Nobody gave a shit about bullying until the ones being bullied were attractive girls

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Serious Mozzarella

Special Victims Unit
A cute girl gets bullied to death because of her own lack of self control and inability to shut down her computer and turn off her cell phone, and I'm supposed to have sympathy for this girl who had ALL THE SUPPORT IN THE WORLD, while people out there prevail through worse treatment?

Nobody gave a shit about bullies until attractive girls started being the victims. Girls who have no problems threatening (and even committing) suicide because they don't understand the gravity of death and true loss. She, her parents, and everyone around her allowed her to wallow in this world of self-pity, making her be more of a victim than she was, for some media exposure, and we're supposed to sit here and pretend that it was the bullying that led to her suicide.


It was the victim culture this generation has created. Everybody's a fucking victim of some sort of oppression except for able-bodied, straight white males, and instead of putting all the bullshit aside for one second, we surround them with anecdotes and pressure of how horrible it is to be a victim of bullying, and of sexual assault, and of childhood abuse, or even domestic abuse, that the wounds cut deeper.

Nobody gave a shit about any of this not 10 years ago, because society forgot about the kind of person who was bullied 10 years ago.

I'm high as fuck, and I'm going to regret this thread in the morning.
Rumor has it that this girl was handed everything, had friends, had people who cared, and she couldn't handle some online bullying? Try having no friends, a family who hate your entire fucking existence, no love in your life from anyone. I'm glad she killed herself. Put her out of her fucking first world, able bodied, privileged fucking existence.
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