[NWA Bracket] Round 1 Match 1: Antoinio Inoki Vs Rikidzan

Who is the bigger Legend?

  • Antoni Inoki

  • Rikidozan

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Sit Upon The Frozen Heavens
Antonio Inoki

A true Legend of Japanese wrestling. He has won So many titles in Japan in NJPW, AJPW and JWA. He trained under his opponent Rikidōzan and trained with another person in this tournament Giant Baba. In 2007 he started his own wrestling company called the Inoki Genome Federation (IGF).


If Inoki is a legend of Japanese Rikidōzan is THE Legend of Japanese wrestling. He trained Inoki and has held many titles both in Japan and the US. What Hulk Hogan did for wrestling in America Rikidōzan did for wrestling in Japan. He is an Icon.​
Rikidōzan is overrated. That's hard when the man was as good as he was, but people credit him with more than he deserves.

Rikidōzan made a name for himself in Japan as a national hero (despite not actually being Japanese) by beating Americans, and I'm willing to accept that he was very over doing that. The only problem is, Pro Wrestling is Japan was a non entity at that time.

Enter Lou Thesz.

Lou Thesz, unquestionably the best wrestler ever to have lived and without a doubt the biggest name at the time, comes over to Japan, plays the heel in a series of high profile 60 minute draws, then puts the local hero over. Twice.

The result, Japanese wrestling explodes and Rikidōzan rides the wave as the "Hogan of Japan". Don't get me wrong, he was great, but he was totally made my Thesz, and also of what he gets credited for was Thesz work.

That being said, the master always goes over the pupil in these things, and at the end of the day, Thesz voluntarily put Rikidōzan over at the cost of his own reputation, and I don't believe that there is any greater sign of legendary status that having that man do that for you.

I won't vote yet since I don't know enough about the other guy, but I think I know which way this one is going.
I can respect your Love for Lou Thesz but to say Rikidozan is overrated shows that you have a 1 track mind. Rikidozan is deservedly called the Hogan of Japan because he broughtJapanese wrestling to main stream Japan. Wikipedia says it best in my opinion: He was credited with bringing the sport of professional wrestling to Japan at a time when the Japanese needed a local hero to look up to and was lauded as a national hero. not only that he trained to other Japanese legends Antonio Inoki and Giant Baba (Both of whom are in this tournament.) Without Rikidozan we wouldn't have Antonio Inoki. That is why he deserves to win this match.
While Rikidōzan may have brought wrestling to Japan it was the influence of Ionoki that made pro wresling what it is today in Japan. Rikidōzan was the Thesz of Japan while Ionoki is more of the Hogan or Flair of Japan. My vote goes to Ionoki for taking the ball from Rikidōzan and running with it. Ionoki is the man and the true Japanese legend.
Rikidōzan is the Thesz, Hogan, Race and Flair combined of Japan. He is such a legend, he is the reason that Wrestling is what it is in Japan. He was the Hero Japan needed just like Godzilla and numerous other things like that. He is the Hero that was needed, his career while being helped by Lou Thesz was made in that first televised Pro Wrestling match in 1954(?). Saying that Inoki is the Flair or Hogan without adding in Giant Baba is an insult since AJPW was just as important as Inoki with NJPW. but both companys came from the original company of Japan Pro Wrestling Alliance. Inoki is only where he is because of the great man that is Rikidōzan.
Its Rikidozan. As has been said, the man is a god in Japan. He is the reason Japanese wrestling exists today. After World War 2, Japan was devastated. They had absolutely nothing after all those years of being the kings of their region. The Americans had obliterated them. But then, from the ashes of the once great country rises the phoenix that is Rikidozan. Enter all the Americans and he chops them down one by one. For the first time since the war, Japan defeats the Americans. Inoki is a true legend, but he's not the father of the sport. Rikidozan is.

What it all boils down to is this: There would be a Rikidozan without Inoki, but without Rikidozan, there would be no wrestling. That sums it up as well as it can be for me.
Obviously without Rikidozan, there would be no wrestling in Japan. Well there would be, just not at the level it is now. Without Rikidozan, Inoki and Baba (like Shadow said, should be in this, but thats unimportant at this point.) However, I haven't seen enough from him in the ring to vote him past Inoki.

Inoki gets credit from me because of his in ring ability. Not so much his wrestling, but the shoot nature of his matches. He has beaten almost every single big name wrestler int he world during the 70's and 80's. I'm voting Inoki, maybe mostly because I'm more familiar with him.
Hmm, Japanese old-school wrestling is not my strong side, but the stuff I've seen from Antonio Inoki is legendary to say the least. And I'm sorry to say I've never even heard of Rikidōzan. So on name value or at least showcase of the name alone, Inoki wins this.
OK I understand If you've never heard of some one just please don't vote based soley on name value. If you've never heard of someone go to Wikipedia to find out there history and go to youtube to watch some matches. It's not that hard to go check out a couple matches on youtube and read an article on Wikipedia.

Rikidozan Vs Lou Thesz from JWA-10-13-57
Enter Puroresu mark.Yeah.

I'm a new era puroresu fan and haven't seen alot of these guys. But I've seen clips.

Inoki had a better overall ground game.
Rikidozan tough he did alot died young(stabbed by the Yakuza).

I'm voting Inoki. The guy was just a good overall wrestler. Inoki also brought New Japan into the world. Rikidozan may have brought wrestling to Japan but that dosn't make him good. Inoki wins on pure wrestling skill.
I agree with the Juggalo. If you don't know the guys, don't vote blindly. The whole point of this tournament isn't really to crown a champ (no-one will remember in a few weeks...trust me). The point is that you actually gain an appreciation for the men who shaped wrestling today. It's evident people are from the fact that 15 people have voted here vs 29 in Austin Volkoff

Now... this is a tough call. Student vs Teacher, the man who popularised wrestling in Japan vs the man who established it. Thesz and Hogan isn't a bad analogy here, and I honestly find it hard to pick between them because both men were very very good and have done a lot for wrestling. If I were to pick one purely on name, it would be Inoki, because I feel both are legends in their own right. (I'm actually doing it to even the score up because I don't feel either man deserves to go out just yet)
Results: 11-10 for Antonio Inoki. He moves into the 2nd round.

my thoughts: I am disapointed. :( Taking nothing away from Inoki who is a huge Legend of Japanese wrestling he just didn't deserve to win. Rikidozan made Japanese wrestling what it is today. After WW2 Japan was devestated and along came this wrestler who gave them something the cheer about that wrestler was Rikidozan. Not to mention the Rikidozan trained Inoki how to wrestle. Without Rikidozan we probably wouldn't have Antonio Inoki and all he has accompished.
I think it's mildly naive revisionist history to claim that Inoki would never have occured if Rikidozan hadn't been around. Hell, maybe Inoki would be even greater, because in addition to being one of the greatest ever, he'd also be credited with creating Japanese Wrestling the way Riki is.

I think the right choice was made. Strike that - there was NO WRONG CHOICE here. None whatsoever. Had Rikidozan won, it'd have been fine too. The best things about this match up were: 1) the fact that the final score was within one vote, and 2) how many people posted on these two men. But at the end, I think Inoki's longevity was enough to propel his past his mentor. It's perfectly fine to believe that the student outdeuled the master.
I think it's mildly naive revisionist history to claim that Inoki would never have occured if Rikidozan hadn't been around. Hell, maybe Inoki would be even greater, because in addition to being one of the greatest ever, he'd also be credited with creating Japanese Wrestling the way Riki is.

I think the right choice was made. Strike that - there was NO WRONG CHOICE here. None whatsoever. Had Rikidozan won, it'd have been fine too. The best things about this match up were: 1) the fact that the final score was within one vote, and 2) how many people posted on these two men. But at the end, I think Inoki's longevity was enough to propel his past his mentor. It's perfectly fine to believe that the student outdeuled the master.
You sir are 100% correct, thank you for setting me straight. allow me to rephrase what I said. Antonio Inoki probably would be in the business and he may still be at the same level he is today with the added acomplishemnt of creating Japanese wrestling. With history being what it is I feel Rikidozan should have won though. I don't want to take anything away from anyone who has voted and I appreciate everyone who as voted in this so far, thank you. I like both of them so it only disapoints me a little bit anyway.
You sir are 100% correct, thank you for setting me straight. allow me to rephrase what I said. Antonio Inoki probably would be in the business and he may still be at the same level he is today with the added acomplishemnt of creating Japanese wrestling. With history being what it is I feel Rikidozan should have won though. I don't want to take anything away from anyone who has voted and I appreciate everyone who as voted in this so far, thank you. I like both of them so it only disapoints me a little bit anyway.

It should piss you off. Your boy lost. Stand up and shout!

Seriously, this was one of the best obscure legends matches I would have expected. I'm looking forward to round two.
It should piss you off. Your boy lost. Stand up and shout!

Seriously, this was one of the best obscure legends matches I would have expected. I'm looking forward to round two.
Don't get me wrong I am angry, but I am going to respect people's opinions and just deal with it. Doing the research has made me appreciate both of these men and all they contributed to Japanese wrestling. Besides if I stood up and started shouting I would end up saying something along these lines: http://forums.wrestlezone.com/showthread.php?t=18380. I really don't want to get in trouble so I'm going to keep it cool. Also I'm glad i could bring this to the forums and when I post the next batch of threads I hope ti get even more discussion going.
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