NWA signs national TV deal with Dish Network

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From David Marquez on the NWA message board -

"Bob Trobich was in attendance all weekend in Texas for the matches
and boy was it ever an education! Here is a link to what I consider a
bombshell...looks like Mom's gonna be able to see us on TV soon!


A deal was put together by Big Vision Entertainment, Inc. and Trobich
with Colours Television and will be made available across the Dish
Network. There is no other information outside of this, but please
stay close to nwawrestling.com for up to date information."

To summarize -

NWA Pro will begin airing regular programming on Dish Network's
"Colours Television" channel (9407) in about two months.
The NWA still exists? Just kidding. Wow...the NWA...what a shitty organization that is this last...oh...decade or so. The only thing worth shitting on in the mid 90s on was Chris Candido and Dan Severn (whom I think is still criminally underrated).

Does anyone really care about this? Is anyone going to watch them? If it's free I'll watch it, but no way am I paying for some subpar-indy-indy fed that sounds worse then WSX (thanks again Big Vision Entertainment).
Well you know if it is on channel 9407, and on a channel called Coloured Television, it's gotta be a big deal.

I'll catch major shit for this, but the NWA is dead. The belt is meaningless, and has been since Shane Douglas threw it down for the dead company it represented. With the exception of a five year TNA blip on the radar, the NWA has meant jackshit in the wrestling business.

Good for the NWA I guess, but in the big picture, utterly meaningless.
All I have to say for the NWA that this will be the biggest flop ever as the NWA is dead and gone. They have no base to draw fans and there is no way they can attract fans to watch it i mean if you find channel 9407 still its going to flop.

The belt has been shit since Shane tossed it as Shocky said and the only good thing about the belt was its run in TNA. So I guess hoo rah for those that care but this really nothing in the long run. Be over sooner than WSX.
I will probably tune in and check it out. I am a huge fan of indy promotions, so I'll be interested to see what talent they showcase. As for the NWA title, I could really care less about the belt itself. Shane Douglas single handedly destroyed the legacy 13 years ago. However, I believe the NWA still wants to put the title on Bryan Danielson- if that happens we may be treated to some televised match of the American Dragon. Truthfully if that occurs, I'll tune in to the NWA at 4:00am to watch any day of the week.
I will give it the benefit of the doubt, I would love for wrestling to make a huge comeback and have more feds, more shows and hopefully contest the wwe and force them to do better. I will never object to more competition more so since benoit, and I will never be against to more talent having the chance to work and show their stuff, most wrestlers start in the indies anyway.

But I won't get the chance as I don't have dish network...Why they did this is beyond me, and the NWA title is worthless. They can try to repair it and I hope they do, but I doubt it. And most of all against them is a crap channel like colours...does anybody seriously watch that channel much less know what it is? Why not go for a real channel? They are doomed due to a channel nobody watches and less care about, I wish they had gone for FX or something.
I have Dish Network, and I am currently scrolling through some of the top notch programming on this particular channel.

Yuyu Hakusho, Slayer, Negima, India Waves TV (two separate one hour shows), Pacific Fusion, Neo-Soul Cafe.

Way to go NWA. You struck it big time.

I'll catch major shit for this, but the NWA is dead. The belt is meaningless, and has been since Shane Douglas threw it down for the dead company it represented.
Correction. The NWA died when WCW realized it was better off without the NWA and it's belt. WCW leaving is what killed the NWA and its title, not some hack throwing down the title in front of 200 fans.
If you think about it, all of the NWA's historic past means jackshit to them now. WWE owns all the video library to the NWA's prime years. Basically the NWA is nothing but a new promotion. They will start from scratch and try and throw down all this NWA legacy bullshit down our throats when they don't even have video library to showcase it. NWA is dead, eventually the new big three will consist of WWE/TNA/ROH....If the NWA was smart they'd just go into a partnership with ROH and build even more off their success on the indy scene. NWA had a great thing going with TNA if only both parties kept it that way. We'll just see how far this tv show goes
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