[Official] Discussion For Aces And Eights Leader


Getting Noticed By Management
This storyline has intrigued fans not just of TNA but other promotions that fans support that have been extremely critical of TNA for a while. I am not saying this story can have the same affect as the NWO but this could be the final straw on the Bisch experiment in TNA. It can not be a lame reveal unless other top names are part of the group. The reveal should not take place until BFG.

I do think Cornette and Bisch should patch up whatever creative differences they have and have some sort of working agreement between the two promotions. I am not saying some sort of merger but pretty close where both promotions operate seperately but have crossover storylines where talent can be seen on both shows. How cool would it be at BFG if Zion claims there is no competition and Davey Richards comes out and makes him tap within 5 minutes to be the New X Division Champion. Also at BFG have a 30 minute draw between WGTT and Kaz/Daniels.

Here are my picks who could be the leader of A&8:
Brooke Hogan: She could a younger sexier version of Stephanie McMahon's character of turning on her famous father for power and greed. Only problem is how good can she be as a character from week to week

Karen Jarrett: One of the more obvious choices but maybe not as the leader but one of a few co-leaders of the group. She is a great heel with real life situations that has been played out on-air with some male talent

Kurt Angle: Return him as the Olympic Bad Ass that's fed up with being the face of the company and wants to ruin the careers of the people that he believes have tarnised his pro wrestling career while mentioning VKM and WWE which would generate alot of heat as a heel real quick for him

Austin Aries: As much success he has had as a face so far in TNA he has so many characteristics like HBK. Both guys are excellent as a face or heel

Surprise Pick: As mentioned above imagine if ROH and TNA could work together because for them to compete it would serve them both as a unit caue they both have alot of talent but can't get it done going against one another. The one guy who is hotter than Aries and would be cool and possibly instant ratings for TNA would be the leader of A&8 and that would be current ROH World Champion Kevin Steen
Brooke Hogan and Karen Jarrett are realistic possibilities because they would absolutely suck.

I really hate when smarks think they know ecactly what a promotion should do, like going as far as saying "It should be a 30 minute draw" or whatever. Like, really dude?

But I do agree 100% with the notion that the leader/reveal cannot be another lame dude like Abyss' whole "They're coming" bullshit from a year or 2 ago. I'm convinced that the reveal will suck, however. I have zero faith in TNA ever "shocking" me, because they never have.
Not saying it should be but I wouldn't be suprised if it's Bobby Roode, so the group can help him win the belt back from Aries at Hard Justice plus Roode does have problems with management, doesn't he? If it's Roode, TNA could handpick James Storm as the guy to take down the group, which would make the storyline bigger heading into BFG then when Storm defeats Roode at BFG, the group is done, giving three feel good moments - 1) Storm finally defeating Roode, 2) Storm taking the belt off Roode, 3) Aces & Eights being defeated forever.
Brooke Hogan and Karen Jarrett are realistic possibilities because they would absolutely suck.

I really hate when smarks think they know ecactly what a promotion should do, like going as far as saying "It should be a 30 minute draw" or whatever. Like, really dude?

But I do agree 100% with the notion that the leader/reveal cannot be another lame dude like Abyss' whole "They're coming" bullshit from a year or 2 ago. I'm convinced that the reveal will suck, however. I have zero faith in TNA ever "shocking" me, because they never have.

If you weren't shocked when the Kurt Angle debut video played, then my friend there is no pleasing you.

As far as who the leader is, although it wouldn't be a shock, it would make perfect sense for Jeff and Karen Jarrett to be the leaders of the group.

They have attacked:

Sting- Sting fired them both from the company he founded and became the 1st Hall of Fame inductee.

Hogan- came in and is now the head of the company he founded.

Angle- became the company's top star and his wife's ex-husband.

Aries/Roode- the two top guys in his company and he is sending a message.

AJ Styles- the face of TNA and a baby face that would probably get involved in the Aces and 8s business anyway as he has always "protected" TNA.

Gut Check- attacking a Hogan inspired concept

However before James Storm ws implicated (which usually means he is not the leader), I thought he would be a huge swerve and pretty cool.

1. They need a big name to be revealed at this stage of the game. If Chris Masters is the leader, no one is going to care. Although jarrett has had Planet Jarrett etc. in the past atleast he being the Founder would fit the bill. So if TNA's top homegrown babyface turned out to be the leader of this then it would be a big shock.

2. The Cowboy, Deadman's Hand it all makes sense from that point of view

3. Storm went away after not being able to get the job done at Lockdown. He is back and has brought an army with him. He thinks, if everyone thought that what Robert Roode did was bad, as his former partner, I can top it and beyond!

4. Not kayfabe but 1. Bischoff loves turning top faces heel it's his pet play and 2. Storm is not getting as huge over as a face as TNA thought he would. He is not on the same level of Sting, Hardy, Aries, Angle, Styles or even Joe at the moment. That could all change but Super-Storm may be getting a tiny bit of backlash as seen last Thrusday on impact.

So for me either Jarrett or Storm would be great leaders of Aces and 8s.
It's Chris Harris... Thats why they interact so differently with James Storm... Chris Harris has come to fulfill his destiny in TNA...

Aces and 8's have the whole cards thing and they dress like rednecks, could be. Even though what you said sounded sarcastic I also thought of it. They said he's GUILTY so many times. They kept repeating it like they WANTED people to hear the word guilty. Only one thing I could think of when I heard it.


And also Gail Kim is back in TNA and she used to be a part of it as far as I know. Soo ... one more thing to ponder.
It's Chris Harris... Thats why they interact so differently with James Storm... Chris Harris has come to fulfill his destiny in TNA...

That would be great. If the guy is in wrestling shape. But I think Chris could be part of the group but not "the" guy as I think he's not been exposed to wrestling enough to lead a whole invasion. Can you imagine him doing a big promo in the ring? I can't see it, the guy would stumble over his own shyness. I think it should be a mix of guys that are mad at TNA(Jarrett, Morgan, Steiner, Harris and people that have been fired by them over the years) and new comers who wants to make a name for themselves.

And probably with Bischoff as the Leader.
Oh I know a classic tag match between WGTT and Kaz/Daniels would suck compared to what WWE's teams are like. Lets see WGTT put over many teams in ROH and putting over Kaz/Daniels as a team would be so Bad. Lets see putting talent over or a new team is what the biz is about and not so called entertainment that majority of fans don't care two shits about. Karen was the best female heel since SMH so she's awful but if the angle was in WWE it would be great ha WWE Mark. These are opinions and if you don't like certain opinions then go back to watching lame WWE especially seeing they are close in being kicked off of Wall Street because of their bottom line is one of the weakest in the whole entertainment industry. So I wasn't saying thats what Bisch should do but what might work!
While I can understand the notion of Chris Harris being the leader of th A&8's, I think the leader is Jeff Jarrett. If it ends up being Brooke Hogan I'm gonna be pissed. Now something else that I have thought about. I'm thinking another possibility could be Bully Ray. Putting logic aside, he's been chasing the title for well over a year and hasn't gotten the brass ring. He really doesn't need the backup but I can see this as his way of securing and holding onto the title. This is just a hypothesis though.
I honestly am having a really difficult time with the idea that it's anyone but Jarrett. He's the only one where the payoff would truly mean something at the moment of it's occurrence. Every other name mentioned, including Brooke Hogan, would be much more of a long-term project and has a much higher percentage chance of absolutely flopping.

Then again, why can't the leader of the group simply be one of the members — like Gallows (Isaiah Cash), who just so happens to be in "cahoots" with a member of the current TNA roster, who is letting them into the building and giving them access to all these opportunities? The story there writes itself. They all came in at one point or another to compete for a spot in TNA (Masters, Gallows, Knox, etc), and were passed over for others who didn't even pan out, so now they're here to take the spots they so rightfully deserve.
That would be great. If the guy is in wrestling shape.

Saw him wrestle not too long ago in my hometown (small town where he got his start) and he was NOT in wrestling shape. He looked more like Braden Walker than Chris Harris...if you get what I mean.

As for the leader, I think Jeff Jarrett would be too predictable. Ideally, you want someone who could generate some "buzz", but no one is available. Arguably the biggest name out there is John Morrison and I doubt anyone would care. If Jericho was to leave WWE and was interested in TNA, this would be PHENOMENAL, but I can't see that happening and he likely has a 90 day no-compete clause. I think the leader should be....no one. I think the entire group should be like a pack of wolves (similar to The Nexus) and keep this thing going on. Let them keep the masks on. Let them have a huge showdown with the TNA roster. If someone presents themselves as a viable leader in the future, jump on it. But for now, just let them keep beating people up and keep some mystery around it.
There is one free agent name out there big enough to make this relevant... Batista.

Him coming in with Masters, Morgan, and a few bigger guys (size not name value) and portraying themselves as bigger (stars) than some minor league promotion.

Otherwise, this is just some random heel stable with guys already on the roster. They have no big names left to turn, no one that would be surprising...

Knowing TNA, it's going to end up being Dixie Carter as the person pulling the strings though.
If you weren't shocked when the Kurt Angle debut video played, then my friend there is no pleasing you.

As far as who the leader is, although it wouldn't be a shock, it would make perfect sense for Jeff and Karen Jarrett to be the leaders of the group.

They have attacked:

Sting- Sting fired them both from the company he founded and became the 1st Hall of Fame inductee.

Hogan- came in and is now the head of the company he founded.

Angle- became the company's top star and his wife's ex-husband.

Aries/Roode- the two top guys in his company and he is sending a message.

AJ Styles- the face of TNA and a baby face that would probably get involved in the Aces and 8s business anyway as he has always "protected" TNA.

Gut Check- attacking a Hogan inspired concept

However before James Storm ws implicated (which usually means he is not the leader), I thought he would be a huge swerve and pretty cool.

1. They need a big name to be revealed at this stage of the game. If Chris Masters is the leader, no one is going to care. Although jarrett has had Planet Jarrett etc. in the past atleast he being the Founder would fit the bill. So if TNA's top homegrown babyface turned out to be the leader of this then it would be a big shock.

2. The Cowboy, Deadman's Hand it all makes sense from that point of view

3. Storm went away after not being able to get the job done at Lockdown. He is back and has brought an army with him. He thinks, if everyone thought that what Robert Roode did was bad, as his former partner, I can top it and beyond!

4. Not kayfabe but 1. Bischoff loves turning top faces heel it's his pet play and 2. Storm is not getting as huge over as a face as TNA thought he would. He is not on the same level of Sting, Hardy, Aries, Angle, Styles or even Joe at the moment. That could all change but Super-Storm may be getting a tiny bit of backlash as seen last Thrusday on impact.

So for me either Jarrett or Storm would be great leaders of Aces and 8s.

As soon as I hit "Submit Reply" I knew someone would bring up Kurt Angle, or Jeff Hardy, or Chrsitian Cage's debuts. Don't you see the problem there? TNA can only shock us when it brings in an ex-WWE wrestler? Shocking us with a debut takes ZERO skill to pull off. Just keep your mouth shut and let the dude walk out there.

I stand by my point. A TNA Storyline, segment, angle, or feud has never once shocked me. Even when somebody turns in TNA it feels unimportant because of the frequency in which Eric Bischoff enjoys turning people face and heel. Sometimes I forget if Mr. Anderson is bad or good this week... or if Joe is a good bad ass or a jerky bad ass and etc.

Jarrett for leader is probably the least risky option for TNA right now. I don't see people truly caring about anybody else on the current roster being the leader.

And, is everybody just assuming Roode will get the title back from Aries at Hardcore Justice and defend it againt Stom at BFG?

Whoever brought up Batista, as far fetched as it is, that's literally the only viable option out there that would send shock waves throughout the wrestling industry. Anything else will just be a dud.
Actually, it's a total long shot, but Edge is also apparently not under contract to WWE in any capacity. I know his wrestling career is finished (in ring), but you never really know with the wrestling business...

He'd certainly make for an intriguing leader, even if he never steps into the ring to compete again.
As soon as I hit "Submit Reply" I knew someone would bring up Kurt Angle, or Jeff Hardy, or Chrsitian Cage's debuts. Don't you see the problem there? TNA can only shock us when it brings in an ex-WWE wrestler? Shocking us with a debut takes ZERO skill to pull off. Just keep your mouth shut and let the dude walk out there.

I stand by my point. A TNA Storyline, segment, angle, or feud has never once shocked me. Even when somebody turns in TNA it feels unimportant because of the frequency in which Eric Bischoff enjoys turning people face and heel. Sometimes I forget if Mr. Anderson is bad or good this week... or if Joe is a good bad ass or a jerky bad ass and etc.

Jarrett for leader is probably the least risky option for TNA right now. I don't see people truly caring about anybody else on the current roster being the leader.

And, is everybody just assuming Roode will get the title back from Aries at Hardcore Justice and defend it againt Stom at BFG?

Whoever brought up Batista, as far fetched as it is, that's literally the only viable option out there that would send shock waves throughout the wrestling industry. Anything else will just be a dud.
Exactly, while signing him isn't Hogan to WCW in magnitude, Batista was arguably the second biggest star of the past decade and has been gone just long enough where fans could be extremely thrilled to see him back and not too long to where he just feels like another "old guy" being brought in for nostalgia pops.

I mean, literally if you remove all the guys either under contract or legend deals, and then eliminate the guys like Goldberg who are past their prime, Batista is the only legitimate free agent in wrestling. I think the only reason he wouldn't is how badly TNA treated Flair and Batista's known hero worship of "The Man".

Morrison would be just another midcarder TNA tries to make a headliner, Orton would have to fail another test and wait 90 days, Lashley could have been a star had he stuck around, but he went into Lesnar mindset before he earned the accolades to be able to coast off of his accomplishments. Being a WWECW champ isn't a career highlight unless you're chavo, fat hardy, or tommy dreamer. Whom they've all brought in and put in positions higher than their drawing capability says they should be.

The other option would be a major mma star like Hughes, GSP, Evans, Rampage, etc; that they signed and trained without anyone knowing.

People suggest ROH guys like 95% of casual viewers would have any idea who these people are. Hell 95% of casual fans couldn't pick out half of TNA's roster out of a lineup and somehow bringing in guys with even less exposure would somehow boost the company.

There are only a handful of guys that could do it:

1) Cena
2) Orton
3) Lesnar
4) Batista

The list pretty much ends there, even Punk isn't so entrenched as a top guy that he could jump ship and effect ratings long-term, Rock,Austin,HHH aren't going anywhere, Shane is doing quite well in China, DB, Sheamus, ADR, etc are similar to Punk, only further away. Rey, Jericho, Show, are all winding down and while solid hands have never been top draws. Taker and Kane are not only lifers, but also are gimmick stars who need their moniker for any recognition. Taker especially wrestles so rarely and relies mostly on his reputation (which I have no issue with, I'm always thrilled to see him when he comes out) so to think Mean Mark, or whatever name he'd use could boost ratings is laughable.

TNA could offer Batista Cena level money. 2-3 mil guaranteed per, good percentage of card proceeds, high merch rates, etc. Upside of 5 mil per. Sign him for 3 years, if it works it boosts product awareness and while you may never make a dime off of him personally using his name value to get fans familiar with your show and thus increase profits across the board wouldn't be bad. Worse case, cut him, pay him the guaranteed portion, and go back to the drawing board.

If Bischoff was actually in charge, the deal would have been signed a year ago and Batista would currently be carrying the belt... It takes major stars to make major stars and the guys currently there are so far past the point of being relevant to fans or a major promotion than they are no longer huge stars. You have no idea how many times I'll mention Angle, Sting, Hardy, or RVD to some of my friends who are casual fans and almost all of them will reply with the "oh they're still wrestling?" and in Hardy's case "isn't he in prison, or didn't he die". To a majority of fans, the wrestling world begins and ends with the same three letters... WWE.
I've started thinking last week that it could turn out to be Austin Aries. He's definitely got the stuff to be a great heel, and last week when Angle mentioned that it was eight guys who attacked, I though maybe they would be the "eights" while A-Double would be the "aces". It's only a flimsy connection, but I could see it being made.
i agree with what most of you are saying that jeff is probably the safe option for tna to go with but there are some other names that i thought might work.

a woman being the leader of the aces and eights would be a shock. i don't ever think there has been a female lead stable. and as far as i can remember she was not that bad on the mic. the only problem there would be jeff. i don't think it would work with jeff around he would just overshadow her as leader.

i think IT'S DAMN REAL is right. edge no longer has a wwe contract. if i'm right wwe offered him a legends contract but he turned it down. edge is still a big name in wrestling and would be a big draw for the company. plus he has always been awsome on the mic

has not been in tna for years know but during his original run became one of the best managers tna ever had. plus in his last run with the company he was involved in a storyline with sting in which sting got abyss to turn on him. he could come back wanting revenge on sting for turning his son against him. he could say sting called him a dead man and the the dead man is playing his final hand. and that hand would be the aces and eight's.
Jesus, he is a huge draw and Chick-Fil-A would throw sponsorship money at TNA left and right.

Jarrett, Bischoff and maybe Angle are the only reasonable leaders. They are the only names in wrestling who are recognizable and would want to have an interest in taking over/down TNA. I see no reason for a guy like Luke Gallows to start attacking TNA on his own. It would make more sense for him to lead people to attack WWE since that is the organization that dropped him and they are the biggest in the world. Plus he isn't a big enough name to lead anything. Any of the other guys mentioned like the ones from ROH or Joey Ryan would just be disappointments and may turn a lot of fans off. We've had invasions and takeovers ad naseum over the past 16 years, enough is enough.

I am still holding on to some hope that the UT is behind it in an effort to get Sting to battle him at WM29. I see it benefitting both companies as the hype would be through the roof. TNA benefits with this storyline and a few WWE Superstar appearances. I would tune in every week to see if Sting had made his decision yet. WWE benefits by getting Sting to appear on a few Raws and the extra buys for WM29. The fans benefit because they see something they never thought they would see.

I've put the UT idea out there before and no one will bite. If no one from the IWC is willing to bite then I guess it is impossible and I might as well keep hoping the leader should be Jesus.
I highly doubt Edge would ever come to TNA. He's a WWE guy born and bred. Batista seems to be content out of the wrestling world. My guess is the leader of this group will be Jarrett, Eric Bischoff, or if they really wanted to shock the world.....Shane Mcmahon though I think that's about as a long a shot as one can get.
Jesus, he is a huge draw and Chick-Fil-A would throw sponsorship money at TNA left and right.

Jarrett, Bischoff and maybe Angle are the only reasonable leaders. They are the only names in wrestling who are recognizable and would want to have an interest in taking over/down TNA. I see no reason for a guy like Luke Gallows to start attacking TNA on his own. It would make more sense for him to lead people to attack WWE since that is the organization that dropped him and they are the biggest in the world. Plus he isn't a big enough name to lead anything. Any of the other guys mentioned like the ones from ROH or Joey Ryan would just be disappointments and may turn a lot of fans off. We've had invasions and takeovers ad naseum over the past 16 years, enough is enough.

I am still holding on to some hope that the UT is behind it in an effort to get Sting to battle him at WM29. I see it benefitting both companies as the hype would be through the roof. TNA benefits with this storyline and a few WWE Superstar appearances. I would tune in every week to see if Sting had made his decision yet. WWE benefits by getting Sting to appear on a few Raws and the extra buys for WM29. The fans benefit because they see something they never thought they would see.

I've put the UT idea out there before and no one will bite. If no one from the IWC is willing to bite then I guess it is impossible and I might as well keep hoping the leader should be Jesus.

Taker/Lesnar will easily outdraw Taker/Sting. Plus with Rock also being on the card, the mil+ buyrate is guaranteed.

Got love how liberals love free speech except when it disagrees with one of their protected classes. I believe the 1st amendment trumps all other laws and statues, as the right to freely state your opinion is often the first right suppressed by dictators.

"It is dangerous to be right in matters where established men are wrong." Voltaire
Taker/Lesnar will easily outdraw Taker/Sting. Plus with Rock also being on the card, the mil+ buyrate is guaranteed.

Kind of off topic but I'll bite:

So you are saying that Taker/Lesnar and no Sting will outdraw Taker/Sting plus Lesnar somewhere else high on the card. Strange math.

I would be happy with Taker/Lesnar but I'd rather have Taker/Sting. After HHH/UT at WM28 and Hogan/Sting at BFG it is pretty clear that you can put two legends together and get a great result. I know Lesnar and UT have history but a couple of glances at a UFC PPV is not exactly something to build a feud on. UT's streak is the biggest prize in wrestling right now (sorry WWE Title), do you really want to put that in the hands of the guy who's most recent WM moment was a travesty against Goldberg? Maybe if he is back under contract after WM29 but certainly not if he isn't under contract. Sting is a legend and a certified professional. Much like the UT his age has somewhat caught up to him. The guy still has fans/marks that abandoned pro wrestling years ago or never got in to WWE. He gives the WWE a chance to bring in fans (see collect money) that have been hugely anti-WWE. The cross promotional aspect and WWE Hall of Fame implications would be huge. The unpredictability would cretae waves much like Rock/Cena. We are expecting to get Brock, Brock has been great in my eyes but a lot of people are turned off by him.

Again, this is all an unreasonable fantasy of mine but it works way more than a bunch of no name ROH guys or WWE cast offs or Jeff Jarrett or NWO rehash 17.

Got love how liberals love free speech except when it disagrees with one of their protected classes. I believe the 1st amendment trumps all other laws and statues, as the right to freely state your opinion is often the first right suppressed by dictators.

Now you've gone completely off topic but I'll bite again:

It is so admirable that no Conservative has ever protested a company for their political or social views or tried to suppress a group's right to vote or killed an abortion doctor.

Translation, both liberals and conservatives have their fair share of idiots and others that occassionally do and say irrational things. The rest of us just have shit to do and know better than to be bothered by the media and political sensationalism.

"It is dangerous to be right in matters where established men are wrong." Voltaire

I'm sorry but I can't learn anything from a quote from a French person. A conservative told me I have to protest everything French. I am just going to go back to eating my Freedom Fries and drinking sparkling white wine straight from the vineyards of Nebraska.

Back to the topic so I can hopefully avoid an infraction or deleted message. Edge would make a cool leader but I doubt he would want to ruffle any WWE feathers so soon after retiring, going in to the Hall and making a bad movie. Plus he is unable to compete so I don't know how much he really has to offer TNA. Batista on the other hand would probably work better as I think he can still work a match and fit in well with TNA's roster.
I honestly don't want a leader.
I would be perfectly fine if ex-WWE guys (Masters, Morrison, etc) showed up, but what would make me enjoy it even more (in my head it seems I would enjoy it more) is if the "leader" is revealed as no-one, it is simply a group of guys that wanted a shot in TNA and didn't get it, and decided to take it. Obviously one guy will eventually rise to the top as "the guy", but a natural evolution to that role would be amazing.

Definitely one person needs to turn on TNA though, to explain how they get into the building, etc. I don't want it to be a top person though, a mid-carder who maybe is destroyed after A&8 get guaranteed to get into the building, play it as someone who was going to use A&8 to get what he/she wanted but it backfired.

You could even use that as a story. So much potential!
After tonight, it could be Abyss. I think he was the talker in the promo. Now he could be a stand in or it could be him. Going after bully may indicate that it is him. Of course tna may just be swerving us.

Ultimately, I think its Jarrett, but I wouldn't mind seeing Joe leading the stable. Dead mans hand...joes gonna kill you...
It could be Abyss, or...it could be Bully Ray. I wouldn't be the least bit surprised if Ray letting his contract "expire" and talking up a WWE return on Twitter was an elaborate work. I still agree that Jeff Jarrett is the best payoff, but Bully Ray is currently one of the best heels in pro wrestling, and easily capable of pulling all the strings. It could even be an alliance between Bully Ray and Jeff Jarrett, to get the Hogans and Sting out of management and back into the hands of Immortal. Bound for Glory is approaching, and TNA has a nasty habit of bringing over-used factions back into the mix for non-existent ratings boosts. Just putting it out there...

My issue with the whole Aces and Eights thing, is simply that adding too many names to TNA right now is a very, very bad idea. Balancing a roster is insanely difficult, and TNA has been doing it extraordinarily well in recent months. You put Jeff Jarrett back into the picture, fine. You bring one, maybe two new guys like Luke Gallows or Chris Masters into the mix, alright - although I still have no interest in either being a heavy part of the main event scene.
At the moment, I don't particularly want there to be 'one' leader either, as I'm liking the idea of it being just a gang of thugs without too much hierarchy.

Ramblingroy682 beat me to it, but I totally think the spokesdude from last night's first A'n'8 promo was Chris "Abyss" Parks.
I'd be okay-to-cool with him being a member, as long as it's a completely different style of character to Abyss or Joseph Park.

I can see a scenario where A'n'8 jump Sting during his official Hall of Fame induction ceremony at Bound For Glory.
The lights will go off and on to reveal Jeff Jarrett standing poised in the ring, BUT .. I think Jeff will stage a shocker by smacking the shi% out of A'n'8 - a mega swerve, I believe it is called.

I'd obviously be in the minority, or more precisely, all by myself, because if there is a leader, nothing - and I mean absolutely NOTHING - would make me happier than it turning out to be Don West - the wild, wild West .. YES !!
The whole biker gang motif has me thinking Eric bischoff. If there ever was a guy with a biker fantasy, it is him. In fact, I would not be shocked if it turned out that he started planning something like this when the NWO started getting out of hand. "if this had been my idea, I'd give it a motorcycle club theme."
Then he put it on the back burner for years until someone turned him on to sons of anarchy. Maybe.

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