No Way Out: RAW Elimination Chamber


SmackDown! is MY Show

Elimination Chamber Match[ (Winner Faces WWE Champ at Wrestlemania 24)
Triple H, Jeff Hardy, Shawn Michaels, Chris Jericho, JBL, and Umaga

Along with Hell in a Cell, the Elimination Chamber is one of the most feared sights in WWE. Composed of 10 tons of steel, with two miles of chain, and 36 feet in diameter, it is the most massive, unforgiving structure in WWE history. It has rarely been used, but at No Way Out it will make its return in perhaps its most high-stakes environment – the winner of the Elimination Chamber will earn an opportunity at the WWE Champion on the grandest stage of them all, WrestleMania XXIV.

The combatants in the Elimination Chamber on Feb. 17 will include: Triple H, Shawn Michaels, Chris Jericho, JBL, Intercontinental Champion Jeff Hardy and Umaga. Four of these Superstars – The Game, HBK, Jericho and JBL – are former World Champions and would love to hold the gold again. Hardy and Umaga have never held a singles World Championship and hunger to be atop the WWE mountain for the first time. Ultimately, the winner of the Elimination Chamber will be the one who wants the WWE Championship the most and can survive in the menacing, barbaric structure.
Survival of the Fittest

Respect is thrown out of the window in the Chamber; there are no alliances. Triple H, Michaels, Jericho, JBL, Hardy and Umaga will not only be battling each other, but the Chamber itself. There is no escape from the Elimination Chamber, and everything in it – from glass to unforgiving steel – is a potential weapon.

Here are the rules:

* Two Superstars will start the match while the remaining four are enclosed in glass pods.
* At designated times, a pod will open at random, enabling a Superstar to enter the match. This will continue until all the competitors have been released.
* A man is eliminated via pinfall or submission only.
* The last man standing is the winner.

Triple H, Michaels, Jericho, Hardy, Umaga and JBL have different philosophies, but all have one thing in common – incredible desire. Though they are DX teammates, let’s not forget that The Game and The Showstopper have spilled each other’s blood over a World Championship in the past. They may be willing to do it again.

Jericho and JBL came out of their respective retirements to be the top dog in WWE again. Y2J was the first-ever Undisputed Champion; JBL was SmackDown’s longest-reigning WWE Champion. Both of these history makers want the opportunity to make history again – on sports-entertainment’s greatest stage, WrestleMania. These two have a heated rivalry and will no doubt be willing to maim and draw each other's blood in the Chamber.

Who wants the opportunity the most? Who will challenge for the WWE Championship at WrestleMania? The Elimination Chamber holds the answers, and there will be only one man left standing when the smoke clears live on pay-per-view on Feb. 17.
This match is going to be brutal. I am looking forward to this one. All of these guys have the potential to have some amazing matches, and with all of them together, its going to be one to remember.
IMO this is going to be the best Chamber match WWE has had so far. The star power in this one is unreal. You know Hardy and HBK are going to do some downright crazy shit, there will be loads of blood and hopefully a couple of glass spots. I expect alot out of this match even thought it's really predictable. There is no way Triple H isn't winning this and going to WM in the main event. It will come down to Triple H and Jeff Hardy with Hardy coming up short again to carry on his new "I'll be back" thing he has going.

All I know is it may be predictable but it should be fucking crazy.
This is going to be an all out war. Should see a lot of blood. I won't be surprised if we see HBK, HHH, Y2J, and JBL all blade in this match. This is a great concept and if they do this every year I think it would have pretty much the same success as Money in the Bank has had in recent years.

I think HHH gets the win over HBK in a war. Hopefully Jeff has a good showing and continues his push.
Yea, I have to tend to agree, this should be all out insane. I cant fuckin wait. While the outcome is somewhat predictable, with HHH Vs Cena happening at mania, as was foreshadowed like 100 times during the end of the rumble match.

Shawn, and Trips prolly both bleed buckets. some insane spots involving Hardy, Umaga, and shawn. Shit, just Umaga period, i am very much looking forward to seeing him in this enviornment. This match will be worht the price of admission alone. MOTY conidate I am predicting.
wow this is defently going to be the best no way out for a long time. this chamber will be sick i think it will come down to hbk hhh and hardy with hardy trying to figure out who to team with then out of no where picks hhh and after beating down hbk he turns and attacks hhh. then hbk gets up witha sweet chin music to hardy thus elimnating him. comes down to hhh and hbk and hhh comes out on top with a pedigree. umaga will be gone first then jericho then jbl
Am I the only one that thinks the fact the Rumble winner isn't guarantee'd a WM match stupid? I mean sure...we know Cena will be probably be going there eventually, but the Rumble winner going for the title at NWO is just daft! (could have been worse and Cena could have won the title on Raw i guess!). It just kinda makes the whole rumble thing daft....but hey...hopefully Orton will be going to WM instead of Cena!!!

Anyways...back to the subject at hand...I think I might have to remove the Moths from the wallet and order this PPV. I've yet to see a Chamber Match but this one I HAVE to see!! Gonna be a good match with great wreslters all of whom I like....exept JBL, but he's not TERRIBLE!! so I'll get over that. People are saying HHH will win for sure....but who knows...Vince might lose his head for a minute and give the fans something they actually WANT....i.e. a WM without Cena or HHH in the main event!!!
I feel conflicted about this match. It should be good. But it's pretty much a way for HHH to defatet everybody. Umaga has already been demolished by HHH, Jeff will probably be put out of his main event misery, Y2J & JBL will also fall to the might Hunter.

Jeff Hardy in this match will be good for one thing. He'll do anm impressive jump. He is a spot monkey after all.

The two wrestlers I have a problem with are JBK & Jericho. Their RR match ended in a DQ so shouldn't they have a one on one gimmick match at NWO? I'm sure WWE could have added Snitzky or somebody else. People don't watch the Elimination Champer for the participants after all.
I don't know why but i have a feeling y2j might actually win this. Orton has already beaten all the faces in the match exceot y2j. I could see y2j winning the chamber and then having cena be the enforcer for the match at mania. Orton only walked out of armageddeon the champ because of jbl. At mania y2j will finally save us.
The factor I am looking most forward to in this one is Umaga! This guy is going to be nuts inside the Chamber, I see him destroying a Hardy or maybe HBK through one of the pods, and then taking about 4 finishers before finally getting pinned.

I really hope they have HBK and Y2J start the match out, but I don't see it happening, but overall it should be a great match and should be given about 35-40 minutes.
this is gonna be a very good chamber matche not my favorite competitors in the match (y2j , umaga and jbl) but this i thought wasnt supposed to be a raw chamber i thought it was gonna be a sd and ecw one but since theyre lookin fo cena to beat orton at nwo the gamwe triple h is abvouisly the winner wit them having kenndy and hbk face at manis jericho vs jbl and jeff hardy will do something big hope fully in the mitb match and wins it i would say the final three triple h vs hbk vs jeff hardy

winner :HHH but look for a swanton of the chamber by jeff almost gauranteed
Granted we all have a damn good idea of who is going to win this *cough* Triple H *cough*, but that should not take away from the fact that this should be damn entertaining to say the lease. Now I like all the people in this match except JBL as I feel he could have been done without, but this should be good. I know we can expect Trips, Jericho, and HBK do their normal blad to death thing, but it will add to the match. Look I think this is soild way to hype a PPV that many dont give a damn about, but sucks is that why RAW get when Smackdown could have used it so much more. Anyways should be good and entertaining.
Triple H will win, probably by eliminating Hardy, since I'm sure there's something deep down in HHH that is upset that he put Hardy over at Armageddon, so this will "cancel it out" in his mind.

Jericho and JBL will probably start it out, or they'll at least be 2 out of the first 3 participants. Hopefully JBL is the first out, as he's the least talented and will just bore the hell out of me as he's done since day one when he was "Justin Hawk Bradshaw" lol.
Why do I have a bad feeling a possible feud between Shawn and HHH will emerge? I really hope not because this has been done to the death and is just tiring. They are both great superstars, but the good matches they had will be overshadowed if this is done anymore.

In an ideal situation, I'd want Shawn or Umaga to win. Shawn because lately his job has been to put talent over and make other wrestlers look better and he deserves some recognition for that. And winning the Elimination Chamber would be a good way to show it. Umaga simply because he can do a lot for his size, and I've come to really like the guy.

I have a feeling HHH will win this, because he's probably upset at not winning the Rumble and Vince will keep him happy this way.

If Jeff wins I won't be too bothered, because he doesn't not deserve it. And I doubt he will have been pushed that much (I mean come on, he beat HHH) to just be forgotten about, so this is a possibilty.

I don't want either JBL or Jericho to win, because I think they could continue their feud, by one eliminating the other, or making sure the other loses in some way. I think this would be a lot more interesting.
Call me crazy but I think I got this one pegged...

Y2J and JBL start to continue their little rivalry and should have an all out brawl for 5 minutes. Umaga comes in to help pound Y2J for a bit and JBL and Umaga use some team work until JBL pisses Umaga off and they begin to go at it too. Then we get Hardy coming in and taking control for a bit and somehow Umaga will get weeded out around the same time. Then HBK comes in followed by Jericho leaving the match probably at the hands of JBL. HHH then arrives leaving HHH, HBK, JBL, and Hardy. Hardy hits a sick spot on JBL eliminating him. Hardy then gets put away by HBK leading to HHH vs HBK in a bloodbath and HHH gets the win.
Hardy-Busts ass and does the unthinkable possibly the fans favorite wrestler currently

Umaga- I love this guy hes an athletic fat guy and has great charisma in the ring too bad his gimmick limits his mic use.

HBK- I LOVE the guy but he main evented with cena last year and he just had a feud with orton so dont see this goin anywhere.

JBL- NO WAY IN HELL the dude couldnt sell a y2j bulldog(rolled over in midair) at the rumble and everyone at my rumble party said look at his thighs jiggle. I would have made him get in shape before his return but vince probally wanted him for mania

Y2J- i would like to see this but i dont not until we see shades of the old y2j the funny guy not this van halen wanna be(Still love the guy)

HHH-with only 2 heels in this match i hope they even it up with HHH making a heel turn before this match because i dont want to see another face vs face match at mania
Before the rumble i made a pretty hateful post about hhh squashing people and not putting people over but are we seeing a new side of hhh i mean hardy beat him when he was supposed too.

And he was the probable person to win the rumble but put cena over. Are we seing a new side of HHH maybe, i mean id love to see him put other of the chamber participants over.
It's pretty obvious that Cena will win the title at NWO, Triple H will win the Elimination Chamber match, and it will be Cena vs. Triple H II which will be a rematch from Wrestlemania 22. But this time, Orton will interfere and cost Cena the title. Then Batista will jump to Raw and there will be an Evolution reunion without Flair:flair: .
should be a good match, i think at some point they'll tease that HHH and HBK are gonna fight each other but then Umaga will interupt it or somethin, either way i doubt HHH and HBK will colide and like the rest of you i see HHH winning.

1. JBL
2. Jericho
3. HBK
4. Umaga
5. Jeff Hardy
winner : HHH
This match will be great in my opinion, it has great star power, this may be the best Elimination Chamber WWE has had yet. Jeff will do some pretty big hop of the top, being his highlite. I see Umaga have a key role in this match, but not winning it, he'll probably have the most eliminations. As for JBL, and Jericho, they'll be eliminated pretty early because they'll constantly "take revenge" on each other. As for HBK, I see him going to the final (with HHH), but only to lose. HHH is obviously gonna go over here, but that really doesn't matter because he always finds a way to have a key role at 'Mania.
I don't know about this match to be honest, i mean the last two elimination chambers were pretty lame we don't really see anymore high spots or anyone going through the glass and what not. Mind you, I'm intrested in seeing Hardy & Umaga in there this year. Hardy will definitly pull of a sick spot & Umaga will just destroy anything in his path. I see HHH winning then going to WM to face Cena & Orton in a triple threat match.

Besides whenever Jericho, HBK and Triple H are in the chamber its an all out blood bath lol .

Wrestlemania could top No Way Out on name alone if it was headlined by Super Porky and Hornswoggle in a midget on a pole match. Ok, maybe I'm exaggerating but the point is, Vince is being smart. He's pulling out all the stops at No Way Out to boost sales of an otherwise mediocre PPV. He knows people will buy Wrestlemania regardles, solely based on name level. It's good business, really, even at the expense of tradition.
i know that the general consensus is that HHH is going to win. i personally still feel that he is going to be the one to retire flair at wrestlemania because kennedy doesnt deserve to do it and there isnt any history between flair and HBK so i think that after the reaction he got at the rumble, vince will give the win to jeff. i would love if orton retained against cena and jeff and orton continued their fued which has been amazing. also this would finally give smackdown the opportunity to headline the main event at wresltemania with edge and taker. smackdown has been given the main spot since mania 19.

order of elimination:
JBL(by jericho)
Jericho(by Umaga)
Umaga(by HHH)
HBK(pedigree by HHH then swanton by jeff)
HHH(your winner jeff hardy)
I gotta say I am looking forward to this but i am not at the same time.

Interesting participants. Seems like it will a different atmosphere from all individuals, but i'm already predicting the outcome takes the excitement out of the match for me.

What it looks like that Cena will be WWE Champion AGAIN!!! and Triple H will win the elimination chamber AGAIN!!! and then having their Wrestlemania 24 match, a rematch of Wrestlemania 22 AGAIN!!!.

The top face who is loved by little kids and hated by everyone else who comes back from a Pec injury that can't wrestle vs. The Boss's son-in-law.

I'm sorry to act like a "Negative Nancy" here, but why is Triple H in need of a push to be WWE Champion AGAIN!!! and if anything why doesn't have to be against Cena AGAIN!!! I'll be completely honest, Triple H is a good wrestler, but he rarely has great matches. He mostly just destroys anybody nowadays. Cena is a good "entertainer"...can't really wrestle and you're going to have them go at it ONE MORE TIME??

Since Cena's been gone Y2J has gotten a good push, but died down after facing Orton. In my estimation, Jeff Hardy is the biggest ticket right now as a face. Bringing Cena back basically kills the buzz because you know now that he's not gonna get the same push since Cena's back. THE FANS WILL GO CRAZY AND BE ESTATIC FOR HARDY, but WWE wants CENA as their main guy.

anyway...unless if Orton retains the title, we are going to have Wrestlemania 22 all over again which wasn't a bad match, but it wasn't something to remember as one of the best matches in Wrestlemania history.

I just hope putting Triple H over in the chamber doesn't kill Hardy's push, cause if it does, that'll be the reason why he won't hold the title anytime soon.

Triple H vs. Cena (Part II) Something I don't want to see AGAIN!!!.

Hoping though for...
Hardy vs. Orton as the main event for RAW at Wrestlemania.
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Well, I believe I am the minority, but I'm not really looking forward to this match. It will be better than [SPOILERS NOT PERMITTED. DISCUSS IN THE WWE SPOILER SUB-FORUM]. I don't really see anything that makes me think it will be different than past elimination chambers. I know Jeff Hardy is a "spot monkey" as I saw described earlier...but I've seen RVD take out HHH by doing a 5-star frog splash from the top of the pod. Maybe Hardy will "accidently" land on HHH's throat...causing him to miss WM24. Maybe Big Show will come up through the ring, throws everyone THROUGH the chains of the chamber, Hardy climbs to the top and Swanton's onto everyone...HHH no sells and pedigrees hardy for the win.

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