Ok, This is Too Much, USC Signs a Quarterback - That's 13


Welcome to My (And Not Sly's) House
David Sills, a 13-year-old quarterback from Bear County, Del., has committed to play at USC, according to his private quarterback coach, Steve Clarkson.

ESPN.com's Shelley Smith reported that Sills, a seventh-grader, has verbally accepted a scholarship offer from Trojans coach Lane Kiffin. Sills plays at Red Lion Christian Academy. His coach, Eric Day, confirmed the decision in the Delaware News Journal.

"I'm very excited, but I was very, very nervous," Sills said in the News Journal report. "It was very cool, but my heart was beating so fast and I was scared. But after it was over, I was so excited and pumped."

Sills' team was in the Los Angeles area to play a couple of games last November.

The monitoring of players as young as Sills is relatively new to college football, but basketball coaches have been doing it for years. Two years ago, Washington coach Ty Willingham admitted he had offered a scholarship to receiver Kasen Williams, a high school freshman.


Are you kidding me??? This kid is 13 years old. his balls might not even have dropped yet and he's got a scholarship to USC in the future. Does anyone else think this is freaking ridiculous? He's a kid, not a high school senior. Does anyone else find it ridiculous that a kid that can't shave yet is on a list with Carson Palmer and Matt Leinart?
ESPN Los Angeles said:
David Sills, a 13-year-old quarterback from Bear County, Del., has committed to play at USC, according to his private quarterback coach, Steve Clarkson.

ESPN.com's Shelley Smith reported that Sills, a seventh-grader, has verbally accepted a scholarship offer from Trojans coach Lane Kiffin. Sills plays at Red Lion Christian Academy. His coach, Eric Day, confirmed the decision in the Delaware News Journal.

"I'm very excited, but I was very, very nervous," Sills said in the News Journal report. "It was very cool, but my heart was beating so fast and I was scared. But after it was over, I was so excited and pumped."

Sills' team was in the Los Angeles area to play a couple of games last November.

The monitoring of players as young as Sills is relatively new to college football, but basketball coaches have been doing it for years. Two years ago, Washington coach Ty Willingham admitted he had offered a scholarship to receiver Kasen Williams, a high school freshman.


This is absolutely ridiculous by Kiffin. From a football sense, you don't know how the kid is going to grow up, and you could end up with a shitty player by the time he shows up on campus. From a common sense perspective, the kid is 13 fucking years old! He isn't even in high school yet!

Someone, anyone, make sense of this for me or join in on talking about how stupid it is.
i agree with you KB. not even in high school and hes got a scholarship? hes got a long way to go before graduating high school. no one can be that good, honestly, jeez.

i tried to send this a while ago, but i guess i had the wrong thread or something, and it didnt work.
I honestly see nothing wrong with it.

The fact of the matter is that it's much easier to get this young man right now, then it will be when he's 16/17 years old, so why not? It's investing in the future of the school, and for Kiffin shows that he plans on being at USC for a VERY long time.

As far as whether or not the kid is going to good, dude... these guys can spot a talented quarterback a mile away. That's their job; they literally already know he's going to be good. Peyton Manning got press that young, Jimmy Clauson and even now his little brother have gotten press since they were super young, too. Everyone knew/predicted that these guys would grow to be at the very least good college quarterbacks, and I'm sure for Kiffin and his staff to go after this kid, he's something special. Very special, just like the aforementioned were at that age.
lol wow well if the trainer that works with this kid has had success with other qb's including the starting qb atusc right now, why not take a chance on him right now. I find it funny that hes 13 and kiffin is doing this, i just wonder what will happen when reaches the age to actually sign to play of usc but changes his mind and instead signs with somebody else? 5+ years of recruiting this kid and he screws them over? man that would be a story lol
It's not really a huge deal. Schools hand out verbal commitments like tic tacs these days, it means absolutely nothing for either side. Its just something to motivate the little guy, for the most part. Just a verbal commitment. I wouldn't concern myself if they allowed an 8 year old to verbally commit

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