400 posts in an LD raving about the show > 12 million posts in an LD bitching about how terrible the show is.
What's your point? That the WWE is more popular? Care to inform us about how the sky is blue as well? Did you know fire burns?
I just started watching Raw. If I had been there, there would have been another 50-60 posts.

The Tiger Woods thing made me laugh.
Really dude? Really?

Tell me you were stoned...

Holy FUCK. I just realized why I must hate Raw so much. I always make it a habit to smoke up AFTER Raw is over, I should just smoke during it and it'll be a thousand times better!
Johnny Damon didn't look too happy finding himself under the mistletoe with SSSS. (that's Secret Santa Sergeant Slaughter).

Would he have been happier had it been Pat Patterson?
A two hour Raw LD beat Final Resolution's by over 50 posts, or over 9%.

:disappointed: I tuned in just as DX was diving under the ring, and was drawn in by the level of suck.

I swear Vince is at home snorting pure heroin off a hooker's tit while giving himself a moonshine enema while dreaming up the shit he can pull off that fans will still watch.

"Big Show calling out Santa? Fucking brilliant!"

And people think Vince Russo is bad...

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