OMEGA... New Developmental?


JC CooL 420
In one of Matt Hardy's latest YouTube vidoes he kept stressing that he was waiting on his WWE release and that he would be reopening OMEGA and it would be a traing school and also maybe a Developmental program... He also stated that he was more than willing to "Cross The line" and join his brother in TNA...

TNA has a few guys that they have been looking at and are rumored to be developmental deals... They also have Reid Flair who Ric has said will start training and has a deal with TNA...

We haven't seen anything great from 3D's school... Neal is pretty good, but that's about it that I know of...

Has Jeff and Matt been making a deal to get OMEGA linked to TNA as a farm system...?

Do you think a system ran by the OMEGA crew consisting of The Hardys, Shannon Moore, and Helms would do better than their current arrangement with 3D?
I love Team 3D and they seem like great trainers. On the physical end of things, as long as OMEGA doesn't promote drug use, they will help TNA. But, one thing TNA will lose is a lot of brawlers. OMEGA tends to produce more high fliers, which is cool, but an overdose of one or the other isn't a good thing. I don't think it was on Matt and Jeff's brains before coming to TNA, but I could see them trying to work something out with them now. Either way, both training facilities would be good for TNA.
I think having two training academies and two development terrorities run by The Hardy's & 3D is a solid idea.

People always bitch about TNA signing ex-wwe guys, well thats mainly cos they dont have the faciilties or time to nurture guys off screen, which is why people like SHORE have hit our screens a bit too early (IMO) and could have used more work in training.

This will only mean good things for TNA, as it will add a new dimension to their business and allow for a steady flow of new talent to come through and hopefully, if they cut some of the shit from the roster at the min, Xplosion will be used as a great place for these new stars to develop. Instead of us having to sit through anything to do with orlando jordan!!!
Next, we need a training gym by E&C. Also, why the random OJ hate? I am rather fond of his fighting style and his gimmick just needs to be tweaked and toned down a bit. As it stands it's so over the top it's not even uncomfortable. It's silly.
Jessie Godderz has been offered a developmental deal with 3D's training school. So, if TNA can form a partnership with 3D's school and OMEGA then they will no doubt have a great system to get alot of new talent.

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