NWO or DX-- Which faction could have a bigger impact on their promotion?


Team Finnley Baylor
Right now, we know DX is the focal point of most of the WWE broadcasts the past few months, however the NWO is supposedly making its debut in TNA as well. We know that both factions contributed during the Monday Night Wars and to be honest, I'd even give the edge to the NWO during the MNW, but now, it's a different era and all of the main players in these factions are older, some much older.

SO the question lies... which faction could have a bigger iMPACT on their respected promotions? the NWO or DX?
I believe DX will have the bigger impact on their promotion. While members of both factions are older, the ones that remain in DX---Triple H and Shawn Michaels---can still go in the ring. The only member of the nWo whose matches are still decent are Kevin Nash. Hogan, Hall, Xpac, and whoever else, just wouldn't work so well today. Hogan and Hall are both too old and out of shape to put on anything great in the ring. Xpac a.k.a Sean Waltman, while he can still move in the ring and probably put on good matches, no one cares for him so much now.

DX is a staple of the WWE right now, and no matter how watered down they are, they will be better then anything the nWo can do in TNA unless they somehow put over the younger talent , specifically EY.
This is a tough decision for me. On one hand, you have this nWo rebirth who's helping young talent like Eric Young and his World Elite. On the other, you have D-Generation X, helping that promising young dominating monster of a man, Hornswoggle. Hornswoggle vs. Eric Young. What to choose? Do the math, Hornswoggle obviously pwns Eric Young.

And DX is more likely to put over a young tag team, while it's been proven that most of time when 5 old guys get together to run a promotion, good things don't happen.
Dx by far....nWo I thought Vince owned the rights to that anyway.....Even if all major parties are involved "nWo" or whatever new name they will bring cant wrestle anymore. Dx will be playing out in a major story line for the next few months so due the match here.
Even though the members of both factions are older today, DX have demonstrated time and time again that they can still go in the ring with the best of them. The only things that's really wrong with DX are all the corny jokes and skits that they do and Hornswoggle. Triple H and HBK are still very capable in the ring. The things currently wrong with DX are small things and really could be easily fixed. In my view, JeriShow did bring some credibility back to the tag title scene in the WWE and DX could continue to do that. I'd love to see young teams like the Hart Dynasty, Cryme Tyme and the CM Punk/Luke Gallows team built up to be real contenders and make the WWE tag team division what it can be. DX is capable of doing that, the only problem is that doesn't seem to have been their ultimate goal thus far. I think that DX can have a bigger impact based upon the fact that they're still able to do very well in the ring and have proven themselves to be relevant.

As far as the nWo, or whatever they're going to be called in TNA since the nWo name is owned by Vince, the same can hardly be said of them. Most of the nWo members are well past their prime and can no longer work competitively. Some have been out of the spotlight for so long that they're not really all that relevant. We're all aware of the physical condition of Hulk Hogan, he simply is unable to work a remotely competitive wrestling match. Kevin Nash's knees are shot to shit, it's almost painful to watch him try to wrestle a match these days. Scott Hall is fat, out of shape, a raging alcoholic and has a history of no shows. As to X-Pac, last I saw of him, he could still go and was in great shape but he's been out of the spotlight here for so long, I think he's kind of a non-issue. I think that the nWo COULD POSSIBLY have a good deal of impact if they're used as a means to get young stars over instead of running over them and dominating them. With the exception of AJ Styles, I've seen little evidence this year of TNA solidifying any real young stars in the company. It can still be argued that Styles always was a star anyhow. Matt Morgan and Hernandez showed promise but their momentum is gone. If the nWo can be used to give the rub to younger guys, that'd be great. If it's what many are fearing that it's going to be, then maybe TNA really is turning into WCW version 2.0.
Right now, NWO has a show in them of entertainment, and after that, it will just get silly. DX has been going on for months here and half the time (when they are not with Honrswoggle) they are an entertaining duo. They can still put on a great match, something that I doubt at this moment that Scott Hall could, and I know Kevin Nash cannot. So DX wins out here over me, even if they are being silly, I know they can put on a huge and great match.
The question is "Who will have a bigger impact?", not "Who will have a better impact?". Based on that, I have to go with the nWo.

DX has never hurt the WWE, and has proven to draw in new fans every time they bring it back. It may not be the same, but there's really no downside, even when they're hawking merch with a midget in a "court room". The nWo will come back (in some form), and then TNA will begin a slow descent into being nothing. Many of the TNA fans already don't want to see Hogan or Hall or Waltman, and the fans that do come in because of the added exposure, will only get bored and change the channels after a few weeks.
DX does have the two younger guys(not that much younger). However in the last 5 years DX has been done over and over again. To me they've killed the original impact.

And although NWO is going to be full of the old guys who can't go in the ring, people will probably tune into them more for the Nostalgia factor and to see what stuff they can do. They already know what DX can do now, but people don't know what the new version of NWO will do. So there is some mystery to it that DX doesn't have.
The nWo has long since been irrelevant after they dropped the "we are invading your promotion" gimmick. Once they started being filled with life long WCW wrestlers it became irrelevant. When they returned to WWE and were no longer "invaders", they were still irrelevant. Nash has been with TNA for a while, Hall has appeared and no-showed several TNA events, the only newbie to TNA was hogan. With that said, I actually think DX has never been better in terms of the impact they bring to WWE this past year. They made Ted Dibiase and Cody Rhodes look like stars during the feud and put on one heck of a match with JeriShow at TLC and now all signs point to them getting ready to hopefully make stars out of the Hart Dynasty. So yea, DX will have the bigger impact.
Good god. The fans of WCW that are currently watching TNA will cringe as soon as they hear the NWO music. The NWO is a bad thing... a very bad thing. It completely ruined the WCW, and the only time the faction has been good was the very first time it was started. At least people aren't sick enough of DX that they're starting to get Cena heat, and their merchandise sells rather well. Like, the casual fan loves DX and everything about them.

TNA, however, has a more hardcore fanbase, and they all know a little bit about the industry. The majority of the TNA fanbase can't think an NWO reunion can be a good thing, unless every single one of them is kept under serious control. And by "control," I don't mean "creative control."
I'd say that NWO is better than dx in the short term. The NWO will put asses in seats, get ratings for TNA and will help make more interesting storylines........ for about six months tops. Let's face it. Hall and Waltman won't last 1 year in TNA.

DX pwns NWO in the long term
I would have to say DX, because most of the pranks they pulled were funny but they were still bad in a good way, with the nwo they just got out of hand as they had about thirty members in their group, whilst DX stuck to about six at the most.
mhmmmmm on one hand you have the too guys who basicly started the Attitude Era for the WWE and on the other had you have the group thats 4 life and took WCW by storm and controled it for a while which to chose well lets look at the groups now, DX well the aren't that much funny as they were in the 90's and i have basicly watered down there promos, sceems and anything funny it sounds like if DX was a drink it would be a Jack and Coke that was extremely watered down until you couldn't taste either the Jack or the Coke. Now NWO (The Band) they are pickin up where they left off in WCW, kickin ass and taking names. Doing what they did by beathing the shit out of people and they have Sting back up on the rafters. So if they were a drink it would be tequilla, just the straight drink not watered down or anything. They might stay away from the tag-titles unlike Dx and just want to take over the company something DX doesn't want to do because its not kid friendly so i will have to go with the Wolfpac the NWO because even though most of them can't wrestle they are doing what stables should be doing and thats taking over the whole fuckin show by any means cuz its just TOOOOOOO SWEEEETTTTTTT NWO 4-LIFE
If it were twelve years ago, I would have said DX, but since DX has worn down and has been kicked into the dirt, the NWO has been apart and its impact has been preserved. The WWF and WCW fans have been waiting for years for the NWO to return. If HBK didn't get injured, DX may have been able to keep its original legacy. NWO will have a bigger impact. Plain and simple. Look at the NWO sigs and avatars here at WZ, then look at DX sigs and avatars. That there gives you an idea of which faction is "stronger" (so to speak) right now.
I think both of them were equal in terms of making an impact. But the nWo shook the wrestling world and broke new grounds. Hulk Hogan at the time of the early 90's was a major face. Seeing him go to another promotion and do a heel turn was beyond words. Couple that with Hall and Nash who were huge superstars and gave up their WWF contracts and you have yourself a solid heel group in a show that allowed unscripted events happen.

While DX was an equally amazing stable, i believe that the impact of D-Generation X would not have been as big if the nWo was never formed.

Always remember, Kevin Nash, Scott Hall, Sean Waltman, Shawn Michaels and Triple H were and always will be "The Clique."

As far as today goes, seeing Hall, Waltman and Nash as a stable wasn't given a chance. It was just ruined by Scott Hall and his alcoholism. Sean Waltman is still a decent wrestler.

The only cringe worthy factor in TNA is Hogan and his cronies (excluding Bischoff Waltman and Hall.)

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