NXT Prize: Championship Match with a Champion at a PPV


Pre-Show Stalwart
It was announced today that not only will the champion of NXT be the "WWE's next Breakout Star" but they will also have a championship match with any champion of their choosing at a major PPV.

This is a surprising turn of events as the IWC may get their dream match: Miz vs. Daniel Bryan for the US Championship. But that won't be the only possibility. How about a David Otunga vs John Cena for the WWE Championship? Or even Wade Barret vs his mentor Chris Jericho for the World Heavyweight Championship? Anything is possible now and WWE NXT has become even more interesting.

I personally love this unseen prize for the NXT rookies. Its exciting and will hopefully bring up ratings. What about you guys? What are your thoughts about the prize for the NXT rookies? Who do you want to win and which championship would you want the winner to go after? WWE, World Heavyweight, Intercontinental, U.S.?

*Pro's polls: (ranked by win- loss record, strength of opponent, work ethic, and the all important "it" factor)

8. Darren Young
7. Michael Tarver
6. Skip Sheffield
5. David Otunga
4. Heath Slater
3. Justin Gabriel
2. Wade Barret
1. Daniel Bryan

* The Pros will vote again in six weeks, and on that night, the NXT Rookie in last place will be eliminated from the competition. This will continue every week after until a "final four", who will compete in a battle royal to crown the NXT champion.

I think that the prize is a little much for a rookie but it is a great way to get them over. I'm gonna go with Bryan winning and taking th U.S. title from Miz. I know anybody with any sense would go after a World title but I think that they will build this feud to be so personal between Bryan and Miz that Bryan would rather take something from Miz than to go after the World titles yet.
I think it's a great idea. While I've watched the show since it began, tonight is the first night that I've really felt that there was truly a goal and a point for the show. Now that the WWE has finally cleared a lot of questions up, I'm enjoying it head and shoulders above what I have the past few weeks.

Having a championship match at a ppv for the Rookie that wins is great inscentive and it's just the type of prize that should be offered. A contract just doesn't have quite the same feel to it as being elevated to a major player rather quickly. By the time the winner of NXT is announced, he will have already been built up to the point that I wouldn't have a problem buying into him going for a title soon.
Yeah, loving this move by the E. This makes the prize seem a lot bigger and ensures that they won't get lost in the shuffle, at least not at first. Tonight's episode of NXT was very good, and giving it a clear goal and telling us how it works just made it better.

I believe Daniel Bryan will win, and face off with Miz for his US Championship. They need to really make this feud personal, though, as common sense would dictate Bryan going for one of the major titles. It needs to become less about the title, more about beating the holy hell out of the Miz.
I like the idea and I do think Daniel Bryan will end up winning, however, I really hope he doesn't use his title match to face the Miz. Logically it doesn't make sense. Yes it would be a good way to end the little feud they have going, but if Bryan is on the roster they have plenty of time to do that.

If you are a WWE superstar the ultimate prize is one of the heavyweight titles. If you were offered a guaranteed shot at one of those titles at a fucking pay per view there is no logical reason to pass that up. If the winner of this competition does not challenge one of the world champions it will be a disappointment.
I think it's a great idea. While I've watched the show since it began, tonight is the first night that I've really felt that there was truly a goal and a point for the show. Now that the WWE has finally cleared a lot of questions up, I'm enjoying it head and shoulders above what I have the past few weeks.

Having a championship match at a ppv for the Rookie that wins is great inscentive and it's just the type of prize that should be offered. A contract just doesn't have quite the same feel to it as being elevated to a major player rather quickly. By the time the winner of NXT is announced, he will have already been built up to the point that I wouldn't have a problem buying into him going for a title soon.

I agree with you Hammer..Did you also notice how this show was easily the best one since week 1? I enjoyed myself throughout the evening.
Well, the prize is easily the best possible prize to be awarded to a rookie. Instantly gets a main-event caliber match at a PPV against a champion of their choice. The only possible options that supersede this are the Royal Rumble (main event Mania) and Money in the Bank (surprise cash in). For a rookie, you really can't ask for anything better.

If anyone wins other than Daniel Bryan, they should and likely will take a title shot against the World Heavyweight or WWE Champion, likely depending upon their pro's show and their face/heel status. Many guys have stated that the mentality should be: if you aren't trying to be the top guy, then you shouldn't be here. So, going after the US or IC title would be a huge step down for such an opportunity. That would be like winning the Royal Rumble and using the title shot for the US/IC title. Not worth it.

Now, if Daniel Bryan wins, they could pull the angle and have him face the Miz for the title. However, I see a few problems with this, at least right now. First of all, this assumes that the Miz is still US champion when NXT ends, which is in at least 6-12 more weeks. Next, this also assumes that the Bryan/Miz feud not only continues, but heats up severely. The Miz is basically acting as a shitty, cocky mentor, but that doesn't necessarily warrant the step down to the US title from Bryan (assuming he wins). Psychologically, it would make more sense to win the Heavyweight title and wave it in the Miz's face, rather than try to take Miz's second tier title away personally.

However, this is the WWE. Things change all the time, and crazy shit happens. So, I wouldn't be too surprised if this is exactly what happens. My personal dream would have Bryan win, win a heavyweight title, then have a title vs title match against the Miz. Ok, I can dream, can't I?
I love this idea. Having just a contract to either RAW or Smackdown seems kinda blant compared to having to face a champion of his choosing. It can make an instant star and probably could spark a good feud if booked right. Though I'm still kinda confused on what will happen to the rookies who'll get voted last since IMO, almost all of them are more entertaining to watch than majority of the rosters they have in Raw and Smackdown. I'd rather see anyone of the rookies be WWE champion than Sheamus :p
I agree with all of you saying that this prize takes the whole concept to another level.

Nevertheless, I think it would be too easy and too obvious for Daniel Bryan to win.
Of course I'd also like to see him win Miz's championship but that could, in my opinion, be achieved through other ways than to win NXT. Bryan could easily just show up on RAW to challenge Miz which would be more credible than him winning and not challenging for a major title.

The prize should go to someone who is ready for a championship match, no question. But it should also go to someone where it doesn't make much sense for them to show up on whatever brand if they lose.
For example, even if Wade Barrett doesn't win, he could possibly still be Jericho's muscle.
Now, if Otunga doesn't win, what would happen with him? He doesn't seem to have a good enough kayfabe relationship with R-Truth to just keep accompanying him.

That is my concern with all of this; I really don't want other talents 'to go to waste' if Daniel Bryan wins.
I like the idea, a lot, because it certainly will put the NXT rookie winner out there, and put him out there strong, hell I mean he could potentially be in a pay per view main event (even though I have my doubts it will be the main event, like John Cena and Sheamus not being the main event of TLC) but I definitely like how they will handle the prize.
And I even liked how they handled the thing yesterday with David Otunga winning the guest host of RAW prize, It'll put him out there strongly too, and I think it'll be exciting to see how they plan to do this.

Only problem I have with the end 4 is that it'll be a Battle Royal, cause I would much rather watch a small tournament, like the one that crowned "superstar of the year" at the Slammy Awards.
I really love that Idea, Now I'm pretty sure that NXT will start to get more interesting. WWE did a great job for taking NXT to a newer lever.

Now as for the winner goes, I could easily see two contenders.

1. Daniel Bryans: He is the fans favorite right now, everybody loves him including me. He has a good wrestling background and he isn't scare to go out of the limits.

2. Wade Barret: Wade Barret has prove that he belongs in the WWE roster and I'm sure that he will be a huge star once he joins one of the two shows.

If Daniel wins we all know that he will go after the Miz's US title, which I think it will be a waste of a challenge and a waste of a prize. IMO, If Daniels wins he should forget about The Miz and go after a Heavyweight championship title.

As for Wade Barret, He is heavyweight material and I wouldn't mind seeing him as a heavyweight champion of either Smackdown or RAW. I could see a possible feud between Wade Barret(champion) vs Batista, And that could be a very long and enjoyable feud between then.
Lets be serious though, does anyone actually think that a rookie will get a World championship shot?, Im thinking this will be more for a midcard title shot which would hopefully get the guy over.

Just think of it Daniel Bryan vs the Miz for the US title, something that has been building since the first meeting between the two and would hopefully accumulate to one of the biggest wins in the history of either brand.

Or David Otunga vs Mcyntre for the Ic title would be a huge match and give the WWE some well needed publicity in the media that would always be huge IMO.

Whatever the case we will be seeing something huge that may give the brand the boost it needs and continue the star making power that its predecessor had, ECW had managed to provide the stars of tomorrow and future champions of the wwe, just look at CM Punk as a main example.

Either way im excited and love the possibility of this stipulation, this also means that we may see the losers moved to the either raw or smackdown to begin there careers from the bottom without being released which is a good move by the E.
I think the winner of the show should pick a world championship match, instead of what'll be perceived as the easier option, a mid card title shot. It'll do more for the winner to face a world champion and come up short after a competitive match than face and defeat a mid carder.

Also, what does it say about the wrestler if he picks the easier option? Heels can't be seen to be lacking in confidence, it just doesn't work.

Daniel Bryan isn't winning the thing, it'll be Barrett or Otunga.
I was thinking today about who Daniel Bryan would face if he won NXT. Remember that it was revealed 2 weeks ago that the winner of NXT would be given a championship match with any champion of their choosing at a major PPV. This was a major surprise and a great opportunity for the NXT rookies to not only win the championship but gain respect by giving a great performance against a WWE Champion.

I thought that Daniel Bryan's opponent should have mat skills so that Bryan could show the technical aspect of his move-set. But I had to acknowledge that there was presently no one in the WWE that one would call a "submission expert". So then I turned to who would give a match that was exciting, memorable and fair (because of Bryan's stature, setting him against a 7 footer wouldn't make a good match in my opinion).

One name popped in my head: CM Punk. CM Punk may not be a submission expert but he still has his Anaconda Vice. With his present heel persona, he would get a lot of heat and because of NXT, Daniel Bryan is starting to get cheered on by the crowd. By the time NXT is over Bryan should be a fan favorite. CM Punk would be able to sell Bryan's submission holds well and the two would give the fans a memorable match. I would love these two to face off in a submission match which features Punks Anaconda Vice and Bryan's Cattle Mutilation. So that's my dream match. Daniel Bryan (NXT winner) vs CM Punk (Champion) in a submission match.

So I wanted to ask: What is your dream championship match for each individual NXT rookie? Please state your reasons. Is it David Otunga vs John Cena? Justin Gabriel vs Kofi Kingston? HHH vs Wade Barret? Heath Slater vs Randy Orton? Darren Young vs Undertaker? Skip Sheffield vs Dave Batista? Michael Tarver vs MVP?

Here are the rules to clear the confusion:
1. Please have at least 2 NXT rookies have a "dream match" that you think will help propel them to super-stardom with any WWE wrestler of your choosing
2. The WWE wrestler DOES NOT have to be a current WWE/ Heavyweight Champion (i.e The Miz, John Morrison, HHH)
3. Please give the stipulations, if any, to the match (i.e. Justin Gabriel vs Matt Hardy in a ladder match)
4. Please state whether your champion and rookie is a face or a heel
5. Please give the winner of the match

The one that I am sure a lot of people will have at the top of their list, at least I have it at the top of mine is:

Chris Jericho© vs. Daniel Bryan – We have seen a little sneak peek at what these two can do when paired against each other. I think if they were given a good amount of time on a PPV they could pull of a match of the night worthy match. It would also have the potential to be match of the year if played out right. Everyone must admit Bryan was the King of the Indy’s and lately Jericho has been one of the bright spots in the WWE since his return to the company. Let the (what I think) two best performers in the wrestling business today go at it, no one will leave disappointed.

The next dream match between a Rookie and Champion is the most logical one that is going to happen. After RAW this past week Vince just told the whole world who is going to win NXT and what Champion he is going to face.

John Cena© vs. David Otunga- The way Otunga just left Cena to the wolves on Monday night against Showmiz means all signs are pointing to the match-up when NXT’s first season wraps. It shows Otunga is not one of Cena’s little 12 year old girls or little boy clones and will be the one to (highly doubtful) take the title away from Cena. No way could this match be a MOTN but maybe it could surprise people, Cena love him or hate him is a great worker and could maybe give Otunga good guidance in the match. After RAW this past Monday I do want to see this match sometime which is why it is second on my list.

The two match-ups I gave so far are most likely the best ones that this line-up of rookies could produce with the big stars. The next ones are just preference in my own mind, which I guess is what this thread is about anyway so my next dream match is:

Edge© vs. Heath Slater - Am I the only person that thinks Heath Slater is very reminiscent of a young Edge. Maybe it’s the long hair and the build of the two; I think Heath has a very good chance at following the path that Edge used to make it to the top. What better way to start it off than by facing Edge himself. IF tag teams would still be utilized properly I would say he would do that, but highly unlikely so I would say unless he teams with Christian, Heath isn’t going to make his mark there like Edge did years ago. With a good storyline with Heath trying to get inside Edge’s head and know him inside and out hoping one day he can finally topple his idol Edge. Teaming with Christian could be one of the ways Heath try to “be” Edge and get his mindset. This would be the best option for Heath if he wins NXT plus I think the match could be good.

The Undertaker© vs. Justin Gabriel – Gabriel(angel) The Undertaker(dead man) who wouldn’t want to see this match. We all know Taker works well with small guys, while Gabriel could play the underdog card. These factors alone make me want to see this match.

Orton© vs. Wade Barrett – Wade’s cockiness and Orton’s no-nonsense attitude would mix wonderfully in the ring. This match would help Wade get the rub from Orton’s SUPER OVER reaction. Plus Randy is a amazing worker in the ring and could teach Wade a thing or two from a main event atmosphere.

I have three more dream matches I threw together without really thinking to deeply about them because I don’t necessarily see them as possibilities due to the fact I don’t see any of the 3 rookies winning NXT. They are:

CM Punk© vs. Darren Young
Batista© vs. Michael Tarver
HHH© vs. Skip Sheffield
I wanted to give my dream matches as well.

CM Punk vs Daniel Bryan in a submission match:
CM Punk may not be a submission expert but he still has his Anaconda Vice. With his present heel persona, he would get a lot of heat and because of NXT, Daniel Bryan is starting to get cheered on by the crowd. By the time NXT is over Bryan should be a fan favorite. CM Punk would be able to sell Bryan's submission holds well and the two would give the fans a memorable match. I would love these two to face off in a submission match which features Punks Anaconda Vice and Bryan's Cattle Mutilation.
Winner: Daniel Bryan via Cattle Mutilation

John Cena vs David Otunga one on one: Otunga WAS a face on NXT but because of what he did last RAW, he finally was revealed to be a heel. Otunga does not have the ring skill to put on a great match but Cena's work in the ring should make up for that. I would want Otunga to put Cena on the brink of defeat but ultimately lose by the STFU. He would still get the respect and in ring experience by being in the ring with one of the best in John Cena. With this match, we as the fans would be able to see that Otunga is a main event caliber wrestler and perhaps this feud will lead on to another championship match in the future between the two. But as of this moment, John Cena is still Superman and Otunga still has plenty of work to do to get better.
Winner: John Cena via STFU

Shelton Benjamin vs Justin Gabriel in a ladder match: Shelton Benjamin is perhaps the most athletic wrestler in the business today. Justin Gabriel is the most athletic NXT rookie on the roster. Why not put these two in a match flying around and risking their bodies? This would be the a ridiculously entertaining ladder match in my opinion and will instantly boost Gabriel's credibility. I'd love to see Gabriel hit a 450 splash off the ladder or Benjamin hit Pay Dirt off the ladder. But because watching Gabriel fly through the air and then get up the ladder to claim the belt is a scene that I would love to witness, I'd have to go with Gabriel with the surprise win.
Winner: Gabriel via 450 Splash off a ladder

Dave Batista vs Wade Barret one on one with winner getting a briefcase of cash as well as the championship: For those who have watched the WWE these past weeks, we've learned two things about these two: They both love money. Batista has become a great heel and I think that Batista could groom Wade Barret as the next Main Event heel through this match. With the briefcase as a stipulation, it could be in the storyline, that the briefcase "motivates" Barret just as much as the championship around his waist. In my opinion though, Barret is not ready for the belt just yet so I'd love to see Batista, Batista bomb him for the win. He did it to Kane and JBL before, and seeing big guys like Barret pancaked with the Batista Bomb like that is quite the sight to see.
Winner: Batista via Batista Bomb

Edge vs Heath Slater in a hardcore match: These two have the same build and same attitude really. People don't know it but Heath is a heel and with Edge as a face, the match is set. I'd love for this match to be a hardcore match. Edge gave a memorable performance against Mankind in their hardcore match and I think it could happen again against Slater. The storyline could be that Edge is Heath's idol and constantly bothers and interrupts matches that Edge is in leading up to their championship match. Edge then wants to teach Slater a lesson in respect and then its on in a hardcore match.
Winner: Edge via spear through a table

Randy Orton vs Darren Young one on one: Darren Young is eccentric and fun. Randy Orton is sadistic and is all business. I'd love for these two to collide and have Randy talking and shouting at Young the entire match saying "you think this is fun?!" and things of that manner. It would be extremely entertaining. I haven't seen enough of Darren on NXT to really know his move-set but I have seen his special and its not impressive. I'd love for Darren to hit his finisher on Randy only for Randy to kick out and hit the RKO not once, not twice but three times to prove to Darren that wrestling is all about business. Maybe that'll make Darren change up his finisher to something decent.
Winner: Randy Orton via three RKO's

Montel Vontavious Porter vs Michael Tarver one on one: Both of these gentlemen have had a rough upbringing. I'd want MVP to turn heel for this match and have his motto of "I'm better than you" so he can get up in Tarver's face. I'd want MVP to shout obscenities at Tarver and tell him that "This is the big leagues" and "you don't belong here" the entire match as well. Also, with Tarver's whole 1.9 seconds knockout motto, I'd like MVP to end this match with the Drive- by Boot because his "boot has more knockout power than Tarver's fist". Because let's face it, the Playmaker is weak and hopefully this match will have MVP keep the Drive By Boot as his finisher instead.
Winner: MVP via Drive- by Boot

HHH vs Skip Sheffield one on one: This was perhaps the hardest match-up of all the NXT Rookies. Skip doesn't match up well with anyone really and neither does his gimmick. Maybe if JBL were still wrestling, I'd make this into a bull rope match but he's not. So I thought, what wrestler, who if you could defeat him would automatically make your career? That wrestler is HHH. If Skip somehow could beat him, his career would be set. I'd like HHH to give the same message that he gave Shaemus to Skip as well about how he needs to beat him to be the best. All in all, HHH could probably make this a really interesting match. Skip is no push over. The kid can wrestle and working with HHH will do wonders for his career. In the end though, Skip will kneel down to HHH like everyone else.
Winner: HHH via Pedigree

In my opinion I've already seen a glimpse of what could happen if the winner of NXT goes up against a World Champion. Week 1 we saw a non title match with Daniel Bryan and Chris Jericho. Even though it wasn't for the belt it still felt like it was and so it gave me an idea of how the end would be if somebody went for a World Title. In some odd was it's already been done.

To see somebody take their possible World Title shot and use it on a midcard Title would be awesome. Say Daniel Bryan won it. I've heard that he said that he chose to go on NXT to prove himself there instead of starting out on RAW and getting lost in the shuffle. He also delayed his debut after a dark match with Chavo because he felt he had ring rust. Bryan seems like the perfect candidate to pull off what I'm thinking. When Daniel Bryan chooses to fight for the US or IC Title, he could say that getting the World Title would be the easy and obvious choice, but he wants to start from the ground up and work his way to the top, and then he could say, "And Cena, Swagger, don't worry, I'll come for you soon."
I agree with Big Sexy, you have a championship opportunity use it to win a fucking world tittle not a tittle win that no ones going to remember. The only problem I have with the idea of challenging for a world tittle is that they are meant to be rookies so if the rookie wins its going to make the Champion look less credible.
Come on guys, lets be serious no way is a rookie ever going to get a world championship straight from winning NXT, that would just lower the reputation of the championship. No what I think this is, is a chance for a rookie to go straight into the mid card, (IC or US title). However I also think they could get a tag team partner and go for the tag titles just as easy. It is any championship after all. So they would bring someone else from NXT with them. As for what I think is going to happen I think Daniel Bryan vs The Miz is the most likely thing. But possibly WWE will pull a shocker.
Come on guys, lets be serious no way is a rookie ever going to get a world championship straight from winning NXT, that would just lower the reputation of the championship. No what I think this is, is a chance for a rookie to go straight into the mid card, (IC or US title). However I also think they could get a tag team partner and go for the tag titles just as easy. It is any championship after all. So they would bring someone else from NXT with them. As for what I think is going to happen I think Daniel Bryan vs The Miz is the most likely thing. But possibly WWE will pull a shocker.

Wow... I disagree COMPLETELY. And respectfully.

Why WOULDN'T the WWE utilize this opportunity to put the NXT rookie against a world champion? That will INSTANTLY give notoriety to the show that is pulling 1.0 ratings every Tuesday night.

Most people don't watch NXT because they are either unaware, ignorant, had a bad taste left in their mouths from WWECW, or they don't feel that NXT is worth their time to see upcoming rookies because they think their careers will go nowhere. Now, don't you think that giving one of these men a world title opportunity at a PPV will give the audience all of those things?

The WWE is being very patient with the NXT process of eliminations. They're not acting like a normal reality show and kicking wrestlers off each week. Instead, they're leaving them on television longer and dragging the process so people will have more time to care about them as they watch the show. By the time the finals come around and there are two NXT stars left in the finals, I have a feeling that the ratings will spike. Just like every reality show, people will tune in to see who the winner will be.

And once this happens, the spiked ratings-audience will see who the "next big superstar" will be and who will be facing a world champion at a PPV of their choosing. By this time, the NXT rookie should look like a formidable opponent for the world champion, setting up a nice, short-lived feud that should give the rookie a good rub.
CM Punk vs Daniel Bryan in an iron man match (from 30) Not only are both men technical experts (Punk has proven he can be, even if it's not a regularity throughout his matches), but both men are INDY GODS. I'd mark out soley for the fact that the two biggest names on the indy scene this decade are going one on one in the top company, for the most prestigious prize in the industry (from a kayfabe standpoint at least). Given Bryan's "every man" look, and Punk's SES cult gimmick, the storyline could be amazing.

Jeff Hardy vs Justin Gabriel in a ladder match Of course this would require a Jeff Hardy return, but the "Enigma" vs the "Angel" would be a classic highflying encounter (or spotfest, either way very entertaining). Though I can't think of a good storyline for it, a mutual respect, or Gabriel being Matt's rookie could build something. Either way, both have unique looks and this match could be a classic.

Triple H vs Wade Barrett one on one Barrett reminds me of either a William Regal, or a Hunter Hearst Helmsley type of character. While Regal could fill for HHH, IMO The Game would make it more enjoyable, even if only bc of star power. Triple H could say he used to be like Barrett, but he traded up and he suggests Barrett do the same. Have Regal mentoring or managing Wade throughout and have an inner struggle sort of thing going, does he stick to Regal's way, or "trade up" to The Game's? It's a far stretch, but I could see it working.

Big Show vs Michael Tarver in a boxing match I think Tarver was the boxing-type guy, not sure since he's obviously a footnote in WWE history. Have Big Show right hook him, bye-bye Tarver. Yes, a 3 second KO, because I'm that fucked up.

Batista vs David Otunga for some abnormally large paycheck Both dislike Cena, both are all about himself, both are built, and both "walk alone". Given the in-ring skill of each, welcome to the botch-fest, but a nice idea regardless.
Edge vs Wade Barrett one on one Barrett would have two reasons to go against Edge, most obviously because of the feud with Jericho, Barretts pro, but also because Barrett was speared by Edge and that has been left unanswered. Face and heel is pretty clear, and I could picture a pretty decent match with Barrett holding his own before succumbing to the spear.

Daniel Bryan vs The Miz one on one Hey, we're all thinking it. Bryan to win the United States Championship in a clean, but hard fought match. Personally would love to see the Miz's face as Bryan stands over him holding the belt in the air.
Mine are a little strange :

Daniel Bryan vs John Cena :

Face of WWE and Face of NXT or even indy wrestling.This can be potentially a historic bout.Bryan can dominate most of the match and play Cena around the ring , but at the end Cena can finally find the way.I'd rather it a face vs. face bout , I don't wanna storyline affect the match.And I also want it to not be a gimmick match.After the match we can have a Hand shake , which rarely happens in Cena matches ( never ) , so Bryan will be on fire after this.He may defeat Miz for US title in future.

Wade Barret vs. Matt Hardy

I can imagine this one as IC title match.Barret's gimmick shows he is a powerhouse who uses his brain appropriately , like his pro , Chris Jericho_On the other hand , Matt is more an emotional guy than a logical one , so this can be done well.I will put Barret over since i see him ready to receive a push like Drew.

David Otunga vs. Randy Orton

This one can happen for WHC.Orton is the hottest thing in WWE right now and this match can really put Otunga on the map.Orton should win but this shouldn't be a squash match like the one Otunga had with Cena.

Heath Slater vs. Edge

For some unknown reason , Slater reminds me old days of E & C , and i'm happy that a lot of guys here agree with me.I would really prefer that Edge be heel at this one.They can work a decent match and we may also see Christian interfering on Edge's side and screw Slater , which can be reuniting of E & C.

I won't care about Gabriel till he gain some mic skills , but then I can also picture him in a match against Rey Myterio.
We all know that the NXT season is coming to an end, and that the winner gets a title shot at any given champion at a Pay Per View.

We got Wade Barrett, David Otunga and Justin Gabriel remaining, this isn't a thread about which one you think is gonna win, we already got that, this is gonna be a thread about what championship you would like to see Wade Barrett, Justin Gabriel and David Otunga challenge for.

Wade Barrett: While I expect him to be a perfect future main eventer, and world champion, I feel that if he should challenge for any championship if he wins, it should be the Intercontinental championship, due to the fact that it's a good place to start, he seems like the guy that could make a legitimate champion in that position, as opposed to the big chance that people would shit all over his early title win if he challenged and won the WWE or World Heavyweight championship, the United States championship I don't think he should go for although, doesn't really seem right to me.

David Otunga: United States championship definitely, as opposed to Wade Barrett, I just don't see him holding the Intercontinental championship, and he definitely needs to start somewhere, it'd be a nice move with WWE having him challenge against his former pro in that way.

Justin Gabriel: I don't know, something tells me of the remaining championships that we have, the United States championship would be the only one that would make sense to me, but even that, I don't really like it, but seeing as if he wins, he has to contend for something, the United States championship it will be.

Don't see any of them challenging for the world championships, while it could work, they'd be booked to loose, I'd rather watch them win their championship match, than loose in the main event.
If Barrett wins, I could definitely see him going after a world title. He has that type of character. He has no chance of winning but it would help him get over coming out of a show no one seems to watch. With that said, he would then most likely return to the upper midcard for a while.

If Otunga wins, and I am starting to believe it could happen, I'm pretty convinced that he would challenge R-Truth for his US championship. It all makes sense. He has had his issue with Truth and has even challenged him before. He lost that match and I can see him asking for the rematch with the belt on the line.

As for Gabriel, I just dont see him winning it.

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