Nostalgic Values!!


Pre-Show Stalwart
Hey guys/gals,
Recently, if you have read some of my posts, I always usually throw it out there, that I have been watching wrestling for some 20+ years. I have seen the really, REALLY good, and I have seen the really, REALLY bad. I started watching in '87 when wrestling really began to take off. Then I watched around the mid-90's(clowns, trashmen, monks, etc.). Then, I was a freshman/sophomore in college with my frat brothers during the Attitude Era. (By far, the funnest time in wrestling!!) Now, I believe, wrestling as a whole, is in a downturn, but I have faith, like always, that it will rebound. Hopefully, I can watch it with my kids someday. WWE, for the past 3 or 4 years, has not been the best I have seen and TNA, well, it's just not entertaining.

However, as I was thinking about the things that used to make wrestling what it was when I was growing up, I thought, "WOW, I believe today's wrestling could use some values, from each of the eras that I have lived through. So, let me share with you, how, I think, today's wrestling could benefit, from some of the things from the past glory days of wrestling.

From the 80's:

Managers- Ever heard of the Hart Foundation? Im not just talking about Bret and Jim. At one time, Jimmy Hart had those two, Honky Tonk Man, Greg Valentine, and Dangerous Danny Davis. What about the Heenan Family-Andre, Haku, Rick Rude, among others. It was very entertaining when a face would come out and Heenan would send someone out, with Monsoon saying, "Which member of the Heenan family will come out?" or something to that affect. Manager's Family stables would definitely benefit wrestling today, I feel.

Stables: This has been touched on in other posts. No need to go into that. But it would definitely help.

Tag Teams: Demolition, Hart Foundation, Rougeau Brothers, Killer Bees, Conquistadors, Young Stallions, The Fantastics, Rock-n-Roll Express, Midnight Express, Brain Busters, Strike Force, Powers of Pain, British Bulldogs, Windham/Rotunda, Bolsheviks, Road Warriors, The Rockers- Can you even name that many tag teams in WWE/TNA combined. (Not a literal question, just saying). I loved these tag team bouts from the 80's.

From the (early 90's)-

Less PPV's. We really don't need a PPV a month. We need the big 5, and that's it. Half of the other PPV's, are just filler anyway. I threw this in the early 90's b/c it was the last time we just had the big 5 before they started adding extra PPV's(In Your House)

Late 90's-

Attitude- Now I am not saying that they have to go as far as the Attitude era. Honestly, looking back at some of the stuff WWE did back then, I am suprised they didnt get in more trouble than what they did. I dont need to see a "porn star" wrestler almost get his weiner cut off by Yamaguchi-san and co., but, let's fire it up a little bit. Just b/c Cena has millions of young 'uns cheering for him every week, he still has millions of Attitude fans booing the shit outta him. I liked the post a couple of days ago from the guy who said that Raw should be PG the first hour, and more mature for the second hour. We all know it's "entertainment" but it's supposed to be two grown people fighting about their differences.

Anyway, there are more things I could pull outta the past, but this would be a long-ass post. It's long enough as it is.

So, what would you guys like to see come back. Both WWE and TNA.
I think you summed it up nicely. The stables and improved tag divisions are most needed. The managers would help a lot too. I miss Attitude also. I was a teenager then and I'm in my late 20's now, so some more adult oriented storylines would be nice. I don't mean anything sleazy, just targeted towards us grown folk who still watch wrestling.
I don't necessarily want to see anything come back. I do like the family value. I would like to be able to take my son or daughter (soon to be daughters) to a show if they want. I really don't want to worry about guys getting their things whacked off or anything like that. That is an opinion and there will be some that disagree. They have every right to. That is okay. Having the same views and opinions means the product could get redundant and never evolve.

I want to see it continue to evolve. Growing up in the 80's, there wasn't a premium on athleticism. Kevin Von Erich and Brian Pillman were big high-flyers during the 80's and early 90's. A few weeks ago Kevin Von Erich complimented the guys on their athleticism and creativity. To see more athletic competition. To see the varying styles come together. ECW got the success it did not because it was a superior product or anything like that. It evolved when wrestling needed to. When the WWE decided to evolve, ECW didn't have a chance.

During the 90's, athleticism seem to kick up but storytelling wasn't practiced as much. Towards the end of the century, matches became more about spots than the match.

Now we have more varied styles than ever. I love that. I like a Jeff Hardy here. A Triple H there. A Chris Jericho over there. (You get the point.) But there seems to be more selfishness than ever. Used to, gaining a world title was the ultimate compliment. Now not getting the title is seemingly considered the vile insult.

Evolution means it should get better. People becoming more athletic but not abolishing the basic pricniples of this great TV show: storytelling, understanding the business, dedication, captivating characters. I think a lot of today's wrestlers have some of those qualities but Im not sure I see all of them in one. But then again, these guys (or at least the ones Im thinking of) are young and could still catch on.
I really miss managers. Like the good, memorable ones like Bobby Heenan and Jimmy Hart. There are a number of WWE guys currently that just make me wish that there was a manager to guide them. Guys like Kozlov, Benjamin and Umaga.

I wanna see the managers that do more than just carry the bags of the wrestler, like what Tony Atlas and Layla have been doing for Mark Henry and William Regal, respectively. I think the last managers that fit that model were Daivari and Armando Estrada, whom the latter I still wish was managing.

Ranjin Singh is just a translator for The Great Khali, but they work together because Singh in a subtle way will help Khali, whether he's yelling crap at him in the ring or trying to hook up Khali with a chick on the Kiss Kam. So I say Ranjin Singh is a sign of hope for managers in WWE.

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