
Best angle of all: retirement



It's Wrestlezone Tournament time! Whether this is your first chance to participate in the event, or whether you are a returning debater, I offer you my suggestion for a champion to back throughout the tournament. An engine of destruction! A beast of a man! The biggest, toughest, ugliest looking mother fucker you've ever seen doing aerial maneuvers that make the laws of gravity blow a hole in it's head! Ladies and gentlemen, I give to you, the 8 time world champion...The Mastodon, BIG VAN VADER!


Welcome to Vader's 2011 campaign headquarters. Feel to bitch and scream about why or why not Vader's got a good chance at winning this thing while I flood this thread with propaganda throughout his run in the 5th annual WZ Tournament.


Don't mind this; just an experiment to get Y 2 Jake to see my thread...
If I hear about how Vader should go over someone because he pushed his eye back into the socket before finishing the match, I might might pull my fucking eyes out of my skull.
If I hear about how Vader should go over someone because he pushed his eye back into the socket before finishing the match, I might might pull my fucking eyes out of my skull.

If you push them back in again yourself, I'll let you win that debate. How's that sound?
Sounds awesome!

The problem is that particular incident doesn't even tell me how he deserves to go over anyone other than Stan Hansen. It is a pretty shocking incident, that much is true. However, it doesn't make him any more qualified to win a wrestling match. He may be the toughest son of a bitch known to man but it's not all about that.
He may be the toughest son of a bitch known to man but it's not all about that.

Very true. But let's not force all of the cards out on the table before we've even begun, amigo. We've got weeks of good stuff ahead of us. To sooth your concerns though, no, my plan of attack thankfully does not revolve entirely around the eye indecent. Why, my next shot of rah-rah-rah for the thread is based on the universal likability factor of Leon White.

And thank you for the bitchin' vintage sig, Doc!
Hopefully Vader and The Game meet at some point but Vader always seems to fall out in the earlier rounds when he meets up with someone more well-known.
In his sub-city, I see only Lou Thesz as a potential threat. Going into the Calgary region as a whole, there are admittedly a lot more fan favorites like Austin, Piper, Orton, Punk, Edge, Guerrero, and Hogan. It'll be rough at that point, but this is the damn Wrestlezone Tournament! Anything can happen!
If I hear about how Vader should go over someone because he pushed his eye back into the socket before finishing the match, I might might pull my fucking eyes out of my skull.

And yet this is apparently the same man that Shawn Michaels made cry.
Jericho supporters: Jericho is so smart. He will get Vader so mad that he will lose it and get disqualified and that will work in Jericho's favor. Jericho is better conditioned than Vader.

That is how Jericho won.
What a crock of shit. Jericho may have the lead on pinfalls about 45 minutes into it, but by then his rib cage would be in shambles and Vader could pin at will. No way Jericho should've went over there.
Niño Vega;2858587 said:
I'll be backing him against most opponents. Against Thesz I'm not sure.

We'll be taking it one step at a time here at Vader HQ. Thesz can be a tough fight, be we'll deal with that if/when we get there. All that matters right now is that cowpoke Bob Orton.

Thanks for the support!

What a crock of shit. Jericho may have the lead on pinfalls about 45 minutes into it, but by then his rib cage would be in shambles and Vader could pin at will. No way Jericho should've went over there.

We shall be vigilant to ensure the power and might of Vader are respected this year.

The Wrestlezone Tournament allows us to vote by whatever criteria we choose. Today, we're going to look at Vader's softer side; his charisma and his likability. Many assume that the big man merely only ever played the monster, and never had the real world believability that later stars had. This is simply untrue. Behind the mask and monster lies Leon White, a humble, friendly, and hardworking man.


It's easy to get distracted by the mastodon armor and the strap mask. I bet that as you watch him makes his entrance, and as he destroys your favorite superstars in the ring, you'll never think of Big Van Vader as....a loving father?


Listen to that soft voice. If my own father had shown me that kind of support and love, I may have turned out to be...well, anything at all (even WZ Forum ADMIN!). Anyways, as you can see here, he's very into helping his son out. I think he's always had a bit of that "Papa Bear" thing in him to protect that which is most dear to him, including his chosen trade. We all might have shitty jobs, or jobs that people ridicule, but a man has to be proud of his chosen career. A man has to stand up to anyone who would try to belittle him. And no man sets a better example of this than Vader.

In 1997, while touring in Kuwait with the WWF, a television dared to try to embarrass Vader and The Undertaker on live tv. The result?


Vader stood up for himself, his friend and opponent, and his profession against the naysayers and the critics. Vader is the man with no fear, and that includes not being afraid of doing the right thing. Fancy that; Vader is a man of morals. A man who lives by a code that perhaps we all should.

Often through his career, Vader had managers to talk for him. Some may perceive that as a weakness, and think that he couldn't cut a promo himself. Also untrue. First of all, almost no wrestler ever isn't improved by having Jim Cornette involved somehow. Secondly, Vader is a man of all business when it comes to the ring. Like many admire Chris Benoit for his stoicism, letting his actions do the talking, so also is the way of Vader. When he does talk, though, Vader is to the point. Observe in the following promo, where Vader discusses coming up from inner city life to achieving the dream of being a World Champion. Just inspiring.


A man of codes.
A man of bravery.
A man of family.
A man we can relate to.

At the end of the day, wouldn't you just love to have a beer with this man?


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I made this video as a response to the picture you posted in Shawn Michaels' HQ with HBK locked in Kurt Angle's Ankle Lock.

Interesting...now where's that vid of Shawn Michaels getting stomped out by Marines in a Syracuse bar...hmmm...

I'll tell you one thing: Vader would've turned those boys into Hot Wings.
DirtyJosé;2860078 said:
Interesting...now where's that vid of Shawn Michaels getting stomped out by Marines in a Syracuse bar...hmmm...

I'll tell you one thing: Vader would've turned those boys into Hot Wings.

I truly can't deny that. I just thought the video would be funny. I have no problem admitting the truth, Vader was a bad mutha fucker!
Don't forget to mention his Japenese work. Take a look at his some of his moment with Misawa. The conditioning shit should be countered with the fact he was lay and pray guy who used power moves instead of flashy shitty little movements and he could be the most durable 'resistance' wrestler in history.

Take a look at how stiff this match is:


I'll go for Vader out of almost anyone.
Indeed, Vader hits with power. He does flirt with flashy though; NEVER FORGET THE VADERSAULT!

Didn't Vader once get drunk and take on a bunch of State Troopers with Dogs?
Tried to find on the WIki, but no dice...
JUst remember the quote...
"I can and will kick all of your asses! Let's fight!"

Vader gets my vote everyday!

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