Official Punk/Cena Video Package

Uncle Sam

Rear Naked Bloke
Better than The Miz's WrestleMania one? Close. It's overproduced - what WWE video package isn't? - but it's definitely enough to get you excited. I was more than thrilled to hear "In anyone else's hands, this is a microphone. In my hands, it's a pipe bomb." Love that quote.

Not better than the Miz's WrestleMania video package, but still very good. The Miz's package was probably the best video package the WWE has ever turned out.
That was awesome. I'm not sure if I can put it above the Miz's from Mania, but it's pretty damn close. I mean, seriously, that was amazing.
I guess I was the only one to roll my eyes at and let out an audible sigh when I saw the Miz package at Mania.
Not better than the Miz's WrestleMania video package, but still very good. The Miz's package was probably the best video package the WWE has ever turned out.

Not a chance. Nothing beats the video package for Rock vs Austin at WM 17. Austin/ Undertaker from Summerslam 1998 or even HBK/ Taker from WM26 are also better. Those three are just off the top of my head, there could be more.
In recent history that is definately one of the better packages I have seen them role out. Punk is one hell of a tool on the stick and uses his emotion just right to sell what he is saying. I wouldnt go as far as saying this package was better than Miz/Cena but it runs a close second to it.
I'm certain I heard Punk use the pipe bomb line in ROH. Anyone wanna help me out? Or does putting ROH in my question turn people off too?
Rock vs. Austin 17 is the best. I have watched it so many times that I can see the whole clip in front of my eyes when i close them.

Limp Bizkit's song is the best.
This will likely be the first ppv of wwe that I buy that isn't Rumble, Chamber, or Mania, in about a decade. Honestly, when it comes to Vince's organization, I usually just buy the first three PPVs of the year - the rest of the year is just too damned predictable.

However, this PPV has me in limbo. Do they actually let Punk win and bring out a new title? Do they let Punk win and get someone to cash in a briefcase? Or does (GOD FORBID) Super Cena win?

This video package is pretty damned sweet too. Tonight I showed it to a few of my friends that quit watching WWE a few years ago and immediately they wanted to know what the storyline was and why CM Punk is leaving. Just like me, the also saw that Punk looked a whole hell of a lot like Austin when talking to Vince...

I'll just say this: For the first time in years - the WWF(e) has me guessing as to what is going to happen.

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