Official Samoa Joe Return Thread

Super Crazy

So Samoa Joe returned tonight on iMPACT! I don't know about you guys, but I marked pretty hard for this short showing. It was great to see the old Joe back, I mean even Jarrett was scared to tag him in. I like how he left right after winning though, leaving the air of mystery still around him. Hopefully he explains his return and I hope good things come to Joe this time around.

So what do you guys think of this? Should they have built up his return more and made it for a pay per view? What do you think the explanation for everything will be? Do you think this will be a good run for Joe?
I presume the work here will be that he was kidnapped by Bischoff & co. as a means to allow him to return as the "new" Joe (of old), which explains the grainy footage promo video that ran on iMPACT! weeks back where he referred to "they" as not allowing him to come back as he was/until he was ready. With the Bischoff 'swerve' at Lockdown aligning with Hogan and RVD as champion, Joe will become an integral part of the momentum TNA is trying to establish (and maintain) by returning as the dominant force he was, and I for one don't think it could have been handled any better, especially by a character that's had to suffer as much as his has over the last two years.

Good on Joe, and good on TNA for this.
I completely freaked out, too. I thought it was going to be the Pope or Jay Lethal as the 4th member or even Sting turning on Flair. But Joe was a nice surprise. Its good to see Joe back to what appears to be his old ways, which is just destroying people. He didn't seem to care whose side he was on, he just went out and "killed" people.

I'm happy that Joe's back, and I can't wait to see what kind of impact (no pun intended) he will make.

It's just a shame that his return may be completely overshadowed by RVD's title win. But it was still an awesome moment to see him return.
i marked the holy fuck out when Joe's music hit the zone, then he started to beat the fuck out of the bad guys, and well, that's the Joe we all know and love.
i think the better move now would be a slow build up until he gets a new World title shot, he has been repackaged and hot-shot booked so many times that he needs that, maybe making Terry lose the Global title to some worthy heel and then Joe comes out and challenges him for the next PPV, Joe wins, keeps the title for a while (that would help the title to gain more status) and after quite some months he drops it to another worthy heel and comes back to the main event picture...
It was great to see Joe back and kicking ass. I haven't cared much for TNA since the Hogan Bischoff takeover. However I have to admit it has gotten a hell of a lot better lately. I have always liked Joe and was glad to see him back. It's been a while since I've marked out to TNA. I can't wait to see where they go next with him.
Yeah I hope he explains what in the hell happened to him. I hope TNA doesn't forget about the whole kidnapping deal and expect us to just forget about it.

Glad he's back though. I've never been a huge Joe fan but it's still good to have a credible title contender back on Impact.
Wow are you guys freaking kidding me? Seriously when Joe didn't show up at lockdown last night I instantly I knew when Bischoff came out to announce a mystery partner for team Hogan that it would be Joe. Come on guys seriously it wasn't that surprising.
Samoa Joe's return was awesome i got goosebumps when he hit that kick on sting in the corner. He looks to be the OLD joe so TNA is lookin pretty good right now.
Yep, Joe is back. I got goose bumps. My thoughts immediately went to his "kidnapping" though. Are we gonna get an explaination...or are we supposed to forget? This will be a good test of the product. Give us a coherent reason and explaination. Puh-LEEEESE. And there you have it.
When bischoff told hogan that he was sure the mystery man was gonna be there i knew it had to be joe.Man im glad joe is back and kicking everyones ass again welcomeback Joe.I really hope to see rvd and joe in a title match that would be epic.Props to the TNA crew for putting on a great show tonight the best that TNA has been since the hogan era began. I was so glad the whole night wasn't a Hogan/Flair promo.
Wow are you guys freaking kidding me? Seriously when Joe didn't show up at lockdown last night I instantly I knew when Bischoff came out to announce a mystery partner for team Hogan that it would be Joe. Come on guys seriously it wasn't that surprising.

Yeah man. This wasn't a big surprise to me either. It took me all of maybe thirty seconds to be certain it would be Joe. "Hmm... mystery partner? Well I haven't heard any news on some new acquisition by TNA so either it's gonna be a comedy moment for Black Machismo, or more likely, it'll be the return of the only person who makes any sense at all. Samoa fuckin' Joe"

DUHHHHHHH. Really guys, this was more obvious than Edge and RVD's return combined.
Yeah man. This wasn't a big surprise to me either. It took me all of maybe thirty seconds to be certain it would be Joe. "Hmm... mystery partner? Well I haven't heard any news on some new acquisition by TNA so either it's gonna be a comedy moment for Black Machismo, or more likely, it'll be the return of the only person who makes any sense at all. Samoa fuckin' Joe"

DUHHHHHHH. Really guys, this was more obvious than Edge and RVD's return combined.

Wow, Sherlock Freakin' Holmes and Doctor Watson! You guys must be the wrestling encyclopedia or something that knows everything. You are both so clever that everyone else that were surprised deserve to be told how stupid they are! Hah! You professors are so awesome!:suspic:

Anyway, now that I got that out of the way. I knew Joe was going to be the other man, but I still was all over his entrance to the Impact Zone. Really worked out well and the fact that it's the old Joe we all loved and enjoyed from back in his RoH days and early TNA, that's just icing on the cake. As for Joe's return being overshadowed by RVD winning the title, I find that hard to believe. Impact was perfect, for the most part tonight. Hopefully this will reflect in the ratings. Sadly, WWE will probably still get a 3 point something and TNA will get a 1.2 or lower. Very sad. I hope this isn't what happens, but there it is. Either way, I hope this is more moving towards TNA keeping this momentum because if they do, things are going to change and quickly. If the fans are happy, the ratings will be too.
Does anybody else wish Joe snapped on Team Hogan as well...a Dont Trust Anybody, one-man wrecking crew attitude..I do not want Joe teaming up with people, I want him on an island alone that fights everyone.

With that said, his return was welcome. Perhaps the most surprising aspect of it was that Bischoff arranged for it and we know the terms those two left off before Joe was abducted. I really hope they carry this angle out and dont drop the fact he was abducted
Yeah, not really a big shock. I had the same thought as a previous poster..."Haven't heard of anything new. Nobody of note is not in the WWE anymore...must be Samoa Joe". Can't say I wasn't happy though. He looked good and he nailed that gut-buster move on Storm too...looked like it hurt a bit. That being said, anything good is wiped out if they ignore the whole kidnapped angle. It just makes the whole thing look amateurish if they do that.

I agree with EStreet as well. Having him in the "tweener" role that Orton is now filling in WWE is his best spot. The fans love him just for what he is. Don't make him a good guy and don't align him with the heels either. Just let him do what he does best, have great matches with people from both sides.
I'm glad it was Joe. I am glad to see him back in his old trunks with the towel and just dominating. That is what caused a stir with him the first time. I really see a parallel between him and Jeff Hardy. They both have that charisma in the ring, but have trouble conveying it through a mic.

I think Joe should be a silent assassin moving forward. Just take people out. I was kind of hoping he would turn around, take out Abyss, rip his finger off and destroy the hall of fame ring putting an end to that story line.

Either way glad to have him back.
The guy deserved a monster pop when his music hit, even Kaz got a bigger pop and he wasnt even a main eventer. Joe has gave TNA the best memories yet those damn Impact zone fans dont realize it.

And oh yeah, THE OLD FUCKING JOE IS BACK!!!!!!!!!!!

It's about time TNA.
Well first off, I didn't find him returning as a shock at all. If it were hyped up more, it would have been a let down.

I love Joe. I think he's an amazing wrestler. But seriously, how many times can they do the "Joe leaves and comes back as unstoppable angry Joe" angle?

I also really hope they explain the kidnapping thing or just flat out drop it. So Bischoff is a good guy but had people forcibly kidnap Joe? Or someone else kidnapped Joe and nothing happened and Bischoff called him reminding him he had to show up for work? Either way, I don't really like the angle.

Glad that Joe's back but I don't see anything exciting happens.
I was actually expecting him to be out longer and come back much lighter and more muscles.... You know, leaner and meaner. And maybe even a new entrance music. But... he is still him O_O

He still looks like me now (minus the big nose).
That was exactly the comeback he needed, just to arrive, raise hell and leave. In the end it wasnt a celebrate with the team, it was leave, fucking good, I hope they keep up with joe, and not leave it for a year, and then make him weak, that was bull. It was bloody well booked though, props to TNA
This is just my opinion but i loved the last two impact shows and seeing samoa joe the way he ' s being booked smells of paul heyman .he absolutely loves joe's character and the only one with balls to bring him in that way no matter how his physique looks .these last to shows have been a complete 180 from the past and if they continue this way things will turn around ratings wise because we hardcore fans will maybe start to appreciate what tna has to offer.
Now I'm sure I'm going to get people pissed off with this statement, but Joe is just another guy on the roster. It's not because he's not talented, as he has had great matches for years now and is a huge indy attraction...but what makes new fans want to get behind this guy? Over the last year he has gone through transformations, but we always end up with the same thing....decent promos, strong in ring performances, and a horrible look. I'm not saying this guy needs to look like Rob Terry, but he loses some of his badass qualities and credibilty as an athlete by looking sloppy. Put a singlet on him until he sheds the pounds or just come to terms with him being a high middle card wrestler. You need to be strong in all areas of marketablity and he's only missing one thing.
Now I'm sure I'm going to get people pissed off with this statement, but Joe is just another guy on the roster. It's not because he's not talented, as he has had great matches for years now and is a huge indy attraction...but what makes new fans want to get behind this guy? Over the last year he has gone through transformations, but we always end up with the same thing....decent promos, strong in ring performances, and a horrible look. I'm not saying this guy needs to look like Rob Terry, but he loses some of his badass qualities and credibilty as an athlete by looking sloppy. Put a singlet on him until he sheds the pounds or just come to terms with him being a high middle card wrestler. You need to be strong in all areas of marketablity and he's only missing one thing.

I gotta disagree with you there I think that part of Joe's appeal is his look. Think about it, Joe is obviously (from his matches from all over) a hard worker and in great shape and he could most likely hand any "nice bodied" guy their ass in real life and with the way they're booking him the fans will see him as just a badass who can handle business, no matter what him or the opponent looks like. Watch the guy, you ever seen him out of gas quickly? (like Jack Swagger who I guess some would claim has a better "look" than Joe) plus a lot of people can relate to the fact that he doesn't look like a bronze god from Mt. Olympus for whatever reason. I personally enjoy wrestlers that don't just look like a Rob Terry or a Batista (like say Aj, Joe, Fallen Angel, hell most of TNAs or even ROHs roster is non "traditional" looking guys)
I gotta disagree with you there I think that part of Joe's appeal is his look. Think about it, Joe is obviously (from his matches from all over) a hard worker and in great shape and he could most likely hand any "nice bodied" guy their ass in real life and with the way they're booking him the fans will see him as just a badass who can handle business, no matter what him or the opponent looks like. Watch the guy, you ever seen him out of gas quickly? (like Jack Swagger who I guess some would claim has a better "look" than Joe) plus a lot of people can relate to the fact that he doesn't look like a bronze god from Mt. Olympus for whatever reason. I personally enjoy wrestlers that don't just look like a Rob Terry or a Batista (like say Aj, Joe, Fallen Angel, hell most of TNAs or even ROHs roster is non "traditional" looking guys)

I agree that not everyone needs to be a bodybuilder and its obvious Joe can go in the ring, but my point is that all wrestlers have a weakness and unfortunately for Joe his look holds him down in my opinion. Your point about AJ and Daniels doesn't really fit here as they at least look athletic. A guy like Foley can get away with being out of shape because of his style and his gear. I don't think anyone would want to see Foley wear biker shorts like Joe. Joe just reminds me of the guy at the beach that thinks he's in shape, but makes all the ladies laugh.

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