[OFFICIAL] Eli Cottonwood / John Morrison Discussion Thread


Gone but never forgotten.

Here is your second pairing for the next season of NXT.

John Morrison is still recovering from injury, but the WWE is keeping him busy by mentoring an FCW newcomer named Eli Cottonwood. They are also claiming that Eli is "interesting" on the microphone. Now considering the fact that JoMo isn't the strongest on the stick, I'm assuming that Eli is either really bad or really good on the mic. And I guess the facts that he's 7-foot tall and 310lbs couldn't hurt too much either.

What do you guys think of this tandem?
I think this is very odd since they seem to be completely different in alot of ways John is more speed and athleticism while Eli is more of power type wrestler and their looks are also different Eli is scary lookin while John is not. In my opinion he may be 1 of the first to be elimnated
I'm not all that sure about this one. From what I've read on the guy, Cottonwood is pretty intelligent and has a BA in Psychology from St. John's University. I honestly think that could be something very useful for a wrestler to have in terms of developing his character. It does make him stand out as you certainly don't hear about that all that much.

However, I think one thing that could possibly hurt the guy is that he's only been wrestling for a year and is alreadly 35 years old. He's nearly the same height as the Great Khali but I really don't know how he moves in the ring yet. While he's obviously physically impressive, I have a feeling he's going to be among the least likely to win NXT. I wouldn't be surprised if he's one of the first one's eliminated.
I fear he may very well just be in this due to the fact that he has a great size, but that may very well just be me without much knowledge on him, due to the fact that I haven't seen him in FCW, but I think he could do things, but ultimately I fear that he's just a man of size.

I'm liking the fact that they put Morrison in this, he has a lot of experience, and due to his injury he needs to be used somehow.
This is probably the rookie and pairing that interests me the least. While I don't believe there are any duds this season (like Darren Young or Heath Slater last season), Cottonwood is probably the closest thing to one there is. The one thing he has going for him is his size. He's huge, over 7 feet tall. He's like The Great Khali, but more interesting because he can actually talk. Speaking of, if he's smart like Jack-Hammer says, I could see him having some Mike Knox weaved into his gimmick. An intelligent giant, if you will.

I don't really see what a pairing with Morrison will accomplish. I suppose it's just to keep Morrison on TV during his injury. I like Morrison, but I just don't really see many interesting interactions coming out of this pairing, unlike say Zack Ryder and Titus O'Neil.

One thing Cottonwood has going for him, is his cool name. One of the best rookie names, easily, though that's not exactly hard this season.
I'm sorry but this guy screams VANCE ARCHER. Everything about him: His size his, attire even in the face they look similar. That's no judgement it's just they look very alike. It should be an interesting combination with JoMo as I can imagine Eli turning on John. They are probably the most unique paring after Titus O'Neill and Zack Ryder. With Eli (I'd imagine)he''ll have an intense slightly psychotic gimmick and I think he''ll get in a fight or two throughout the NXT season which happened with a few rookies e.g. Wade Barrett/Darren Young.
This tandem is faily interesting you have 7 foot guy who seems like he is a powerhouse type of wrestler that can talk. Then you have John Morrsion who is really good in the ring but the mic isn't his strongest point. As far this pairing goes I like them and I do think he will make it far just because his size alone.

I expect sometime this season he will have some confrontation with Khail since Morrsion and Khail are both on the same Brand. I'm not he will win the competion but all I know is that he will go far.
I'm sorry but this guy screams VANCE ARCHER. Everything about him: His size his, attire even in the face they look similar. That's no judgement it's just they look very alike. It should be an interesting combination with JoMo as I can imagine Eli turning on John. They are probably the most unique paring after Titus O'Neill and Zack Ryder. With Eli (I'd imagine)he''ll have an intense slightly psychotic gimmick and I think he''ll get in a fight or two throughout the NXT season which happened with a few rookies e.g. Wade Barrett/Darren Young.
I see that too. Eli seems like a Vance Archer type, only bigger, hopefully having a half decent finsher, and not having a tramp stamp. He looks really lanky, kind of built like a skinnier Kane. Jomo as his pro doesn't make much sense, as this guy will without a doubt be a monster heel, and Morrison is a crowd pleasing face. I have no clue who this guy will end up being like, or how he will leave his mark, or even where he will finish on the show, but he will make a huge impact, even if it is short lived.
I may be crazy, but this be the most interesting rookie for me. Eli Cottonwood is a solid name. Sounds like a plantation owner in the 1800s. Very nice. He also looks great and just seems flat out interesting. Actually somewhat looking forward to him.

Being paired with JoMo can only make him look good, on the mic anyways. If anything, he can learn what will happen to you if you're a monotone - you won't do shit. John Morrison, how many you've disappointed.
I just came across two gifs of Cottonwood that made me not really care about this guy at all to having high hopes for him...



This isn't indicative of wrestling ability at all, let me make that perfectly clear. What it does indicate though is that the type of role he seems to be playing in FCW (and maybe someone who follows FCW can confirm this for me) is that he has sort of a Lennie from Of Mice and Men gimmick... especially with the name that they've given him, where it sounds like he has a name of a migrant worker in the 1930s. If they book him as a guy who really doesn't know his own strength, I'd find him very entertaining.

Plus, if they really wanted to, they could go down a road where they have a Bugs Bunny/Abominable Snowman type relationship with Morrison and Cottonwood. I can't wait to see what comes of his debut Tuesday night, especially with him having Morrison's slo-mo entrance. I think Cottonwood might be an initial internet favorite if they go down the strong as a bull with little brain capacity road with him.
Those GIFs Guy just posted just made me a lot more interested in Eli Cottonwood. I LOVED Of Mice And Men, and to see that Cottonwood is different from your generic monster heel is realy a breath of fresh air. Suddenly, Morrison's comment that Cottonwood is "a little hard to talk to" makes a lot more sense.

I can't wait to see if they go the Lennie/George route with this pairing. Hopefully with a happier ending. :lmao:
Those GIFs Guy just posted just made me a lot more interested in Eli Cottonwood. I LOVED Of Mice And Men, and to see that Cottonwood is different from your generic monster heel is realy a breath of fresh air. Suddenly, Morrison's comment that Cottonwood is "a little hard to talk to" makes a lot more sense.

I can't wait to see if they go the Lennie/George route with this pairing. Hopefully with a happier ending. :lmao:

I would agree with you all that that would be a good idea, but didn't his initial promo show him saying that he wants to inflict as much pain and carnage as possible, on everyone who gets in his path? That almost makes me give up hope that he'll be anything but a regular monster heel.

That said, Derren Young toned everything down after his initial promo, so I could be wrong. I hope I am, I think that's a fantastic idea. I guess we'll have to wait and see.
Probably the most boring combo of the bunch, JoMo doesn't have much charisma and Eli doesn't ooze it either. Also these guys have the most contrasting styles of all the rookie-pro combinations, Morrison being more of the flying type and Cottonwood being the big power guy. I'm not really sure what John could teach Eli outside of how to act in the lockerroom but who knows, maybe Cottonwood will start doing Starship Pain as his finisher. My individual thoughts on Eli are that he reminds me alot of Diesel from back in the day, maybe it's just the size and color of their hair but hopefully Eli can be as good as Kevin Nash someday.
I thought Eli Cottonwood was pretty impresive during his debut tonight. His ring work was average for a big guy, enough to get him by at the least. He didn't seem to have that generic big guy heel character, which is fresh. He had a decent look, kind of will or crazy. And the only time he spoke, it excited me. The way he said cena deserved every bit of what happened to him, he sounded kind of demented, crazy, psychotic. Kind of in vein of former promos of Kane. I like it, he could have a decent future.
Eli Cottonwood...I like him already. This fellow has the potential to be an extremely scary guy. He's huge, obviously powerful, and yet he seems almost childlike in his mannerisms. If he proves himself prone to tantrums without even a moment's notice, that would complete the package of a true monster heel. I don't see him as having much of a chance of being the final winner, but I do see him having a nicely solid impact while he's there. I'm seeing almost a Kane or Abyss quality to this guy, in embryo at this time.

He's paired with Morrison, which could go either way. JoMo is a cavalier party boy type and while he's mentoring Cottonwood, he's likely to almost have to play a fatherly role which is seriously going to cramp his style. If they play this one right, the relationship between these two might be the most compelling of this round of rookies.
This has to be the worst of all the rookies in my opinion, he's boring on the microphone from the very little bit we heard from him, he's boring in the ring and, well he's just overall boring.

He seems to me a lot like the kind of odd silent guy who just stands there and looks tall, then gets a contract, I didn't find anything impressive about him last night, let's hope it becomes a positive thing that he's paired with John Morrison, cause that's the only reason I can see him getting anywhere vote and popularity wise.
I hate to go here because I know the JoMo-HBK train has been rode to death in the past, but all I could think was

" Oh look, Diesel and Shawn! What a surprise!"

That's what immediately sprung to mind when I saw this giant come out. Now obviously he's not the same kind of character Diesel was upon introduction, but the potential for that very similar relationship to JoMo is very much there. I like behemoths, so I thought the introduction of this guy was great. Nothing like a giant pissed off wrecking machine to make things interesting. He looked more agile and able bodied than Khali so I was pleasantly surprised there. You can't expect too much ring savvy from guys that big, but you don't need it from them anyways, anything they do is devastating.

I look forward to seeing what this blend of Mike Knox/Snitsky/Khali can do.
I hate to go here because I know the JoMo-HBK train has been rode to death in the past, but all I could think was

" Oh look, Diesel and Shawn! What a surprise!"

That's what immediately sprung to mind when I saw this giant come out. Now obviously he's not the same kind of character Diesel was upon introduction, but the potential for that very similar relationship to JoMo is very much there.

So I'm NOT the only one? Ok, good.

Other than that, to be honest, this Eli Cottonwood guy has already bored me... I want him to hit the bricks.
I felt if they were going to call up a FCW giant they should of called up Jackson Andrews. I feel Andrews has a lot more potential than Eli in the WWE.

I hope they can get Eli over as a true giant, and not just force him down our throats ala Khali and Kozlov
This guy doesn't have the look, the in-ring talent or the charisma to get his way out of a wet paper bag let alone NXT... He's a 7'1" beanpole and what if he ever faced Kane or Big Show or Khali??? He's an anorexic version of these guys minus the mystique that goes with being that size. Plus Eli Cottonwood makes him sound like a farmer.

I hope to god they eliminate him early and don't put him on WWE TV.
I've finally gotten a look at the combination of Morrison and Eli Cottonwood.

This pairing is not impressing me. First of all, the only thing JoMo can ever say about his rookie is that he's the biggest of the group. Now, if that's all you have to say about him then one of two things is very wrong... either the rookie is THAT boring or you're the worst at pushing a new wrestler on the roster. And considering the fact that JoMo's job is to get this big man over, it looks like Cottonwood is going to be in dire straits for a bit. He'd better find some kind of edge to win over the crowd or else he's going to become over seven feet of future endeavor.
Cottonwood has not impressed me whatsoever. I hope he gets eliminated soon and he's my least favorite so far out of the season 2 rookies. Hopefully Morrison can help him get over, but I see Cottonwood as one of the first eliminations. He is not entertaining at all because he's just another boring "big guy".
They went with the odd couple pairing here and it hasn't worked very well so far. I've never been huge on Morrison other than for a few weeks a couple of years back but there's something about Cottonwood that I like. The reverse chokeslam he did a few weeks ago was cool to me and it worked well as something different. He's no great or anything, but he's working for me. I don't expect him to win or anything, but he could be a decent Bull Buchanan style guy. He's probably 5th or 6th so far, but with this character I'm not expecting much out of him.
Not a big fan of this Cottonwood guy at all, he's slow, he's boring, and really doesn't have any mic skills at all. I was hoping he would be the first elimination but now I can only pray he'll be the second.

His charecter so far is just supposed to be......... Creepy, he hasn't really been established as a heel or a face, so he barely gets any reaction, I really can't see this guy getting over at all, hopefully he'll get eliminated next and I won't have to watch this pitiful excuse for a wrestler on my TV any longer.
i can see a diesl HBK thing going on but, honestly, even if it would put Morrison on tv, i would hate it, it would actually be a step down for JoMo i think
but, i think Cottonwood could be a replacement as we see some big men like undertaker, kane and khali on the way out

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