NXT Ring Announcer?


Dark Match Winner
I can't believe I couldn't find a thread for this! I am loving NXT and think it's the best thing WWE has going for it right now. I have very little negative to say about the show, and it's off to a great start, but what is with the female ring announcer? Not only do I think female ring announcers are out of place, but she just sounds terrible!
So the obvious question is what you all think of the new female ring announcer for NXT? She's honestly not even that attractive either.
Also, who would you pick to replace her if you could? I don't see why the Raw or Smackdown announcer can't just fill in for NXT. He's already there for the tapping...
Her name is Savannah and she was also there during the closing days of ECW. I don't particularly care for her either, but she is a lot better then Lauren Mayhew. At least Suvannah has a little energy when she is announcing. Lauren just kind of stood there and said it like she really didn't care about the wrestlers or doing a good job. I don't really find either one of their faces all that attractive, but they have some nice bodies. To bad you never get to see them. In my own personal opinion I find that either Justin Roberts (Raw) or Tony Chimel (Smackdown) could do a better job just because they actually seem to care about it. Call me old fashioned but I would love to see Howard Finkel return to ring announcing on NXT. I know it won't happen but I can dream right?
She was in fact the ring announcer for ECW during its late stages and she is also the ring announcer for FCW. I personally think she's doing a good job. She's not doing anything wrong in my opinion either. She has enthusiasm in her voice and she seems to like what she's doing. Plus its pretty obvious that this won't be her job in the WWE. I'm sure that she and the creative team want to make her a diva but she isn't in ring capable yet. So what's the next best thing? A ring announcer. She really can't be a diva or a valet right now because the WWE already has Gail Kim, and we all know that there is an Asian maximum of 1 per show in the WWE. So she's out of luck.

She's not that attractive? I beg to differ my friend but that might just be because I'm Filipino and I love me some Asian women. Her face? A 5. Her body? A 7. Her ring announcing skills? Priceless. Yeah i just did that.

Scratch that. Savannah actually has some in ring skill. Here's her match with Natalya in FCW just last year.


Makes you wonder why she's not wrestling. Maybe she hasn't developed a gimmick that will suit her? Because making her Gail Kim's sister is just too easy and racist right? Or maybe just maybe the WWE creative team thinks that she really is just a damn good announcer. Why mess up a good thing?
As Scotty said, her name is Savannah and the previous one was Lauren Mayhew. Savannah was known as Angela Fong in FCW and she did announcing for house shows. She wasn't half bad, but on TV she is not good.

That said, I would take her any day over Lauren Mayhew. Mayhew was terrible. She had no excitement in her voice whatsoever. Look her up on Youtube, or if you don't want to suffer, imagine The Bella Twins with slightly more emotion.

If it was up to me, I would replace her with Tony Chimel and move Howard Finkel to RAW and Justin Roberts to Smackdown. Finkel's still "got it" and Chimel is very good.
Her name is Savannah and she was also there during the closing days of ECW. I don't particularly care for her either, but she is a lot better then Lauren Mayhew. At least Suvannah has a little energy when she is announcing. Lauren just kind of stood there and said it like she really didn't care about the wrestlers or doing a good job. I don't really find either one of their faces all that attractive, but they have some nice bodies. To bad you never get to see them. In my own personal opinion I find that either Justin Roberts (Raw) or Tony Chimel (Smackdown) could do a better job just because they actually seem to care about it. Call me old fashioned but I would love to see Howard Finkel return to ring announcing on NXT. I know it won't happen but I can dream right?

Anyone else laugh their ass off if The Fink were to be ring announcing with a rookie of his own?

Training the youngster in the art of announcing?


Well I would laugh :p
I love the idea of the rookie ring announcer with the Fink. This is coming from an actual ring announcer on the independent circuit. I have been announcing for almost 4 years now for multiple companies and I cannot agree more with the comments made. A ring announcer needs to have a commanding voice and have the ability to give you goosebumps when making an announcement.

I met The Fink when I was 7 years old and he was great to me. My goal is to continue his legacy as I think his voice is so very missed on WWE television,

Take a look at my videos and let me know what you guys think of my voice:


Maybe I can be Fink's rookie! :lmao:

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