Obamacare Seems Safe for Now


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And of course Trump has managed to sound even more evil and horrible about the whole thing.

So in case you haven't been following it, the GOP plan to replace the ACA (Obamacare) failed when two more Senators said they wouldn't vote for it. Trump then said that he wanted to pass a clean repeal and figure out a replacement later. The parrot/turtle hybrid McConnell then agreed with him (because of course he did) but less than fifteen hours later, three GOP Senators had said they wouldn't do that either, effectively killing the bill again.

Trump then said, and I quote:

"I think we're probably in that position where we'll let Obamacare fail. We're not going to own it. I'm not going to own it. I can tell you, the Republicans are not going to own it."

In other words, now that the repeal and replace idea has been shot down at least three times, Trump is throwing up his hands, saying "let the people deal with it" and waiting for the Democrats to come crawling to their King and admit they were wrong so Trump can win in the end. The law has major problems but instead of trying to fix those problems, the whole issue has turned into ANOTHER "it's us vs. them" nonsense where it's all about the parties and not fixing things for the people. Fix the problems that are there instead of restarting the whole thing from scratch, thereby creating even more problems from a horrible idea.

Your fearless leader of the free world ladies and gentlemen. Now go on Trumpeteers: tell me how it's Hilary's/the Democrats'/the mainstream media's fault and COMPLETELY not Trump's or the GOP.
It is a mess, and ACA is something that is not really affordable. Insurance companies want to pull out causing for smaller insurance to provide coverage for certain areas. Some areas only have HMO's which are complete crap. For one who travels out of state, there are not even multi-state plans in their areas. It is nonsense is what it is.

The whole debacle is cynical. People are paying for it which makes it such a shame. Why not provide Medicare coverage for the entire United States? I suppose that would be too easy and big insurance would lose tons of money if that were to transpire. This is not about we the people, this is about who's pockets get lined at the end of the day and it is not ours.
It is a mess, and ACA is something that is not really affordable. Insurance companies want to pull out causing for smaller insurance to provide coverage for certain areas. Some areas only have HMO's which are complete crap. For one who travels out of state, there are not even multi-state plans in their areas. It is nonsense is what it is.

The whole debacle is cynical. People are paying for it which makes it such a shame. Why not provide Medicare coverage for the entire United States? I suppose that would be too easy and big insurance would lose tons of money if that were to transpire. This is not about we the people, this is about who's pockets get lined at the end of the day and it is not ours.

It might be a bit better if Trump wasn't threatening to withhold subsidies so Obamacare dies faster.

There are major, major problems with the ACA but they can be fixed if the parties stop shutting the other out and turning it into some fight over which party's dick is bigger for five seconds.
It might be a bit better if Trump wasn't threatening to withhold subsidies so Obamacare dies faster.

There are major, major problems with the ACA but they can be fixed if the parties stop shutting the other out and turning it into some fight over which party's dick is bigger for five seconds.

He is taking the cowards way out. This is why I do not think Trump was supposed to become President. IF he wanted this all to transpire, a plan while he was still running would have worked out better when proposing it to Senators.

Yes, it is really a pissing contest at this point. Obama messed it up with his false promises and now it is getting worse before it could/can get better. Losing subsides is not good nor is losing any funding at all. Insurance plans are taking a toll on losing millions if not billions because of this ACA Law.

Sad, and to think that I am not really for it nor am I against. I just want it to be worked out so I do not have to deal with the people who cannot afford to pay their premiums because the plan went from $300 a month to $700 a month in a matter of a year. That part is insane. $6,000 deductibles? Who can pay that? Not only is the ACA an issue in its own right, people do not see how it effect employer insurance as well. All insurance coverage has changed and gone up due to the failing ACA.

Something needs to be fixed before the system just fails on its own.
My favorite part is how Trump is claiming the Democrats are being obstructionist on a bill which never made it to debate and a bill in which they were never asked for assistance. In fact, Mitch McConnel actually used the idea of bipartisanship as a weapon against Senate Republicans.

I've long said I'm not a Democrat, I'm just anti-Republican. And that still holds true today. I'll never belong to a political party because I prefer to think for myself, but the Republican party is batshit nuts right now.
My favorite part is how Trump is claiming the Democrats are being obstructionist on a bill which never made it to debate and a bill in which they were never asked for assistance. In fact, Mitch McConnel actually used the idea of bipartisanship as a weapon against Senate Republicans.

I've long said I'm not a Democrat, I'm just anti-Republican. And that still holds true today. I'll never belong to a political party because I prefer to think for myself, but the Republican party is batshit nuts right now.

Bigger than that for me: THEY DIDN'T NEED A SINGLE DEMOCRAT! Unfortunately there's one major issue: this is really, really, really complicated stuff that the GOP seems to think you can work out on a cocktail napkin. The problem was the back of that cocktail napkin was a list of taxes they could repeal for the rich and call it healthcare reform.
Why is it so hard for americans do sort out healthcare? Pretty much every civilised and advanced fucking country has it. What makes it so hard for you guys to get it done? There are dozens of systems in place and yet you cant get it done
Why is it so hard for americans do sort out healthcare? Pretty much every civilised and advanced fucking country has it. What makes it so hard for you guys to get it done? There are dozens of systems in place and yet you cant get it done
America has a lot of unique challenges many other countries don't.
Why is it so hard for americans do sort out healthcare? Pretty much every civilised and advanced fucking country has it. What makes it so hard for you guys to get it done? There are dozens of systems in place and yet you cant get it done

Because it is the American way to hear someone sneeze and interpret as a cash register ringing. Insurance being a for profit industry has screwed it up for everyone else and if there's one thing the GOP prides itself on, it's backing those who can make a fortune instead of those who need the help.
Because it's established in the private sector. It should be single payer, but shifting the whole thing from private to public would be a massive battle. Too much money at stake.

The real answer to healthcare in the U.S. is there might not be an answer.

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