Now Anonymous have been hacked


Is it a bird? Is it a plane? No it's Supermod!
MCV said:
Claims that membership has splintered over differing views concerning future direction

It has been right at the centre of the controversy surrounding the PSN outage, but now Anonymous has itself become the victim of cyber warfare.

The Financial Times reports that (which is currently inaccessible) has been defaced with obscenities. In addition, the names and details of some 500 Anonymous members were posted on the site for all to see.

“Maybe this was due to happen," chief security officer for anti-virus firm F-Secure Mikko Hypponen stated. "Anonymous has been surprisingly functional over the last months. It wouldn’t last."

An apology from five Anonymous members referring to themselves as "the 'Old' AnonOps netstaff" briefly appeared, apologising for what it called all the "drama". A user called 'Ryan' was blamed fro the move and his personal details were posted online.

Some security professionals have also admitted to forwarding chat logs and IP address of Anonymous members to the FBI.

If you go to it redirects to with a list and IP of anon users.
The problem with Anon is that anyone can be apart of the group. Anyone can take part in it, but anyone can also take credit for it. I do now believe that some group of Anon hacked the psn network, but it can't actually be proven. Fuck, anyone on this forum can be a member of Anon and we wouldn't know it.
So if that actually is a list of usable ip's of people who might of been in the hacking. That's to say if Anon actually did it, but if thoes can be traced back to real people will Sony try to track the ip's that helped hack it? And fuck some of the people on the list.
"Anonymous" was never "hacked," and anonops was never an anonymous "rallying-point" or whatever the media likes to call it.

If you see people calling themselves "Anonymous," and they're trying to group themselves up, and they have a group of leaders, guess what they're not.
Hint: Anonymous
Would this be poetic justice? Y'know if anonymous actually did hack PSN.

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