The Wolf

Pre-Show Stalwart
Both factions made a quick and immediate impact. They also filtered through members. Both were invastions.

So the question is which faction is better and has/had a bigger effect.

I would have to say NWO it was ground breaking and had a nice twist which till this day is hard to top. I am not saying Nexus was predicable but no twist that kept us woundering.
Quite obviously the answer to this is the nWo.

Not only did the initial nWo have two major superstars in former WWF Champion Kevin Nash (as Diesel) and former IC Champion Scott Hall (as Razor Ramon), but the impact of the biggest wrestling superstar and fan favourite of all time, Hulk Hogan, turning heel sent shockwaves through the wrestling world. It was genuinely a jaw-dropping moment. People never thought they would see Hogan as a bad guy.

The Nexus attack on John Cena was very surprising, and one of the best things the WWE had done in years but it was nowhere near the level of the Hogan heel turn. The fact the attack was carried out by rookies, not main eventers made it more shocking, but it cannot compete with the biggest face of all time turning heel.

Also, the fact is that the nWo was unique in the way it was carried out. Nexus were members of NXT, a WWE show, while the creative way the Outsiders invaded WCW was made to convince the fans that they were still WWF employees who were trying to ruin and takeover the rival companies show. This had never been done before, and was totally surprising.

The biggest factor I would say which makes the nWo the bigger faction, and I am only focusing on the original nWo here, not the Wolfpac, Black & White, nWo 2000 etc, is that Hogan became the heavyweight champion while in the nWo, Nash and Hall became tag champions, the nWo DID dominate WCW, while Nexus never managed to gather any gold, and Wade Barrett did not win the world title. They were shocking, and did cause a big moment by burying the Undertaker and getting Cena fired for 2 weeks, but they didnt win the big one, or really make much of a difference to WWE programming.

nWo dominated WCW, got their own PPV, their name on the WCW video game (WCW/NWO Thunder etc), they were just a much bigger deal. Plus they had the better music, better T-Shirt and the bigger name members

So the nWo is the better faction for me. By far
How can you even put these two factions in the same proposition ?! It's ridiculous how people can even think of what New World Order was when they talk about this non-sense called Nexus.
How can you even put these two factions in the same proposition ?! It's ridiculous how people can even think of what New World Order was when they talk about this non-sense called Nexus.

Exactly. Nexus even being compared to the nWo is ridiculous, their impact pales in comparison to what the nWo achieved in WCW.

The nWo dominated WCW, Nexus wasnt even booked to dominate one of the WWE's shows.
This thread is fucking ridiculous.

The Nexus couldn't hold a candle to the god damn empire that the New World Order was. Not a single member of Nexus will achieve even a snippet's worth of the success that guys like Hogan, Hall, Nash, etc. did with the nWo.

nWo defined an entire company and probably sold more merchandise in a year than the Nexus ever will in the entirely of their tenure.

Nexus isn't even a drop of water in the ocean that is the New World Order.

My god, man, what a stupid fucking thing to ask.
nWo and it isn't even remotely close.

The nWo were the ones who were responsible for WCW over taking the wrestling conglomerate known as the WWF in the ratings war. They were WCW for the better part of two years, they dominated everyone on the roster, they sold more merchandise than Nexus could ever hope too, they main evented PPV's, they won world titles. Just look at the core guys in the group, Hogan, Nash and Hall, those three men have achieved more in the wrestling business than every member of the Nexus combined could ever hope too.

The nWo was probably the biggest angle ever in wrestling history and certainly the biggest angle in wrestling up until that point. I mean to illustrate how big it was, the biggest face wrestling has ever seen and probably ever will see Hulk fucking Hogan turned heel for this angle.

Comparatively what did Nexus do? They make a shocking debut, beat a lot of people up, and had a very entertaining feud with John Cena. Sure they made for some entertaining TV but in comparison to the nWo they aren't even close.

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