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[OFFICIAL] "Review The Last Match You Watched" Thread


Mid-Card Championship Winner
WWE Championship
The Rock (c) vs Kane vs Undertaker vs Chris Benoit
Unforgiven - September 24, 2000

A gaggle of referees separate the challengers during the entrances. Nice touch.

As someone who doesn't have strong memories of any Benoit-Taker interactions (I know they've been in the ring together, I just don't have strong memories of it), it was a nice treat seeing Taker press Benoit on the outside barricade and later chokeslam him with one arm like the cruiserweight he comparatively is.

Benoit was the star here with JR putting him over big time throughout as the best technical wrestler in the fed and the man with the strongest performance in the match. Benoit gets the win early, pinning Taker after a chairshot. Taker's foot was on the rope and the decision is reversed by Commissioner Foley. Foley had previously overturned Benoit's title win a couple months earlier at Fully Loaded. Did anything ever come of this?

After the overturned decision, Rock, Kane, and Taker each take a turn throwing Benoit into the stage. Then we get back to messy action with a lack of focus. Rock retains, pinning Benoit while Kane dumbly prevents Taker from breaking up the pin. I'd have bought the finish more if Kane continued brawling with Taker after the bell.

Verdict: It was... okay. Taker using a rope break should be a bigger deal.

Ever since about the last week of January past month I've been watching every WWE PPV since Royal Rumble 2000. I'm currently at the 2001 Royal Rumble and just finished...

Ivory vs Chyna (Women's Championship)

Right to Censor's "music" just makes me angry. Chyna looked good, although a recent viewing of One Night in Chyna makes it somewhat hard to watch her as that shit was pretty terrible. I like her entrance though.

Chyna throws Ivory into the corner multiple times and knocks Ivory with a snapmare off the top rope before whipping her into the corner again. They go in the crowd and the ref doesn't count, he just follows them which is weird. She throws Steven Richards out and does some handspring thing, but she doesn't make it all the way to Ivory. So because of this, Chyna has to just kinda shuffle very quickly backwards into Ivory and then sell a neck injury. It looked pretty bad and pretty fake and then Ivory just pinned Chyna and they do a stretcher job which I'm pretty sure was longer than the match.

I'd give it a 1/5 because Chyna has some alright tits and I got enjoyment out of seeing her destroy Ivory
Survivor Series 1989:
The Ultimate Warriors (Ultimate Warrior, Shawn Michaels, Marty Jannetty, and Jim Neidhart) vs. The Heenan Family (Andre, Haku, Arn Anderson, and Bobby Heenan)

I THINK Heenan replaced Tully Blanchard in this match after his firing. Only reason I can think of for why Heenan was inserted and Blanchard was scratched, because Blanchard was originally advertised for this match.

Anyway, match starts out with the heels already in the ring and the faces making their entrance sans Warrior. Andre has his way with the faces until Warrior's music hits. Warrior ends up delivering a few clotheslines to the Giant, ultimately knocking him out of the ring (nice bump from Andre), forcing a count out within the first 30 seconds of the match. And thank God for that because Andre was really losing mobility fast at this point. Andre Eliminated.

A while later, we get a few awesome minutes in the ring between Neidhart and Arn. Not really that awesome, I've just always liked these two guys. Eventually, while The Anvil is pre-occupied with Anderson, Haku sneaks up from behind and lands a thrust kick to the back of the head. Neidhart Eliminated.

Jannetty, who was the relative whipping boy in this match, is the next to go. Funny spot with Jannetty and Michaels repeatedly tagging each other in and ignoring Warrior who's calling for the tag. Don't know if that was intentional or not... Marty gets beat down pretty handily by Arn and Haku but for some reason, kicks out of Haku's thrust kick. Heenan comes in a couple of seconds later, drops the knee and pins Jannetty... odd spot there. Jannetty Eliminated.

Shawn Michaels was just on the brink of getting his singles push at this time, and he really was allowed to shine in this match. Shawn was in the ring for the majority of the time for his team and the crowd was loving him. He took a lot of punishment as well. After a nice little missed crossbody spot from Haku, Michaels hits a flying crossbody of his own to pin Haku and tie it up at 2 a piece. Haku Eliminated.

Anderson begins to show signs of frustration with The Brain after Heenan refuses to tag into the match. The two get into it, but Anderson is still finally able to eliminate Shawn after a hard fought battle, with the Anderson Drop. Shawn Michaels Eliminated.

This leaves The Ultimate Warrior in a "2 on 1" situation against Arn and Heenan. After controlling Warrior for a few minutes, Anderson is thrown into The Brain, knocking him off the apron, and than is pinned by Warrior following a gorilla press slam into big splash combo. Damn, Warrior was strong. Anderson Eliminated.

Of course, Bobby Heenan, the last remaining member of his team wants nothing to do with Warrior and attempts to leave. Warrior eventually grabs him, tosses him in the ring, has his way with him for a bit, and promptly pins him with a big splash. Heenan Eliminated.

Warrior Sole Survivor

This was a pretty fun match all things considered. The guys who needed to look strong were kept strong and there were enough competent ring generals involved to keep me from being bored to tears. However there was a lot of fluff in between the eliminations that made it difficult for me to concentrate throughout the whole thing. The overall performance of the match seemed to really be hindered by Blanchard's firing, throwing the match into seeming chaos at points. Overall:

WrestleMania 31

Rusev (c) vs. John Cena - US Championship

Rating - B

This was pretty good. There were some great spots such as the debut of the Springboard Stunner and Lana accidentally costing Rusev. The story holds it back though because it was hard to get invested in the match. We've seen it (American vs. foreigner) so many times it's ridiculous. Still good and worth watching again.
Royal Rumble 2016

Pretty good, though I am predisposed to loving the best match type ever. Editing and camerawork was atrocious, trying out a new director or something? They tried to make us forget Reigns wasn't eliminated and that was laughable to the point that it made him getting thrown out towards the end a positive. Miz is good. From the start of the match it was always going to be reigns or HHH so when it came to the end of the match and there were zero chances of anyone else winning it went downhill fast. Even with all that, it was a royal rumble so it gets a fucking A+ watching it live.
Royal Rumble 2003- Kurt Angle (c) vs. Chris Benoit for the WWE Championship

No surprise, this is a fantastic match. Not only are these two of the best technical wrestlers in the history of the WWE, but they are also incredibly intense individuals, and that really helps take this match from a pretty display of skill to a brutal match between two powerhouses. Their abilities to apply their finishing submissions in creative ways and then sell them as devastating holds keeps you on the edge of your seat whenever one of them locks their signature submissions in. Angle wins the match with a thrilling Ankle Lock sequence that Benoit fights tooth and nail to get out of, but Angle holds on against all odds.

I give this match an A.
AJ Styles vs Chris Jericho from this week's Smackdown.
Very good back-and-forth match between these two veterans. AJ Styles used the forearm smash on Jericho when he was seated on the mat, a Pele kick to him when he was sitting on the turnbuckle, an F-U turned into a back breaker, a suicide dive, and countered the Walls of Jericho into a Calf crusher. Apart from the Walls, I remember Jericho doing a double arm back breaker, slingshot drop kick, lionsault, tripping Styles on the rope, and finally the Codebreaker for the pinfall.
What I loved about this match was that there were a number of kick-outs at 2.5, but none of them from a finisher (as in, Codebreaker or Styles Clash). The finisher should be sacred; it should finish the match. I really dislike the spamming of near-falls after finishers, which has become a trend in the WWE, especially in certain people's matches.

By the way, I managed to catch the last bits from a Wyatt Family promo. They actually dubbed the whole thing in Hindi: :lmao:
(Ignore the reflection of my legs on Brawn Strowman's beard)
Sting vs Jeff Jarrett Halloween Havoc 2000:

Hahaha what can I say about this match. Love Sting but wow. Just a ridiculous storyline to start. Secondly I never heard that it wasn't no dq or no count out, or did I miss that WCW threw away those rules sometime when Russo took over, because that seems to be the theme of the PPV. I think Jarrett gets two moves in the whole match and then hits Sting with a guitar to finish it. Sting kills every mofo ( 5 fake Stings from all different eras tried to attack him throughout the match) as well as takes a guitar two seconds before from a fake Sting that he ate for breakfast, yet Jarrett has a magic swing. How Sting let 90% of stuff happen to him in WcW is beyond me. Still I love watching the torture WCW puts me through. Don't really give two craps about the world title match next featuring Booker and Steiner but I'll watch it anyways and probably see the most ridiculous finish I've seen to date which seems to be the theme lately.

Rank D-. Only got a D- because I got to see Sting kill dudes. Apart from that I wouldn't recommend it to anyone.
Val Venis vs Taka Michinoku Raw August 24th 1998

Shortly after "Choppee choppee your, pee pee!" Val takes on Taka in a CLASSIC match! Both men came out looking great and the crowd were very much into it! Unfortunately this great match ended after Triple H came down and battered Venis with a chair because he was desperate to get Rock out to the ring. Fuck Triple H!

B, could've been an A...

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