*OFFICIAL* Daniel Bryan Wins the Smackdown MITB/WrestleMania 28- KEEP IT ALL IN HERE!

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at the ppv we saw mr daniel bryan the dark horse win mitb. I remember after calming down over christian's title win, i feared daniel bryan's cash in, simply because it looked like a better repeat of batista hurting edge and punk cashing in on 2008.
so my question for you, is do you think bryan should've cashed in and if he did, tell me why it would work, if it didn't tell me why it didn't work. I feared the idea, but i think bryan winning the briefcase and him winning the title should occur a long time away from when he gets over with the crowd.

also on a side note, does anyone have numbers on the buyrates for capitol punishment and over the limit?
I think it will happen on tuesday like what happened with swagger christain has a promo and orton comes out and beats christain to the point he can barely stand up then Bryan will hit the ring cash in then be the knew WHC and Bryan is over with the fans that appreciate wrestling since moving to smackdown he doen't get much mic time which is surprising since he is very good on the mic if he gets more mic time he can get over and then be ready to cash in
I think that Daniel Bryan is going to have one of two directions..
1) Daniel Bryan is going to cash in and be worst than Jack Swagger
2) He will loose the briefcase like Kennedy.

Don't get me wrong, Daniel Bryan is the best wrestler in the WWE no doubt about that, but he is worst than Swagger on the mic, he can't tell a story and the two things that I know is that Mr. Money In The Bank needs to talk, and the World Champion needs to talk, he can't do it.

I'm almost sure that he is going to lose his opportunity, last night when he didn't cashed in, I felt this, so I think that he is really going to do the 2nd path.
He isn't ready for the World Heavyweight Championship (sorry IWC)
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i think thats the plan with d.bryan, except we wont see it on tuesday. give hime a good feud that gets him involved with the mic more. get him over with the crowd, maybe a gimmick change or 2 and in a few months time we just may have a new world champ in d.bryan, probably should happen end of yearish, not close to wm28
either that or after wm28.
I think that Daniel Bryan is a bit of a idiot for NOT cashing in the money in the bank. When Christian won, he got attacked bye Randy Orton with two RKO'S on the announce table. It says before the money in the bank match that winner has a chance to cash it in on a vulnerable moment to win the WHW Championship. It was obviously a very vulnerable moment because Christian could hardly get up.
BY the way I lol when Christian spat in Ortons face :lmao:
Daniel Bryan is the best wrestler the WWE has, but i just cannot see him as WHC. He is pretty average on the mic, and that's being generous.

He'll either lose it like Kennedy did, or be the first to cash in and lose imo. (Which i would have loved to happen to R-Truth, continuing the whole conspiracy thing, but oh well)
I see Cody Rhodes coming out on SmackDown, paper bag in hand and completely ripping Daniel a new one for being so STUPID last night. Challenges will be made and accepted, so the question will be if he will retain the briefcase. I'm guessing he will and this will be an ongoing storyline with Bryan repelling the advances of the SD heels. If he'll ever get to cash in the case himself will probably be determined by crowd reaction.

Well, it could be the case :shrug:
I don't think Daniel Bryan should cash in MiTB right away. I believe that he should be slowly built up and be groomed to the main event scene. Therefore, when the time is right Daniel Bryan will become WHC.
You know, last night I almost expected DB to come out after Punk/Cena for a second main event, at which point Chicago goes ape shit!

(I know Bryan had the Smackdown case, but I don't feel like that's a rule written in stone.)

As for Bryan, I think it just would have looked too similar to Kane's cash in last year. Furthermore, we are moving into unprecedented territory. Two briefcases are floating about. If you want a match with a built in storyline, pit Bryan against del Rio. It wouldn't sell a PPV, but a proper feud would help them both and keep them "distracted" from cashing in.
I think that Daniel Bryan is a bit of a idiot for NOT cashing in the money in the bank.

The problem is... Blind sided attacks don't fit Daniel Bryan's character. DB is a "stand up guy" who does things on a fair basis. Him cashing in on a vulnerable person doesn't hold to his character like say him cashing it in for NOC in a single's match against Christian. Daniel Bryan just needed the briefcase to elevate him TO the next level of his career, but he doesn't have to use it in a lame post match cash in.
Daniel Bryan is a very talented Wrestler, there is no question of that. But his character is sort of a Knight in shining armor. I think he will do what RVD did to Cena at ECW: One Night Stand. Challenge The Champion ahead of time. (F he doesn't loose the Breifcase before hand.) that or he could turn heel, maybe Cody Rhodes gets to him and they become friends (really hope that doesn't happen) but its a possibilty,
Iam really glad Daniel bryan won, he is without a doubt the best wrestler in wwe.Every live show i got to daniel bryan puts on the best match of the night.He is a guy that can fight big guys little guys whatever.Him and christian had a really good match at the last house show i was at(orton had concussion as to why they fought). Swagger was not whc material daniel bryan is, he is the aj styles of the wwe.
Speaking of "Daniel Bryan" can someone please explain him to me. I dont get it at all. Yes I know his backstory , he was in the INDYS for years and putting on good matches in crappy little arenas and paying his dues. And yes I know Shawn Michaels trained him but I still dont get it. He is sooooooooo boring and bland its not even funny at this point, his little sarcastic personality doesnt make him a star. Look I understand he is respected for his in ring ability in terms of his submissions and grappling based style which the crowd seems to enjoy. But this is WWE , this is 2011 , this is the era of twitter and facebook and this guy lacks any charisma at all. Just try to really see him for what he is , a very ordinary man in a BIG world of entertainment and excitement.

The WWE experience is loud and big and full of energy and he doesnt fit that realm. His matches are good when your judging by PPV standards and throwing 2 guys out there for a 20 minute match. But he lacks in so many ways , and I dont wanna hear the argument that he is the 'underdog' and ppl want him to do well because he is so ordinary , that doesnt solve the issue here. The big picture is that he is not capable of being a huge star and I am telling you he will never be a major player in the WWE. AJ Styles is way better than him and I dont even like TNA. I just dont understand why Bryan is so over with people. Its like people are so sad about their own lives they just live through him. I just need someone to really dig down deep and explain to me this guy and why hes so loved and whats so great about him. Please give details like which moves he does in the ring that are so great and what he says on the mic thats so good. I am seriously wanting to know. I want a detailed explanation. And dont just say hes a good wrestler. Give details.
I think its against his character to cash in like someone has already said when Christian was down. I literally marked out when he won, so happy! :D

I think the WWE and Bryan need to up their game now, I see so much of the good qualities of Chris Benoit in Daniel Bryan and I think he can become a character similar to Benoit in the ring and actually be a dominant force even if he is a bit average sized.
Well I think he is loved for the same reason Zack Rhyder is, its just a fad. I repesct DB, but he does lack the Charisma you're talking about. Another reason i think people like him is finisher, i know it is a weak arguement but his finishing submission move is the Crossface, same (as you know) Benoit. I think People miss the way Benoit wrestled that they see that finisher and the part of them that wants to see Benoit again likes DB IMO.

His Mic skills arent great, but he has this GOOD GUY thing and the way he is polite when he speaks, i think people like him because he is the "nice guy"
This was a nice surprise. I would never have expected Bryan to take home the blue briefcase. I think that he should hold onto it for a while, at the earliest until Summerslam. This will be great for Bryan because the longer he holds onto the blue briefcase the more attention it will get him, and now that Christian is champion I can see Bryan cashing in for his first world title after Christian barely survives a title defense or an attack by someone like Orton. He should not be in a hurry to cash it in because it will be a more anticipated moment if they wait a bit. Good job on being brave enough to try something new, WWE!
I'm such a massive Daniel Bryan fan. To see him win Money In The Bank was possibly my biggest "mark-out" moment as a wrestling fan. In the heat of the moment, it beat the Nexus invasion. It beat Bryan's return at SummerSlam. It beat CM Punk's "shoot". It possibly even beat CM Punk winning the title last night. But that was in the heat of the moment. Since then it has dawned on me that it might not be all rosey. Could WWE really think that Daniel Bryan is capable of being a world champion?

I would love to see Daniel Bryan have the World Heavyweight Championship around his waist. More than anyone else in WWE. But I don't think WWE see it the same way. I fear that a Sheamus, or a Wade Barrett may take the briefcase off of him in some kind of match. I mean, WWE have shown no signs of wanting to push Daniel Bryan above a midcard level. They have shown that they want to push Sheamus into the world title picture. Same with Wade Barrett. Taking the contract from a fan favourite in questionable circumstances would be a great way for a heel to garner heat. So why not? I see no reason why this won't happen. One thing I don't think will happen is Bryan losing if he cashes in. WWE want to be able to say that "everyone who has cashed in the contract has won".

I believe if he's given a decent build, Daniel Bryan can actually be a world champion. I genuinely do. He's (needless to say) faultless in the ring. He has charisma and can talk. Please don't confuse "not being given the opportunity to show personality and talk" with "has no personality and can't talk".
THAT was a HUGE MARKOUT for me while I was watching towards the end I was LIKE No WAY is Daniel Bryan Going to win this Match then OMG He might be able to pull this out then he pulled the Case Down and I was like HOLY FUCKING SHIT DANIEL BRYAN just won MONEY IN THE BANK!!!!. The Match itself it was FUCKING Awesome and easily a contender for Match of the Year and it was probably the Best ladder Match that I've seen in a LONG Time. Just an Excellent Match and an Excellent Moment.
Not too many people called D Brian as the winner of this match but I think my initial reaction as soon as it happened told me what I needed to know. I was banking on Wade walking out with the blue case, but when I saw Brian unhook it I was just fine with it. I know that if he has to rise to the occasion he will be able to because he's got plenty of wrestling experience and a fair amount of TV experience now, he's more ready than most other competitors in that match.

There are two things I would remember if you're questioning the decision by the by. Firstly, the MITB briefcase is not a GUARANTEED world title as the commentators last night continually flaunted. Just because it's never happened doesn't mean it wont, there is a fair chance he'll be the first guy to not automatically become world champion and add more mid-card feuds and titles to his name.

Secondly, he has that title for ONE ENTIRE YEAR. 12 months is a long time to develop character and skills to get yourself ready for the strap. I doubt we'll have another Swagger reign with D Brian cashing in as soon as he can. Remember where The Miz was before winning the MITB case? US champion. Had some good feuds as a heel, some good matches with none other than Brian himself I might add and all round not a top draw guy. You skip forward a few months and we have the new world champion, the same world champion who headlined Wrestlemania. No reason history can't be repeated here.

The best thing about this is the nature of his character right now. There's only been three face guys that have won the infamous ladder match, Kane, CM Punk and Brian himself. A face contract holder is automatically more unpredictability. This whole thing has left me not knowing where Bryan will go from here and that is, as always, a very good thing. I hope they play him right though, from here until his cashing in he needs to be worked on. I love 'Rise of the Valkyries' as much as anyone but he needs a little bit more in a little bit of a different direction now. And who knows........ maybe he'll be the next CM Punk.
I didn't think Daniel Bryan had even a 1% chance of winning this match, and I'm guessing I wasn't alone in that belief. I love it.

He can perform with anyone on this planet, and I think that's going to work well with this storyline. People have been saying, for a few years now, that someone needs to lose the "Cash In," if only to keep it honest. Well, he's probably the guy to do so.

I could see him cashing in on an episode of Smackdown, but taking the match right there. I doubt Bryan is going to cash in when someone is down and out. I think he's going to use it to actually challege the Champion to an actual match, at a PPV. Would DB win that match? Maybe not. He could easily lose after an outstanding match, and still be much more important than he was yesterday at this time. Not saying I want him to lose, but it wouldn't kill him (like most of you probably think it would).
I had it penned in as a very optimistic pick (check WZPC, I even gave it the lowest confidence), but that made it no less of a surprise that Mr. Danielson was able to win. I think this could be the boost Bryan needs. He doesn't need to cash-in for a little while yet, as he needs time to build. If Jack Swagger's World Title reign proved anything, it's that just being a great wrestler doesn't mean the fans will accept you as the champion. Bryan needs a few months to build and a decent feud to boot (I'm looking to you Wade Barrett). With the right build behind him, Daniel Bryan could be the next Kurt Angle (great technical wrestler with a tremendous resume outside of WWE) and take the world title home.
It was definitely a surprise though a very pleasant one. I'm anxious to see what happens with Bryan and I do very much hope that they don't go in the direction that they went with Mr. Kennedy. Although, the reason they did that in the first place was because he'd suffered an injury that required him to be put on the shelf for a while if I'm not mistaken.

Daniel Bryan is a high quality guy inside the ring and I think he's got the potential to be a great all around guy. After his elimination from the first season of NXT last year, he gave a couple of fantastic promos. Remember the one where he attacked Cole and called him a poor man's excuse for Jim Ross? He had the crowd eating out of the palm of his hand. He's got the potential to shine on the mic and to grow as a character. I truly am hoping that they don't waste this opportunity with him.

As for Bryan not cashing in at the ppv, why should he? Babyfaces aren't supposed to do stuff like that. Heels are generally the ones that are the opportunistic jackals looking for any sort of opening or advantage. Babyfaces are supposed to be the honorable guys and do the right thing. Nothing at all wrong with that in my opinion. I know the IWC wants every wrestler to either be a heel or be some rebellious anti-hero or some shit like that. Well it ain't gonna happen, so get the hell over it.

I'm hoping that they wait a while and build Bryan up before he cashes it in. Personally, I'd love to see Christian get a long reign with the title and have Daniel Bryan cash in his MITB contract for a match between the two of them at WrestleMania.
I gotta say Daniel Bryan was the last guy I actually thought would win the Smackdown MITB but its a nice surprise that he did.

My only concern is his blandness outside of the ropes. Inside the ring the guy is fantastic and probably the best technical wrestler the WWE has but he has zero personality and the champ should have some marketability outside the ropes. From Bryan's work in the past I know he can overcome this and become a great performer on the mic and character as well.

Personally I hope they take this time give Daniel Bryan the opportunity to build his mic skills and character and give him a chance to sign before they pull the trigger. That was one BIG mistake they made with Jack Swagger for example, they pulled the trigger WAY too early and Swagger ended up being boring and a bust as champion. If they take their time to elevate Daniel Bryan like they did when Edge won the 1st MITB then I'm all for it.

Overall I'm excited that Daniel Bryan has the briefcase and hope he gets his title reign when the timing is right (and that's not for at least 3-6 months).
Congrats to my boy D. Bryan- booker t voice. aside from that gotta show alot of love to d. bryan i didnt think he was gona win (and hes in my fave five) but it was nice to see him become mr. money in the bank and possibly mr. whc one day
To say I marked out for Daniel Bryan winning would be a massive understatement. I got up and yelled, stomped around, jumped like a giddy little girl, and then took in the fact that Daniel Bryan could... and likely will be a World Champion in the WWE one day!

The WWE has a lot of work to do with Mr. Bryan before he goes for that title shot, though. He looked impressive but not dominant against Cody Rhodes in their recent feud, and to be a credible champion Daniel Bryan is going to need to put on better showings than that. I think a feud with a big bruiser type like Wade Barrett or even Sheamus is in the cards for Mr. Bryan, and he's going to have to come out looking like... well... money in the bank.

As for when he'll cash in his Money in the Bank contract... I think he'll go the route of Rob Van Dam and use it for a straight up title match at a PPV. I would love to see him cash in on Christian, but I wouldn't be surprised if he doesn't cash in until sometime in the Winter. Daniel Bryan has been playing a very straight laced good guy for a while now, and I just don't see him sneaking up on someone to steal the belt from them.

Overall, this is extremely exciting stuff for Daniel Bryan fans, and I'm sure I'm not the only one on this forum that brimming with excitement about the chance that DBD will be the next WHC.
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