[OFFICIAL] Daniel Bryan returns to the WWE


Gone but never forgotten.
In the Summerslam main event of Team WWE versus Team Nexus, Daniel Bryan returned as the mystery final member of Team WWE. It looks like he's back on the payroll. Let all of the ridiculous IWC speculation, shit talking, and fantasy booking begin. Lulz. :rolleyes:

Keep all discussion about his return in here.

I noticed he used the crossface to eliminate Darren Young. Will this end up in another 90 day hiatus, because im sure that the crossface has been illegal to use since the Benoit tragedy.
The Crossface was used by hbk a wile back ago. I never herd that the move was banned from the wwe. It didn't look like a cross face to me so I think he is fine. I don't believe that he was ever suspended that it was all a big work all along.

But I'm sure that by the end of summerslam something big is going to happen still and we will all crap our pants. I have no idea but im glad that he is back as that had to of been one of the hardest secrets for vince to keep down.
I started a thread about this a couple days ago saying it was going to happen and it almost went just like i said cena said they found someone else daniel bryan is it and also continues his feud with the miz and 1 thing i also predicted but probably won't happen is that a double turnm happens and he turns on wwe and once again joins nexus i doubt this will happen though.
I noticed he used the crossface to eliminate Darren Young. Will this end up in another 90 day hiatus, because im sure that the crossface has been illegal to use since the Benoit tragedy.

The crossface has been used many times since the Benoit tragedy by the likes of Triple H and Shawn Michaels so I doubt he'd be future endeavored or suspended because of it. It is about time that they rehired him as it was an extremely bs reason to throw him out of Nexus and future endeavor him all over choking a guy that the fans couldn't care less about with his tie. He was the member of Team Cena that every member of the IWC was hoping would come out in the place of Bret Hart, since Hart is way too old and beat up to be doing this shit. For once the creative team did something that makes sense and I hope that either Bryan turns on Cena or another unbelievable turn happens so that Nexus can continue to be the most amazing storyline in the WWE atm. I'd know how the match is going if Matt Boone would be more diligent at updating the live coverage :banghead:
Well looks like we found the next US champion. And Danielson used it in his match with the Miz on Raw so he wouldve been fired then not after spitting on Cena.
I'm glad Brian made it back, that was the nice swerve. I really didn't see that coming. Too bad, that was the only good thing about the PPV...total crap. Cena going over the Nexus what a wasted build up.
Daniel Bryan will be the next US Champion for sure. It was a great swerve to bring him back especially after Justin Labar on CSR had me believing it wasn't going to happen.
Holy shit. Those were the words that entered my mind. I am not only surprised that he came back, but I am also surprised that he was allowed to look damn good out there. he had several eliminations and that crossface variation is probably my favorite current WWE submission. I fully expect him to feud with The Miz with a culmination of him taking the United States Championship.

Welcome back Daniel Bryan.
Awesome return. He had his moment to shine. His wrestling ability was superb. He not only hasn't lost a beat but he seems to have learned more. Awesome showcase that puts Cena to shame. It sucks that the ppv didn't end with Bryan smiling. He owned that show. Cena did nothing. He came in at the end and got beat up then did his 5 moves and it was over. Sucks for Bryan. But his time will come.
having him be the 7th member was complete bullshit. you keep your own futuer top guy off for that piece of shit. like i said it was bullshit. i believe what one guy said hell be the next us champ and he should stay down there where he belongs. danielson over miz? i now believe the wwe has gone to utter shit especially with cena going over nexus.
Great swerve didn't see it coming at all....idiotically I thought Triple H when Cena told Miz they found someone else....glad to see it bryan...though it was funny how King called him Danielson a few times:lmao:
Needless to say, I marked out like I never have before. It was one of those silent, laughing, shaking type mark-outs. My wife laughed at me.

Anyway, I am so glad Danielson is back. He truly is one of the best wrestlers in the world and can take anybody to the limit. Thats what we saw tonight, Danielson was rolling, using all kinds of submission maneuvers to make superstars from Nexus tap. Up until Miz interfered, Bryan Danielson was unstoppable. The fans were behind him, his team was behind him, As well as Me, Scotty, Doc, and Fuel on Twitter were all behind him.

Excellent return, and I can somewhat say that I didnt see it coming.
I've just got to say, the WWE pwned about 90% of this website forum's members. All the posters who pretended to know the WWE contract structure, who said that there was no way that someone who worked in independents would be allowed to wrestle, and all the other arguments as to why Bryan wouldn't be back in the WWE soon, please start your backpedaling now. And posts about WWE predictable programing probably should too.
First off, on Monday or Tuesday night when someone mentioned in a thread about who would join Team WWE, i mentioned that i would NOT be surprised if Daniel Bryan was the 7th guy, i was told by someone that he would NOT come back at SummerSlam and that i didnt understand what WWE's 90 day clause was. Well, here it is, SummerSlam and look who's back!!!! i for one am a happy camper that he returned like this. This was perfect for him, come back and be on Team WWE. Better than the Bret Hart or Cena going heel.

Well looks like we found the next US champion. And Danielson used it in his match with the Miz on Raw so he wouldve been fired then not after spitting on Cena
hopefully we see Daniel Bryan vs. the Miz at Night of Champions where Bryan wins the title, then in the main event (which should be Sheamus vs. Randy Orton) Sheamus beats Orton, then Triple H returns, beats up Sheamus, then...............The Miz comes out, cashes in the case, wins the WWE title.

Well looks like we found the next US champion. And Danielson used it in his match with the Miz on Raw so he wouldve been fired then not after spitting on Cena
having him be the 7th member was complete bullshit. you keep your own futuer top guy off for that piece of shit. like i said it was bullshit. i believe what one guy said hell be the next us champ and he should stay down there where he belongs. danielson over miz? i now believe the wwe has gone to utter shit especially with cena going over nexus.
Michael Cole, is that you??? hahaha, listen, this is PERFECT for both Daniel Bryan AND the Miz. What better way of losing a title, then gaining one can you have?? At night of Champions have Bryan win the US title, then have Miz cash in the WWE title after Triple H makes his return to beat up Sheamus.
I've just got to say, the WWE pwned about 90% of this website forum's members. All the posters who pretended to know the WWE contract structure, who said that there was no way that someone who worked in independents would be allowed to wrestle, and all the other arguments as to why Bryan wouldn't be back in the WWE soon, please start your backpedaling now. And posts about WWE predictable programing probably should too.

Not Hard to do. This forum is about the worst representation of the IWC. It used to be alot of intelligent posters, but a recent flood of n00bs and spam trolls have ruined it. Now everyone thinks that NEXUS is over, and everyone on these forums is all pissed off, and will NEVER, NEVER, NEVER watch Raw again...until tomorrow night.

On topic: I am glad to see that Danielson is back and that he was given a HARD push. WOW did he have a good showing. I fully expected him to pick up with his feuds with Cole and Miz, and am not disappointed.

I'm not so sure it wasn't a work. They needed a way to make a face out of him...and i'd say this worked pretty damn well.
I knew someone was going to return. I just wasn't sure who. Obviously the WWE sent HHH to LA with everyone to distract us and get us talking about him so when Bryan returned it would surprise and shock us. It did work for the most part I think. I know I was surprised by his return some what. I figured he was going to return later on down the road. So does this mean it was a work by the WWE the entire time about his firing? I guess that's for another day.

As for him returning and being in the ring, he showed some really great things tonight. The WWE Universe was clearly behind him tonight, he's decent on the mic from what I've heard and the guy can flat out wrestle. Good for him because he really deserves to be in the big leagues.
LOVED this main event, and LOVED Daneil Bryan returning. This is a very good thing by the WWE as the played this very well, and Vince did a great job hushing this up. Miz vs. Bryan at NOC, and I would personally love to see the US Title match be the main event, even though that isnt very likely
Well Bryan will be allowed to finish up his independent bookings, which i know go atleast into September. I think he will most likely be US Champion by Survivor Series.

Don't be surprised to see him win it sooner rather than later. The Miz wont cash in until he has lost the US title.

Also, does anybody have any clue at all why the WWE posted his return, and even how it happened a good 10 minutes before his official return? Really didn't make sense to this observer.
When Cena said the 7th member was Daniel Bryan I went crazy! I haven't marked out like that since Edge cashed in the MITB on Cena in '06. The match got 100x more interesting for me and I'm glad WWE is smart enough to let Danielson shine, and at the main event of a major ppv no less! Also, i dont know if anyone else caught it but how awesome was it for Striker to call for a cattle mutilation. Unfortunately we didn't see it but his crossface/omoplata submission is pretty sick!
having him be the 7th member was complete bullshit. you keep your own futuer top guy off for that piece of shit. like i said it was bullshit. i believe what one guy said hell be the next us champ and he should stay down there where he belongs. danielson over miz? i now believe the wwe has gone to utter shit especially with cena going over nexus.
Michael Cole, is that you??? hahaha, listen, this is PERFECT for both Daniel Bryan AND the Miz. What better way of losing a title, then gaining one can you have?? At night of Champions have Bryan win the US title, then have Miz cash in the WWE title after Triple H makes his return to beat up Sheamus.

Care to explain why Bryan is bullshit? Who's to say Bryan won't be one of the top guys in the company right along beside The Miz? Bryan can out wrestle The Miz in his sleep. Personally I think the Miz is garbage and is only good on the mic. Nothing more. His wrestling is terrible. But all that a side, I love what the WWE is doing. Push the young talent and keep doing it.
Alright, I thought it was gonna be Triple H. (stupidly) When Cena said they replaced the Miz I was like "HHH, HHH, HHH" and then.... BAM! It's Daniel Bryan. I was sorta shocked bu then again, he was my second choice. BTW, didn't the 90-day no compete clause already expire?
WWE are on a roll! First The brilliance of this NXT angle, and now the return of Danielson! And they are called predictable, fantastic! Great to see him back, and for WWE to hold him in high regards (enough to put him in the SS main event over the Miz!).

Nice way back into his fued with the Miz after the Miz took him out, shame about the ending of the match (stupid fucking Cena). Anyway, the return of Danielson is enough, good luck to him. Great to have him back.

Next US champion!
Leading to the Mix being the new WWE champ!
WWE has is spot on atm.
I knew he was a good wrestler but he really backed it up today, he stood out in crowd of the WWE superstars and is really talented. He has been added to the roster under RAW on WWE.com. I hope he gets a feud with the Miz and gets the US Championship that he definitely deserves.

Does this mean that he was never fired from WWE? I thought he had a 90 day no compete clause (for tv).

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