
Wat do u guys like more?

  • D-Generation X

  • New World Order

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Dark Match Winner
Who da hell says nWo cant come back?
der werent only hogan.nash and hall in it but a lot of other superstars!(X-Pac etc)
If u saw summerslam ,Hogan gave the crowd a DX crotch chop before givin orton da 10 punches
Also HHH was doing Hogan's ear taunts after his win
So wat r ur comments!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
That depends. nWo and DX are so similar in some aspects. If you're talking about the old DX vs nWo- than DX wins hands down. But the new DX vs nWo- nWo wins. It's really just preferance.
Flames Out
rajasalshi said:
Who da hell says nWo cant come back?
der werent only hogan.nash and hall in it but a lot of other superstars!(X-Pac etc)
If u saw summerslam ,Hogan gave the crowd a DX crotch chop before givin orton da 10 punches
Also HHH was doing Hogan's ear taunts after his win
So wat r ur comments!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

true, hogan's still up for doing it, but still it's going to be unfair if it's going to be hhh and hbk vs. hogan. who else could they get? true, xpac might be able to do it, but who else? no one else really, and i doubt that mcmahon will bring a small wrestler like xpac back to try to do a dream match, because not only was xpac in nwo, but was also in dx (really wouldn't work out too well).
Eternal Dragon said:
That depends. nWo and DX are so similar in some aspects. If you're talking about the old DX vs nWo- than DX wins hands down. But the new DX vs nWo- nWo wins. It's really just preferance.
Flames Out
that depands if its nash hall and hogan vs hhh hbk and xpac dx will win well nwo theres one weakness for nwo and thats there old.
I dont understand why people think nWo is Hogan, Hall and Nash. Thats the founding members yeah but Bischoff always meant for the nWo to be an ongoing brand, an entity in its own right. nWo could be more than that. Simply having Hogan as the figurehead and recruiting new blood, i.e. Orton, Carlito, Shelton (anyone over in a heel fashion really) could work. And for any of the people that think nWo was about only those 3 and should be left buried, let me ask - how many reincarnations and over how many decades did the 4 Horsemen last. And never was there legacy compromised in any one of those reincarnations. All that needs to be done for this nWo thing to work is to have one of the originals (Hogan) and the best heels in the game today (well at least in the WWE anyway). WWE has to give the nWo some real fire-power and they have to turn the tempo way up and let the nWo come back in all guns blazing with some vicious stuff. That was always the difference between them and DX - DX was funny but the nWo was a gang and they were dead serious. And also I think that bringing Sean Waltman as part of the nWo would be an awesome move. It adds a whole other dynamic, as I'm sure more people relate Sean with DX and to have him come in as an enemy in the nWo would be awesome.
Just to let you guys know...Nash's contract w/ TNA is over, and Hall is a free agent. So if they really wanted too, this dream match could happen just like that.
NWO isn't NWO without hall, hogan, nash. it is not the same with x-pac/ric flair, big show, etc
Just to let you guys know...Nash's contract w/ TNA is over, and Hall is a free agent. So if they really wanted too, this dream match could happen just like that.

his contract hasn't expired yet, but it isn't too long till it is. though he is trying to get an extension on his contract, right now it doesn't look like he's interested in wwe at all. also if scott hall wanted to come to wwe, he would've by now. lord knows wwe would greet any legend back with open arms, because i have to say mcmahon is pretty desperate for ratings lately.
nWo. When they started out and tore up WCW it was great. They took out one of the greatest stables of wrestling in the 4 horseman and even when they split into different factions with the wolfpac it was great.
Big Show was in nWo back when he was known as Giant, Scott Hall ain't doin nothin, X-Pac ain't doin nuthin, Hulk Hogan's down for it, there's a lot of people left other then the standard 4. Big Show's been goin through this big feud with DX, it only makes sense that nWo wud make its return to face DX

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