NWA/ AWA, Round 2 Monster Ripper vs Lita (Last Woman Standing)

NWA/ AWA 2 match 4

  • Monster Ripper

  • Lita

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Reaper of Miracles
Monster Ripper "Bertha Faye" vs Lita

Last Woman Standing Match

Match Objective: There are no countouts, and no disqualifications. The woman that beats her opponent so badly that she can't answer a 10 count will be winner

This match will take place in Kyoto, Japan

1.) Not a popularity contest, tournament based on in ring skills

2.) Will rules of a region come into play (the entrance ramp is on the same level as the ring)

3.) Will the crowd be a factor
Last woman standing against Bertha Faye? Lita doesn't really stand a chance here. bertha is a massive massive woman and i don't see lita being powerful enough to overcome bertha here.
However Lita is one crazy bitch. She was doing sick bumps and still managed to walk back to the locker room.

If Lita could get a advantage, this could be a close one as Lita doesnt seem to have fear
However Lita is one crazy bitch. She was doing sick bumps and still managed to walk back to the locker room.

If Lita could get a advantage, this could be a close one as Lita doesnt seem to have fear

Those sick bumps won't help Lita if she never gets the opportunity to pull one off, if Monster Ripper spends the entire match beating her ass, Lita'll have to work from the bottom up. And if Lita gets desperate, she'll more than likely start making mistakes, and if Lita does make those mistakes, Monster Ripper is smart enough to capitalize on them

Not saying that lita doesn't have a shot, but this match is directly comparable to a match between Matt Hardy and Big Show with the same scenario. I just don't think Lita could overcome the size difference and the strength and power of Monster Ripper
Do Lita's "sick bumps" include nearly breaking her own neck on what was probably supposed to be a routine tope? If I'm booking this match, I book it as a squash. Lita doesn't answer the ref's 10-count after a couple power bombs and splashes... about three minutes in. That's about all of Lita's supposed in-ring ability I would want to see any way.
Seriously...Lita is winning this thing? Lita would get caught by big Bertha as soon as she tried anything high risk and that would be the end of her. She's not going to come close to getting this in reality...she's not big enough or strong enough. People just voted for lita because she's known...when Bertha Faye is a monster and the gimmick easily swings this for her
Monster Ripper Rhonda Sing is perhaps the most underated women's wrestler of all time, she was not the joke she portrayed in WWE as Bertha Faye she was a tremendous talent, and is a multiple time WWWA Champion.
Who did you vote for in this one Echelon? please tell me you didn't vote Lita......

over Monster Ripper? are you joking? Ronda Singh was one of the most underated women's wrestlers of all time, even in Japan she was underutilized despite holding the WWWA title several times.
Trust me i know that, in fact i run one of her tribute sites, probably the only one out there. Rhonda Sing was one of the fearcest competitors out there and proved it in Japan, Puerto Rico and Mexico. She not only has defeated many of the legeneds of Japan, and many legends of Mexico and America aswell.

Lita is nothing more then a spotfest wrestler with very little actual skill, she is fun to watch don't get me wrong but to even compare her to Monster Ripper is just not right.
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