[Official] Bad Mouth a Staff Member Thread


[This Space for Rent]
Why hasn't this been created yet? If anything, short of porn and holding a grudge beyond this section, would be considered "allowed". I have no clue why a thread like this hasn't been made yet.

Well, consider it done. I'll get the ball rolling. All in good fun, and in no particular order, except for that of which the forum lists you.. (also, it should be noted if your comment wasn't "bad" its because I know so little about you - I had nothing to work with.)

Regular Moderators:

D-Man: You've sucked IC's dick & been so far up his ass so much, I have a hard time not calling you Mrs. *Canadian25*. (modified for realism sake)

FromTheSouth: I often confuse you for Razor.

HBK-aholic: I've seen some more recent photos of you in the picture thread. I hope your College degree does you wonders, because you can't fall back on looks any longer.

IC25: I keep waiting for you to come out and say you're gay. You just have that kind of face in all your photos.

jmt225: You're a New Orleans fan. Which, by law, means you're the worst fucking piece of shit on this forum.

Mighty NorCal: You're like a bald Mr. Clean with Tattoos.

Tastycles: Everytime I see photos of You and Your Girlfriend.. I'm often reminded of the Hunchback of Notre-Dame.

The Doctor: If you didn't make sigs people found amazing, you wouldn't even be apart of this post. Let alone remembered by anyone on this forum.

The Lariat: Go back to talking non-stop about degrading women & sex stories. It was at least more entertaining than your wrestling posts.

Ulises Lima: I'd love to take your word on movie reviews, if it wasn't for the fact that you have atrocious taste in film.


Slyfox696: For being so smart, and viewed in such high regard on an internet forum.. you'd think you could've done better than that of a Gym Teacher. Thats the equivalent of being the smartest kid with down syndrome.

E-Fed Staff:

Showtime 24/7:
Krayzie Jackson:
Collectively none of you are important enough to discuss singularly.

Global Moderators:

klunderbunker: The greatest thing you've ever done is mimic everything I've done better.

Lee: Your highest achievement was when I banned you for a year. Had it not been for my actions, no one would've cared about you now.

xfearbefore: Didn't you come out and say you were Bi? Get off the fence and pick a side, you greedy bitch.
There isn't one Staff member that wouldn't crush me. I'd love to try to bury Sly but he'd tear me apart.

Isn't that the purpose?

Whats the worst anyone could say about anyone else? The Truth?

Do they know you personally? If not, then what would they know beyond what you've told them. Or they see through your posts.

EDIT: I've only got to assume one of the Staff members I've said something about will say something back, against me. Maybe even create a thread in backlashing me. Again, isn't that the purpose?
Isn't that the purpose?

Whats the worst anyone could say about anyone else? The Truth?

Do they know you personally? If not, then what would they know beyond what you've told them. Or they see through your posts.

I've quite possibly opened up a bit too much on here. LOL. And my posts are shit, so that's always great ammunition.
I've quite possibly opened up a bit too much on here. LOL. And my posts are shit, so that's always great ammunition.

All I know of you, is you love ICP. I think you're black. You backed Edge a year ago. I'm almost sure your name is Nate.

And calling someone a shit poster is weak. If thats the best a person can do, to try and mock you.. they're mocking themselves. Now quit spamming my thread, and fucking bash a Staff member already!
All I know of you, is you love ICP.

Love is pretty strong. I'm a Juggalo, but I'm way more into Strange Music these days.

think you're black.

Absolutely not. My penis is quite normal.

backed Edge a year ago.


almost sure your name is Nate

Yes it is.

calling someone a shit poster is weak. If thats the best a person can do, to try and mock you.. they're mocking themselves. Now quit spamming my thread, and fucking bash a Staff member already!

I'm spamming up your spam thread? LOL. Fair enough. The only time I ever had a problem with Sly was during the tourney last year. I was banned during the finals so I couldn't vote nor post, but I could still lurk. Sly went on this big rant where instead of actually arguing any point, he looked through the whole list of people who voted for Edge and bashed the shit out of all of them. Then of course, someone else came back and insulted the piss out of him and low and behold he got an infraction. Don't remember the dude's name (he sucked). It just really pissed me off because as a person in a position of power, that seemed a bit fucked. The shitty thing is that this is completely irrelevant now because ever since then, I've enjoyed reading his posts more than just about anyone, but that whole incident still kind of soured me on him and that is respect he'll probably never get back from me.
Only one staff member I can say anything bad about is Doc, Hear me out here before you get on the band wagon,

It's just I see the section he mods as one that isn't really a high traffic area that actually needs it's own mod. yeah spam happens but not alot.

I like Doc as a poster and he is a great guy to talk to so I'm not bashing him but yeah It's like giving the site Administration section a mod just because they say welcome to the noobs the most.
More than just spam, there's moving and stickying and editing to be done, and competitions to set up. Plus once I was made mod the traffic swung right up. Dave started posting in there a lot, I got TPP to write a GIMP tutorial and now he and Stinger both make sigs a lot, people have requests daily, and my competitions have also been working out well.

Makes sense though, why you'd think that. There isn't a lot of action in that section...but there's more than you'd think.
As I said, It's not you. I would be saying it to anybody. What really needs stickying in that section that a G-mod couldn't do
Thing is, the G-Mods didn't.

Well, sometimes. But not a lot.

EDIT: Actually I'm just as surprised they made me graphics mod as you are. :lmao:
Makes sense then lol. Who the fuck did I red rep ??? I need to fix it with some green LOL

Lariat was the mod I was talking about when I said that I don't see mods driving discussion. I'm sure he does a lot of work with the shit that the lower-downs like I don't see, but I haven't even ever seen a post in that section from him. Or FTS in the WWE sections more than maybe once.
In FTS' defense, he's apparently been very busy these past few weeks. Just sayin'.
Are you just waiting for me to say something about Tdigle ha? Like I've said, I have nothing personal against the man at all. I like his posts and I know he is one of the harder working mods here. He just had a problem with me being a dick and well...I'm a dick. It's going to happen again. The only way to avoid it is not being a total fucking idiot like Battlez and it should be alllll good. Nobody is going to be liked by everyone and I'm cool with that.

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