NWS Power Rankings


Staff member
The moderators of the Non Wrestling Sections have come to the conclusion that a great way of getting some more traffic into the NWS is to take Tdigle's Power Ranking concept and adapt it into the NWS.

Together with my fellow NWS mods, we will be compiling a list of the best NWS posters of the week and the winners will receive my rep, perhaps in addition to the rep of the other NWS posters.

So, tonight is probably the last night to get some quality posts out and make your way up the lists. Mods are excluded from the lists, so don't be frightened to make a name for yourself in this.

Yeah, buddy!
I've only made one post in the NWS sections. The Cigar Lounge just turns me away, I barely watch TV or movies, I don't really talk much about music. All I have left is Potluck.
That's too bad. We could do with some regular posters.
I don't think I'll be getting into the rankings. I've only made a thread and like 1 post in the NWS and that was in the CL.
I've only made one post in the NWS sections. The Cigar Lounge just turns me away, I barely watch TV or movies, I don't really talk much about music. All I have left is Potluck.

Just leave out the MMA section. It's so unimportant and all.
SHould I venture outside of the VGAT? I told Dave I'd post more in M&T so off I go.
Right on, you caught my attention. I'll try and get around to posting a little more often.
Huh. So that's why there's an assload of non wrestling threads popping right now. I've been having more fun in these anyway.

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