Non-Fans Perception Of Wrestling

Y 2 Jake

Slightly Autistic
Face it, wrestling is stupid. There's no other way to get around it. Everything about the sport is ridiculous. Real fighters don't look like that, nobody fights in their underwear, baby oil is not a necessity when beating up locals, and nobody anywhere has ever hit somebody with a barbed wire baseball bat. But just because it's stupid, doesn't mean you can't find enjoyment from it. It's not stupid to fans, but from a non-fans perspective it must look awful. If they enjoy it, it's probably in a TNA way (so bad it becomes enjoyable). But watching certain aspects of wrestling with a non-fan can make your skin crawl. I remember when Jericho used to say ''Never, eevvveerrr be the same, again'' He said it once when a friend was there. I was ashamed. And rightfuly so, because that phrase was terrible.

On to the topic. What do you think other peoples perception of wrestling is, and which one wrestler would suit other peoples perceptions. Maybe even state a wrestler who could change other peoples perceptions.
Here are the most common things i hear from most non-fans and what i always say in response.

1. Wrestling is shit because it's not real.
I say: Yeah? And? Films aren't real but you watch those don't you? Soap operas are supposed to mirror real life events but we all know that it's fake because it's always someone getting pregnant or cheating couples or murder every other month. Yes wrestling is presented as reality but we the fans know full well that it isn't. The moves aren't done full force but you could still leave the ring at the end of the night with a broken neck. Like any other sport you can cheer your favourites and hate who ever you want to hate. If you found out that football results were made up b4 the match would you care? You the fan still don't know who's going to win, and if you don't get to see a game and heard the result, but had the chance to see how good the playing was later, would you still not watch that game?

What is the point of these stupid storylines?
I say yeah they piss me off something rotten sometimes too, othertimes they can b great to watch. Also they feel they need to justify this fight to the fans somehow. We know they don't really hate each other, but in some cases like Bret/HBK and Edge/Matt/Lita the hate is real.

Why do you watch half naked men pretending to fight?
I say Well, UFC is real but they tend to wear even less than wrestlers do and roll around on the floor on top of each other for 15 minutes yet more people watch that than wrestling. Are they all gay for watching that legitimate fight? The only difference between a boxer's attire and a wrestler's is a boxer wears shorts rather than speedos and a pair of gloves, and everyone who says that to me tends to watch boxing as well, but won't ever accept being called a *** bcoz boxers are actually punching each other.

They're pretending to get hurt
I say Tell that to Mick Foley who is missing half an ear, multiple teeth and can't remember certain parts of his career. Tell that to Stone Cold Steve Austin who broke his neck in his prime and had his wrestling career cut short dramatically. Tell that to Joey Mercury who got hit in the face with a ladder and had to leave mid match with a broken nose, blood pouring out of his face (and their was no time for him to blade) and lost 35% of his vision in one eye. All i have to show these people is Taker/Foley HIAC and say, how did he fake that? That's a 16 foot drop with no padding except the table that is basically just a jigsaw puzzle, coz when it breaks, they just glue the pieces together again. Those aren't plastic thumbtacks. Every person in that arena is sat on the same type of chair he's jus bin hit with so they know how hard it is. Those steps may not b made of steel but getting hit in a separated shoulder with them will still hurt like hell. Show them any old skool ecw match and they'll want to see more. The weapons the fansbrought weren't handed out b4 the show, that's a real cheese grater in the mans face. That's not the green, plastic garden wire you can get, that's actual barbed wire. And yes, Edge did jus dive face first into flaming wood taking Mick Foley down with him.

They're all just *****es really
See the above comment plus I sayFootballers play once every two weeks maybe and then train every other day and all they do is kick a ball. These guys work 300 days a year, use their whole bodies every night, travel the globe and are rarely able to see their families and there's no such thing as a sub bench in wrestling. And when they're not wrestling they're going to charities, supporting the US armed forces, and all the PR work is for the companies benefit and not the individuals. I can give examples of men who have been crippled in the ring e.g. Droz and guys who have been killed in the ring (not Owen Hart, but one guy died from a second concussion after taking a flapjack while wrestling the Great Kahli, and it was by no means Kahli's fault either)

Yes the trash cans are aluminium not steel. Still hurts, and the other weapons are exactly what they say they are. Yes the tables are cut in half to help them break but if you land on the metal legs like i saw Masato Tanaka do at ONS 2005 you could easily break your skull or back. Look at guys like Sabu and Tanaka who are covered in scars that are ALL FROM PROFESSIONAL WRESTLING and show me a basketball player who's been cut up as much as those guys. Yes, if someone tried to throw you to the ropes you'd stop running, and yes they do jump for suplexes and powerbombs. Fact is those guys still take the punishment of the moves, and they could still kill you or me so shut your fuckin mouth.

In real sports, most guys retire in their mid thirties, when we have people like Funk, Flair, Abdullah the Butcher, hell even Mae Young and Moolah wrestled again when they were in their 70's!

Also is regards to boxing, why would i pay £40 to watch one fight which could last 30 seconds or on the other hand last 40 minutes where all they're going to do is punch each other when i can pay half that to see a guaranteed 3 hours of wrestling on ppv with a shit load more variety, unpredicatability and hell maybe even a few laughs.

One wrestler to convince them differently? I always go with him, but Taker. Doesn't wear just speedos, takes a lot of beat downs and could blatently dish twice as much out. Wrestled the Foley HIAC with a broken foor and a fair few more of his best matches with a legitamate injury. Is in his 40's and still going strong.

All doubters can suck my ass, because with these arguments and the right matches to back it up, i've gotten quite a few people including my dad to watch wrestling on a regular basis.

Great thread by the way
When I watch wrestling by myself, I get sucked into it. I don't realize or care how bad the promos are, because I know that the storylines are just getting progressed along. I know how all the moves are done, and I'm pretty knowledgeable about what goes on backstage at an event. I've gone to a few live indy shows around my area with a few non-fans, and they loved it. But, I recently watched RAW with a few friends who don't watch wrestling, and I was embarrassed with how bad it was. I couldn't get into it, because my friends were just laughing at its stupidity. They were like "why is that guy covered in baby oil and holding a huge belt (Randy Orton)" so I said he's the WWE champion. Their response was hysterical laughter. Watching with friends takes the blind immaturity out of professional wrestling, and exposes what a shitty product it is. I can't imagine watching a full episode of TNA with them. I'd have to explain what's going on every fucking second. I think I'm just gonna watch by myself from now on.
I find the whole wrestling is fake routine a bit tiresome. I mean really, It's not fake, it's predetermined. But the simple fact is that people who say it's fake don't watch wrestling. A match, a simple one, would put most people on painkillers for a week.

A suplex doesn't look impressive in the context of a match. It's a move that's been done time and time again. It hardly registers anymore. Yet to anybody with no training that move would hurt like fuck. Because people aren't made to fall on their back. Any move that requires a back bump should be performed by somebody who says wrestling is fake, because a move like that is something basic, that is seen all the time. Yet not many people can do it.
Most people just go "You know thats all fake right?". Pisses me right off. They can try lasting a match, and their body would be destroyed. Yes it is pre-determined, but its there for entertainment. The same as movies. Everyone knows that it is fake, but they don't complain. They talk about how entertaining it is.

So their perception of wrestling is that it is fake, and that it is stupid. Mainly because they have never given it a chance if they grew out of it, as I know a lot of people who said they used to watch wrestling when it was "good". Due to, SCSA and The Rock, Chris Jericho and The Big Show.
In the last two week i've managed to get my girlfriend, to watch wrestling. she's started to enjoy it loads lol

I remember when she irst started watching it she was like " its fake they're not really hurting eachother" " the blood comes from capsules"

But i showed her the foley taker match and explained about everything like takers foot and it opened her eyes, to how much they put themselves through.

So now she's a fan and we watch it together
Just shows that anyone can become a fan with some realisation

ps. i sat in my living room once while tna was on and that capture misty kaz vs black reign match was on my dad watched some of it, now that made me embarresed haha
It's strange. Wrestling seems to be quite the topic with a great many people... either you hate it or you love it. Most haters have never even watched a show (and sadly, recently, there hasn't been many good episodes with which to introduce them into it), and most lovers are kinda blind. "Soap opera with chair beatdowns" is how I characterize it.

About 99.99% of people who hate wrestling throw the old... "but it's fake" line at me, as if 1) I don't already know that it's written by a creative team and 2) almost everything else isn't. Friend of mine gave me crap for years about liking WWE, but one day I just plain said "Well you've loved Batman for 20 years... he's just as fake." I've never heard him get so quiet so quickly. In my opinion, WWE is like WoW. Some people think it's cool to hate it. Having sampled both, all I can say is: Don't knock it til you've tried it.

The first ever WWE match I saw was Royal Rumble 2006 (my roommates ordered it; I thought wrestling was stupid), and it got me hooked. There's something about watching a little 619er be beat down by all 29 entrants and still cling to the ropes that's entertaining. "Oh look, there's a little dude in the corner. Stomp on him!" Good times.
This thread is great. I am almost 24 and have loved wrestling since the moment I layed my eyes on it when I was 7. My dad was the coach of my tee-ball team and a guy he was on a bowling team with (also a coach) took his son and I (that was also on my tee-ball team)to our first live event (a house show in Hershey PA). It was magical. I'll never forget writing in my journal in 2nd grade about what we were doing this weekend. I was going to a WWF show in Hershey. I was so caught up in the excitement, I wished for Hulk Hogan to wrestle Earthquake (neither were with the company then) but I didn't know any better. I remember the main event like yesterday. Paul Bearer walked The Undertaker down to the ring to do battle with Yokozuna for the WWF Title. Mr. Fuji of course cheated his way to Yokozuna's victory. With that said... fast foward to 16 years later.
Here I am, still a huge wrestling fan today. I watched it every night in college and when I couldn't catch it, I'd DVR it and watch it later. My one roomate wouldn't be able to do anything but make fun of it, put it down, let me know how fake it is (great arguement there), and say it's just so stupid. But when he sat at his computer in our living room that was on the other side of the tv, and Good Ol' JR raised his voice and put so much emotion into a moment of a match, my roomate would get up out of his seat like you would swear someone was trying to hit on his girlfriend or kill his favorite puppy.
Their perception of what wrestling is... is far from the truth. Like a previous poster said, a normal everyday suplex would put a normal person on painkillers for a week. True. I've read Edge's book and he talks about his first vertical suplex, he thought he was going to die. Ok maybe not die, but it's not a bitch move. Yes it's fake, tell us fans something we don't know. The same excuses are simply nothing but a lack of arguement. These guys sacrifice just as much (if not more) than any other athlete out there. They sacrifice their bodies, their lives, and their families to go out an entertain us damn near 330 days a year. Now I know there's many comparisons to NFL players and how they only play once a week, but they also go through punishment. But that's a different story for a different time. Everything about wrestling (except for the determination of the winners) is as real as anything. Sure their bodies are cradled in certain ways that don't make things hurt they way they appear to (i.e. piledriver, elbows off the top rope, etc...), but that is the art behind it. Stepping into the ring with Bret Hart during his career and his professionalism and technique allowed for the greatest matches and he never injured one person by botching a move. THAT is where the realness and art and professionalism comes into play. THAT takes technique, practice, and master work. If this was so fake and not real, any yo-yo off the street could walk into the ring and do what Bret Hart did, do what Hogan did, do what any of the great stars and legends did. That is simply not the case. Yes the story lines are cheesy at times, but that's what makes them fun. It's not any worse than watching an action movie and watching a car jump off a ramp through open doors of a helicopter, out the other side and landing on it's wheels to only turn right around and have people emerge from the car unscathed and blast out some bad guys. People would rather put it down because it's not real or it's "lame" than actually take into account what these performers actually do to themselves on a daily basis. To all the haters, go suck an egg.
As far a as a real non-fan's veiw goes...

So for the past two months or so my older sister has had this boyfriend named Brendon. Well that is all fine and dandy, but one day I wanted to go out and buy SvR problem right? But I needed a ride from my sister. My sister happened to be hanging out with Brendon that day so he drove. I was hoping to buy the game when I was alone as I am a bit of a closet wrestling fan, but they both walk in with me. I had to purposely make it look like I was just deciding at this point. He didn't say anything, but he looked at me funny.

Today I was sitting around, chilling, and watching recorded Smackdown. They happen to walk in, planning on going down the shore today. I continued watching as my sister went up to change. Unfortunately Brendon stayed downstairs and we watched together. He obviously wasn't into it, but he didn't make any snide remarks. I didn't even bother trying to defend myself because he also saw that the vhs for Mighty Morphin' Power Rangers: The Movie was out. I had to explain that I watched that recently too.

I'm pretty sure that he's nice about this issue because he doesn't want to piss off my sister. I don't really care.
I had to purposely make it look like I was just deciding at this point. He didn't say anything, but he looked at me funny.

That's bad. Why are you so ashamed of wrestling? If you like it, then you shouldn't give a damn what other people think.

I have a girlfriend of a year and a half and she, just like me loves wrestling. I have friends that like it, but also friends that dislike it. I've heard everything like "it's fake" off everyone. I continue to stick up for wrestling cause I love it. I don't give a damn what people think. I go out round town wearing a WWE shirt.. no-one says anything.

No-one is ashamed of liking football (soccer) so why should we? Wrestlers are probably more athletic than footballers anyway. Wrestling might be predetermined but so what?

Don't be ashamed or scared to tell people you like WWE. Everyone has their own opinion, granted.
When I watch wrestling by myself, I get sucked into it. I don't realize or care how bad the promos are, because I know that the storylines are just getting progressed along. I know how all the moves are done, and I'm pretty knowledgeable about what goes on backstage at an event. I've gone to a few live indy shows around my area with a few non-fans, and they loved it. But, I recently watched RAW with a few friends who don't watch wrestling, and I was embarrassed with how bad it was. I couldn't get into it, because my friends were just laughing at its stupidity. They were like "why is that guy covered in baby oil and holding a huge belt (Randy Orton)" so I said he's the WWE champion. Their response was hysterical laughter. Watching with friends takes the blind immaturity out of professional wrestling, and exposes what a shitty product it is. I can't imagine watching a full episode of TNA with them. I'd have to explain what's going on every fucking second. I think I'm just gonna watch by myself from now on.

Yes, I definitely know how you feel on that one. Watching wrestling around my very analytical non-wrestling-fan friends is one tough thing to sit through, that's for sure. The stupidity of everything is just exposed so clearly when in the company of non-fans.
Some people just try to be clever though and rip into WWE. It's just the same as a Soap Opera or a damn movie. I find wrestling to be more entertaining than shitty hollywood movies and soap operas.

Quite alot of people I know like WWE but when I watch it with people that are not fans, I sometimes get annoyed when they attempt to "predict" what happens next. I love it when they're wrong.

Some things in wrestling are stupid, but there are some things in EVERYTHING that are stupid.

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