NXT - August 29, 2012 with KB


Welcome to My (And Not Sly's) House
Date: August 29, 2012
Location: Full Sail University, Winter Park, Florida
Commentators: Byron Saxton, William Regal

It’s time for the title match tonight and I’m actually somewhat excited. This change officially turns NXT into its own regular promotion which is what it needed for the last year and a half or so. It’s Jinder Mahal vs. Seth Rollins for the inaugural title, which is a matchup I didn’t think I’d like. Mahal is growing on me as a basic foreign heel and Rollins….well he’s energetic. Let’s get to it.

Click on the link below for the full review.

Just watched the main event. Found it sloppy. I was very disappointed. Rollins needs to bulk up badly. He is way to skinny.
His finisher is awful. First he keeps Mahal up on his back for like 15 seconds. It looks very awkward. He throws him into the turnbuckle and like puts his foot on his back. It looks terrible and needs to be changed.
Mahal came off as a much better wrestler. Outside of Blacks flippy off the turnbuckle which he missed I was very disappointed.
He needs a lot of work.

Finkle rules though.
The WWE style is Rollins' friend. Surprised by how much I've come to enjoy him.
The main event was good and Rollins actually both sold and somewhat told a story in a match. Ascension were great as usual and Big E. Langston is beginning to impress me(*****'s scary!). Mike Dalton also showed some pretty cool moves.

The best show thus far in my opinion. The main event was a good match if you're not acting like a pretentious prick about it.

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