Oh Adam what have you done now?


With the safety off!!
Reports are out saying that suspended WWE superstar Adam Rose was arrested earlier this morning. It happened during an argument with his wife over "the state of their marriage". He apparently grabbed her by the arm and took the phone away from her while she was calling 911.

When police arrived, he was arrested for domestic battery, and tampering with a witness. The tampering with a witness charge comes from him trying to take the phone from her. He has admitted to cops he did try to take the phone.

Now I'm not a huge believer in guys that do this kind of shit, but in a strange way you have to kind of feel sorry for Rose, and his whole family. The details of his 60 day suspension are cloudy at best, and it seems that if he didn't have bad luck he would have none at all.

I sincerely hope he and his wife can come out of this okay, but I'm afraid that his time in the WWE might be up. This also might hinder any chance he has with another promotion.
This guarantees three things.

1. He's gone

2. Conviction

3. Prison time

I mentioned in the spam section that additional research on the felony charge of his, and in this particular case, it's something that can result in up to 30 years in prison.

I've also seen people all around the internet say that he could easily be found not guilty or the charges could be dropped/reduced, which that has happened in situations involving wrestlers. I wouldn't be so sure about that. It's Hillsborough County, it's the state of Florida, and compared to other states, they are really cracking down on this kind of stuff nowadays.
This guarantees three things.

1. He's gone

2. Conviction

3. Prison time

I mentioned in the spam section that additional research on the felony charge of his, and in this particular case, it's something that can result in up to 30 years in prison.

I've also seen people all around the internet say that he could easily be found not guilty or the charges could be dropped/reduced, which that has happened in situations involving wrestlers. I wouldn't be so sure about that. It's Hillsborough County, it's the state of Florida, and compared to other states, they are really cracking down on this kind of stuff nowadays.

And like I said, I don't agree with men or women for that matter, who try to bully their spouses, but 30 years in prison for taking a phone away from someone seems just a bit overboard. No wonder American prisons are so overcrowded and prisoners who have done much worse are being let out on early release, just to make room for people like Adam Rose.

I do agree though he's pretty much done now that the WWE has that policy for domestic violence in effect, or was that Stephanie just saying that for publicity.
While Rose's future in WWE didn't look all that bright to begin with, it's pretty much shrouded in darkness if he isn't outright released from the company. Regarding the circumstances of his suspension from WWE, whatever sort of potential high ground he may have once occupied is gone and it won't really matter whether it was justified or not.

While what Rose did was wrong, I certainly don't believe he'll get the maximum of 30 years, nor should he in this particular instance. If he does, it's a serious miscarriage of justice; I mean, I've guarded prisoners given sentences for killing other people that aren't that severe. He shouldn't have put his hands on her no matter what, but he didn't hit her and that's a very strong difference in these sorts of situations.
Look at all the stupid smarks out there already trying to make this mole hill in a Mt. Everest.

Witness tampering with no verbal or physical harm will easily be knocked down to a misdemeanor and will have 0 jail time attached. Even a incompetent DA can make this happen.

Worse case scenario she files a restraining order, he gets mandatory anger management and community service. Wrestlezone is just trying really hard to keep new stories relevant. Reaching far from the wrestling world and just hack writing to try and sell people to the website.

Without looking I bet most of us know who the writer was, since most can't stand his pathetic writing.
Regardless of whether or not Rose is legally penalized in for his actions, he's likely gone from WWE now. WWE does not screw around with anything that could remotely harm their image. Needless to say, this doesn't exactly shine a good light on them.

Adam may not have actually struck his wife (though seizing her isn't too hot either), he was still arrested for domestic battery - while already serving a suspension. Vince has released stars for FAR less, plus Rose means nothing on the roster. Keeping him brings greater risk than reward at this point. Better to sever ties with him now before the case blows up into something uglier.

I feel bad for Rose, and I hope he and his family can recover from this.
This guarantees three things.

1. He's gone

2. Conviction

3. Prison time

I mentioned in the spam section that additional research on the felony charge of his, and in this particular case, it's something that can result in up to 30 years in prison.

I've also seen people all around the internet say that he could easily be found not guilty or the charges could be dropped/reduced, which that has happened in situations involving wrestlers. I wouldn't be so sure about that. It's Hillsborough County, it's the state of Florida, and compared to other states, they are really cracking down on this kind of stuff nowadays.

Probation and anger management at the most. The probability of him seeing jail time beyond his initial arraignment that, should happen sometime today is highly unlikely unless he has prior history of legal issues. I've worked law enforcement in Florida for many years and rarely see a first time offender go to prison. Seeing as he cooperated with authorities and once all the evidence comes out its highly likely that the DA will pursue the misdeamnor over the felony.

Adam may not have actually struck his wife (though seizing her isn't too hot either), he was still arrested for domestic battery - while already serving a suspension. Vince has released stars for FAR less, plus Rose means nothing on the roster. Keeping him brings greater risk than reward at this point. Better to sever ties with him now before the case blows up into something uglier.

I feel bad for Rose, and I hope he and his family can recover from this.

Florida has a pretty murky legal definition of Battery, you could literally brush up against somebody in a crowded hallway and get charged with battery. Regardless though, there's a pretty good chance his WWE career is done. They were pretty quick to freeze Kevin Nash's contract pending the result of his battery charge a couple years back.
The WWE has suspended Rose indefinitely following the arrest. They issued a statement which reads as follows:

WWE has zero tolerance for matters involving domestic violence, and per our policy, Raymond Leppan has been suspended indefinitely following his arrest.

I don't know what's going on with the main page though. In one story they are reporting he's out on bond, yet in another he's still in jail being held without bail. Yea he's most likely done now.
Ok guys, reality check time...

Ray Leppan is a man, who is on record thanks to WWE making public has issues that go FAR beyond the usual "idiot wrestler" stereotype. He and his wife have MAJOR shit to deal with due to a disabled child...

He is a man of good character, who has been suspended by WWE due to a violation.

Today he was arrested for allegedly shouting at his wife, while grabbing her face.
If there is a drug related motive WWE has publicly offered rehab to all who ever worked for them... so criminal charges regardless, they HAVE to offer it to him.

No one is saying he hit her, no one is saying this is more than a brutal argument between a couple likely on the edge due to his suspension from WWE... and no one is saying WWE is to blame.. but they could VERY easily have played a role.

Of all the guys over the years, I WANT to trust and believe in this guy that it's not "he's just a wasted wrestler", he clearly feels an injustice is being done or he wouldn't go as public AGAINST the system...

Maybe he just lost his rag and thanks to Chris, that's enough for Police AND WWE...

YOU don't know, they might release him to be safe, but they could also be horribly wrong. So either way, be cool on this... He's the last guy in WWE who you expected this to happen to...

If he's guilty... he loses his family and probably his job... if that wasn't gone already and that's why he is angry...so cut the guy some slack... the last time someone got properly lifted was Emma and it was shut down within hours... internally it took time to come back, but the job was safe... lay off the release stuff... they know what we know.... this guy is good, but he's also in a shit situation and in his (ironic) favour, publicly via WWE's own hand making it public..
Guys, everyone is saying that Rose may get "30 years" for grabbing his wife. One problem: Domestic Battery is the misdemeanor. The Felony charge is when he grabbed the phone from his wife when she tried to call 911. Under Florida Law, that constitutes Witness Tampering. THAT is what they are charging Rose with in addition to grabbing his wife. THAT is what he could see serious time on, if she was already on the phone with the 911 Operator. If that is the case, Rose is cooked as the 911 system is recorded. In the end, I suspect that cooler heads will prevail, and the charges will get reduced.

As for Rose: His WWE career is done. As Jim Ross put it, I hope Mr. Leppan has a Plan B. I doubt he gets signed by TNA. First, he needs to get bailed out first.
He wont be fired until trial. This is the policy that stephanie publicly stated herself. It's a fair policy too because if he's found not guilty but was fired then that would be bullshit. I think it seems pretty safe to say that he will be found guilty of something and fired at that point. Cant see a guilty plea saving his job
He wont be fired until trial. This is the policy that stephanie publicly stated herself. It's a fair policy too because if he's found not guilty but was fired then that would be bullshit. I think it seems pretty safe to say that he will be found guilty of something and fired at that point. Cant see a guilty plea saving his job
It only delayed the inevitable. The problem is that Rose will not receive a paycheck until his Downside is given to him, if there is one left, upon his release from WWE. He is in a very sad situation. His son apparently still needs G-Tube feedings. That formula is not cheap. At $1200-1500 a month, it blows a mighty hole in the budget. In the end, until his son turns 26, or he can start eating regularly, Mr. Leppan will have no other choice but to earn a crapload of money somewhere.
Ok guys, reality check time...

Ray Leppan is a man, who is on record thanks to WWE making public has issues that go FAR beyond the usual "idiot wrestler" stereotype. He and his wife have MAJOR shit to deal with due to a disabled child...

He is a man of good character, who has been suspended by WWE due to a violation.

Today he was arrested for allegedly shouting at his wife, while grabbing her face.
If there is a drug related motive WWE has publicly offered rehab to all who ever worked for them... so criminal charges regardless, they HAVE to offer it to him.

No one is saying he hit her, no one is saying this is more than a brutal argument between a couple likely on the edge due to his suspension from WWE... and no one is saying WWE is to blame.. but they could VERY easily have played a role.

Of all the guys over the years, I WANT to trust and believe in this guy that it's not "he's just a wasted wrestler", he clearly feels an injustice is being done or he wouldn't go as public AGAINST the system...

Maybe he just lost his rag and thanks to Chris, that's enough for Police AND WWE...

YOU don't know, they might release him to be safe, but they could also be horribly wrong. So either way, be cool on this... He's the last guy in WWE who you expected this to happen to...

If he's guilty... he loses his family and probably his job... if that wasn't gone already and that's why he is angry...so cut the guy some slack... the last time someone got properly lifted was Emma and it was shut down within hours... internally it took time to come back, but the job was safe... lay off the release stuff... they know what we know.... this guy is good, but he's also in a shit situation and in his (ironic) favour, publicly via WWE's own hand making it public..
Let us be very real on Emma: if it were not for the Australian Tour that was coming up at the time of her arrest, Emma would have been gone. That is what saved her. You have to remember, she pleaded guilty to shoplifting from a sponsor in Hartford, CT. If it was in West Bumblefuck, Tennessee, she would have been reprimanded outright. Problem was that this happened in Connecticut, which is home to WWE. So, it was a major embarrassment after all WWE does within their home state.

Rob, read my earlier post: The MAJOR charge is the fact that he ripped the phone out of his wife's hands. That is a Class B Felony in Florida as it constitutes Witness Tampering. Mr. Leppan impeded his wife's ability to report the incident. That is why he is being held without bail right now. If it was just screaming at his wife with her head in her hands, it is a misdemeanor AT BEST. Furthermore, according to the Hillsborough County Sheriff's office, Leppan ADMITTED he ripped the phone away. Face it, he is done in WWE. If he was smart, and really wants to provide for his family, he would have his lawyer settle a release from WWE, and then go work some Indy dates. If he does not, WWE will keep him out until they feel like releasing him. That could be months without any income, especially if he, for some god-forsaken reason, decides to go to trial.
I just moved and have been out of the loop for a couple weeks. I don't mean this to be snotty or anything, but i feel like I am missing something. With all the domestic violence issues in pro football, and the way it has been handled I feel that a person in the spot light, or anyone for that matter, should know better. Why OP is this such a good guy in your eyes? What makes him different? Is it the disabled child? I feel for him in that area I really do, but since when is that a free pass to manhandle your wife? Again I am not trying to be an ass, but am confused as to why this should be different than any other scumbag that has done the same thing?
I just moved and have been out of the loop for a couple weeks. I don't mean this to be snotty or anything, but i feel like I am missing something. With all the domestic violence issues in pro football, and the way it has been handled I feel that a person in the spot light, or anyone for that matter, should know better. Why OP is this such a good guy in your eyes? What makes him different? Is it the disabled child? I feel for him in that area I really do, but since when is that a free pass to manhandle your wife? Again I am not trying to be an ass, but am confused as to why this should be different than any other scumbag that has done the same thing?

I don't think anyone is saying that what he did was right, but there is a lot of events leading up to and there might be a reason it happened.

Rose was suspended a couple of weeks ago due to a Wellness Policy violation. It's his second and he was suspended for 60 days. Apparently he suffers from ADHD, and was on doctor prescribed medication for it. He's been taking it for a year and the WWE knew about it. He provided a letter from the doctor verifying that.

The letter has since been deleted from his Twitter. I'm speculating that he was told not to make waves, or he sees what's happening with talent and staff being released and decided to take it down himself. As there are rumours of more releases coming, now is not a good time to start waving a red flag.

I worked with special needs children at the Board of Education for 13 years. Almost all of them are on some kind of medication that let's them handle school and daily life in general. It calms their outbursts. If Rose stopped taking the medication so he could get his job back anything might have triggered this outburst.

Totally agree that any man or woman who bully's their partner is a scumbag. We don't know what happened here and until this goes to trial it's all speculation at best.
I don't think anyone is saying that what he did was right, but there is a lot of events leading up to and there might be a reason it happened.

Rose was suspended a couple of weeks ago due to a Wellness Policy violation. It's his second and he was suspended for 60 days. Apparently he suffers from ADHD, and was on doctor prescribed medication for it. He's been taking it for a year and the WWE knew about it. He provided a letter from the doctor verifying that.

The letter has since been deleted from his Twitter. I'm speculating that he was told not to make waves, or he sees what's happening with talent and staff being released and decided to take it down himself. As there are rumours of more releases coming, now is not a good time to start waving a red flag.

I worked with special needs children at the Board of Education for 13 years. Almost all of them are on some kind of medication that let's them handle school and daily life in general. It calms their outbursts. If Rose stopped taking the medication so he could get his job back anything might have triggered this outburst.

Totally agree that any man or woman who bully's their partner is a scumbag. We don't know what happened here and until this goes to trial it's all speculation at best.

Ok fair enough. The medication for the ADHD was the missing piece of the puzzle for me. I will reserve judgement until more is out. Still not a fan of partner bullying for any reason, but I am no where near knowledgeable enough about what his medication did for him to comment much more. Thanks so much for clearing that up for me and not jumping down my throat for not knowing.
Ok fair enough. The medication for the ADHD was the missing piece of the puzzle for me. I will reserve judgement until more is out. Still not a fan of partner bullying for any reason, but I am no where near knowledgeable enough about what his medication did for him to comment much more. Thanks so much for clearing that up for me and not jumping down my throat for not knowing.

No worries. Since working with kids with special needs I've seen what even a day without their meds can do to them. Rose should have been off them for more than a week by the time this incident happened.

Not saying he's innocent and I don't agree with what he did, but in this case mitigating factors may come into play.
I hope WWE give him the help needed rather than just dump him. Sorry situation here, domestic abuse is a horrible issue.
I think that Adam Rose's career is over in WWE. I really liked him as Leo Kruger in NxT.

He had potential enough to be a good midcarder atleast.

As Navi said that his medical condition could be a factor in this incident which took place with his wife.

He may have been depressed after he was suspended for 60 days without him doing anything different from prescribed medication. Still We can't say about his condition that day. He might be a defaulter or maybe not.
The judge told Rose that he sees a domestic abuse pattern. This isn't to be taken lightly. Rose/Leppan is a father and a husband who travels the world as a famous performer while his wife stays with the sick child to care for him every day. When Rose got suspended he had to be at home, and that is where the problems started. Rose doesn't want to be home with his family. He didn't necessarily beat his wife, but he used his strength and loud voice to intimidate her and scared her enough to call police. This man, despite what ESPN tells you, is a piece of shit.

On top of that, Adam Rose is a failure in WWE. The Rosebud gimmick ran its course and did so terribly. Adam Rose was the accessory to a group of cosplaying college kids, he was constantly upstaged. No memorable matches, no championships, no PPV feuds, just some horrible unentertaining crap with somebody in a bunny suit. It's a perfect example of how WWE creative is killing WWE from the inside with the worst ideas for wrestling narratives possible. To make things worse they made Rose "The Party Pooper" by putting ugly glasses on his already ugly face and then expecting me to want to watch him talk shit on wrestlers I like. I really hope Rose is fired, so he can go languish in cheap indy promotions with his loser bunny friend. Sorry that sick kid had to be born to such an asshole.

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