Non-WWE HOF members


Occasional Pre-Show
With HOF talk getting more frequent as WrestleMania draws near, I noticed something as I look at the list of HOF members. Since 2006, the WWE has made a habit of inducting at least one, and usually more than one, person who did little or nothing as a performer for Capitol Wrestling/WWWF/WWF/WWE. It started with Verne Gagne, and continued with Nick Bockwinkel, The Sheik, Eddie Graham, Gordon Solie, The Brisco Brothers, Bill Watts, The Von Erichs, Antonio Inoki, Mad Dog Vachon, Gorgeous George, Stu Hart, Bob Armstrong, Abdullah the Butcher and Mil Mascaras. You could also count The Funks, The Four Horsemen, Harley Race and Dusty Rhodes in that category, since their impact was mostly in NWA/Jim Crockett Promotions.

So I wonder as to who else is out there that would fit this category whom they could induct. I came up with this list of names:
Baron Von Raschke
The Crusher
Larry Hennig
Lou Thesz
Wahoo McDaniel
The Rock 'N' Roll Express
The Midnight Express (whichever version)
The Fabulous Freebirds (include Jimmy Garvin)
Magnum T.A.
Ivan Koloff
Gene Anderson
Ray Stevens
Gene Kiniski
Stan Hansen
Bruiser Brody
Dick the Bruiser
"Dr. Death" Steve Williams

I'd have Ole Anderson on the list, but I think there's a better chance of Bruno Sammartino being in the HOF than Ole.

Does anyone think the names I mentioned aren't deserving? Or are there any other names that you think I've forgotten? I'd be curious to see other opinions.
Just off your list I'd like to see The Rock N' Roll Express. They had a good following wherever they went and actually sold merchandise even when that wasn't a big thing to do.
I think they are one of the better tag teams in history that often seem to get forgotten because they were never big in the WWF or WCW. They still have a good history though.
Stan Hansen is deserving of induction. One of the greatest of all time.

It will never happen but I would love to see Mitsuharu Misawa inducted into the WWE Hall of Fame. He had one of the greatest wrestling careers of all time and was an inspiration to many of today's biggest stars. Unfortunately his in-ring death would be reason enough for WWE to avoid inducting him...bad press there.
Seeing as Mil Mascaras was inducted last year I wouldn't be surprised if some of the more popular later japanese wrestlers were inducted too. Misawa and Kenta Kobashi would be shoe ins, maybe one time my personal favorite KENTA could be inducted too.

Taka Michinoku could likely go in because of his years in WWE even if he didn't have a stellar career in the states.
To the OP, did you happen to notice the reason Verne Gagne was the first non-WWF/E guy inducted? Vince wanted to buy the AWA's video library, and he offered a HoF spot as part of the sell. Then, once Vince owned it, you saw several AWA stars getting inducted, as well as the AWA dvd. Then, Vince did the same thing with The Von Erichs and their World Class Championship Wrestling video library. Then, Mike Graham, and Florida Championship Wrestling's video library.

My point is Vince isn't "paying respect" as much as he is buying up classic footage to sell more DVD's.

Vince now owns most, not all, of the old territory days wrestling footage, so I doubt we will see too many more non-WWF/E guys get in.

Owen Hart needs to be added to your list as well!
I think the guys most deserving to be in the HOF are Mr. Perfect, Rick Rude, Ultimate Warrior, Macho Man, Sting, and Lex Luger. These guys were all top guys and certainly contributed more to the biz than most.
The first name off that list that I would love to see inducted is The Midnight Express. The biggest roadblock is that there is little to no chance that Jim Cornette will ever be inducted into the WWE Hall, and you absolutely cannot put the Express in without him.
for the WWE Hall of Fame to be even remotely respected, it needs Bruno Sammartino, Bob Backlund, Randy Savage and Ultimate Warrior inducted. Only then will it have respect. Guys like Rude, Bundy, Demolition, Roberts, Rotundo, Elizabeth all deserve induction, as well as some of the legends mentioned by the OT. With Mania in Jersey, I see Mick Foley and King Kong Bundy being certanties to be inducted in 2013.
I think the guys most deserving to be in the HOF are Mr. Perfect, Rick Rude, Ultimate Warrior, Macho Man, Sting, and Lex Luger. These guys were all top guys and certainly contributed more to the biz than most.

Mr. Perfect should be a shoe in, regardless of his drug problems. Honestly, I don't know why he isn't in already. Ravishing Rick COULD have been up there easily if his career wasn't cut short with that nasty back injury.

Warrior, who really should be abducted, has a relationship with Vince that I wouldn't exactly call peachy...

I'm afraid Macho won't be inducted for quite some time. While I could see why an argument for Angelo could be made, I can't personally think of a single aspect of "The Genius'" career other than throwing frisbees and reciting poetry. Maybe this was Savage's wish to have the family inducted but Lanny is going to hold them back

Sting too would be a shoe in if he would just ever wrestle a match in the WWE. Maybe one day it would happen.

The reason I picked your post to pick apart is Lex Luger.

I hope I never ever see Lex Luger even be considered for the hall of fame. What a talentless joke. He proved that anybody could be on top of the wrestling world in that era if they just had giant roided out muscles. It boggles my mind that he was one of the most popular wrestlers at the time for driving around in a bus and hitting people with his forearm, which btw is one of the top 5 worst finishers ever. His claim to fame was body slamming yokozuna, a ripoff of Hogan slamming Andre. I'll admit that picking up a 600lb guy is pretty impressive, but thats his one special achievement for his entire career. He didn't even win the belt after that, Yoko got counted out in their match. I've never seen a good Luger match, I've never watched the guy and thought he was special. ANY body body builder could have been Lex Luger. Factor in the domestic abuse and he's even worse.

I'll admit he did have a pretty cool name though.
The reason I picked your post to pick apart is Lex Luger.

I don't think any true wrestling fan has ever been a huge fan of Lex Luger. But he was a popular wrestler in general. He was a top guy in WWE and WCW at different points. His surprise appearance on the debut show of Nitro was a big starting point to what would become the Monday Night Wars. I am not a Luger fan- but when you look at some of the other guys already in the HOF, you have to admit Luger is a bigger name and was a bigger draw in the business.
Mr Perfect was inducted several years ago, guys (and for that matter, he listed LARRY Hennig, not Curt). The list is about people withOUT WWE experience, or very little, which makes Rick Rude, the Ultimate Warrior, Randy Savage, and Lex Luger not even part of this conversation.

Or is this turning into just another WWE Hall of Fame bitching thread?
First off. Awesome thread bro. I love this.

Off the top of my head, I can't think of others to add to your list, but if I do, I'll come back with them.

For now, I'd like to comment on the guys you did list:

Baron Von Raschke - I think he deserves it. He's in the Professional Wrestling Hall of Fame, so he has the credentials. Decent title resume (3 time WWA champ back when that was one of the more important territories). Great gimmick for it's time, and a good draw as a heel.

The Crusher - No question in my mind. 3 time AWA champ. 5 time AWA tag champ with the Bruiser. Should go in with his partner as a tag team, but equally deserving on his own. Already part of the PWHOF and WONHOF.

Larry Hennig - Tough call. He had a good career in his own right, forgetting that he became more famous later for his son, but he was really a mid card heel/tag team wrestler for the most part. Probably not HOF worthy on that basis... but maybe in a builders category?

Lou Thesz - I'm actually shocked he's not in. I can only assume that Lou turned down an invite, and maybe had something stipulated in his will? He was never much of a fan of the showier aspects of wrestling, and liked the athletic aspect of it the best. McMahon had great respect for him though, and in fact during the 80's boom, he brought Thesz on his old Tuesday Night Titans show once, and completely honored his history. That may not sound like a big deal, but this is at the same time he was trying to portray Harley Race as a newcomer.

Wahoo McDaniel - I would say yes just on the basis of his early 80's heel turn in Mid Atlantic. Simply one of the most logical heel turns ever. You hated him, but at the same time stood back and said "yeah I get where that guy's coming from". There's more to him than that though, and he's another no brainer. Already part of the PWHOF and WONHOF.

The Rock 'N' Roll Express - I say no. They had a few good years on top of a good territory yes, but that's really it. By the time they left Crockett in what was it, '88? They never really drew again. Morton was great at getting the shit kicked out of him. Gibson was good on the hot tag and had a great dropkick. But to me, they're really just a team who's gimmick only worked in one place for a short time, and benefited a lot from the other great workers and angles surrounding them.

The Midnight Express (whichever version) - I'd induct Condrey, Eaton, Lane and Cornette all together (fuck Randy Rose). The Midnights were one of the all time great teams and another no brainer.

The Fabulous Freebirds (include Jimmy Garvin) - exclude Jimmy Garvin (just not a fan of that bastardized WCW version of the Freebirds). Hayes, Gordy and Roberts were the Freebirds. Simple as that. I'd love to see them go in this year, and with the recent passing of Roberts, it's all the more timely that they do.

Magnum T.A. - I'd do it, but I could understand if they didn't. He had a great, brief career, that would have been so much better (ironically, I think if he hadn't have had the accident, he probably would have had his greatest success in the WWF). In the end he doesn't quite have the body of work, but he did more in the time he had than most do.

Ivan Koloff - Again surprised he isn't in already, but I guess the one reason would be because Bruno's not in. It's hard to show off his biggest achievement without shining a light on the fact that one of your greatest stars of all time refuses to enter your HOF.

Gene Anderson - No real opinion on him. I was never that familiar with his work, although I've only ever heard good things.

Ray Stevens - Kinda surprised he isn't there already with the Pat Patterson connection.

Gene Kiniski - A main eventer. Won the NWA, AWA and WWA titles. Part of the WONHOF and PWHOF. No brainer.

Stan Hansen - If he'd never found Japan, he would have been one of the biggest things ever in North America. As it was, we all got to see brief glimpses of his legend here, and that was enough. He absolutely deserves it... even if his best WWF work was breaking Bruno's neck.

Bruiser Brody
- Yeah he deserves to be in. Considering McMahon's always had a good working relationship with WWC, I doubt we'd ever see him in though. Maybe in 20 years when McMahon's passed on along with all the other old guys left that Brody undoubtedly pissed off when he was alive.

Dick the Bruiser - Go see what I said about the Crusher

"Dr. Death" Steve Williams - I loved Dr Death, but I'd have to say no. He had a great run in Watt's UWF, and did well for himself in Japan... but he always left me with the feeling that he should have done so much more with himself.
Great post.

Ok, I love your list and would love to see most of them inducted. Being a fan of cruiserweights and foreign superstars I would love this years HOF to be of an international flavour. I would have 5 inductees: Tito Santana (Big WWF guy and heard rumours of him being inducted) Jushin Liger, Mitsaharu Misawa, Ultimo Dragon and Vader. Sorry there is not a big name in there for wwe fans (I do not want Kevin Nash this year). I think that this could attract foreign appeal to the wwe
Great post.

Ok, I love your list and would love to see most of them inducted. Being a fan of cruiserweights and foreign superstars I would love this years HOF to be of an international flavour. I would have 5 inductees: Tito Santana (Big WWF guy and heard rumours of him being inducted) Jushin Liger, Mitsaharu Misawa, Ultimo Dragon and Vader. Sorry there is not a big name in there for wwe fans (I do not want Kevin Nash this year). I think that this could attract foreign appeal to the wwe

Santana was inducted in 2004.

I could never see them doing an entire class like that, unless they happened to be holding Wrestlemania at the Egg Dome that year. Everyone you mentioned is worthy, but that actual class wouldn't make them any money... and after all, at the end of the day, that's what the HOF is all about for the WWE.
I see a lot of great Japanese names mentioned in here but one name that I haven't seen mentioned yet is The Great Muta. Of all the names in Japan wrestling, he's probably the most well known in America. He's faced top names like Hulk Hogan, Sting, Ric Flair, and put on great matches with all of them, he's won WCW's Television & Tag Team Championships and the NWA World Heavyweight Championship, he brought in innovative moves like the Shining Wizard, the Muta Lock, the Dragon Screw and more, oh and The Peoples Elbow is a flashy version of Muta's Running Twisting Elbow. I could go on all day about what he has accomplished and contributed to professional wrestling.
I agree great post, grew up with NWA, WCCW. My tops are Magnum TA, Freebirds minus Jimmy Garvin, pay respect to Buddy Roberts my least favorite of Freebirds but still an intergal part, both express tag teams, Brusier Brody, and Stan Hansen. Start with Freebirds.
Thanks for the replies, I appreciate it and like seeing other people's opinions. But, yea, this was about non-WWE guys, so I'm not sure why people didn't realize that unless they have reading comprehension failure. Sorry to sound like a dick saying that, is what it is.

A lot of you mentioned Japanese wrestlers. I more or less intentionally avoided them due to not being overly familiar with many Japanese wrestlers. The ones that I have at least a passing knowledge of who, to me, would merit induction are Jushin Liger, The Great Muta, Masahiro Chono, and Genichiro Tenryu, who made a few WWF appearances in the early 90's. Hiro Matsuda was certainly a very respected and prominent trainer, but I know little of his wrestling career. I guess Carlos Colon is another name that I neglected, but I've felt the Bruiser Brody situation has probably kept them from considering him. That's probably a good reason, too.

Someone mentioned that Vince only inducted guys like this in order to get his hands on their video libraries. I can understand that argument. But they released the WCCW DVD prior to the induction of the Von Erichs, though obviously promises might have been made. But they've inducted Mad Dog Vachon, Gorgeous George, Antonio Inoki, Bob Armstrong, Abdullah the Butcher and Mil Mascaras since that time, so I do think that Vince is trying to give his due to these guys. Maybe that's Triple H's influence?
Every time this subject comes up, the same names come to mind. Bruiser Brody: the man was a legend in the sport. In his day, his popularity rivaled Andres. Rick Rude: The man was the quintessential heel and he made people like Ultimate Warrior look good in the ring. Backlund and Sammartino SO deserve to be in and it is embarrassing that the 2 longest reigning title holders in the WWF are not in. The Rock and Roll express: these guys should be in for they proved that size doesn't matter going against teams like the Road Warriors and the Horsemen. Randy Savage: his family is holding him back from being in for they don't want Lanny and Angelo Poffo in (it is an all or nothing deal).

Just to throw a curve ball in: for those old school folks-Ray Stevens: the man not only was a great worker, he helped train a lot of future stars.
Sorry, I'm still one of the die-hards hoping they find a way to weasel Sting in there somewhere. Someday...

Anyway, out of your list, most likely Lou Thesz should get the nod, and its kind of surprising he hasn't by now, unless he has beef with management like Warrior or something.
I think the guys most deserving to be in the HOF are Mr. Perfect, Rick Rude, Ultimate Warrior, Macho Man, Sting, and Lex Luger. These guys were all top guys and certainly contributed more to the biz than most.

Mr Perfect is already in. He was inducted in 2007 by Wade Boggs. His son, (Michael McGillicutty) came out wearing his dad's old Mr Perfect jacket.
I should also point out that what's probably a factor in a lot of the initial guys I mentioned not being in is that they are deceased. Obviously they've inducted a lot of people posthumously, but they try to limit it to one or two a year, and to make sure that they have somebody representative of that person. That could be an issue with some of the people I've mentioned.
I hope I never ever see Lex Luger even be considered for the hall of fame. What a talentless joke. He proved that anybody could be on top of the wrestling world in that era if they just had giant roided out muscles. It boggles my mind that he was one of the most popular wrestlers at the time for driving around in a bus and hitting people with his forearm, which btw is one of the top 5 worst finishers ever. His claim to fame was body slamming yokozuna, a ripoff of Hogan slamming Andre. I'll admit that picking up a 600lb guy is pretty impressive, but thats his one special achievement for his entire career. He didn't even win the belt after that, Yoko got counted out in their match. I've never seen a good Luger match, I've never watched the guy and thought he was special. ANY body body builder could have been Lex Luger. Factor in the domestic abuse and he's even worse.

I'll admit he did have a pretty cool name though.

I know you are honest when you say you've never seen a good Luger match because you said his claim to fame was slamming Yokozuna. That right there tells me you haven't seen anything but a small segment of Lex Luger's career.

Luger had great matches against Ric Flair in the late 80s into the early 90s. He had great matches against and teaming with Sting. He had good matches with Bret Hart and him racking the Giant was a highlight of WCW in 1996. The highlight of his career was probably winning the WCW title on Nitro by forcing Hollywood Hogan to submit. He won a PWI wrestler of the year award and a most popular wrestler award as well as twice being in the feud of the year for PWI and having a PWI match of the year.

Luger's run in the WWF sucked. There's no denying that. He was lazy in the ring because, well, WWF fans at the time didn't care to see anything better than that. He got a mega push that was forced. It worked until terrible booking of his Summerslam match completely fizzled his character out. Then when he was set for a feud with Hennig that would have been good, Curt disappeared with back problems again, leaving Luger with no direction.

But just because Luger's run in the WWF sucked doesn't mean he sucked. He was an average in ring worker to be sure who got significantly worse after his arm injury in 1998, but he had a lot of good moments. There's no doubt in my mind that Lex Luger belongs in a HOF dedicated to professional wrestling. Whether he belongs in the WWE HOF depends on whether you think of it as a pro wrestling HOF or as a WWE gimmick.

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