(Now, the Future Endeavored) Lauren Mayhew- Progress Report

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Ambiguous Turd

Mid-Card Championship Winner
Surprised we haven't had a thread on this yet, after she's gotten her feet wet as the new ECW announcer.

I admit I haven't seen the past several episodes of ECW, as I've been out ... but I've seen Lauren announce a couple times.

She doesn't seem bad. I haven't seen her mess up yet. I'm sure if she had, we'd have a thread started already stating how horrible she is. Obviously, I don't know if she's messed up, but they've edited out her mistakes ... or if she is pretty good with memorizing what she has to say. If anyone has heard her mess up at all, please feel free to say so in the thread.

As far as her voice, not as good as Lilian's, from what I've seen out of her current announce style. She's very rigid with her lines, as opposed to letting her voice flow, while stretching out her words ... for more effect.

Outfits? Well, I'm not going to get into fashion that much, but look is part of appearance. I think she could dress a little sexier with shorter skirts, but I'm sure that's Vince's doing with the PG rating.

I think this was her first night, where she basically just did the National Anthem.


Again, I like Lilian's version better. I guess we can't help but make comparisons.

So how does everyone think she's doing thus far? Do you see potential in her moving up? How do you rate her compared to the other ring announcers?
Lauren isn't bad, but she's certainly not "great" either. She's rather vanilla. She gets the info out that she needs to get out, and that's about it. She does her job, but doesn't sound as enthused as some past announcers.

I'm sure this is because she is new, and there's still an adjustment period. I grew so used to Lilian, that anything new is going to sound odd. Maybe with time, I'll grow a little more used to it, but for now, I just wish she'd sound a little more excited about the match.
To me, she sounds boring. I don't know if it's her voice or whatever, but she doesn't sound excited in the slightest. Her voice is very breathy, and it just doesn't sound very announcer-ish. Lillian at least had a deeper, more rich voice that sounded excited.
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She's getting a lot better from her first week. She seems to have a working knowledge of the product at least, and she hasn't really done too much to really botch her announcements. She also went from showing absolutely no emotion to showing more inflection.

We'll see how long she sticks around. I think she still probably has aspirations to make it in Hollywood as a singer or an actress, having prior experience in singing and acting.

Lillian was overrated as an announcer and was a botch machine. Towards the end, you could definitely tell she was phoning it in. Despite her limited experience as part of the WWE product, she's going to be better than Lillian ever was if she sticks around.
She's getting a lot better from her first week. She seems to have a working knowledge of the product at least, and she hasn't really done too much to really botch her announcements. She also went from showing absolutely no emotion to showing more inflection.

We'll see how long she sticks around. I think she still probably has aspirations to make it in Hollywood as a singer or an actress, having prior experience in singing and acting.

Lillian was overrated as an announcer and was a botch machine. Towards the end, you could definitely tell she was phoning it in. Despite her limited experience as part of the WWE product, she's going to be better than Lillian ever was if she sticks around.

I completely agree with you in that Lilian was a botch machine. Her first night was utterly horrendous ... but that was WWE's fault on putting her on the Flagship show on her very first night. Whoever made that decision should be shot.

But, Lilian made more botches, but had the better voice out of Mayhew and her.

However, Mayhew may not have the better voice, but seems to make less botches. I haven't seen her make one yet. Plus, WWE seemed to have wised up and put her on the bottom show to start out and learn. Good move. They must have learned something.
She's still new, so I reserve the right to change my opinion. However, she is annoying to me at this point. Although is sounds like she's attempting to put some emotion into her lines, it still sounds monotone to me. There's just no variation from match to match. As others have already pointed out, she hasn't made many mistakes in regard to getting the information out correctly. That's certainly a positive thing. I think there is alot room for improvement with her.
I think she's complete garbage. I seriously cringe whenever I hear her introduce someone, she's that bad. She's very rigid in her announcing, seems to have little-to-no emotion in her words and seems like she just wants to get it over with; it's like watching a nervous 4th grader trying to recite something to her class. She's very monotone and lacks that range of tones that other announcers have. Lilian may have botched a lot, but at least she sounded good doing it. Her singing was okay at best, but Lilian's was much better.

I'll give her the benefit of the doubt because she hasn't been around long, but she has a LONG way to go before she can truly replace Lilian.
I watched my first ECW in a while and I don't like her. When she announces the names it doesn't sound like a confident announcer, more like a person they found in the audience. Very shaky and quiet. I hope she starts gaining some confidence or I don't see her lasting long.
Well, this certainly didn't last long. Lauren Mayhew is gone already.

- After working a short-term contract, ring announcer Lauren Mayhew has parted ways with World Wrestling Entertainment.

Her representative noted that she was happy with the company but neither party could come to an agreement for a longer term deal.

The door is still open for Mayhew to return in the future, but for now she is moving on to focus on other creative opportunities.

Personally, I wasn't that impressed with her anyway. Her voice was not exciting enough, and she did only a remotely decent job with the anthem. I was wondering why Tony Chimel was ring announcing ECW tonight.

Maybe they will keep him doing both shows. Chimel is great, and since he's already at the taping anyway, it only makes sense.

ECW isn't really a full-fledged Brand anyway, so I'd rather they just keep him on both shows.
Good. She was...well, not horrible, but she was pretty dang bad. ECW sounds so much better with a male announcer. I'm not trying to be sexist, but male announcers just make it sound better, unless it's a deepish-voiced girl like Lilian.
I don't mean this to sound sexist, but a woman really shouldn't be doing any kind of ring announcing. Here me out. I remember a woman back in the late 80's that used to do the ring announcing for the Federation. She was blonde and I really didn't pay that much attention to her, and to be honest, she was mostly drowned out by Vince or Jesse Ventura during Superstars or Wrestling Challenge. My point is, a woman's voice rarely stands out. Lilian's came close, but she wasn't all that great either.

Someone like Tony Chimmel or Finkel should be doing the announcing. Justin Roberts is awful and is a poor man's Bruce Buffer. My point in this whole post is to point out that I didn't really notice Lauren that much, and that's not a good sign. She was a short timer and probably couldn't find her niche in the WWE. But she wasn't that good to begin with, so it's no real loss and she'll land on her feet.
I can't really get into her. The reason is that she announces heels with such little enthusiasm, whereas she announces faces with great enthusiasm. Announcers should be PARTIAL.
Well, just like everyone else has said, she isn’t horrible but she’s not great either. Even though she doesn’t seem to mess up often, I still feel that her announcing left a lot to be desired. Like NSL pointed out, she wasn’t enthusiastic when she was announcing. She just said what she needed to say but didn’t do a good job of getting me excited for matches like Tony Chimel is able to do. As a result of her not being so enthusiastic, I feel as though she wasn’t giving it a 110%. I think she could have done better than she was doing…but I guess we won’t know for now.

As far as her being released, I’m kind of surprised but I’m also not surprised. I figured they’d keep her for the long haul hoping she would become better than Lilian or almost as good so that they could move her to the Monday show. But then I’m not surprised because I think they were looking for someone that was good from the beginning and she still had a long way to go before she was even considered to be as good as Lilian. So they released her and now, hopefully, they’ll look for someone that does a good job from the beginning.
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