NXT title


Pre-Show Stalwart
Before I start this is my first thread so try not to be too harsh lol.

So anyway after starting off as a competition style show, NXT has become almost a normal weekly show for WWE with a roster consisting of some rookies eg. Derrick Bateman, Percy Watson and Maxine, and some pros eg. Tyson Kidd, Hawkins and Rex, and Michael Migillicutty.

Now I have been watching it for the past couple of weeks and its really not that bad. There are some good matches (Kidd and Hennig in particular have put on great matches), some funny segments, and most of all, most of the guys on the show seem to have a lot of personality. However watching it, I keep thinking, "why are these guys here? What is the point of them coming out each week and wrestling? They have no possible motivation."

So I was thinking, maybe they could add a title to NXT. I mean the show is actually quite entertaining already but if there was actually something to fight for, maybe it would be better. I for one think it could maybe bring more interest to a show where the superstars seem to be do random stuff all over the show. A title could give Hennig and Kidd something to fight for and could maybe make their rivalry more interesting.

So what do you guys think? Would a title help add structure to NXT or would it be a waste of time seeing as few people watch NXT anyway?
I haven't watched NXT in 2 year's, I've heard It's turned into a weekly wrestling show, I don't like the idea of a NXT Title but that's something I can see WWE doing.
NXT is very entertaining these days. What strikes me the most is how funny these people are - the comedy skits on NXT are much, MUCH funnier than anything attempted on RAW or Smackdown. Hawkins, Reks, Bateman, and Curtis are genuinely hilarious in skits - all four have better and fresher comic instincts than the likes of Santino or R-Truth. Even Titus Young is starting to show a lot of personality. (Darren Young... not so much.)

I'm torn on whether a belt is a good idea for NXT. It does seem like it would fit will with the current style - Regal (or whoever) is booking the show in a very 'athletic competition' way - talking about competition and athletes and putting over the action. A belt would be a more tangible way to represent those things.

If there was a belt, I'd book NXT with fairly straightforward three week schedule - Week One, matches. Week Two, the main event is a #1 contender match. Week Three, the NXT title is defended. This framework would give you plenty of room to launch feuds and storylines on the side.

One problem I see that NXT is a very mixed-gender show (MUCH moreso than the other shows) and so several of the major players (namely, the women) wouldn't be part of the title scene. What do they do? I wouldn't introduce TWO belts to the show
I wouldnt go the route of a title, but it wouldnt be the worst! The trouble is that NXT is a stepping stone to the main roster, The champ cant leave can he? But he's also by virtue of being champ the best wrestler there and deserving of the boost... It creates some complications!! I know that theres a title in most developement areas, and they can drop the title and move up on basis of talent and i get that.

But NXT being on tv and showing the guy lose but getting called up seems less legit to me. So they dont need it! If the roster was maybe even six guys bigger they could have a title i think! But for now it fine!

You say theres no motivation? Well if youre watching and firstly listening to regal, he treats the show like a developement territory and wants the guys to shine so vince notices them! Thats the motivation to go out and win. Every show is like a FCW night when you hear Good Ol Jim Ross is going to commentate. The guys work their butts of because JR is going to get them a job! Every night is a scouting opportunity, the crowd reacts to them, their characters, especially if they work really good, and ultimately thats whats going to get them on the main roster!

NXT is spot on as a show, often in that one hour its equal if not beyond the main shows! Its got brilliant wrestling, great characters, good stories and brilliant commentary! If youre not watching you are missing out!
Actually, and this might bother some people that i'm going to have to completely contradict my last go, but a title would work if it was cross promotional! If they defend it on both superstars and on NXT and are slightely below the main Fued and thus not appearing every week, perhaps alternating or every three weeks, where one week the title would be defended on superstars, while NXT decides number one contender, then switch, and they should do the same with the WWE diva's title seeing as it doesnt get main show recognition!

I wouldnt have it an NXT title or superstars title, but maybe bring back the european title or something with prestige already built up! Could work??
I love title belts, and I love when new ones are introduced. It's not that often that a company introduces new titles so it usually makes for interesting developments. I'm sure the reason WWE hasn't created a championship for NXT has a lot to do with the fact that adding a title will literally make NXT the same show that ECW was. I don't think that's a bad thing. I really enjoyed WWECW when CM Punk, The Miz, John Morrison, Christian and Sheamus were a part of it. An NXT title is a great way to get more exposure for an up and coming superstar, much like the WWECW title was.

If they don't want to add a championship to the show, there are other ways to give NXT competitors something to shoot for. For instance, NXT could have a "Money in the Bank" style prize that awards the winner a US or IC title shot.
If they don't want to add a championship to the show, there are other ways to give NXT competitors something to shoot for. For instance, NXT could have a "Money in the Bank" style prize that awards the winner a US or IC title shot.

That was the point of the show when NXT started. Winner would get WWE contract as well as a title shot at any ppv.

Now they have just made it another show like RAW or Smackdown so no need for a title now as there isn't any competition which will determine the winner of the season.
NXT is sometimes better than impact, and I love the idea of the show being a tv show for up and comers now, as opposed to it being a contest show. It is like the FCW tv show, but in a WWE setting, and I can't say enough good things about it. It certainly isn't the best thing in the world, but, for an hour of decent fun and wrestling, it's the way to go.
I think another title in the WWE wouldnt help the product, although giving these young guys something to look forward to is a good idea i mean that was the concept of this show to begin with i think maybe something along the lines of the top 2 competitors getting a chance to showcase a match on Raw or SD and prior to said match show a video package to the live crowd and folks so that the "universe" knows why these two guys are in the ring
While I'd like to see a low card championship, I don't like the idea of a title exclusive to NXT. Since the NXT regulars are all technically on RAW or SmackDown anyway, there isn't really a point to an NXT-only belt.
i see what your saying but im going to say no.

My reasoning is that NXT is a developmental program. I am a huge believe that wrestlers dont need titles to tell a great story or put on a great match. Example A: Shawn Michaels. Only held a world title 3 times and is considered to be the greatest performer of all time. He didnt get that reputation by title reigns.

It is a greater challenge to entertain and be creative without a title to fight for and thats what i want to see out of these young guys. If they can entertain and get a reaction without a title, we will know for sure if they can with a title.
I think they should have a title but not a NXT title but a television title which can be defended on SD! or raw once in a while and maybe a lower card bout on a ppv.
there are only 7 people left on nxt (with hawkins/reks being fired and titus/young are on smackdown). what's the point of having a title?
I like the idea of an NXT Championship, I've mentioned the concept a few times here and there.

NXT & Superstars are the shows that devote significant time to the lower card stars of WWE: Percy Watson, Derreck Bateman, Titus O'Neil, Curt Hawkins, Tyler Reks, Alex Riley, Yoshi Tatsu, etc. The idea of having a championship that's primarily for these lower card guys, to be defeded on NXT & Superstars, could be a focal point for these stars and might be viewed as something of a "proving ground" type of title that can be used to elevate the champ further until they're placed on the Raw or SD! roster.
i see what your saying but im going to say no.

My reasoning is that NXT is a developmental program. I am a huge believe that wrestlers dont need titles to tell a great story or put on a great match. Example A: Shawn Michaels. Only held a world title 3 times and is considered to be the greatest performer of all time. He didnt get that reputation by title reigns.

It is a greater challenge to entertain and be creative without a title to fight for and thats what i want to see out of these young guys. If they can entertain and get a reaction without a title, we will know for sure if they can with a title.

You're absolutely right, some of the greatest fueds of all time didn't involve a title. However this can only last so long. I just saw another thread about NXT and a couple of posters talked about a lack of structure and I thought a championship may be able to help with this.
why not have them fight to impress regal/striker, and at the end of each month, regal/striker decide to put a match on PPV based on who has been the best performing of the superstars and divas. It would give these guys valuable face time, could easily be something worth fighting for (pay-day), and it would be much better than a random brodus clay squash or even a divas match. like you could easiloy have kidd v migillicutty, kaitlyn v maxine (who i think have been having the most tolerable divas matches), reks/hawkins v percy watson/alex riley. plenty of possible match ups, gives the chance to impress on the big stage, and could possibly cycle through some more talent and bring fresh faces up
If they defend it on both superstars and on NXT and are slightely below the main Fued and thus not appearing every week, perhaps alternating or every three weeks, where one week the title would be defended on superstars, while NXT decides number one contender, then switch, and they should do the same with the WWE diva's title seeing as it doesnt get main show recognition!


This is a truly brilliant idea, i actually couldnt agree more. With both the NXT and superstars, but also the Divas aswell, but that would mean demoting certain divas who are regulars on RAW and Smackdown.

Maybe bring back the two separate titles, send the divas title to NXT/Superstars, and have the women's title back to headline the divas division on RAW/Smackdown.

But i do think that it should be a totally new title, unless you wanna bring the Regal factor that he held it a record (joint i believe with D-Lo Brown) 4 times. Where by he asks the NXT roster to try emulate him and the likes of British bulldog and that.

But apart from that, i could see a new title coming into the picture, maybe the "Rising Star" Championship. but thats just my idea.
No, they shouldn't add a title. They should just make the United States Title the main title for the brand. They rarely do anything with it on RAW.
Introduce a belt, for example call it the Junior Heavyweight Championship, and attach a gimmick where if the champion makes 5 or 10 successful clean title defences, then they get the opportunity to move up the roster to Raw or Smackdown. It could be defended on both NXT or Superstars, perhaps elsewhere when necessary.

It would keep things fresh, whilst also retaining the idea that NXT is a developmental show.
I wouldnt have a NXT Title per'se, but would have no problem with the US Title being taken to NXT, and have a unified WWE TV Title/US Title match and thisd belt could be the WWE Television Championship. This way it is being defended on television everyweek, it has actual wrestlers who are wrestling dfighting for it. And at each ppv, they could have the TV Champ defend agaisnt a diifferent contender to give them ppv exposure. A great idea
I really like this idea. I believe that there are some people that come into their own during a title reign. I mean look at John Morrison. He was Johnny Nitro before becoming the ECW Champion. Without that title who knows if John Morrison would have ever been as successful? Same thing with Daniel Bryan. He was over as a face but not nearly until he used the World Heavyweight Championship to morph his character from scrappy underdog to sneaky heel. Maybe some of these people could use a title to help utilize a character.
This is something I been thinking for a while. I'm not an avid watcher of NXT but when I do watch it, its entertaining and refreshing. They need a title to show who is worthy of being signed to a WWE contract instead of them wrestling in what seems to be purgatory. NXT is already interesting now it needs meaning.
instead of an actual belt, it'd be a contract to compete on raw or smackdown. Stick to the "tournament" 2 or 3 week format someone else mentioned where the winner gets a match to showcase what they can do against, say, the IC, US or Diva champ. That would bring some exposure to the NXT and at least give us a match featuring the forgotten championships.

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