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NWA/ AWA, Round 2 Sara Del Ray vs Jacqueline Moore (Stretcher Match)

NWA/ AWA 2 match 1

  • Sara Del Ray

  • Jacqueline Moore

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Reaper of Miracles
Sara Del Ray vs Jacqueline Moore

Stretcher Match

Match Objective: The first woman to incapacitate her opponent, place them on a stretcher then onto a gurney, then wheel them to a designated area will be declared the winner

This match will take place in San Diego, California

1.) Not a popularity contest, tournament based on in ring skills

2.) Will rules of a region come into play (the entrance ramp is on the same level as the ring)

3.) Will the crowd be a factor
How the hell is Jacqueline losing???? She was perhaps the best women's wrestler ever in WWE besides Bull,Alundra and Jazz. Sara Del Ray while a really awesome wrestler doesnt have nowhere near the experience or the ability to beat Jacqueline in a stretcher match, this would be a all out brawl and Jackie would stomp her.
Have you even seen Del Rey in action, Like really seen her? Del Rey is a machine, a 5'10 165 pound cyborg like woman that somehow, someway keeps getting up and keeps coming back (when she's not already decimating her opponent). Even when her opponents have thrown everything but the kitchen sink at her, Sara doesn't stay down. As you can ask Awesome Kong for verification. Sara has the power that Jackie never had, Sara has the Speed, enough to keep up with Jackie if she wanted to. Since this math pretty much would end up being a brawl, Sara has brawled with some of the best and has come out on top. I can't see this match being any different
Shes good don't get me wrong, i just think Miss Texas is alot better? and since you ask me if i've seen Del Ray's matches, i'm going to ask you if you have seen Miss Texas defeat countless men in USWA in order to be the first woman ranked in the PWI 500?

A woman who has defeated Sherri Martel, Luna Vachon, Lita, Trish Status, Victoria, Jazz pretty much every woman that is anyone in this buisness, and many of it's men aswell, not to mention she was the only capable female wrestler to win the WWE Cruiserweight Title, Madusa was washed up when she won it, and Daffney didnt even know how to wrestle when she did.

Del Ray may be the future of the buisness but no way she should defeat one of the most important women ever in the buisness.
By the way i really love your tournament man! i cam acrossed it randomly while searching the web for information about Rhonda "Monster Ripper" Sing. I actually co-run a website that is currently running a tag team tournament, and before that we did a singles tourney, it was pretty cool to find out other people are doing tournaments and i like how different both of are tourneys are.....yet yours seems to be working out really good aswell.
Shes good don't get me wrong, i just think Miss Texas is alot better? and since you ask me if i've seen Del Ray's matches, i'm going to ask you if you have seen Miss Texas defeat countless men in USWA in order to be the first woman ranked in the PWI 500?

Sara del rey has also defeated male opponents

A woman who has defeated Sherri Martel, Luna Vachon, Lita, Trish Status, Victoria, Jazz

Based on the Technique that you say Jacqueline possessed, all of these women except maybe Jazz, would have been a step down from Jacqueline's actual supposed ability

not to mention she was the only capable female wrestler to win the WWE Cruiserweight Title

Only female wrestler currently wrestling for the WWE maybe, but to say that Jackie was the only female wrestler capable of winning the belt at the time would be untrue

Del Ray may be the future of the buisness but no way she should defeat one of the most important women ever in the buisness.

Del Rey held her own against Manami Toyota, a woman that is easily a better competitor than Jacqueline, who is more traveled and more decorated. I'd say just by going off of the matches that Del Rey and Toyota had, combined with some of her other matches from her Japan tour, also combining the vast improvements that Del Rey has made over the past several years, that It would be more than feasible for Sara to defeat Jackie in this match
Jacqueline has never been given the chance to wrestle against many japanese talents, but that doesnt mean she wouldnt be just as good as some of them.

She has stated in interviews she wishes she would have had the chance to wrestle more Japanese women. But she did have a nice little run in Mexico between her WWE and TNA stints and she was impressive there.

Not to mention she is still just as good of a wrestler after 19 years in this buisness, where Sara Del Ray had barely even started her career yet.

And i hate the fact that majority of indy women have never even proven therself against any well known lady wrestlers.

Women retire to early in this buisness but Jackie is one of the few who hasn't and has lasted through time and i hope she gets atleast one more Women's Title before she retires.
Jacqueline has never been given the chance to wrestle against many japanese talents, but that doesnt mean she wouldnt be just as good as some of them.

But since Jackie has never wrestled In a joshi match and Del Rey has, and against women that are superior to Jacqueline (where she did hold her own) based on that I would say that it is feasible for Del Rey to beat Jacqueline, especially in a match that will just turn out to being a brawl anyway

But she did have a nice little run in Mexico between her WWE and TNA stints and she was impressive there.

so did Del Ray, as the American Angel

Not to mention she is still just as good of a wrestler after 19 years in this buisness

no she's not, Jacqueline passed her prime years ago, she can barely keep up with the stock of other girls. Why do you think that TNA hasn't pushed Jacqueline?

The only reason why TNA keeps Jacqueline around is for name value, she would be useful in helping to elevate and train some of the girls that need the training, but since many of the girls in TNA don't need that fine tune training, Jacqueline is not needed in that area.

And i hate the fact that majority of indy women have never even proven therself against any well known lady wrestlers.

:headscratch: So women like Leilani Kai, Luna Vachon, Susan Green, Lexie Fyfe, Peggy Lee Leather, Lady Victoria, and Amy Lee are not well known or established competitors? Because i can guarantee you that many of the top women's indy wrestlers have faced a number of these women throughout their careers and have beaten them ... which includes Sara Del Rey
I thought the matches between Jackie and Gail were very good, and still showed the talent Jackie has had this entire time. Maybe even moreso then the last few years she spent in WWE.

I guarantee you Jackie could last another 11 years in this buisness to make it a good 30, that's more impressive then even the longest runs of the great japanese talent.

Wheres Bull Nakano? Retired

Wheres Aja Kong? Semi Retired

Wheres Akira Hokuto? Retired

Wheres Manami Toyota? Semi Retired...

As far as i can tell Jacqueline has never taken a long break from active competition since her career began.
I thought the matches between Jackie and Gail were very good, and still showed the talent Jackie has had this entire time. Maybe even moreso then the last few years she spent in WWE.

I guarantee you Jackie could last another 11 years in this buisness to make it a good 30, that's more impressive then even the longest runs of the great japanese talent.

Wheres Bull Nakano? Retired

Wheres Aja Kong? Semi Retired

Wheres Akira Hokuto? Retired

Wheres Manami Toyota? Semi Retired...

As far as i can tell Jacqueline has never taken a long break from active competition since her career began.

Hmm... I didn't know that years spent inside the ring accumulated to overall talent. I guess by your logic Hacksaw Jim Duggan must be the best wrestler on the WWE roster, right?
Sara del Ray is a scary scary woman with the amount of abuse she can take. She's bigger than Jacqui, stronger and faster. So what if she's never been in WWE, Jacqui was the best on a roster which had Sable, Debra, Tori and Ivory - Wow, what a big acheivement.
Del Ray takes it
When its a damn good talent it should defintley count for something. Duggan is the most experienced but he's not the most decorated.

Jacqueline has been around this buisness 19 years, and has won not only 2 WWE Women's Titles, 14 time USWA Women's Champion, WWE Cruiserweight Champion and UWF Women's Tag Team Champion.

Now that should mean something!

and she beat legendary competitors like Debbie Combs and Candi Divine aswell.

Sara Del Ray is out of her league against Jackie.
When its a damn good talent it should defintley count for something. Duggan is the most experienced but he's not the most decorated.

Jacqueline has been around this buisness 19 years, and has won not only 2 WWE Women's Titles, 14 time USWA Women's Champion, WWE Cruiserweight Champion and UWF Women's Tag Team Champion.

Now that should mean something!

and she beat legendary competitors like Debbie Combs and Candi Divine aswell.

Sara Del Ray is out of her league against Jackie.

What you name are excellent accomplishments don't get me wrong, but doesn't change the fact that Sarah is the superior wrestler. You should know that as wrestling evolves that so do wrestlers. Should the fact that Mae Young winning countless titles deem her as the greatest wrestler? Being the best wrestler is the one who is shown to have greater skills. Jackie was good back in her prime time, but Sarah is better.
When its a damn good talent it should defintley count for something. Duggan is the most experienced but he's not the most decorated.

Oh so decoration equals talent... I guess The Great Khali must be one of the best wrestlers on Smackdown, considering he's one of only a handful to win the World Heavyweight Championship

Jacqueline has been around this buisness 19 years, and has won not only 2 WWE Women's Titles, 14 time USWA Women's Champion, WWE Cruiserweight Champion and UWF Women's Tag Team Champion.

Now that should mean something!

Considering that many of those 14 title reigns with the USWA women's champion were less than one month long. Jackie never had a title reign more than 4 months with that title. Jackie played hot potato more times with that title than Trish did with the WWE women's title. Sara del Rey on the other hand, held the SHIMMER title for nearly a year. She turned back all comers and was a dominant champion.

Not to mention the prestige of the ROH fueled SHIMMER belt when compared to a lowly bet from a second rate wrestling promotion.

and she beat legendary competitors like Debbie Combs and Candi Divine aswell.

Your point? SDR has defeated the likes of Luna Vachon, Lexie Fyfe, Malia Hosaka, and she held her own against Manami Toyota

Sara Del Ray is out of her league against Jackie.

Don't kid yourself, Jackie was the best talent in a division full of shit. She played hot potato with a title in a women's division in a promotion that no one has ever heard of, and because she's been in the business for an extensive amount of time, that must make her better than everyone else

By even stating that SDR is out of Jackie's league makes me wonder if you've even seen SDR perform before. Because I highly doubt that the woman that found a way to put down Awesome Kong, when the woman looked unbeatable, would fall to Jacqueline
Give me a fricking break you know Jackie is far superior to Great Khali that comment just makes you sound pompous. Khali is a complete joke.

People have different opinions i like Jacqueline more then Sara Del Ray, obviously i am not alone in that opinion just some people are afraid to confront you with there reasoning why, or else she wouldnt have the 6 votes she has.

Sara Del Ray is winning and yes i was overly harsh in trying to get my point acrossed that Jackie is better and should win, but isn't that part of healthy discussion to make the oponent of who your voting for look worse then they actually are?

Sara Del Ray would not be as popular as she is if Shimmer didnt build there company around her, she is not as capable as Malia Hosaka, Cheerleader Melissa or Lexie Fyfe, but she's the youngest and they wanted to make the least known star there main star, similar to what TNA did with AJ Styles in the beginnning.

Anyway i hope i havent gotten on your bad side simply for being in favor of Jacqueline over SDR, it's all healthy debate......

And i will admit i haven't seen as much of SDR as you probably have, but i bet you havent seen as much as Jacqueline as i have either. Obviously by your remark about USWA being a fed no one has heard of, it was only the biggest promotion outside the top 3 during the 80's and early 90's that Jerry Jarrett and Jerry Lawler ran together in memphis, among there world champions is a who's who of who should have been World Champ in WWF including Scott Hall, Owen Hart, Terry Funk, Jerry Lawler, Junkyard Dog and Butch Reed.

Really you should read up on it a bit more and dare i say look up some matches to prove it's a hell of alot better and more memorable then you give it credit for http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/United_States_Wrestling_Association
Plus the USWA World Heavyweight Championship was created after Jerry Lawler unified the World Class Championship Wrestling Title and American Wrestling Association World Title.
People have different opinions i like Jacqueline more then Sara Del Ray, obviously i am not alone in that opinion just some people are afraid to confront you with there reasoning why, or else she wouldnt have the 6 votes she has.

so far your reasonings as to why Jackie is better than Del Rey is because she's been in the business longer, she's more decorated and she's defeated past legends. If you then look at Del Rey you'll see that she's just as proficient as Jackie, just as traveled as Jackie, defeated past legends, is stronger, and arguably tougher.

but isn't that part of healthy discussion to make the opponent of who your voting for look worse then they actually are?

In that case, wasn't Jackie made to look inferior to Sable of all people. I guess based on that alone Jackie should lose this match.

Sara Del Ray would not be as popular as she is if Shimmer didnt build there company around her, she is not as capable as Malia Hosaka

funny because I remember Del Rey defeating Hosaka

Cheerleader Melissa

I own every single match between Melissa and SDR that they did in SHIMMER and most of their matches that the did for CHICKFIGHT, trust me, SDR is more than capable of handling herself against Melissa

or Lexie Fyfe

your kidding right?

but she's the youngest and they wanted to make the least known star there main star

this makes no sense considering that Daizee Haze, Lacey and Melissa are all top supersatrs in SHIMMER and are all younger than Del Rey. SDR the least known star? Really? That honor gets to go to Nikki Roxx. SDR their main star? Sure

Anyway i hope i havent gotten on your bad side simply for being in favor of Jacqueline over SDR, it's all healthy debate......

Its your opinion vs my opinion, besides its not like either of use are trying to use facts.

And i will admit i haven't seen as much of SDR as you probably have, but i bet you havent seen as much as Jacqueline as i have either. Obviously by your remark about USWA being a fed no one has heard of, it was only the biggest promotion outside the top 3 during the 80's and early 90's that Jerry Jarrett and Jerry Lawler ran together in memphis, among there world champions is a who's who of who should have been World Champ in WWF including Scott Hall, Owen Hart, Terry Funk, Jerry Lawler, Junkyard Dog and Butch Reed.

I'll admit that I haven't watched much of Jackie from the indy circuit, but then again do I even need to? Looking at her accomplishments, Jackie won the USWA women's 14 times. Looking at the length of her individual title reigns, its pretty easy to come to the conclusion that Jackie played hot potato with that title. Some of her title reigns didn't even last a month. By comparion, SDR held the SHIMMER title for nearly a year. The length of SDR's one title reign is almost as long as Jackie's 14. So the fact that Jackie won that title 14 times suddenly becomes less impressive

Really you should read up on it a bit more and dare i say look up some matches to prove it's a hell of alot better and more memorable then you give it credit for

I could say the exact same thing about SDR
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