Official DX Reunion Thread (merged)...Discuss EVERYTHING DX related here ONLY!!!



Last week on RAW, Shawn Michaels's was at the end of an attack by Spirit Squad to set up an angle that will leave Michael’s out of WWE television until the June 25 Vengeance pay-per-view. Sean underwent an MRI on Tuesday in San Antonio to determine the severity of a knee injury which has been bothering him for a while now. Surgery would be for a minor clean up of loose cartilage in the knee and it would only require an arthroscopic operation. Recovery from knee arthroscopy is generally much faster than recovery from traditional open knee surgery.

The injury angle is not expected to affect the DX Reunion between HBK and Triple H, reports The Pro Wrestling Torch. The angle could play out as soon as Monday night on RAW, or even as late as the actual pay-per-view in 4 weeks time.

The DX reunion angle isn’t expected to last long, and has been considered short term lasting through the summer. No additional wrestlers are expected to be part of the angle.
come to think honestly
even though a DX reunion is what most people want these days
the last time it almost happened Triple H turned on HBK
so, if it's not going to be long term this time...
it shouldn't even go down at all

might as well reform the NWO if that's the case
it was definately much better faction than DX :blink:
lol, NWO was a better a faction than DX, but it isn't anymore. I hope DX comesback even if its a 2 month thing.
^Of course NWO was better, DX was practically the copy of it. I hope they are back for more than 2 months though.
DX was inspired by the NWO and this was one of the cases that the replica did not match up to the original.

I don't really see how a DX reunion can last much longer than a couple of months. They should have saved this for Wrestlemania next year as a "One night Only" thing to drive up the buy rates a bit.

Bad move to bring DX back.
as we all know, dx is reuniting within the next few weeks, likely at vengeance. shawn has publicly stated since returning a few years back that he is a 'born-again' christian and we have seen that in his character...i don't think i've heard him swear once since returning. do u guys think he will lighten up on his beliefs a bit for the sake of entertainment, or do u think he will still be pounding his bible when he comes out on with the new DX. personally, i hope we see the old shawn. DX has always been remembered as an anti-authority group who did and said what they wanted, when they wanted . bringing them back as a 'watered down' version would tarnish their legacy and could make the DX reunion a failure..however, i do respect the fact that shawn is a family man now, and has changed his ways and cleaned up his life. what do u guys think?
Shawn is a wuss if he doesn't come back as the old degenerate we all knew and loved. Now, he is just some bible toting religious moron who thinks he may go to hell if he says bitch or makes a reference to his penis. Shawn better come back as the fun loving guy we all knew, or DX just isn't gonna work out.
I agree completely. Shawn used to be hilarious and really ****y like completely fulla himself, humiliated people and did it with style. If Shawn isn't gonna play the role as the old school heartbreak kid then i dont even wanna see this DX reunion. Even though Triple H will be great, you need Shawn too to see how incredibly funny these two guys are when they are together. Anyways, just my opinion.
I'm a Christian and I believe that if Shawn doesn't come back the old way than that is fine. I do not think that the New Shawn has to go back to the old Shawn. He changed for a reason and there is no reason going back to the way he was. Just because you think those words are funny doesn't mean that he has to say those or do those things. Go and watch something else. Get over it and stop complaining. Just watch Wrestling and enjoy for what it is.
he's not gonna be like he used to, although i see him doing some of the stuff he used to. I can't belive shawn went along with the god storyline anyways, so who know's what he'll do in DX
i agree about him going with the God storyline and wat Mr. McMahon said and did in church. So i agree if he was fine with that, i cant imagine wat's gonna happen with D-X. Shawn did also state in the post Wrestlemania interview that it felt good doing wat he did and being bad and he might just stay with that style. he seems more comfortable with doing the D-X crotch chop as he wasnt when HBK and HHH "reunited" in the past and HHH turned his back on HBK. if you look closely you'll see that Shawn isnt even close to doing the crotch chop and now he's being doing it since Wrestlemania 22. In my opinion I think Mr. McMahon knows that D-X was HUGE in the past. so 1 of 2 things could possible happen.

1. Since Mr. McMahon knows the fans want D-X back, he'll keep them happy by trying to have HBK and HHH be as funny as they were when they were the old D-X and pull their antics.

2. Mr. McMahon feeds off fans knowing they want D-X back and he'll have them more laid back, and he'll just BELIEVE that the fans will be happy just being back and not being their old selves.

That will not fit too well with the fans so wat i think will happen, is if the fans see HBK and HHH arent wat they were in the past, the fans just might end up booing them week in and week out until Mr. McMahon pulls the plug on them, or he livens them up like they were in the past.
first of all you have to seperate Micheal Hickenbottom from Sean Micheals. They are two entirely different personas. Sean Micheals the character isn't a born again christian, Micheal Hickenbottom is. Wrestling fans from all over want the old and very entertaining Sean Micheals who founded dx and said these lewd things. A paper dx would only disappoint the fans and reduce the ratings, if that is what we will see then let dx rest in peace. If Hickenbottom wants to be a christian then he should disassociate himself with the wwe; since this is one of the most controversial organisations of today,he can't say that he is a christian in one breath and then work for a promoter who mocks God. Hickenbottom should either get with God or get with the programme.
You can be a Christian and still be a wrestler in the WWE. Look at Eddie (RIP), Sting, Ted "The Million Dollar Man" the list goes on and on. When you're a Christian you just don't turn it off. You are a Christian during every aspect of your life. No matter what you will be lable as a Christian. If Shawn (Sean) doesn't want to do things because of him being a Christian, than that is fine. What he does and doesn't do will not turn me away from Wrestling. If it does for you than you need to get a life.
NWO may have inspired DX, but how was DX a copy of the NWO? The NWO was clearly about domination, taking over, running through an entire roster. Do any three of those things represent what DX stood for? Seems like every faction the WWF created after 96, people want to say it was a copy of the NWO.
Not true, I was a fan back when DX was brought around, it was not to be made like nWo, the only thing that was alike was the people that joined the "factions" were real friends back in the day. Here is my point

nWo- nWo was a group that came from the WWF, it was made to look like they were "Outsiders" looking to take the place over, they never said it, but they were in the beginning supposed to be the group representing the WWF taking over WCW, well thats what they were making it look like.

DX- DX was never like outsiders looking in, they were 3 people (HHH, HBK, Chyna) that where not going to play by the rules anymore. There motto (other than Suck it haha) was "You make the rules, and we will break em".

DX was more like, I don't have to follow rules, and nWo was like we are going to run this place. The only thing WWE did to copy them was make a gang like group, but wont NOD before nWo?
I personally find it pointless to bring back DX when it's only going to be short-term. I mean, what are they gonna do to make the DX split up again? Triple H pedigreeing HBK? That's been done before. DX has been done before. Remember the resurrection of the nWo within the WWE? That didn't go anywhere. Instead, it made Scott Hall and Kevin Nash look like wimps in the end who constantly lost matches.

All I want to see is HBK hold the World Heavyweight title one more time for at least three months instead of one.
I agree Obbie. I'm a Christian too, so I know how that goes. You stick with your beliefs if you claim to from the start. Otherwise, it's deceiving and contradicting. I don't think Shawn Michaels needs to start blurting out profanity and doing obscene gestures to be funny or be entertaining. To be honest, HBK's in-ring ability now isn't anywhere close to the old HBK. The same can be said about his wrestling character. The past is the past. How many times have long-gone gimmicks been successful in the WWE in our current days? They tried to bring back all the superstars from the glory days, but that was only suited at their time. It's all been done before, so we want the new. DX isn't new. That's how I feel at least.

And about separating the Shawn Michaels character from the personal life of Michael Hickenbottom? That doesn't make a lot of sense since Shawn Michaels the character has been portrayed as a born-again Christian too. Why else would Vince McMahon side "God" with Shawn Michaels?
plymouthrp329 said:
Not true, I was a fan back when DX was brought around, it was not to be made like nWo, the only thing that was alike was the people that joined the "factions" were real friends back in the day. Here is my point

nWo- nWo was a group that came from the WWF, it was made to look like they were "Outsiders" looking to take the place over, they never said it, but they were in the beginning supposed to be the group representing the WWF taking over WCW, well thats what they were making it look like.

DX- DX was never like outsiders looking in, they were 3 people (HHH, HBK, Chyna) that where not going to play by the rules anymore. There motto (other than Suck it haha) was "You make the rules, and we will break em".

DX was more like, I don't have to follow rules, and nWo was like we are going to run this place. The only thing WWE did to copy them was make a gang like group, but wont NOD before nWo?
i agree 100%
ya i've seen the promo and on the poster it has DX stenciled over edge and cena
i think hbk will hold back compared to what he used to do. this will make vince have to be a ultra- heel. i think with michaels is now gonna be a " bad boy" because he will continue to do high risk like he has in the last two ppvs. that will make it seem that he will do the "whatever he wants" thing going.
Ive been an HBK fan since he and Jannetty were the Rockers...and when he and Triple H joned to make DX it was exciting becasue HBK has always been a better heel...he is more ****y then ever and thats what makes his character shine even more...his mic skills are off the hook and his in ring ability is by far one of the best...
Hopefully HBK is close to being his old self with the new DX becasue we all know dat HHH is a mean son of a bitch and he can be very funny, but face it....without HBK it wont be the same....Hopefully DX will be back for a while and close to its old self...:wwf:
Im still deciding which PPV to get, slamniversy, ONS or Vengence, i heading toward Vengence just to see DX return.
AussieHobo said:
Im still deciding which PPV to get, slamniversy, ONS or Vengence, i heading toward Vengence just to see DX return.

go with that, i think MAYBE that will be the most interesting of the 3. im sure people will disagree and say ONS will be better cuz of the 2 title matches and the tag team hardcore match, but im still gonna go with Vengeance.

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