has- beens who don't belong in the real world. Kane and the Undertaker settle their differences and beat up that tag team to a pulse. The Brothers of Destruction retire standing tall in the mountaintop at WrestleMania 31!
I think Kane is finally going to retire due to injury. Did you see that massive lump on his lower back at Survivor Series? It was disgusting. I legit believe his back is messed up. That is not normal. It looks worse than Cena's elbow when it was the size of a baseball a couple years ago.
Old performers never seem to retire, do they? Mark Henry seemed poised to pack it in; instead, he's got a new turn as a bad guy.

We'd heard rumors of Big Show ending his active career, but last night might be pointing him in a new, in-ring direction.

Santino Marella told us...............ugh, forget it, but he's apparently on his way back.

So, when Kane took off his mask (again), we figured he was headed for an administrative role, with an occasional choke slam to reinforce a policy. Instead, the loner who went his own way became an Authority figure, carrying out the wishes of a pair of fat cats who seemed willing to sacrifice his body to further their cause. How un-Kane-like was that?

Now, some presume he's finished as a wrestler, but considering the guys mentioned above, I doubt it......but I sure wouldn't mind reverting Kane to the loner who carries out his own brand of anarchy, rather than corporate stooging for someone else.
Without The Authority as the head of the department, Kane must have lost his power as well. Thus, he has no reason to continue being a corporate suck-up. I feel he will bring back the mask, embrace the hate and go after the man called Sting because Sting is the one responsible for him and his bosses being stripped naked (figuratively, my friends). Sting, of course, will kick his big red ass before issuing his challenge to The Undertaker.
Good question. I think he puts his mask back on and goes after Ziggler. Pretty much act like a monster when he was feuding with Bryan earlier this year. I don't think he'll be friends with Rollins anymore. I think he'll have loyalty to no one.
Like Big Show, I don't know what else they can do with Kane. He is presumably not the corporate stooge anymore, there is no Authority, and last time he donned the mask, it wasn't his best.

I guess we'll find out tonight what will happen to all the former Authority members, whether they will be given new gimmicks, put out to pasture, whatever. It will be an interesting RAW for the first time in a long time.
I'd think the Authority might still stay together for a little while more as a Stable; Namely: HHH,Stephanie,Rollins, Kane and perhaps the two small guys.

I do wonder what Kane's next direction will be. I guess he'll be a nuisance mostly, but then again, that's exactly what he's been for quite a while.
A problem I have with Kane is that he no longer looks impressive. Mark Henry and Big Show might not be the most mobile of performers- probably being even slower than Kane- but they at least look threatening. Even at his most overweight, Big Show looked dangerous. Mark Henry looks incredibly strong.

Kane is still a shockingly good performer, both in the ring and on the mic, but his size no longer really stands out. He doesn't look notably strong. His midsection looks...middle aged (at least his demon suit covered that. He just looks like the quintessential middle aged, washed up wrestler...even if he really isn't. I really do want to emphasize that I like Kane, but he can't build any momentum because he's become a glorified stooge.

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