Oh Over The Limit... Hello.

Johnny Scumm

InZayn In The Membrane
I think now, for me that we've had a great PPV streak in Wrestlemania, Extreme Rules & now.. Over The Limit. I was shocked at how much I was enjoying this, but with the matches listed, it was hard not to have high hopes anyways.

Battle Royal
Nice touch here with the PPV starting and the Battle Royal already having started. I pretty much had Christian down to win this what with his return and having him as a face and challenging Santino Marella, I thought that was strange. (Obviously later on, this changed).

Tag Title Match
Nice & enjoyable, didn't drag & these four guys work really well together. This is probably the nicest Tag match I've seen in a while, very enjoyable. The ending looked pretty awesome as well, I'm glad Air Truth have retained, didn't wanna see new champions so soon.

Diva's Title Match
Now, kb called this "awful", but actually, I quite liked it! Beth working on Layla was nice, the DDT that Layla delivered was fucking awesome and the ending was obvious, but it worked. Nothing more to say there really.

World Heavyweight Championship Match
Great match, the match I was really hoping high for. I had Jericho winning all the way through this, but I was shocked to see Sheamus retain it for some reason. If Orton or Jericho didn't win that match, I was going to be genuinely surprised and well... I was. Sheamus retains, I guess we're either gonna see Sheamus/Orton, Sheamus/Jericho OR Sheamus/Orton/Jericho at No Way Out in something very impressive. By the way, I have massive love for Ricardo Rodriguez again with the taking of that DDT.

Miz vs Brodus Clay
Again? Seriously, it was just... meh. Brodus wins and nobody really cared.

IC Title Match
Here we have the change in match after Rhodes ran his mouth backstage. Again, as I called the Battle Royal win, I had called this as well, so I hope we see Rhodes moving up the card and soon, otherwise he'll be floating around in dangerous territory. He'll get his rematch at the next PPV, but he needs to finally go upwards. Christian with the IC title is a nice touch, welcome back.

WWE Championship Match
Holy jizz this was amazing. Everything about the match was brilliant x 100. I loved every minute of it and ir was the 2nd match I watched without pressing the fast-forward button on. The ending was strange, but you understand why it happened and boy am I glad that there's going to be a rematch between these two.

Ryback vs Camacho
Yeah. Give him a real opponent, I'll care.

John vs John
It was absolutely hilarious in a GOOD way and then it just dragged, the old lady tried to slap Ace, that made me laugh though. As predictable as Big Shows return was, I thought he was actually going to help Cena then, which could've turned it round to be more interesting. I'm glad Laurinaitis won simply because having Cena win wouldn't have done anything for anyone.

Overall though, it was a really (surprisingly), enjoyable PPV. I liked it.

Match quality aside, the one problem with the PPV was EVERYTHING was completely predictable except for the Christian return/IC Title win. And when I say everything, I mean everything. Even the Ryback and Brodus matches were and they weren't even on the card. The entire internet was practically emailing the WWE asking exactly what moment Big Show was gonna come out. And the people who thought Jericho had a chance are simply dillusional. He's leaving. He's told us he's leaving. It's no secret. Not to mention he has absolutely no problem putting people over. He's proven that time and time again. They had Sheamus win to give him some credibility. That's why Jericho and Orton were added in. Del Rio is not interesting. Frankly, I think the only reason they did the Christian segment was because most of these feuds are completely new and no belt changed hands otherwise.

Other than all that, it was a good PPV :thumbsup:
Over The Limit had nothing on Extreme Rules or WrestleMania, it's like the ******ed kid in math class who answers everything with the number three yet people admire him due to his effort.

Punk vs. Bryan, World Heavyweight title match and Christian's return saved it. But It'll probably do poor on the buyrates in-which The Miz is to blame for.
I agree with this. The WHC, WWE and Battle Royal/IC matches were all good but the mind numbing Cena/Laurititis main event kind of killed it for me. Brodus/Miz, the overlong Divas match and the Ryback thing were all just pointless Raw grade filler and a bit of a waste of time. It wasn't a bad pay per view it just wasn't on the level of Extreme Rules or Wrestlemania.
Turned it off after the Punk/Bryan match. Great two hours, minus Brodus Clay. Can't believe I missed a Big Show return.
Punk and Bryan was very nice, got genuinely excited during parts of it. I was expecting more, but that's accounted for with their inevitable rematch. Don't care about Clay. For some reason I called the events that unfolded in the main event before I'd even started the PPV. It was that or a double Big Show AND Lesnar appearance for me. Divas match - only thing surprising is that it was a shade over 5 minutes. Cody Rhodes proving once again if you give him a microphone he will deliver.

My favourite match of the night may just have been the tag match though. That's what happens when you put the tag belts on more established guys, people care. I hope Kofi and Truth can be the team Air Boom were supposed to be in time. Overall it was a decent show, not as good at ER or mania but pretty good.

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