[OFFICIAL] General Sting Discussion Thread


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Backstage News: Sting Limited In-Ring Due To Shoulder Injury
by Matt Boone
Mar 11, 2010 According to a report on ProWrestling.net, TNA star Sting is limited in what he can do physically in the ring due to a shoulder injury.

As we reported recently, Sting underwent shoulder surgery not too long ago.

so sting came back on monday and apparently the reason he and rvd didnt have a real match is because string has this shoulder injury. so i ask you, why would they bring him back if he is still hurt and why would they put him in a match?

dont get me wrong i liked stings heel turn and while i wished he had had a real match with rvd his debut back wasnt bad. but what about the next time he's supposed to have a match?

I think there is an obvious answer here. They brought back Sting because he's been a major player for TNA the past couple of years. He's helped get TNA to where it is, even though he is no homegrown talent or a young guy, he's done wonders for the company in recent years, so why not keep him around a bit longer?

As far as the injury goes, I believe that they will have him continue to beat down people until he is healed. Sting will continue his heel run by attacking people with his bat and cutting heel promos until he is ready to wrestle again. I'm assuming he'll be ready to wrestle soon, as months of beatdowns would not be worth keeping someone around for. I'm expecting Sting will be ready to go in time for Lockdown.
Agreed entirely. Sting is one of those rare few guys that can actually gain either Heat or Praise from fans without even wrestling. Back when he was "transforming" into the Crow gimmick i loved just SEEING him. If TNA were smart they'd continue to use him (as said in the previous post) to cut heel promos, and to continue his transformation into a full blown heel.

IMO they brought him back because they absolutely NEEDED to. What were they going to do? Have Hogan turn heel? Have Abyss turn heel? Stings heel turn was so unexpected it did EVERYTHING TNA promised. A SHOCKER!

I also believe having RVD work a very very short match against Sting was the PERFECT way to introduce him. It sets the stage for an EPIC feud between the 2. Sting from here can blabber on about how RVD took a cheap shot from behind and how if it was a fair fight the outcome would be different. Then RVD can call him out and Sting could back away or even use his bat again. Also it allowed RVD to slowly break back into the ring. I know RVD is ALWAYS in shape (as evident by his Debut) but theres a difference between being in shape and being in ring shape. RVD pinning Sting allowed for the 3 greatest things TNA has going for them right now

1. Sting heel turn
2. Sting vs. RVD
3. The whole "f'n" show

oh yeah..that and I was watching Impact instead of Raw for once. And you know the sad thing? On Direct TV they are literally 1 channel apart (for those of you that aren't aware of that :) ) and I never once reached up to grab the remote. This coming from a guy who literally grew up on WWE. I have I'd say close to 300 VHS tapes of old WWF stuff dating back to lord only knows when and TNA didn't get me bored enough to change the channel.. Props to TNA for once!
As said above, Sting is a unique character, similar to the Undertaker. Sting doesn't even have to cut a promo or say a word and the fans will react. They can continue the beatdowns or hell even the ol' "Sting in the rafters" routine until he is healed. It may have been a mistake to put him in a match though. They could have just as easily had RVD fight someone else, get the win, then have Sting attack and beat him down.

Either way, Sting was brought back for their "Official" Monday debut to give TNA the best possible chance against the "boys up north" as Hogan would put it.
Sting still has plenty of value left. Everyone probably expected him to come to the aid of Hogan and Abyss, but his heel turn shocked us all. This storyline has plenty of possibilities, and the involvement of Dixie Carter made this whole thing even more interesting.

Sting's has a mysterious character. He doesn't have to wrestle on a regular basis to be entertaining. It's sort of similar to what goes in WWE with The Undertaker. I don't see this shoulder injury being a big problem. The promos Sting will cut in the coming weeks will be more than enough to make this a good storyline.
TNA brought back Sting cause they can't figure out how to increase ratings. Hogan's initial slight bump has died. They're right back to where they were before spending all this money. The sad part is that this won't do it either.
Sting is the Undertaker of TNA and/or WCW (when it was in exsistence) he is a pillar who helps draw and who fans want to see whether he is wrestling or not.

His name alone draws ppl to watch. I agree they will use him in this RVD fued until he's ready to heal

ALTHOUGH I do think that he beat RVD way too easily and made RVD look weak in his debut on TNA, I didnt like that but it made Sting look AWESOME! WWE should try something similar with THE UNDERTAKER...
Sting was brought back because as everyone here has mentioned, he STILL is a top draw. Plus last Monday was a momentous occassion for TNA, it was the first official Monday Impact which will jumpstart the new PERMANENT timeslots of Impacts to come...the 1/4/10 Monday Impact was just testing the waters so to say.

So, if this is the first of many to come, then why not put out all your big guns....
while i certainly hope he still wrestles because he still has what it takes dispite his age, while he is waiting to heel he can do what hogan and flair are doing. he could take a protege under his wing and be his mentor. my guess is actually someone like samoa joe. i think that sting wont go full heel because it is almost impossible to get people to boo him, but he can be the lone wolf, with his protege that is lol. this way we have the face legend with his guy, the heel legend with his, and then the semi tweener legend with his.

i say samoa joe, not because i like him, but because he has always been a tweener in my opinion. he was never the goody two shoes, and it was always his own interests at play. (him walking away after his tag match with sting against jarret and steiner to let sting get beaten down, and his brotherhood of pain or whatever it was.) i think that he would be able to get a good rub from sting, and since he was never the best speaker, same as aj and abyss, sting as a mouthpiece would only benefit him.
Same reason WWE has demanded both HBK and Undertaker return earlier than they would have liked: name value. These guys have the luxury of a limited schedule and even if all they do is turn up in street clothes and hit one move, it's still going to get a huge pop from the crowd and seeing as all Sting had to do was swing a bat and take a rolling thunder it shouldn't have stressed him out too much. In all probability he'll spend now until Lockdown cutting promos and appearing in the rafters and swinging his bat and throwing punches and kicks and taking no bumps and then he'll face Hogan at Lockdown or something.
You have to show your whole wad out there for the March show so you look like the Big Boys--he can have bat matches until his time--or no dq -non typical matches--they can cover him for 6 to 8 weeks to heel----they just have to learn how to use what they have
Lets see. 1st official show on Monday nights live..............WHY not have Sting there it only makes sense the one person Vince would sell Shane to have even for one year and CAN'T. He will probably do some weird things like loom in the rafters drop down and beat people up. Shove Hogan around. It was for the Ratings and to show that they can hang with WWE.
Everyone agrees with each other in this thread other than the OP so that means this thread has no real value. We all know why Sting is back and why he's on television even though he's a little hurt. You can flip the channel to USA and clearly see why.

Sting would have to be in a wheelchair to not be on TV right now, and when I think about it, they probably would still bring him out and incorporate that into an angle.
There was a lot of controversy over Rob Van Dam's TNA debut this past Monday. Some fans felt that RVD came off looking bad after getting beat up from Sting's baseball attacks for several minutes.

According to Mike Johnson, the beating was supposed to be shorter but Hulk Hogan missed his cue to come out and they had to stall for time.
Because its obvious that TNA does not know how to draw unless you bring in a bunch of old, washed up wrestlers that they don't have to make (because its quite obvious TNA doesn't have a clue how to make stars, all stars that were made in TNA was because they were able to overcome the utter stupidity that is TNA booking).

Now I guess it makes sense to have Sting on the first Monday impact (since he has been a big part of TNA for quite some time now) but this brings me back to the original problem, they bring in Sting because the Samoa Joe's and the AJ Styles of the world can't draw without them (Thats why Styles is now with Flair even though the gimmick doesn't fit AJ nearly as well as it did when he was a face) but to be fair that is hardly AJ and Joe's fault as foolish booking has made both guys look weaker than they actually are (seriously, both guys had a real shot of becoming big draws but TNA screwed it up, any time these guys get a push TNA does something to stop it like bringing in some old wrestler like Booker T (who obviously never really wanted to be in TNA in the first place)). The only way TNA will make new stars is if they get a real gem like Desmond Wolfe (who loses every week but somehow always looks good because he is so skilled at what he does that not even TNA's horrible booking will stop him) but unfortunately these guys only come along once i a blue moon, they have to start making stars instead of bringing in guys like Jeff Hardy or RVD (I love both guys, but they get way too much money considering what they bring to the table, both guys really don't want to be in TNA and are there for a payday and nothing else. Angle is really the only exception to the rule because its obvious he actually WANTS to be in TNA and watch it grow).

Back to my original point though, they bring in guys like Sting because unfortunately that's the only way they now how to bring in viewers, by showcasing a bunch of old-time wrestlers who are already well established and made their names elsewhere (if I'm wrong, then why did Impact open and close with both Hogan and Flair) but in a few years most of these guys will be gone and then what is TNA going to do, keep rehiring WWE's garbage? I sure hope they start making some guys real soon or else this is gonna be a real short war (I want to give TNA the benefit of the doubt, I really do but the more I watch it the more it seems like they're making the same mistakes WCW did and if that happens (which it currently is) TNA is doomed, simple as that!).
I actually think this works for Sting's and TNA's favour, Sting can come out, beat the living hell out of random faces, in the process telling Hulk and Dixie to shove their authorities up their asses, and that iMPACT! is his show and he'll do whatever he wants, they put him in matches where he doesn't care if he wins or losses, just beats the crap out of his opponents with the bats, therefore giving him major amout of heel heat in the process, this could build Sting's character even better than having him work more in the ring with his matches, 4-5 minutes of beatdowns with no mercy and sqaush matches that doesn't require too much physicality and with less talking are IMO better than having him come out and talk and try to act like a heel because quite frankly Sting's heel promos are way off target and turn him into a face again since he isn't that good when it comes to cutting a heel promo.
i'll probably get alot of heat on this thread but oh well. anywho i think sting is overrated not only because he bores me on the stick also when he is in the ring i get really bored and most the time flip the channel or take a bathroom break .i hope im not the only one who thinks this one tho i probably am but i hope he retires really soon tna don't need sting.he is washed up stale both face and heel. so my question is is sting overrated?
i'll probably get alot of heat on this thread but oh well. anywho i think sting is overrated not only because he bores me on the stick also when he is in the ring i get really bored and most the time flip the channel or take a bathroom break .i hope im not the only one who thinks this one tho i probably am but i hope he retires really soon tna don't need sting.he is washed up stale both face and heel. so my question is is sting overrated?

Yesterday, I was pretty sure that I had found the least thought out, worst written thread/post yet. But to my surprise, just one day later, you have found a way to set the bar even lower.

First of all, we'll start with TNA needing or not needing Sting. In the ring, the only guys who are bigger draws, at this point in time, are Kurt Angle, RVD and Jeff Hardy. Sting is the fourth biggest draw in the company (inside the ring; Nash, Hogan, Flair, Foley are not full time wrestlers anymore). While I like guys like AJ, Wolfe, Pope, etc., they are NOT draws. Sure, they are draws to TNA-loyalists, but where has that gotten TNA? Sting may need to hang em' up soon, but if he is still a big draw in and out of the ring, why would he right now??

As for Sting being overrated, you never really give a reason as to WHY he is overrated, in your opinion. Is it his in-ring work? His mic work? His character? Or do you think he has always been overrated? How about not being lazy, and give us some F*****G examples!

While Sting's glory days are definitely behind him, at one time, he was great. In the early 90's, he was WCW's biggest face, which was a hell of a lot more relevant than TNA. He put on some GREAT matches with Flair, Arn Anderson, Vader, Rick Rude and hell, he even made Lex Luger look good every now and again. He had tremendous athletic ability, and had the look of a true heavyweight champion. To bag on his in ring ability shows me that you didn't watch Sting in his prime.

In the late 90's, his "Crow" character was one of the best things in wrestling. Him lurking in the rafters was a pretty cool way for him to stalk the nWo and Hogan. His character was the beginning of the end for the nWo at Starrcade '97. For a guy who didn't talk much, I always found him entertaining on the mic. He had a great amount of intensity and charisma, something a lot guys today are lacking.

If you don't like Sting, fine. I don't care. But tell us WHY! I submit that your thread is completely bogus. You give NO facts as to why Sting is overrated. I think he's underrated when it comes to the history of Pro Wrestling. I think he was as popular in WCW as Hogan was in WWF (big difference, I understand that). A big part of his legacy is definitely that he didn't go to the WWF/E, I agree with that. But how does that lend to the notion that he is underrated? It doesn't. What a lazy, garbage thread/post.
i'll probably get alot of heat on this thread but oh well. anywho i think sting is overrated not only because he bores me on the stick also when he is in the ring i get really bored and most the time flip the channel or take a bathroom break .i hope im not the only one who thinks this one tho i probably am but i hope he retires really soon tna don't need sting.he is washed up stale both face and heel. so my question is is sting overrated?

Okay it's obvious you don't like Sting, but why? You really don't offer any real explanation or provide examples to back up your claim. All you do is go on this mini-rant about how you don't like him.

Sting STILL has plenty of name value left, and his upcoming storyline with Hogan seems to be very interesting. Will he have a match with Hogan? What role will Dixie Carter play in all of this? Has he become allies with Flair and Styles? There are still plenty of possibilities for this upcoming storyline with Sting.

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