Okay it finally happened.


Future Diva, Womans and Divas champ
Okay so I have been reading posts about the divas and I noticed that a lot of people want to see Serena wrestle well tonight she did.

Tonight she was in a mixed tag team match with Luke Gallows against Kelly Kelly and the Big Show. I think she did really well in her first match in the WWE. It seemed to me that she was as great as people have been saying.

So my questions to all of you are:

Is Serena ready to leave the SES and be on her own?

After she leaves the SES will she be able to make it on her own?

Were you impressed by her tonight and do you think she will start wrestling more often?

Lastley do you think that if Serena was turned face would she be a threat to the womans championship?

I think that Serena is ready to leave the SES and I hope she leaves the SES soon. I do think that if she leaves the SES she will be able to make it on her own from what I saw tonight. I think that the sooner Serena leaves the SES the better because in my opinion she has what it takes to be a major threat to the womans title.
Serena looked pretty solid in her debut on Smackdown tonight, but I don't think leaving the SES would be a good idea just yet. She just went out of her way to put herself back in Punk's good graces, so why would she leave so soon? Serena will leave the SES someday, but I don't see that happening anytime soon. As far as the face turn goes, it's not going to happen anytime soon, because she's got a long way to go before she can get near the Women's championship.
Is Serena ready to leave the SES and be on her own?

Nope. I don't think it would be a good idea. Same reason as Mitch.

After she leaves the SES will she be able to make it on her own?

Of course. She was great in FCW, so she'll be good here. I think she has a great gimmick and her mic skills are good. Hopefully we'll be able to see feuds like: Serena vs Beth Phoenix, Serene vs Natalya and Serena vs Tamina.
Were you impressed by her tonight and do you think she will start wrestling more often?

It depends. I can't really tell yet. Maybe Punk will put her in more "tests".

Lastley do you think that if Serena was turned face would she be a threat to the womans championship?

I really like her gimmick now. The anti-diva gimmick suits her perfectly. I think she still has a long way to go before the womans title, and once she reaches there, she will still be heel...hopefully.
I want the SES to keep going... whatever happened to dominant stables anyway? Punk should be the champ, Gallows and Mercury should be a serious dominant fearful tag team and she should be women champ. Serena seem good and Iwish she would remain under Punk's wing a little more so we could have a female kicker like Punk and Kaval.

What will the WWE do with it now instead: Punk will dump them soon and he will be lost in the shuffle without one of the biggest gimmick and will have no one to preach too and they will be jobbers before being well endeavored.

Lately theWWEis using stables to keep main eventers down instead of elevating mid carders.
I think she should stick with the S.E.S. for as long as she possibly can. It's not because she's not good enough to handle herself on her own - it's because of how the WWE handles their Diva's division. She's be... you know, a diva... in diva matches. She's one of the few female characters whose name I know, only because of her affiliation with the S.E.S. I don't want to see her sink into the diva's division, until the diva's division can become a credible enough division for me to pay any kind of attention to.
Personally I prefer her Paige Webb gimmick for the mere fact that she dressed in a semi-corset lingerie type thing. Although I must say the skin tight black jeggings/black beater looks is working quite nicely for me.

Is Serena ready to leave the SES and be on her own?
Is she capable of being on her on? Yes. She always has been, and could have debuted as such a long time ago. Should she leave the SES? HELL NO. As part of the SES she is actually much more involved with the program as a whole rather than being just another Diva lost in the shuffle and given throw away bits when the writers finally remember to do something with her. Personally I'd consider it a huge step backward.
After she leaves the SES will she be able to make it on her own?
Probably, or she'll at least be just as good as any of the other gals they have now. Will she be the next Trish? –Lita? (Apologies D-Man) I've no idea.
Were you impressed by her tonight and do you think she will start wrestling more often?
No, by that's ONLY becuase I've followed her since her OVW days, so she just went out and did whats she has been doing for a long while: putting on capable and entertaining matches (and lookin' super hot while doing so).
Lastley do you think that if Serena was turned face would she be a threat to the womans championship?
Why must she be a face to be a credible threat? Regardless, Team Lay-Cool is doing a great job right now so there's no reason to complicate matters by tossing a face Serena in the mix. Let the SES thing run it's course—all the while building Serena's persona and establishing her as a capable wrestler with the audience—for however long it does and keep her a real integral aspect of the groups dynamic. No need to rush things at all. She has a long career ahead if she stays injury free, and learns to work her gimmick well (regardless of what the gimmick may be as she'll eventually evolve beyond the SES).
I thought that she looked quite good and she will only get better considering this was her first televised match and she was bound to be a bit nervous.

Is Serena ready to leave the SES and be on her own?

No not by a long shot, there is no need for her to leave she is doing fine at the moment as part of the SES.

After she leaves the SES will she be able to make it on her own?

Definitely, from what I saw tonight she already has better ring skills that 3/4 of the current divas and she has proven she can cut a decent promo.

Were you impressed by her tonight and do you think she will start wrestling more often?

Yes I was impresses and as I said she will only get better, I think that she probably will start wrestling more often.

Lastley do you think that if Serena was turned face would she be a threat to the womans championship?

With the current divas roster she definitely would, with Beth injured, Tiffany suspended and Rosa being nothing more than a comedy character all there is left is Laycool and Kelly Kelly so it wouldnt exactly be hard to get a title shot.
Personally I prefer her Paige Webb gimmick for the mere fact that she dressed in a semi-corset lingerie type thing. Although I must say the skin tight black jeggings/black beater looks is working quite nicely for me.

Is she capable of being on her on? Yes. She always has been, and could have debuted as such a long time ago. Should she leave the SES? HELL NO. As part of the SES she is actually much more involved with the program as a whole rather than being just another Diva lost in the shuffle and given throw away bits when the writers finally remember to do something with her. Personally I'd consider it a huge step backward.
Probably, or she'll at least be just as good as any of the other gals they have now. Will she be the next Trish? –Lita? (Apologies D-Man) I've no idea.
No, by that's ONLY becuase I've followed her since her OVW days, so she just went out and did whats she has been doing for a long while: putting on capable and entertaining matches (and lookin' super hot while doing so).
[/B]Why must she be a face to be a credible threat? Regardless, Team Lay-Cool is doing a great job right now so there's no reason to complicate matters by tossing a face Serena in the mix. Let the SES thing run it's course—all the while building Serena's persona and establishing her as a capable wrestler with the audience—for however long it does and keep her a real integral aspect of the groups dynamic. No need to rush things at all. She has a long career ahead if she stays injury free, and learns to work her gimmick well (regardless of what the gimmick may be as she'll eventually evolve beyond the SES).

She doesn't have to be a face to be a credible threat it's just that the current womans champion is a heel and heels usually don't face heels.
I don't think she was worth the big hub hub. I know some wrestlers' gimmick is to dumb down their skills (RE: The legendary Norman Smiley), but she looked as lost and confused as Kelly should have looked. Kelly is the one I want to see wrestling weekly after this match if I had to choose.

All Serena will be known for a while is the chick that shaved her head. There's nothing about her character or charisma that makes her stand out outside of being bald.
All Serena will be known for a while is the chick that shaved her head. There's nothing about her character or charisma that makes her stand out outside of being bald.

I'm guessing you didn't watch her before WWE...

I thought she did fine for her first millions-of-people-watching televised match. Of course she would be a bit nervous.

You have never actually seen her wrestle. Other than that one match where she did like 3 moves. This is your first impression of her. Hopefully, it's not your last.
She was solid in her debut match but I expected her to be she trained in WWE's developmental has wrestled in the indys for a while and is now competing on SmackDown. I would expect her to be a solid worker. So with saying that I'm sure she could be a threat to the women's division while still remaining a member of the Straight Edge Society. Because in my mind she has to stay in the faction because she has been in it for so long and staying alongside Punk will keep her more relevant than having try to do so on her own.

She can compete in the women's division, but she should not leave the SES anytime soon. The SES is doing a great job at keeping it's members in the spotlight by having them feed off of CM Punk and that is what Serena and the other two need more than ever.
Serena did look good for the short amount of time she was given in the mixed tag team match but this doesn't prove much since tag matches are used to mostly hide certain wrestlers weaknesses.

Not everyone has seen much of her to judge her on her debut match on Smackdown even if she did well for herself.

Serena can't really be judged unless she has some singles action, which hopefully happens soon with the dying Divas division.

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