Now or never for this dream match!

That N Word

Actively evolving
That dream match is.... The Rock vs. Randy Orton. I talk about this match a lot as its one of my dream matches. But there has never been a perfect time for this match to take place...until now!!!

A few week's back I heard rumblings on Facebook (unofficial ones) saying that there was a rumor that it was gonna be The Rock vs. Randy Orton at WrestleMania. Then a few days later, there was an official report stating that Bray Wyatt wanted to feud with The Rock on the RTWM. It's a bit ironic that after I hear those rumors/reports Randy joins The Wyatt Family and the whole feud is scrapped between Randy and Bray (at least for now.) Of course the problem now is that The Rock is gonna be busy on the RTWM. However I do think it can still happen if they build it right.

Imagine the scenario. WWE announces at Survivor Series,The Rock will compete at WrestleMania 33 in his final match. For the next two months,you have all type of superstars from both Raw and SD trying to earn the right to face The Rock. You also have the GM's and Commissioners from both brands trying everything in their power to Get Rock on their brand.

The Royal Rumble hits and the #29 entrant is The Rock. Maybe #30 is HBK (if he's willing to do that AJ Styles Match.) The two have their little standoff/match moment. Before (Wyatt Scare) The Wyatt Family (Bray,Harper,Rowan) are surrounding the ring. Randy sneaks up and RKO to The People's Champ Outta Nowhere. The Viper has struck. Randy throws Rock out. (Wyatt Scare) they're gone. The buzz all over the world is how Randy struck The Rock. The Rock tweets "Big Mistake Randy,The Rock will see you very soon." It is announced the SmackDown after the February SD PPV that The Rock will return live and he has officially signed with Shane McMahon and SmackDown Live! The Rock returns with his signature entrance and immediately after he jumps down from his corner pose "RKO OUTTA NOWHERE" Randy strikes again. But this time he punts Rock in the skull. For the next few weeks Bray is talking about how The Rock and John Cena tried to embarrass him and his family at last years WrestleMania and that at this years not only would Undertaker end John Cena's career but that his Viper would end The Rock's. He officially challenges Rock on behalf of the now silent but sadistic Randy. The next week, Shane McMahon announces The Rock would return live the next week to make the decision and that Randy Orton and The Wyatt Family would be banned from the arena. The next week, The Rock addresses the crowd and accepts the challenge for the Match. And the final week before Mania, they can have a Face to Face confrontation and then the Match itself.

It makes Randy Orton and The Wyatt look strong,while also giving Rock away to stay off TV. And it gives you one of the biggest dream matchup of all-time. How would you feel about this? And do you think it should happen?
I truly believe there is not a single person on the planet who wants Randy Orton and the Rock to compete on the grand stage more than I do. Evolution vs Rock and Sock was classic but simply a tease, I want a full on battle between the two greatest 3rd generation performers in the history of pro wrestling.

Ideally I'd want the billing of this match to be a battle of that 3rd generation legacy, but at this rate I'd take anything at all. A lot of what you said has some pretty solid logic and is a good transition if they are in fact putting Randy in the Wyatt family. Is it going to happen? I can only hope because I am actually going to WrestleMania this year. I guess only time will tell.
I think it's a great idea, as long as it doesn't headline Wrestlemania for any reason and it's just one of the big, hyped up matches. The Rock is in great shape, but I doubt he's in good -ring- shape and the time he'd need to get there would interfere in his scorching Hollywood career right now. A heel Orton vs The Rock would definitely help sell some tickets, that's for sure.
This is pretty high on my list of WWE's missed opportunities. The story would basically write itself. They are two third generation stars and each the second best (behind Austin and Cena) of their era. However I don't have much interest at this point. After Orton has underwent numerous injuries and sort of drifted around the last couple of years, this match doesn't have the same appeal it did 3-4 years ago.

The best time to do this match would have been at WrestleMania 28 or 29. I have no idea why they wasted 3 years on Rock vs. Cena. Think of the dream matches that could have happened instead (Cena vs Punk, Rock vs HHH, Taker vs Cena, and of course Rock vs Orton).

I'm also not sure Rock have time to wrestle. He's starring in 3 movies scheduled to be released in 2017.

This would have been a great match, but now it shouldn't happen.
I think that this is one of those "dream matches" that many say that they want to see, then shit all over it if/when it doesn't turn out to be as good as their fantasies. We all know what I'm talking about: the build has to be JUST right with very little or no hitch, both men have to bust their asses to the upmost level, both have to be able to hold their own during promos with each other without seeming too much or too little, etc. I mean...c'mon, if there's anything that internet fans do, it's nitpick the crap out of any sort of potential "dream match" scenario when even the possibility of them comes up. Internet fans nitpick anyway, but these sorts of feuds & matches always seem to get a little extra effort from them and the end result is almost always a disappointment to them because it didn't match up with whatever flights of fancy they had running about while they were conducting their own booking scenarios.

With that being said, I'd only be interested if Rock actually showed up in ring shape. He was chiseled during his match with Punk & second bout with Cena, but it was obvious that his cardio was severely lacking and I found it kind of embarrassing. I'm generally not too difficult to please, but that changes when the wrestlers involved are too lazy or are more focused on other things that being able to go inside the ring to give fans their money's worth. And, for me, that means a lot more than just the two of them trading finishers and doing their signature poses & taunts. If you don't have the wind to work a competitive match, then all the hype in the world won't make up for a lackluster match and fans deserve better during WrestleMania.
I think that this is one of those "dream matches" that many say that they want to see, then shit all over it if/when it doesn't turn out to be as good as their fantasies. We all know what I'm talking about: the build has to be JUST right with very little or no hitch, both men have to bust their asses to the upmost level, both have to be able to hold their own during promos with each other without seeming too much or too little, etc. I mean...c'mon, if there's anything that internet fans do, it's nitpick the crap out of any sort of potential "dream match" scenario when even the possibility of them comes up. Internet fans nitpick anyway, but these sorts of feuds & matches always seem to get a little extra effort from them and the end result is almost always a disappointment to them because it didn't match up with whatever flights of fancy they had running about while they were conducting their own booking scenarios.

With that being said, I'd only be interested if Rock actually showed up in ring shape. He was chiseled during his match with Punk & second bout with Cena, but it was obvious that his cardio was severely lacking and I found it kind of embarrassing. I'm generally not too difficult to please, but that changes when the wrestlers involved are too lazy or are more focused on other things that being able to go inside the ring to give fans their money's worth. And, for me, that means a lot more than just the two of them trading finishers and doing their signature poses & taunts. If you don't have the wind to work a competitive match, then all the hype in the world won't make up for a lackluster match and fans deserve better during WrestleMania.

This. This is exactly what I've been saying for years. Same thing with matches like Lesnar vs. Reigns,HHH vs. Reigns,Rock vs. Cena,Lesnar vs. Orton,and many others. Fans say they want to see it and then crap all over it. It would be the same with a match like Reigns vs. Cena or Sting vs. Taker. I agree with your entire post completely.
Randy Orton dream match stock has never been lower. Between his showing at SS with Lesnar and his new role of minion to everyone's favorite long winded loser of feuds he holds far less appeal than he has in his whole career.

Plus what is this feud going to be? No one but marks care about 3rd generation this or that. They want to see The Rock be a huge wise ass, they want to see Orton be brutal. Rock can't be a wise ass with Orton since Orton can't hang on the mic that way like a Punk or Cena. And Orton may not be able to retaliate viciously since The Rock I assume needs to be mega protected from injury.

So I have a big problem with the whole now or never. Now seems to be a terrible time for this and never is pretty pessimistic as both Rock and Orton are specimens that look like they could wrestle in to their 50s and Rock's acting career can't stay this hot forever.
This has also been on my dream match list for a looong time. WWE's two biggest 3rd generation superstars. Also Orton never really had a big dream match at Wrestlemania. He's either in lower matches or doing jobs at the main event. For a guy that's probably WWE's #2 behind Cena, his stock is low compared to that of Cena, Triple H, Lesnar and Undertaker. I think Orton deserves a big victory over a big legend at Wrestlemania.

And GSB, a Rock feud doesn't necesserely (I think I kiled that word) need to be a mic battle feud. Rock is a legend and legends are sympathetic babyfaces. Heel Orton excels against sympathetic babyfaces.

Plus WWE can build this up as "one last hunt, one last kill, for the legend killer".

I don't think it's a now or never scenario. Rock never said he's retired and Orton is going nowhere for at least a decade, unless a dreadful injury occurs. He's only 36 years old, he sucks at movies and has zero charisma outside of a wrestling ring. What will he do? He loves the WWE and the fans.

PS: We all know that if The Rock ever returns he's reserved for Triple H, so we will have to skip over that first. Of course HHH vs Rock is the bigger draw between the two matches.
For reasons stated above, Rock and Orton does not peak my interest. Orton isn't interesting to me in any dream match scenario, his peak was in 2008-10, and he was awesome, but he's been unmotivated since.

Bigger dream matches POSSIBLY occurring for me would be Daniel Bryan vs. Kurt Angle in a retirement match for both, Undertaker vs. Sting in a retirement match for both... hell, even Goldberg vs. Undertaker at this point in a retirement match would have more appeal, especially if Goldberg can still somewhat go. A.J Styles vs. Shawn Michaels as has been rumored and teased recently would also be more interesting. That's all I can think of as more interesting, possible dream matches...

Rock won't be wrestling any time soon, but if he did, I'd love to see him take on Roman Reigns just for the reaction and to see him school Roman on the mic and the fans to shit all over Reigns.
And GSB, a Rock feud doesn't necesserely (I think I kiled that word) need to be a mic battle feud.

Take the mic from The Rock and you are left with a good looking dude who isn't necessarily the greatest in the ring.
Vince isn't paying for that.

Rock is a legend and legends are sympathetic babyfaces. Heel Orton excels against sympathetic babyfaces.

The Rock is the least sympathetic character or IRL person to ever grace WWE programming. He is a healthy, happy human being with a dream career. He's starring in a Baywatch movie. He spent his wrestling career saying and doing things that make him someone worthy of being punched in the face. Orton would have to murder The Rock's mom and I might find a little sympathy for him.

Plus WWE can build this up as "one last hunt, one last kill, for the legend killer".

Aren't they like six or seven years apart in age? Haven't we reached the point where it makes more sense for someone to become the new legend killer and Orton to be the legend they try to "kill" rather than rehashing a gimmick from 12, 13 years ago?

This all sounds good on paper but it is unrealistic that it would be all that good. A better feud is if both these guys feuded over who banged hotter women.
So we now have:
Styles vs HBK
Rollins vs HHH
Orton vs Rock
Sting vs Taker

All 4 can be considered as dream matches, and all probably will not happen. Because this will be too much and many younger guys will be left out of the PPV.

I'd say pick 1-2 of them and feel the rest of the card with today's best talents. There is no need to use all possible Legends and all possible young guns. WM X7 still the best one, simply because not everyone was on the card, only the best ones in best variations possible. Look at WM 2000 - nearly all the same talents + more - was the worst WWF PPV of the year.
Take the mic from The Rock and you are left with a good looking dude who isn't necessarily the greatest in the ring.
Vince isn't paying for that.

Agreed. The Rock's bread & butter is that he's a charismatic, good looking stud who has delivered some of the best mic work in wrestling history. The Rock without the mic is like Foley without the big bumps he always took. Take that away, and you're left with someone that, while passable, isn't exactly the greatest in-ring guy to step through the ropes.

The Rock is the least sympathetic character or IRL person to ever grace WWE programming. He is a healthy, happy human being with a dream career. He's starring in a Baywatch movie. He spent his wrestling career saying and doing things that make him someone worthy of being punched in the face. Orton would have to murder The Rock's mom and I might find a little sympathy for him.

Again, agreed. The Rock is someone that's extremely difficult to feel sympathetic towards when you consider everything. His life, his physical appearance, his wrestling career, his movie career, etc.; now add all that to what the Rock says on the mic and you've got someone that almost seems like the ultra popular, rich high school jock who always gets his way while he terrorizes the less popular kids. In order for the Rock to be a sympathetic guy, I think he'd have to take a hiatus from the movies and return to wrestling in which he spends, at least, a good year suffering setbacks and failures since his return.; you'd also need to do away with all the one liners and general smack talk on the mic as part of making him seem more vulnerable. In essence, the Rock would have to be all but completely reinvented and rebranded into someone almost completely different and that's not going to happen for any number of reasons, The Rock is no longer just a wrestler, or former wrestler, the guy's a brand unto himself and both he & WWE are going to keep that brand exactly as it is because it makes money.
I won't want this match.

Rock is going to talk a lot on mic if he's in a feud and that's where he crushes Randy Orton easily. So a No.

I would rather see Rock give a rub to an upcoming talent instead of doing veteran vs. veteran feud.

Just imagine Rock against Kevin Owens/Jericho in a feud. The mic battle would be great.

There are bunch of other matches like against Bray Wyatt, Cesaro, Rusev etc. Again I know Wyatt could handle on mic but Cesaro or Rusev can't.

And please No Roman Reigns Vs. The Rock.

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